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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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What was too much? Personally, I'm thinking Trace is the only reason to watch GH--especially after Luke's behavior today. I'm ready to shoot the TV over the whole Lexie i' ma mommy thing. I'd love to shove a grapefruit in Sam's face like whatsisface in that old black and white movie.

OTOH, shock of shocks, I actually found the SOILY scenes somewhat not repulsive today. Perhaps it's because my GF is bipolar and I know Maurice whatsisface is also bipolar. If slogging through SOILY scenes inspires even one person to get tested for bipolar disorder, I suppose it's not too bad of a thing.....

But what, oh, what is too much, Keith?

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Weeeee! Board must be going nuts because when I woke up I had 17 messages that new replies had been posted. JOY!!! Joy I tell ya!

So, yesterday's GH sounds ever-so-lovely...or ...today's? (sorry, other side of the world, little screwed up on the time thing)

MinervaFan, I'll have to download the LuNacy scenes from tomorrow?, but I'll give it a go. I hadn't ever tried an animated icon before that last batch of icons I made, so I figure I could use some more practice...and it will give me a reason to forget about work for a while.

Re: Skye. I like her...well, that's not true. I LIKE Robin Christopher. I LIKE Skye's relationships with Monica, and Tracy, and Jax...although her 'feud' with Tracy either needs to end or needs new fuel besides Luke. She makes a pretty coupling with Lorenzo...but both characters have the personalities of dishwater. Capable actors, but when you get down to it, no real core family relationships, no friends, no business interests, no hobbies (well, Skye occasionally has alcoholism...that's always a fun hobby, and Lorenzo has backgammon, and stalking), and pretty well zero quirks, and rather undefined motivations.

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*Regarding Skye* - I like her and RC but she needs to back off where she doesn't belong (i.e. Tracy).

*Today's GH* - Maybe it's just me but I sensed a slight change in both Luke and Tracy's (mostly Tracy) behavior towards each other. Examples- Tracy was smiling more (who wouldn't lol), they both seemed more comfortable with each other than usual, etc. Again, maybe its just me going crazy and seeing things. Hmm... could I be going senile before my own parents, oops spoke too soon my mom just turned into a looney toon.

BTW, just wanted to let you all know Beautiful Disaster was just updated (it may take a while to show up)!

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MinervaFan, perhaps Keith means that watching the entire episode is just too much...which it is IMO. Can I get a spin-off of Luke and the Quartermaines? ;) Before I forget, question about LiveJournal. I joined Lunacy Icons, but I have no idea how to post something that isn't a reply...meaning, I made some icons, but don't know how to share them. I think that makes sense, LOL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

I forgot to respond to this, but I agree. WTH is that? I almost miss the robes/jackets, LOL. Wish I knew what happened to outifts like these...



angel, can't wait to read it. You are doing a wonderful job. :)

MarlandRulez, I understand where you're coming from, but Luke is the one who tricked Tracy into marriage. Why should she let him out of it? Not to mention Luke has made it clear to Skye that the $$$ is more important to him than being with her. Why would Skye want to be with someone like that?

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Everything that's not Tracy...and I was actually referring to needing to see Tracy pop Luke. But it really is too much. But I love her and must watch or die trying. Sometimes dodging those straying bullets is harder than it seems.

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I havent seen Todays eppie ;) I hope its not that bad, maybe I shouldnt watch.

Ms. Quartermaine I Love those types of suits on jane :) I think my most favorite recent outfit is one that she wore during the hotel fire :lol: . I noticed that the wardrobe department gives jane the same three necklaces for every outfit. :P

MarlandRulez I love Skye :wub: I always have. If you really want to see Skye in her best scenes See All my children when she tried to burn down a house because the person had AIDS. I think that was one of Robin's best story lines, In fact Robin was my first favorite soap Diva! I understand your point of view. But Skye isnt as bad as she used to be she isnt as vivacious as she used to be now to me she is very predictable. ;)B)

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angel, I agree about all the interruptions. That's one of the reasons I enjoyed Friday's so much (before GQ interrupted, that is). smirks pointed it out too. No Skye. No Alice. Just Luke and his Spankybuns. It should be like that more often.

LOL coolkid. Hotel fire? Most recent? ;) It was nice though...much better than whatever the hell she wore on NYE. And today's episode isn't bad. Tracy gets to call Luke on his garbage: "Wooing another woman in front of your wife is obnoxious -- even for you." Go Tracy Go! And wait 'til you see what's she going to do tomorrow (not that I'm advocating that kind of behavior; I just understand it). Oh, and Luke has a NEW name (kind of) for his wife: "Spankster." LOL.

Any comments on "Ooh, eat your heart out, Mr. Spencer?" :lol:

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Ms. Q

I donno, I just love that outfit, I guess because she only really wore that twice at the most that may be why I like it. ;)

Im glad that she called him on that because he has been getting on my nerves when ever he does that. :angry:

I think I might watch.

The "Spankster." what next the spanknator? :P

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