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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*waves to Ms.Q

I agree with Keith nex...although I like your scenario and if it ever happens I think it will be similiar to that...although they're both pretty unpredictable and it could happen anyway:

Oooh something else to pass the time: If and when they say "ILY" or even "I like you a lot" :P or "I care about you"(although at this stage that one's kinda lame)...how will it happen?

Place...atmosphere...what do you all think?

I think it could go down any kind of way....but I like best the idea of it happening as a heat of the moment slip of the tongue...that they take back almost immediately and then afterwards a tender confession kind of like what nex described.

What do you all think?

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I think it would me too Keith.

And it's knowing that it would; knowing that Jane and Tony would completely break me....that makes it bittersweet because who knows if GH will ever go there?

If they truly invested in Lacy they could be a






AND heartbreakingly funny couple.

Which is probably why I love the fics so much. Where GH has only dabbled, you guys GO there.



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I keep forgetting to log out. :P *waves to everyone*

I'm a pessimistic person, ILTQ. I don't have to be positive. ;) J/K. I am hoping you're right, though. And well, Guza did say he wasn't going for the Hallmark renewal of the vows with LnL. Guess we'll see...Oh, I remember that poster saying that too. Heh. *gonna try this out* Luke and Tracy? Admitting their feelings? That would rock, and therefore they'll never do it. *hopes it comes true*

I love nex's scenario. I don't have many specifics right now, but I did love angel's "Running Away" fanfic based on the spumor: Tracy tells Luke she loves him and then blames it on the alcohol...which Luke finds out to be water.

Edit: SID has their pre-Emmy nominations listed. Guess who is the only GH supporting actress listed? ;) SID didn't choose our girl as the winner, but yay for the mention!

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I keep forgetting to log out too...and I did it so many times on accident that most of the time I don't bother since if I see a new post I'll probably reply if I have something to say.

And Tracy wise I almost always have something to say.

EEEE !!!!! Ms.Q I never thought of trying that:

Here I go: "Luke and Tracy admitting their feelings? That would rock...therefore they'll never do it."

Everyone else feel free to repeat. :)

Cause if it worked to nudge them together......it's worth a shot.

Let me try this one too: "Jane Elliot with a strong supporting story where she gets good airtime AND a POV? That would rock therefore they'll never do it."


Oh well.. I'm supposed to be catching up on work. Lalalalalla.....:)

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First off.... no biggy abut the clips. I just know that I asked and I got a lot of "I'll look for them"s but time goes by and we forget, so I thought I'd juts check again.

Now down to business. I think I may have over stated a bit earlier. Emily was not so much out and out defending Tracy. She was, however, saying a few nice things: (rough paraphrasing) The Quartermaines are a bit harsh (?), but even Tracy means well. Somethings along those lines a few times.

Sorry, transcript isn't up yet, otherwise I'd post it for you

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ok, whoa, what the heck is up with the triple post inccident that happened in my last post? That was just weird. Anyway, i could totally see that scenrio playing out on screen. I may be the only one, but i am not worried about jane leaving in november so i think lacy will continue. or, at least end with a bang, or have some sort of 'psuedo-ending" that will sorta break our girls heart but will eventually work to her extreme benifit in the end (i.e.-Luke initailly ending things with the baby-Q debacle blowing up in all of their faces and Laura waking up and what not but then luke sees that his precious laura and he are no longer a good match because shes still stuck in the same mentality that she had when she went catatonic with wanting the happy family unit and what not and obviuosly things are just not that way and then luke will see how much he loves and needs tracy and then he will spend the rest of his life making sweet, passionate love to her and graveling for being such an [!@#$%^&*].....oh, and maybe feeding heer olives, strictly for our benifit and entertainment :P ) or something like that. i would like a little drama and angst in our little lacy, even if it meant our girl getting her heartbroken, as long as, in the ned, luke's heart is broken and he's hurt even more because her realizes how much he hurt her. drama is good, folks. drama=screentime (we hope) and screentime is ALWAYS good, imho.

Oh, well, gotta go actually LEARN something since i am actually in school, lol!

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tracyluver, I love your utopian world. :) Personally, I think a little angst in the LuNacy sl would not be a bad thing. I think they need to be forced to admit what they have has the potential to be very, very good, and to admit that they need/want/LURVE each other.

Tracy has done a remarkable job of growing up; Luke needs to do the same. He's still trying to live like he's 25, and it doesn't look good on him. I have this image of Luke coming back, deciding he wants Tracy, trying to get her, and her responding with something like this:

"I love you. I'm not happy about it. I certainly didn't intend for it to happen, and I'm sort of amazed and horrified that it did. Nevertheless, I'm in love with you and that can't be changed. However, as much as I care about you, as amazing and wonderful and entertaining a man as you are, I need more. I need to have a man who wants me as much as I want him, who's committed to being with me, who puts me first in the relationship. You can't do that, Luke. I don't know if you're capable of learning to do that. Maybe twenty years ago--hell, maybe five years ago, what you offer would have been enough for me. Lord knows, I've settled for less. Lord knows I've suffered through worse, when it comes to husbands. But the fact is, Luke, I'm not 20 anymore--I'm not 30, or even 40. I'm a grown woman, and I'm too tired and too fed-up to live like this anymore. So please, make it easy on both of us. Accept that I care, that I've enjoyed our time together, hell--that I'm a better person for having been with you. Accept it, Luke, and then...leave. I want you out of the house by the end of the week." Then she kisses him.

Then he spends the next few months trying to win her back.

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Love all the ideas...but I have a strange feeling Tracy will be the one to get dumped or walked away from.

Which is sad because it SHOULD be the opposite.

But I agree that angst and drama are good.

knh I am not good at finding clips myself since NeverQuiet went down...the only other place I know of that has GH vids is YouTube.

I don't have any saved....sorry.

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MinervaFan, tracyluver, why aren't you writing for GH again? ;)






In SID, Laura's apparently coming back with a secret. According to an anonymous poster at SD, there are 2 possibilities on the table. One of them doesn't have anything to do with Tracy, but the other one is: Laura discovered the divorce papers weren't filed on time and she was going to present that information to Luke during their wedding ceremony as a 'surprise'. Hmm...that means the Lacy marriage is invalid, but I'm not too sure about this "spoiler." And why is "surprise" quoted like that? Also...Didn't Guza say there wasn't going to be a renewal of vows? I need answers to my questions, LOL.

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