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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Really quick...Computer virus is back. Won't be able to have someone look at it until later next week. : / Good news is that I'm on Mozilla Firefox now instead of Internet Explorer, which *seems* be working. And hopefully, if the Computer Gods are very, very good, it'll continue to work. *crosses fingers*

knh, RL has prevented me from updating Oh, Baby recently. I expect to get back on it in early October.

Sorry about that, lainey.

Regency, left you a comment at LJ on Something Wicked Blew Yesterday. Wow. Just wow. Enjoyed Chapter 2 of European Express as well.

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Good morning, my lovelies! Well, I'm back at work which means I have a choice--get 20 minutes overtime or spend it on YOU lovely people. Whaddaya think? :) Here I am.

Friday night, a HUGE A$$ storm swept through Kentucky, damaging phone equipment and plunging Fey and me into the darkness of No Cyberspace. Our main phone works, but the secondary line we have for dial-up has no dial tone. We've put in two service issues with the phone company, but they're way backed up. (It could be up, for all I know. We hooked the modem into the main line and are sneaking online during odd hours when people aren't likely to want to use the phone.)

I've downloaded all the stories and chat transcripts (I love you, Ms.Q!) to read offline. Oh, to the ladies on Friday (Saturday) night's chat? I liked Kenna's vid better, too. B) I have a new vid to upload (I'll do it at the college tonight)--it's LuNacy to Manhattan Transfer's version of Shaker Song. I'm still not thrilled with my vids, but I think it's okay.

Struggled all weekend to write--and finally landed on Luke/Tracy/Laura angst. Yeah, I swore I wouldn't go there, but something traumatic happened on Saturday night--I saw the scenes of Laura's descent into catatonia. We were watching the "Brenda's Return" edit tape from the same woman where we bought our Luke/Tracy edit tapes. For some reason (and without adequate spoiler warnings, MinervaFan adds with a growl), this woman saw fit to pad the edit tape with the completely-unrelated Laura Goes Crazy storyline.

Ya'll are going to hate me. I no longer hate Luke for how he's acting with Tracy. I saw his face. I saw him, and how it all went down. I saw how he spoke to her, how he begged for her, and I understand completely.

Luke is freaking terrified. The closer he grows to Tracy, the more terrified he becomes, the more he runs. My guess is that rationally, he knows Tracy would never crack like Laura did, that Tracy would never become that thing Laura became, that Tracy is stronger and tougher and can survive more. But that doesn't do a damn thing for his heart, which couldn't survive it, or his guilt, which is stronger than his resolve.

I listened to how he talked to Laura. It's how he talks to Tracy. It was not how he talked to Skye, btw. There is something there that he loses when he flirts with other women, some depth, some intensity that only shows up with her. He loves her, and he feels guilty and afraid and ashamed.

It doesn't excuse his treatment of Tracy, or his loser behavior towards his family. It doesn't excuse it at all. But it definitely explains it.

So now I'm readjusting my version of LuNacy, and my little GH worldview, and I love LuNacy even more now than ever. I'm certain they're bringing GF to close out this little drama, to shake through to Luke and absolve him of his pain. Whether he has the courage to move on with Tracy, and whether she has grown and evolved enough to forgive him (how could she not--if she only saw him, if she'd only seen his eyes...), remains to be seen.

Well. There we go. Gone a weekend, then she comes back and writes a dissertation.

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Just thought I'd add my 1 cent (not really worth 2 cuz it's the same as you're saying). I definately agree with you. I nver really hated him, but I think you exlained why very well b/c that was my reasoning dead-on!

nice to have you back

and PS. since this is supposed to be a short visit for GF, just because of the anniversary, I do think that they are bringing her back to put an end to it (and to clean up the mess they made last time). I don't know what that crap was, but they needed to fix it, so she's coming back to correct it or clear it up and once and forall end their marriage... b/c as wee all know, he's madly in love with Tracy. I don't think he would have said anything about the setting him free if she wasn't going to at some point (preffurably now as opposed to her next visit)

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Yay! I'm glad other people now see why I can't Luke on the Laura issue. Yes, he knows Tracy's stronger. But the heart can and often is more prominent than the mind--they do say follow your heart. Here, Luke's heart is doing the screwing up. His heart's got him running scared. He feels guilty, and he blames himself, and he doens't want to do it again. There are selfish reason and selfless ones. Is it any wonder why we love this couple of complex characters?

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Okay, we have achieved connectivity! Yup. the secondary line is back in operation and Fey and I now have Internet access again at home. (I am at home on lunch right now.) I'm downloading Nex's new video as I type. Oh, and I just rewatched my Shaker Song video and loathe it immensely, which probably means it's okay. Not great, but okay. :) Feel free to comment negatively if you must, because I'm just beyond caring at this point. One day, my clip collection and my ambition will match, and these vids will be more than just rehashes of the same old crap I've been doing. But there is much with the Tracy prettiness in this, and the song is kinda peppy, so go ahead and download it once I've gotten it uploaded, please.

Tracy and Luke angst on the computer--will try to work on it tonight if I have a chance. I hate that I feel guilty when I make Tracy vulnerable and kind, because that just proves how insidious the anti-TQ propaganda is. Yeah, she does some evil things, but she's not heartless. And even Tracy wouldn't fight a hopeless battle under these circumstances.

I think....

Oh, the mind of a writer is a dark and scary place, ya'll. :waggles eyebrows:

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Nope, sorry. Nothing in the previews today. No one knows, by any chance, if knots landing season 2 is being sold, do they? I was wondering anyway, but that's the season that JE is on so I thought maybe someone here would know. I've seen things that led me to believe it is being sold, but I can't find it anywhere.

if not... got any clips, anyone?!?!?!

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Season One was released on March 28, 2006. I checked the scheduled releases, and Season Two is not on the list for the rest of 2006. I didn't watch Knots Landing--I was never much of a soap person, especially night-time soaps. What sort of character did Jane play? Was she a !@#$%^&*], or somebody's victim? Just curious. ETA: OOOHH, that little hussy Judy Trent (Jane's character) had an affair with Gary Ewing! Jane, Jane, Jane....

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Regarding Knots Landing, I believe she played the tormented wife of an alcoholic. A viewer's opinion? She played b-tch and nothing more and could've come out more sympathetic if she added layers to her performance. Person isn't a JE fan, but since I didn't see, I can't judge. I'm inclined to disagree though. :)

Statistics and stuff since there's nothing else to discuss…

I asked angel to choose a month/date; she chose August 6th, so I've decided to count the number of TQ posts from that day. As it turns out, August 6th was a Sunday, so I'll compare it to this past Sunday, September 24th. So without further adieu…

Just a note, the posters are listed in the order of who posted first.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Ms. Q: 2

knh: 2

angel: 1

Lainey: 1

nex: 1

Total: 7

Topics include: "Weekends are always slow" and general disgust with the lack of Tracy.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Lainey: 2

Regency: 1

Ms. Q: 2

knh: 1

Total: 6

Topics include: Fanfiction Updates and a little RL discussion.

Doing this again…I've asked a friend, and he said June 8th, a Thursday. I'll compare that to this past Thursday, September 21st.

Thursday, June 8, 2006

nex: 1

MinervaFan: 4

ILoveTracyQ: 3

Ms. Q: 2

Total: 10

Topics include: Tracy's "gams," comments on "Oh, Baby," disgust with the lack of Tracy, plot bunny for Tracy/Ned, problems with WMM.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

ILoveTracyQ: 2

Regency: 1

MinervaFan: 2

nex: 1

Ms. Q: 2

Lainey: 1

Total: 9

Topics include: Comments on Perfect and the Q video, mentions of "A Wicked Wind Blew Yesterday" and "No Going Back," Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Tracy withdrawal, whacked out "Tracy is Laura's Mother" speculation, courtesy of SID.

Feel free to discuss. :)

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Statistics n' stuff- lmao. Sunday's suck for the thread (well thats a given)! Thursdays are okay I guess, depends if she's on or how bored we are lol jp.

Grrr no Tracy today, and she wasn't in the previews! Uugghh now where am I supposed to get inspiration for my story!? I swear GH loves to torment me.

RL sucks, La La Land is so much more fun, I'll be there if anyone needs me lol.

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