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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I know that Luke is being kind of an a$$ with Tracy, all because of Laloser I mean Laura but one thing I can say is that at least it gives Jane some material *Hopefully Emmy material* l and she has been on more then most of the Vets, Until last week I did not know when was the last time I saw Lesley :(

Also looking at some of the other boards that are not always Tracy friendly, most of them were somewhat sympathetic towards Tracy. Luke was a jerk but I really don't think he meant to be that way, Im really thinking that there is more to the L&L story then meets the eye, and Luke is hiding something very big. B)

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A little birdie told me I've been slacking on my Tracy Posting duties, so I thought I'd catch you guys up with what's been going on. Fey and I have been doing things pretty much every Saturday for the last month, and will continue our Saturday excursions through the end of the year. So that just chops my weekend online time in half. Sundays are a toss-up, depending on what chores/errands/catch-up we have to do (and also on how bad the Redneck is being and how badly we need to get out of the house.)

On the Tracy front, I actually had a very productive Sunday. Fey and I sat and watched Thursday and Friday's episodes (much Tracy Love) last night. I'm still amazed at how incredibly beautiful JE looked on those days, and how well she executed her scenes.

I spent most of the day Sunday packing boxes (we are SO moving in January) and cleaning, but I still managed to get 10 pages written on the AU story. The current page count is 46 (20K words) and it's about half done. I'm not saying this is going to be a 92 page story. I'm just saying that in my mind, I'm at the center point. It's a huge storyline, and Tracy's part is just about to get much, much bigger. I was stalled on it for a long time, maybe getting two-five pages done every few days. But I think this last burst got me over the hump, and I will be able to get more done, quicker, now that the really hard stuff is over.

I've also been posting quite a bit on the Jane-Elliot.com message boards. I'm not trying to dilute my efforts, but I really want this forum to succeed, because JE totally deserves her own spot on the web.

I do apologize for missing so many chats. Fey and I share online time, and when she's in school, my access is limited. I will be picking her up at the college computer lab tonight, so I may be online in the break room around 6 pm eastern, if anybody wants to check.

Again, I'm sorry I've been slacking on my fannish duties. You know I love you guys, and that my LURVE for LaTracy is undying! :D

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Don't get too excited. No Tracy until the last 5 minutes. One scene. She walks in as Luke announces to the Spencers (plus Nik and Emily) that he's getting remarred. Enter Tracy with a drink in hand: "Oops. That could be a problem. In case it slipped your mind with all this excitement, you are married. To me." (give/take some words). It's still the same day, and so she's still drunk; I'm thinking the Nikolas/Emily/Tracy scene from the pictures will air tomorrow.

And welcome back coolkid! Glad to see you and MinervaFan posting again!


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Hope that helps!

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Sorry, nex, for the confusion.

It's 4:30 central: breakroom? There's 7 people viewing this thread right now. Someone's bound to join, right?

Edit: I bring bad news. Tracy's scene on the Haunted Star got cut. I just checked the ABC Media Net Photo. There are several other people in the background that weren't at the Spencer meeting. So, unless, there's another Haunted Star party the next night, and everyone is wearing the same clothes, and Tracy gets drunk again...the scene isn't airing. :( Tell me this doesn't mean anything. Or tell me it's a good thing.

Edit #2: Eeeeeeee! The lovely Tracey has added a ton of new photos/articles to the gallery at the JE Forums: http://www.jane-elliot.com/galleries/index.php Want to see Tony/Jane kissing? Or Jane, barefoot in the sand, in overalls? Or Jane as Cynthia and Carrie? Those who haven't already, check 'em out. :) There's also an article on JE's hair throughout the years, "narrated" by Jane herself. (That article was *so* written for me and my hair obsession, LOL).






Speaking of confusion, Wizard apparently spoiled that Helena IS at the wedding after SID said she's in Arkansas. SID also spoiled that Carly/Jax's wedding takes place the same day as Luke/Laura's. There were quotes from Guza and everything. Wizard, however, is spoiling that Carly steps aside and chooses not to get married on the LnL Anniversary. I'm getting kind of worried, because SID spoiled all the good Tracy stuff, so I hope it still plays out. (I'm assuming Wizard is correct/up-to-date since she gets the breakdowns 2 weeks in advance; SID gets their stuff way before hand, so it can be published and all that). Anyway, here's to hoping!

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Jane is soooooo purty. She makes the fangirls go SQUEEEEEE!

I'm not sure why, but this seems to be the heart-pounding picture of the day. Be forewarned--it's huge. But soooo worth the wait.

Oh, and joy-rapture-bliss! Tracey has informed us that, barring any unforeseen catastrophes, www.jane-elliot.com should be fully up and running tomorrow. I know the boards and galleries are already in full swing. She mentioned something about vids, which makes me alllll twitchy and happy inside.

I like the cookie. (Me=Hammy, Tracy=Cookie)

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Lainey's thoughts on today:






!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BARF BARF BARF BARF!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Tracy looked so sad and so wounded!

**Hugs drunk Tracy!!**


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Thanks to Nex for The City clips. I'm too sleepy to upload them on dialup tonight.. I will get them in the morning, or when I get home. I can't wait to see them!!! THANK YOU!

I'm eager to hear Regency's song, too.. But, alas, that will also have to wait until tomorrow because I am a sleepy old fart.

Um.. Ms. Q I LOVE that banner thingy!!!! LOVE it. Is it for the main page of the JE site? What's it for? (LOVE IT!!!!!) And I love the quote you added to your signature.

[Lainey is in just a loving sort of mood tonight]

Night all! You are the BESTEST group on the web!


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