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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Of course what we might consider a breakdown and what TIIC consider a breakdown, are likely two different things.

Yes, I think for a few minutes anyway, Tracy will be a complete mess.

And why not?

If I'd been through what she's been through in the past few weeks (well by THEIR time, it's likely days, not weeks), I think I'd have a serious melting myself. Or come close to it.

I am anxious to see Jane play it, and I hope it gets more than five minutes airtime.

I'm on the Lacy bus because I like what they COULD be. I see the potential. But I want Luke to treat her better, or the marriage needs to end.

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I dub myself the board pessimist. I'll tout the worst and someone come along and say the opposite. No, it's not a game. I'm pretty pessimistic in most situations.

Luke will run away and come back as someone not prepared to deal with Tracy. Can I get a rebuttal?

No, I shouldn't be writing that fic I promised you. It's in mental stone, of course.

TQ rocks!

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Heh, I was always one to need a twin...I was born one! :P I have been searching.

Oh, I sent my most of my tales off to Deb for betaing though I don't know when she'll get 'em back to me and I'm still working on This Matter of "We Do", which is up and down LuNacy. I'm so excited, because it's like...squee.

ETA: My 50th post would be about fanfic.

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*scratches head*

Dudes, I love ya'll, but I gotta ask--WHAT EPISODE DID YOU PEOPLE SEE? Because I just sat through Thursday's (nuff said) and Friday's episodes, and I am wondering where the hell all this is coming from?

Seriously, I sat through Friday's ENTIRE episode and did not see one anti-LuNacy or anti-Tracy moment.

I saw a man who loved Laura, who loved her enough to risk pain for her. Yes. Seriously.

Luke. Loves. Laura.

Earth to LoveFest, this is not news.

He has loved Laura since 1978. This is not changing just because he has been with Tracy. The scenes were poignant, sad, and yeah--he totally expressed his grief to Laura.

Why does this signal the end of LuNacy? What exactly did I miss that has all of you guys so up in arms? Did you think that, just because he has feelings for Tracy, he's going to stop having feelings for Laura? That he's going to not express them?

Yes, the wedding was over the top. It was a public humiliation for Tracy, and I am furious at the Qs and Alice for their insensitivity to her. But honestly, what exactly, really guys--tell me, what EXACTLY did Luke do in Friday's episode that has everybody so furious?

Because I didn't see a thing.

Not one single thing.

I am still on the LuNacy bus. Hell, I'm the conductor, bus driver, ticket taker, and popcorn seller for the LuNacy bus. They can totally bring this back around.

Lainey, TracyLuv, MsQ? Ya'll tell me what I missed. Until then, the bus leaves at 7:00 am. Rock on, LuNacy.

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Wow! I go away for a few hours, and there's a ton of posts! You guys are awesome! :D

She got drunk and and talked to Edward's portrait before. She was usually sober when she talked to it, but not that one time. I personally never saw the scene, just read about it somewhere. And on Valentine's Day after the SS Tracy (or was it ELQ Tracy) ship had been sunk, and the Q's didn't have insurance and were going to lose all their money, Tracy got drunk. I didn't see the scene when it first aired, but it was on an edit tape, and Tracy was dancing for Larry, LOL. "I just wanna daaaaaaaaaaaaaance!" :lol: And then she eventually passed out, Larry caught her, and he and Kurt's Ned laid her on the ground for the night, I think. ILoveTracyQ might be able to come up with more instances.

MinervaFan, I was fine with Friday's episode 'til I talked to TracyLuv. (Haha, TracyLuv, I'm blaming you. :P) You know, I think I was just frustrated with Luke's attitude towards Tracy as of late, and I just decided that I wanted her to divorce him. LOL. I'll be pro-LuNacy again next week. You'll see.

Regency, looking forward to the fic, as always!

About the breakdown...I don't know what I want anymore other than it BETTER be more than 1 scene. I want follow-up and all that.

And knh, I agree. Luke gives Tracy screentime. It shouldn't be like that, but it is, and it is one of the main reasons I will never completely leave the LuNacy ship (ignore the temporary icon, LOL).

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Hmm.... I can't speak for anyone else, but here is what I was reacting to:

*I believe it is impossible for someone to feel as overwhelmingly, actively and presently in love with one person (the feelings Luke apparently has for Laura), and still have active, viable feelings for someone else (Tracy). What I believe is: you have to get over someone in order to *really* love someone else. The Tracy character believes that too. Just after Luke told Tracy "I love you," she reminded him it took him years to get over Laura, and asked how long it would take him to get over her this time. The sort of love that he announced to Laura and to the world (telling her that she is his soul, etc. etc) takes YEARS to get over. And I don't want to wait years for LuNacy. It also negates some very real feelings that Luke has developed for Tracy. Luke was telling Laura that she is his everything, and that's just not the truth anymore. It's been four years. He really did move on. She's not his "everything." Tracy is supposed to be at least part of his "something." And the writing reflected NONE of Luke's growth. None of it. Yes, I believe Luke loves Laura, but I don't believe he would love her as actively and as presently as the way they depicted it. I just don't buy it. It's not 25 years ago, and acting like it is disrespectful to what happened in between (Tracy!).

*Secondly-- Minerva, I realize after reading your "This Fragile Shell" fanfic, as well as your comments here, that we are thinking about this Luke-Laura-Tracy thing differently. You seem to be comfortable with Laura being number one in Luke's Heart. Your Tracy in "This Fragile Shell" has made peace with the fact that if Laura comes back Luke would choose her, not Tracy. I hadn't been thinking that way. In my mind, Luke has to get to a place where he we would choose Tracy if Laura came back. In other words, he needs to move on and love Tracy overwhelmingly, actively and completely. Every spouse deserves that from a partner. And the Luke I saw on Friday (and for the past several weeks) isn't capable of that sort of love for Tracy. That is why I have been so despondent. (That said.. I gotta tell you I like your perspective a lot better than mine. It hadn't occurred to me, and I'm going to try to embrace it! :D )

Anyway-- you asked what I was thinking. And that's what I've been thinking.

Ta ta from Lainey's LaLa Land,


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Look, guys. Luke and Tracy will never have the kind of relationship that Luke and Laura had. First of all, she's not an ingenue. She never will be. And he's not a hormonal 25 year old...okay, he's a lot closer to that than Tracy is to ingenue, but you get the picture.

Yes, next week Luke and Laura will pledge their undying love to each other.


Okay. We've been saying for a long time that Luke and Tracy are going to have to end this farce of a marriage if their relationship was ever going to be "real." Did we think that ending was going to be easy? Did we think it wasn't going to involve pain and discomfort and hurt feelings on both sides? Did you think Luke's love--undying as it may be--for Laura was not going to cause friction?

Fast-forward to Laura off the show.

Luke is going to come down from this merry-go-round. He's going to realize what he's done. He may or may not feel (and express) guilt for the pain he caused Tracy. He may or may not try to reclaim what he had with Tracy, because it's good for him.

Tracy is going to remember what he did, and how she feels. She may or may not make him pay for what he did. She may or may not force him to prove himself to her.

Tracy is not a fool. She knows she will never have that dewey-eyed, riding off into the sunset in a horse-drawn carriage kind of romance with Luke. And she would have to be an idiot to think that the spectre of Laura will not always hang over her relationship with Luke. But Tracy is a realist, and she knows that Luke is more suited to her than any man she's ever loved. She also knows that time marches on, and the opportunities for either of them to find happiness are getting fewer and further between.

Tracy and Luke are pragmatists. They are also broken people.

Tracy will always have to deal with the fact that Laura holds an enormous place in Luke's heart. Luke will always have to deal that, no matter how much she loves him, Tracy will always be a Quartermaine first...with all the baggage that entails.

Luke will never declare his undying love for Tracy, nor will she ever declare hers to him. But they can and should have a very enduring love that is both satisfying and real to them. Luke has had almost 30 years to build up the image of Laura in his mind. He hasn't had one Laura-free moment to learn his love for Tracy.

The bomb has dropped. Laura knows the truth. Luke has expressed his guilt and been forgiven. Laura is leaving again, and Luke knows now that he has redeemed himself, and knows that he's not going to have another chance.

When the dust clears, Luke will be bleeding, but the infection will also be cleansed and he will be able to heal.

Once he has mourned, we'll have an opportunity to see what Luke can feel once he has his eyes opened, once he's moved on from his guilt, once he's decided that he's going to live again.

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I totally want to do a LuNacy vid to this song. It's sooo appropriate.


Sung by Kathy Brier

One Life, Many Voices

You want to know something strange?

I’m happy.

You want to know something else?

It’s fine.

It takes some time to realize you’ve survived

When all the while you thought you never should.

Like someone else deserved to be

The one reflecting back at me.

And it’s good that we’re here tonight

And it’s good that time goes by

And it’s good

That in spite our plans

To blow us up

Or tear us down

We survived.

There’s a moon. There is still a moon.

There are birds. There will always be birds.

And I’ve been given a voice and a pair of hands

And the chance to feel alive in Provincetown.

You want to know something deep?

The ocean.

You want to know something else?

Your tears.

It takes some time to realize you’re home

When every time you turn around, you’re not.

You ride the salty carousel

You spin so fast it’s hard to tell

And it’s good that I love so deeply.

And it’s good that I feel the tide.

And it’s good that in spite our fears

Our names will wash away in the sand

We endure.

There’s a plane that brought me here.

There’s a boat to take me away

To a place where I will some day lie

But to tell the truth

I’m happy here tonight

In Provincetown.

In Provincetown.

In Provincetown.

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I didn't watch Friday.

My reasons for wanting off the Lunacy bus, is that there has been no conceivable growth.

And I mostly blame it on the writing, but I have no reason to believe that when TG comes back in January, that Lacy won't go back to the same exact way they were before. I can't support that.

I've already said Laura in one form or another will always be hanging around. That's not a surprise.

I already know Luke will bend over backwards to kiss Laura's feet. No surprise there either.

I'd LOVE for Tracy to have someone put her first, but I guess if she did, she wouldn't be herself.

I can take second best, as long as the humiliation stops.

If the chasing after other women continues, etc,etc....I not only am off the bus, I want Luke to DIE. There's no excuse for most of the crap he's pulled.

Yes, Drunk!Tracy existed waaaayyyy before Guza.

Only when she got really upset, but still...

Anyway, this week should be good.

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Regency, I got the "scraps" and have read through them. You are amazing. I will email you with detailed responses when I have the chance, but I think you should go ahead and post "Luke" asap. It needs nothing, and is so tender, gentle, and perfect as is that I would love for others to read it. I also would like to read more of "Forever Ours," if you're inclined to write more.

It's going to be a hard week for TracyFans, no doubt.

But our girl is wonderful, and we love her, and I'm pretty sure JE has re-signed.

And wow--Regency has about four fics in the hopper that will just blow you guys away.

We all need to resolve to get our writers' block out of the way and just flood the internet with TracyFic.

Yeah. That's the ticket.

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Oh I *want* Tracy to come in first too.

And maybe, right before JE leaves for good, they can write that story for her.

But it's not going to be with Luke.

Even if Genie announced she's never coming back, and Laura was killed off, I still don't think Tracy could ever be first, even then.

Sadly, even with how things have gone with LUke, this is about the best Tracy has had it, "relationship" wise.

On this GH I have learned to compromise, and I really do enjoy Lacy. I DO think Luke loves her, and I also think that if not for Laura, Tracy would be first.

But......Laura's a reality that will never go away, even in catatonia or death.

And I kinda like that Tracy and Luke's love is more a best friends kind of love (although I feel the undercurrents of potential passion there, even if we never see it).

I like it, because it IS different for Luke, because he and Laura were never really "friends" in spite of Laura's "my best friend" comment.

Friends is something L&L never really were, except for the first five minutes they knew each other.

With Tracy, Luke has a FRIEND.

I love it. I've always said Tracy works better in friendships with men than as romantic partners, and this way, she can have both.

But the humiliation? Yeah, friends don't do that to each other. And that would have to stop.

Or I'll be a DeadLukeFF.


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from SoapZone

*Luke can barely take the impending heartbreak of losing Laura yet again, and takes his angst out on his safe harbor, Tracy. Just as soon as he’s cross with her, he’s kind, remorseful even.

*Tracy waits until the coast is clear of Luke, and collapses in emotional anguish before her sympathetic father Edward.

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