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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Should be in bed, but...

Thanks nex for your reply! I think the fact that she intentionally does it is what gets me mad, LOL.

About the video...Heh. I changed the title/credit font, the volume of the title clip, the editing between "I had an abortion" and "So...After awhile I started to think about it," the lighting on the clips of Lulu at the end, and the editing between Lulu at the clinic and Lulu waking up. And as you pointed out, I also changed the coloring of that clip. Lots of little things, most of which are not noticeable to anyone except the creator of the video, I guess, LOL. Thanks for watching it though! :D

*off to sleep*

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Ms.Q I thought you said one time your sister is the peace-MAKER in your family.

It doesn't sound like it to me. :)

Well this is the way I see it.

You can be petty and say something like "well if KMo hadn't ever been in Playboy she might not even have a job."

Because let's be honest...show of hands...who really thinks Frons/Guza/Pratt and probably others have NOT looked at those pics?

Or you could just ignore her.

And just from the little bit I know about you......you probably ignored her.

Which is the mature sane thing to do...if she keeps doing it I myself would be unable to keep from mentioning the playboy thing at least once...I bet that'd shut her up. :)

Same goes for your mom BTW.

yeah I'm mean today.

It's kind of like over at SZ people are all like "Poor Genie." before Laura's scenes have even aired.


The woman is basically a has been.

There. I said it. She ain't EVER accomplished anything besides Laura in her acting career.

Of course TG has never really done anything but LUke but at least he has staying power..talent, and charisma.

Look out. I'm on a roll this morning.

Anyways...if all you have to present to the world is you were on the cover of Newsweek and Time or whatever twenty five years ago..and had the biggest most watched wedding twenty five years ago...BIG.FLIPPIN.DEAL. What have you done lately?

And in Genie's case...in terms of acting? That'd be a BIG.FAT.NOTHING.

Hey I said I'm on a roll.

And she's basically a money hound. She came back for the bucks. She came back knowing what the regime was like when she left, and surely still knows what it's like through the grapevine.

So she came back and Laura was disgraced/disrespected?

CRY.ME.A.RIVER. Go spend that million or whatever they paid you...and SHUT.YOUR.PIEHOLE.

Of course this is the fans saying "poor Laura..." so far it hasn't been Genie...but something tells me since we've heard no good interviews from GF yet...that she wasn't happy. She's already finished filming..so if she were happy there'd be gushing.

No gushing...so she must not be happy. :)

So meh. I'm sure I'm going to have to sit through weeks or months of "poor Genie." and honestly I think I'm going to explode.

The woman did it for the MONEY. The MONEY.

She ain't got crap to complain about if she wasn't happy.



PMS ya'll. Sorry. :lol:

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Wow, um, don't hold back, ILTQ?

I'm not a big Laura fan, but I do like Genie Francis. I am not sure why she's coming back--loyalty to TG, a feeling of nostalgia over the 25th anniversary, or the money. But the fact is, she's coming back and thankfully, has no apparent plans to stay very long.

As for Kelly Monaco, I have nothing against the actress at all. She's doing a job, just like the rest of them. In fact, I don't *dislike* any of the actors/actresses because I have no idea what they're like or why they do what they do. I do know some of them are elevated above their abilities by TIIC, but that is just the way things are in Hollywood.

I don't mean to be a nag, but I sort of wish we could focus on BUILDING UP Tracy/Jane Elliot on this thread, and leave actor/character bashing to other threads. We all have different favorites here, and different secondaries. Lots of times, the characters/actors some of us LOATHE are loved by people on the list. Carly and Alexis ring clearly as people who get trashed here and on the chats fairly often. I happen to like both, and it's hard to sit by and listen to the bashing of both the characters and the actresses.

This board is a great place, and a haven for Jane/Tracy fans. I just wish we could be a little more tolerant of other characters/actors. Even Sonny/Maurice, whom I am beginning to loathe, although he's much easier to take on vacation. There are so many places that are open season on actor/character bashing. I just wish the TQ LoveFest weren't among them.....

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I just realized how incredibly hypocritical my last post was. I have come on this board and TRASHED THE HELL out of characters/actors.

I would like to VOW not to trash any characters or actors on this board henceforth, aside from the normal "He/She did WHAT?" posts.

The chats, I can't promise anything--heat of the moment, you know.

But seriously, if we can't rise above the snottiness they have on all the other boards, how are we any better?

If anybody catches me trashing a character/actor on this board, please PLEASE call me on it immediately. Thanks. :rolleyes:

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Sorry. Did say PMS and all. LOL

Meh. I think I'm in the minority in that I really just don't even care about any other characters or actors besides JE and most of the other Q actors/characters.

The rest I might compliment or bash if I'm in the mood...but truly I just don't care enough to bother even noticing anyone else. I'm for the most part very apathetic when it comes to anyone else....and considering some of the REALLY bad things I've read on other boards...I actually think my comments are pretty mild when it comes to GH.

Okay so the Playboy thing was mean.

And the money hungry thing was mean.

I apologize for those.

And yeah if we want to keep the talk here to just Tracy/JE and/or the rest of the Q's...that's more than okay by me. :)

Please feel free to correct me if I stray from that in the future. :)

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see, now i think the above transaction is EXACTLY what makes us different from a lot of other baords. Because you guys handled that very professionally and like...well....friends instead of getting all catty and offended and stuff, i just really love all of you guys!!!!!

i must say, the Carly lurvin or even likin, alludes me. i just REALLY dont like the character, EXCEPT yesterday i liked her alot. i dunno. i know its her MO but i just cant stand selfpitying, sef-serving people who cant see that they decisions she makes effects any but herself. i have a friend whos sorta like that. i hate it. but i liked her yesterday. it was light and kinda funny and i think that she does it well. i like the actress tho. shes better than that third carly that was there for like 2 seconds, thats for sure. but i think the line would be crossed if i went tp HER lovefest and bashed the hell out of her and them insulted the members there and called them....ahem..."desperate" (yeah, still not over that one. that was just mean). thats just rude and immature. but here, it feels like we're just sharing among friends. i mean, i know this is a TQ lovefest, but, let's face it. its not like we get to see her glowing face light up our screens daily. hell, we're lucky to get twice a month, so i think thats what opens the door for convo about other actors/actreses and characters. i hink it's fine, personally.

ok, im back cuz i promised i would be, and because i am in photography class waiting for my friend to finish her project and im bored. so, any new fic updates? hmm? new vids? new......anything? ...plz?

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*group hug*

Please tell me Tracy's on today, ripping Luke a new one. Please?

tracyluver, other than the video I posted a few days ago, I got nothing. Sorry. :(

ILoveTracyQ, I responded to your PM.

Edit(s): Per SZ, Luke/Robert together again. Robin's on too. Their topic of conversation? "Blaze." Next scene: Robert asks, "What about Sparky?" *hugs Robert* Later on, Luke/Sonny interaction. I am not kidding. Must. Be. Positive. TRACY, offscreen she might be, still ROCKS!!!

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I love you too tracyluver.

I don't have a personal problem with other characters or actors being discussed or even dissed but I don't have a problem keeping that discussion for the chatrooms if we have to.

All I care about is people respecting JE/Tracy in here....anything else in that regard to me is just unacceptable.

But IMO if someone says something bad about someone else,even if it's a character or performer I like...I don't think I'll get mad because as I said I just don't care enough about anyone else.


Isn't that sad?

But as Debbie said...maybe it's best for the most part if we keep the actor/character discussion limited to Tracy/JE...and the rest of it in the chatroom or even in PM's ?

If someone wants to blow off steam and PM me about a character or actress...they are welcome to anytime !

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I just read through the SZ watching live post.

Do not TELL me there was no Tracy on today. Just a *mention* of her, by ROBERT, to Luke? When they were discussing his very pregnant ex-girlfriend???????

Do not TELL me that they just left her out of today's episode altogether.

Tell me a lie if you have to. Make it a creative one. Like, Tracy was on today, and there was this big scene where Alan and she got drunk and recalled the glory days where they were feuding about who would inherit ELQ and now they just didn't care if the whole company got swallowed up by the Atlantic Ocean.

Or, like, Tracy was on today, and there was this big scene where she skewered *fill in the blank* in glorious TracyQ fashion, full of righteous indignation and an awesome verbal raking over the coals.

Or even, like, Tracy was on today, and she was sooooooo hawt and funny and showed lots of leg and the olives were flowing like wine.....

Just do NOT tell me my girl was not on today, okay? :angry:

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Bravo..... I agree, so thanks for saying all that.

I have to say, I was never a Carly fan. She did always seem to be a little selfpittying, but also angry. No matter what was going on she always was mad at the situation and the person it involved (along with everyone in a 100 mile radius) I really do like her now. I like LW playing her. I liked her from Loving and The City, but I think she brings a bit more depth to the character and she's funny and is making me, not only tolerate, but like the character a lot. I'm also an Alexis fan. I go back and forth about which people are highest on my list, but I can say the JE is consistantly my favorite. I'm sure I've said snotty things in the past about both characters, but it was situation thing and not the characters as a whole, so this is my belated apology for anyone that gets offended at what I say about any of the characters.

OK, talk to you all later. Here's hoping JE's on tomorrow... and still waiting for that "unrecognizible bedroom" thing to happen.

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I'm so sorry, it was late and I didn't notice the changes, thanks for pointing them out cuz my dumb head didn't see them. ;)

Now I have a question, are we going to see the rest of the conversation with Maxie and the Quartermaines because it looked, at least to me, that the conversation was NOT finished!!! There better be a follow up tomorrow!!!

**waves to Keith**

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Okay, Tracy SO needs a scene like the one Dorian got on One Life To Live Thursday (I'm talking about covered in powdered sugar, reinacting the kitchen table scene from The Postman Always Rings Twice with a hunky young stud. Or it could be a hunky older stud. I don't care. But if Dorian from OLTL can get a scene like that, Tracy should get one, too!


I'll be in The Break Room, concocting racy Tracy scenes in my head, if anyone wants to play....

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