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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I haven't watched since last Wednesday. Was Tonys last day sad today? Did tracy get to see luke one last time. Going down to the computers in my bldg to work on my luNacy nom list. If anyone is up for a chat for a few please post the link. :)

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Here are some of my noms for Best of all time LuNacy awards (this is a first DRAFT of my nominations) i have more and there are some i need to refresh my memory of because i can't remember some stuff to comment for some categories.

We should come up with a date that all the noms have to be in by.

Best Overall Episode - Drama

1. The epi where Luke is cutting down the tree and he puts his jacket on tracy and she says her piece and drops the jacket from her shoulders

2. The epi where tracy comes in and slams the door wearing a pretty dark red jacket she makes herself a drink (this is the time around lauras first return) and Luke tells her he loves her.

Best Overall Episode - Comedy

1. oopsy daisy

2. the kidnapping

Best Overall Episode - Romance

1. their wedding

Best Kiss

- Ramon Massage Kiss

- Floating Rib Kiss

- kiss at the roulette table when the the ball landed on her birthday

2nd Best Kiss (because we can't just choose one)

- in front of scott at GH when luke takes film out of camera and tracy comes up pats Luke on the chest and kisses him quickly but its ooooh so sexy

- in front of metro court when tracy pulls on luke to kiss him and then pushes him away

Best Hug

- when Luke comes into the living room and tracy runs up to him as he's entering and asks whether he took care of it (Daddy's will)

- does the two times iv seen our girl put her head on likes back count as a hug? it does for me smile.png

2nd Best Hug

- when luke takes tracy's hands and pulls her up out of the chair (then she sees Alan over lukes shoulder)

Best Speech Tracy gave to Luke

- can't remember the story but tracy was wearing her light blue shiny outfit and her hair was longer and I think tracy was giving luke a speech where at the end of it she says i am your wife

- speech to Luke about Laura hair longer maybe brown outfit. wish i could remember her words but she was standing inside by the door to the patio. she told his are off!

- Tracy's speech about laura when she was wearing red jacket at haunted star (same day he gave the dime speech).

Best Speech Luke gave to Tracy

- the i'd be married to you if you didn't have a dime

Best Sexual Innuendo

- "your incarceration would put a serious crimp in my sex life"

- "i love it when you scream in bed"

- 'the only hands I want on me are yours"

Best Face Touching (either Tracy touching Luke's face or Luke touching Tracy's face)

- before the 3 little kisses they shared tracy traces lukes face with her thumb

- the time at haunted star time laura had come back when tracy hopped off the stool said something and touched his face

- tracy touching lukes face while they were laying in hospital bed together

- luke touching tracy's face during kiss at the bottom of the stairs at black and white windermere ball

Best Hair Touching

- why would i want to save you i love you just the way you are

- when lukes brushes tracy's hair out of her face when she's in the wheelchair

Funniest exchange (back and forth between the two)

> thinking

Funniest quote (Tracy to Luke)

> thinking

Funniest quote (Luke to Tracy)

> ditto

Best Tracy being there for Luke moment

- they way she was the only one who could talk fLuke away

- tracy being there for luke at he trial

Best Luke being there for Tracy moment

> Luke fixing alans will

Nicest thing Tracy did for Luke

> thinking

Nicest thing Luke did for Tracy


Best Overall Luke and Tracy story

> thinking

"Did that seriously just happen?" moment

> thinking

"Should have seen that onscreen" moment

> their sex scenes

Feel free to add on...

Luke and tracy's best facial expression to each other:

1. when luke and tracy and skye are at police station and luke and tracy are smiling at each other sexy white skye was saying something to tracy but tracy was just too intrigued by luke to get too upset about it.

2. the look in lukes eyes while he was looking at tracy when the roulette ball landed on tracy's birthday

3. the sexy looks tracy was giving luke at he haunted star when she had the drink swizzle stick in her mouth.

i may come up with more to add heh. or to fill in because my memory is drawing a blank for a couple of these.

Here are some of my noms for Best of all time LuNacy awards (this is a first DRAFT of my nominations) i have more and there are some i need to refresh my memory of because i can't remember some stuff to comment for some categories.

We should come up with a date that all the noms have to be in by.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Woo hoo! Maintenance is completed, and the board is back! :D


TL, here is a link to download Java: https://java.com/en/download/


Great nomination list. So hard to think of everything that's happened with LuNacy. It shouldn't be that hard, especially since they didn't even have that much compared to other couples on throughout the years. But yet, I am having difficulty. :o


EDIT: Okay, I went through some transcripts and some clips, and I have added nominations to the list. It's a really, really large list, so I am going to paste a link to a Sendspace file. Feel free to add your own nominations, upload to Sendspace, and share the link with us all...



Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey guys. I know I talked about possibly chatting this past Saturday, but I didn't  see the board was back up until late Friday/early Saturday, and by that time I'd already made other plans. Anyway, sounds like no Tracy news anytime soon. Which leaves more free time for me, because no Tracy means I ain't bothering with GH. I'd really like to watch for Dillon, but not with Valerie, LOL.  Keeping positive, hopefully we'll hear something about our girl, soon.


Take care, all !

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I am soooo frustrated right now I can't begin to tell you.  I can't download java because this is an iPad mini.  In Order to be able to I need chrome or yada yada blah blah and blah and I don't know WTF IM TALKING ABOUT.  Not only that but Safari said it can't open the send space so I can't see your list Stace.  I am in like technology challenged hell right now. :/

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Hi, everyone.

Whew, I was afraid the site would never come back. :)

And where's our Tracy? Two weeks, and NOTHING? Any spoilerish info, out there? (Did Luke leave a letter for her, too? I guess that's a bit of fanfic, in the making.)

I saw the chat room link about half an hour too late! Will try again, if people convene, another day. Hopefully it will work for me. That would be so much fun.

Is there a way to view the mobile version of this site, as before? It was easier... but I don't see the option to change to that, anymore. *grumble*

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truenorth, not sure about the mobile version... It's easier for me to check the site on my lap top. 


No Tracy makes me sad. :( March and June were really only her "good" months in terms of screen time this year. Last month we just had 7 episodes, but I guess that's not terrible. Nancy Lee Grahn isn't getting much to do either. I know not all of us are a fan of her, but I like her, and both Tracy and Alexis are worthy of more screen time.


No Tracy spoilers either... but there supposedly is a casting call for an assistant district attorney to the new district attorney, Paul Hornsby.


truenorth, if you ever want to post the chat link, you can. Just post something like "Anyone around?" If I'm around, I'll join you. :)  


Anyone else want to add any LuNacy moments to the mega list? I know I forgot a quote about Luke saying if Tracy ever needed rescuing, he would be there...and maybe we can add a category "the story that didn't happen but should have." 


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