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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Good news is barring any unforseen obstacles, the first chapter of the pretentiously titled, "A Wicked Wind Blew Yesterday" will be posted tonight. *fingers crossed*

But first, I have to work. :lol: Ack!

Ms. Q I loved no going back. It rang true for me in every way. *high-fives* Tracy...? Being motherly? Scandalous.

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Wanna know scary? I watched that show *religiously* every Saturday morning when I was kid. My friend Sherry Ford and I used to play "Electra Woman and DynaGirl" on the bridge near the cattle ranch on weekends (we'd alternate playing "WonderWoman and WonderGirl"). I don't remember "Princess Cleopatra," though. I knew ElectraWoman was on my mom's soap.

Oh, those Krofft's Super Show memories. It's a wonder my entire cohort is not in therapy, thanks to Sid and Marty Krofft.

Squeeeeee! I can't wait to read it (wondering if it's the one we IMd about.) Ooh, the ficcy goodness you people are sharing! Of course, the EBIL plot bunny Fey gave me is going nowhere. Because, of course, I can write the entire thing in my head, but putting it on paper is...like..HARD...ya know? :rolleyes:

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Just checked SZ. No TQ on today. Looks like no Lulu, Dillon, or Georgie. But wheee! Diego's back, and apparently judging Lucky for his drug use.

Dude. Mirror a little dusty these days, or are you just delusional enough to think that drug use is worse that sex crimes against minors?


We so need a Tracy scene. I know it's only been 48 hours, but I'm in withdrawal already.

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*waves to all*

Yep. Tracy free day. :(


Hope everyone is doing okay though on the RealLife front.

ME? LOLOLOL....I am now doing the work of three people here and one lady who was coming in to help just got a new job.....LOL And I'm surprising even myself that so far they haven't come into the office and found me in a fetal position sucking my thumb.

That rodeo clown job is looking better and better....BTW I asked my mom sorta off the cuff if she thought I'd be good at it and she said she didn't think I could run from the bull fast enough because of my short stubby legs.

WEll I happen to *like* my legs. I think they're pretty sexy. :)

Even if they ARE short and stubby.

Anyhoo.....LOL.....I have to say that while I love Jane...not digging the hair. It needs layering or something.

Or it's too long. I don't know. I do prefer it to the *really* short cuts she's had in the past though.

ETA Keith....DUDE. I read your first part of your DOOL fic. You are SUCH a good dialogue writer. Keep it in script form please. Your story ROCKS.

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LOL! I didn't catch that the first time. Read it again, and found it. But isn't it Deidre? ;)

Marland, thanks so much for posting that! Hilarious! Not too fond of the acting (considering the material, I'll let it pass), but that made it all the more entertaining. LOL!

MinervaFan, I'll see if I can get the clips up soon.

Regency, many thanks for the fic feedback.

Edit: ILoveTracyQ, I'm not too big on the hair either. I'll get used to it, but I miss the curls, and I also thinks it's needs to be shorter IF she's going to wear it down.

Breakroom anyone?






Well, since WUBS says Dillon's career path involves ELQ, I guess it makes sense for Tracy to have her doubts. I know I have mine, LOL. Whatever. If it gives JE and SC decent material together, I'm all for it.

SID is too funny. There's apparently an article speculating that what happened to Erica on AMC will happen to Tracy on GH. SID and fans believe Skye is Tracy's daughter *watches as MinervaFan and ILoveTracyQ run out of the thread screaming* making the SkyLo baby the Q heir.

But, SID adds, what if it was another baby, one that was believed to be dead at birth? Like (oh, this gets too good, and it's hilarious 'cause I'm not making it up) Laura Webber Spencer. !?!?! The time frame/ages aren't exact, but GH plays with that sort of thing all the time. SID doesn't think it's a coincidence that they mentioned this right as GH is preparing to bring Laura back.

SoapDish wonders if that's Laura's secret. That she's Tracy's daughter. And that it would be typical Guza to have Luke married to both the mother and her daughter. Heh. I definitely don't see this happening because no way is Laura's big secret going to give JE an actual SL, but I gotta give SID props for making me laugh. Any comments?

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Scandalous... Horrific (I would be totally horrified. I HATE Laura), but hilarious... Never Happen.

I have to admit to liking the Skye/Tracy thing... would give Tracy scenes outside of Luke.. and given the Tracy/Skye history, the scenes could be priceless and hilarious!

I LOVE LuNacy... but I also LOVE Tracy, so anything that can happen to give Tracy scenes outside of LuNacy, I totally favor.

Oh... My fan fic series is called "Along the Road." Idea is they're be written from along the road to Laura's recovery. Tentative title of the first one is "The Bomb Along the Road." Guess what that's about!?!?! It's when Tracy first learns Luke is trying to bring back Laura. oy boy. I started a draft last night. MUCH MUCH Angst. I already know the second one is going to be "Stalled Along the Road," but i won't tell you what that one is about.. I'll leave ya hanging for now. Ha! Minerva will you mind being my beta/feedback giver again?!?!

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In the breakroom for a bit. :)

In the latest SID, Jane Elliot gets a mention, courtesy of Tony Geary!

TG on Laura: Luke shouldn't turn into something he's not out of guilt when Laura wakes up.

TG on Jane Elliot: Nothing we haven't heard before, but he first met her during his audition to play Mitch Williams and knew from that moment she'd be a formidable partner.

Almost sounds good for us, doesn't it?






October/November/December Temperature Check for GH's Couples...

Luke/Tracy: Warm/Cold/Warm

Um, interesting? Sounds plausible, doesn't it?

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Jane Elliot was born in 1947, Genie Francis was born in 1962. Tracy would have had to be 15 and pregnant to be Laura's mother.

Jane Elliot was born in 1947, Robin Christopher was born in 1965. Skye would have to be Ned's twin sister. More plausible, but terrifying nonetheless.

Of course, we're talking soaps here, so anything's possible. Freaky, horrifying, disgusting, ludicrous, and obscenely beyond the realm of all realistic expectations...but possible.

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MinervaFan WK was born in 1958 if I'm not mistaken.

So Jane could play Laura or Skye's mother.

Personally.....I don't see how anyone as boring as either one of them could ever come from Tracy.

Ugh. I need coffee. LOL

I hope the abortion dies where it is and is never mentioned again. I still think it was out of character for her and I just hope it goes no further than a plot point to prop Lulu.

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Short, short post because I have errands to run on lunch. Missing Tracy something fierce. Rewatched Monday's episode--she's not going to be waiting for him when he returns. I have a strong suspicion Luke will return from France to find divorce papers waiting for him. Our girl looks like she's had enough.

RE: Warm/Cool/Warm: Did you notice that second "warm" fell in December? After JE's current contract ends? CROSSES FINGERS.

RE: Ebil Plot Bunny. I'm not up to the challenge right now. Not sure what I'm going to do for the next prompt, but I assure you--it will be typed neatly and in English. Anything beyond that, I can't make promises.

Now, I'm off. Pleeeeaaaasssseeee let TQ be on today.

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