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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Keith! Your posts are always so short. :lol:

Edit #1: Yay to the board working again!

Edit #2: The ABC Soap Secret thing had something about more vets returning...





I guess clips of Sean/Tiffany, Duke, and Scotty were shown. If Scotty comes back, can we pair him with Tracy again? I'd want to see Luke's reaction to that! :lol:

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Um, wasn't Scotty killed in the PC Hotel fire? I know death on soap operas is never permanent, but dude, scarred much? And if they bring Scotty back, they have to pair him with Lucy Coe (oh, bring her back, bring her back, bring her baaaaaacccckkkk!!) and not Tracy.

I hate to disagree, but I really didn't like the de-Q'd Ned storyline much. Frankly, I like the idea of her having a Love of Her Life--everybody needs at least one of those. But I didn't like the adopted!Ned idea. Ned is her son. Ned screwed with her hormones, messed up her figure, and left stretch marks. Ned developed colic and spit up on her shoulders at inappropriate times. They can't de-Q my Neddie. They can't, damnit.

And just FYI, Keith's posts are so short cuz he's sooooooo mysterious, like James Dean, ya know? :rolleyes:

Yeah, it's slow on Ye Olde LurveFest this weekend.... BTW, I got a couple of pages written on the next prompt--Pickpocket--for the 100 Situations ficathon. It's Lulu and Tracy....

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I, personally, would love to see a Tracy and Scotty pairing. I saw it the first time but was too young to remember it now, so I think it'd be kind of fun!! Then again, I loive her with anyone

but I would like it to be someone who isn't wrapped up in any other major sl, they need to be the focus oof something, not just the sideshow to this circus

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First things first...tracyluver, how come you didn't tell us you had a birthday coming up? ;) I checked LJ and found out that it was yesterday!

Happy Belated Birthday to you!

I hope you enjoyed yourself.

*sends cyber-balloons, cyber-ice cream, cyber-cake*

And I might have some more chapters of Oh, Baby up later.

7pm tonight. Party in the breakroom. Everyone better be there. Heh.

I'm short too, Keith. :P

MinervaFan, I don't want Ned de-Q'd either, but if it had to be done, that's the way I'd like to see it play out.

knh, good to see you posting again.

And maybe I'm just pessimistic, but... SPOILERS BELOW





You know how Tracy's concern for Lulu leads to her searching for Luke. And then it's Sonny's men who actually locate him. You don't think Tracy's going to be offscreen when Luke first returns, do you? As in still trying to find him? TIIC wouldn't do that, would they?

Edit: Page 134!

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tracyluvr, Happy Big Old Belated Birthday to You! I hope you had a splendid day--it must have been contagious, because I had a really good Saturday.

I have new fic. :) Will take a few minutes to proofread, then I'll upload it to the Ficathon and edit with the URL. I've decided to go for short and fast on these things, being as I've been getting so bogged down with multi-chaptered fics lately.

Ooooooh, I was stuck in line at the Wal-Mart checkout today (Don't ask me why I was in Wal-Mart. I hate Wal-Mart. I prefer to avoid Wal-Mart.) Anyhoo, I was stuck in line at the Wal-Mart checkout today long enough to flip through the entire ABC Soaps Digest Magazine and GUESS WHAT? The date of Luke's return is Friday, Sept. 8. And guess what? I HAVE SEPTEMBER 8TH OFF AS A VACATION DAY!!!!!!!

Wheee! I'm going to be home that day and will be able to watch it real-time. *hops up and down cuz I get to watch the LuNacy Showdown that MUST happen, dammit!*

Now, I'm off to proofread. Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Tracyluvr!

ETA: Prompt 26: Pickpocket has been added to the Ficathon. It's called "The Pickpocket and the Witch," and it's about Lulu and Tracy discussing her options. I feel I need to say this, because people can be very touchy on the topic of abortion. I'm pro-choice, but I tried to keep my personal feelings out of it. I just tried to be honest with the characters. The fact is, it's a complicated issue and made for a complicated little scene. Nothing is resolved at the end of it. Just two people who understand each other more than they expected. I seriously doubt I have to worry about being flamed by anybody on this list, but I wanted to make it crystal clear that all flames will be summarily deleted and the flamer banned from my LJ.

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Thanks to incompatible versions of AIM keeping MsQ and Keith and I from having a mini-chat, I decided to take matters into my own hands and build a chat room for the LoveFest. (Thank you, FEY, for holding my hand while I navigated Bravenet.)

Mainly, it's a place where we can have a live chat anytime several of us happen to be online simultaneously. We can also have scheduled chats if we'd like, to cover various topics, discuss the episodes, or just goof off real-time.

The link to the chatroom is http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012. I've got a permanent link to it on the Ficathon (click my sig banner and look at the list of links on your right to find it), so if you lose it, you can always find it again. Hope this leads to some fun and lively conversations, in addition to the LoveFest!!!!

ETA: I will be in the chat room for most of the rest of this evening, if RL permits. You may need to download a Java program to run it. I'm on dial-up (56K), and it took me all of ten minutes.

ETA: Party in The Break Room. MsQ, Keith, Regency and I are all there. Join us, if you'd like!

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A wild time was had by all in The Break Room last night. We learned some interesting things:

  1. Keith has very clean laundry.
  2. MsQ willl involve a bed in Oh, Baby. Now, it may just be there to stack coats, but it's a step in the right direction.
  3. Regency...well, Regency REALLY REALLY likes TracyQ.....
  4. MinervaFan will grab story ideas whereever she can get them. Poor Edward....
  5. BraveNet's chat feature will randomly disconnect you for no reason at all. But hey, it's free, right?
  6. Chatting real-time is just as much fun as posting to the LurveFest, only much much more confusing.
If you guys go to the Chat Room, please post here so people will know you're going to be hanging out. Anybody want to schedule a chat, just post the time here.
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THis is floating around LJ. I will have time tonight on the computer at school, so if you want to give me a list, I'll do the ficlets tonight and post them to the Ficathon.

Give me a 5 Things topic list(examples: "5 Things Tracy Is Pretending She Doesn't Know About", or"5 People Tracy Never Actually Slept With, No Matter What Anyone Thinks"). And I will write you five ficlets in response.

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