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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MsQ, good observation, re the music in the scenes with Dillon/Tracy. I didn't notice, and I usually catch such things.

I love Tracy's relationship with Lulu, and hope this continues, also. But it's lovely to have Dillon here, and to see him caring so much that his mother's been hurt.

Tracy and Alice don't have a friendship, exactly, IMO. Tracy confides in her on rare occasions, but I don't think they could have any but occasional, casual interaction, since Alice is an employee, and her loyalties shift. Could you ever truly trust someone who's willing to put you in a sleeper hold?

I have a hard time imagining Sabrina as Tracy's friend--though she does need one! I liked their scenes, and if this is the direction they take it, that would be nice for Tracy. At least Sabrina is kind, and not by nature a schemer. :) She's a bit timid, and Tracy might get impatient with that type of personality (or maybe that's just me!).

Now, Tracy and Dr. O. comparing notes might be fun. :)

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I still have a hard time seeing Tracy associate with Alice at all on a personal level because she is the housekeeper, and a woman like Tracy wouldn't give her the time of day (unless she needed a martini or something). Then again, Tracy has softened throughout the years, so maybe that's why she is more willing to allow people like Alice and Sabrina, for that matter, in. Sabrina is "the nanny," so again, it's strange to see Tracy interact with her, but Jane Elliot makes it work, and Tracy needs a friend, so I'll allow it. :) Connie was a more realistic friend though in my opinion.

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I should really be in bed. UGH I go back to work tomorrow. Anyway, my short take on the last few weeks:

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how Dillon has his mom's back, and I think the new actor has awesome chemistry with JE. They always were one of my favorite Tracy "pairings" and I think that's going to continue. He left a boy, and came back a man, so yeah the dynamic will be different. But so far, a good different. SC's Dillon would have NEVER attacked Luke, and would have never said what he said to Laura (BTW that moment, telling her to walk back out if she didn't like what she walked in on, YOWZA. I wanted to do a fist pump. I loved the shocked look on her face. Yeah Laura, someone else in town not attaching their lips to your butt cheeks. Imagine that. HEE I love him for that moment alone).

Anyhoo-the actor looks literally like he could be the child of PS and JE. I never felt SC favored any of the Qs, unless his fair coloring was supposed to come from Lila. This actor has darker features like JE, but has the bone structure of PS. Good casting.

I do have to wonder, how bad of a rift is going to happen between Tracy and Dillon though(and Tracy/Lulu) if they don't tell her what they know.

I have to wonder if they aren't setting up Sabrina/Tracy because Lulu and Tracy are about to be on the outs(Tracy will eventually forgive her, but I think there's going to be a blow up between them when the whole truth comes out).

I also love that Lulu is totally pro Tracy.

About Sabrina/Tracy. Tracy being her friend, knowing she is the "help", doesn't take me by surprise too much. After all, she was BFF's with Dillon's nanny Zoey on The City, and friends with Jacob the bartender. Plus Marco Dane. Not to mention her friendship with Lulu. When Tracy does have friends, they never have been exactly the kind of people you would expect them to be. I was surprised by her comment to Sabrina that she never really felt the need for them. I kind of can see why, but then I'm thinking of all the people I know have been in her life that she would consider a friend, and I'm thinking "really"? Not sure I agree there.

My only issue with Tracy/Sabrina, is that Sabrina doesn't have much of a personality IMO. It's the fact that I think Tracy would find Sabrina rather bland and uninteresting that makes me side eye any friendship between them. Not the "nanny" thing, or even the age difference.

Like MsQ said, it made me miss Tracy/KateConnie, speaking of which, it would have been nice for Tracy to mention her as being her last friend.

As was mentioned up above, Tracy is never really allowed to have friends, so I guess we have to wait and see. If I were picking someone currently on the canvas, I'd pick Anna or Nina or Ava, once everyone realizes who Ava is. I liked the five second pseudo friendship with Tracy and Ava. Nice chemistry, believable connection, much like Tracy and Kate.

Luke and Laura were horrible with the way they did the pretend reunion. Luke couldn't have faked being ill and insisted the party be postponed, then told Tracy after everyone was gone? They HAD to humiliate her? BALONEY, and I'm so glad Dillon is chewing them up. He may be my new favorite after Tracy, LOL. Anyone who gets in Laura's face and gives her what for is a winner in my book. She deserved it, too. :)

Dillon, my love. Marry me.

Anyway-Jane and Tony rocked their scenes. I have been thinking all along that Luke will die, and I'm not entirely convinced it won't at least be a presumed death. However I read somewhere that TG didn't like everything about his exit story, and I've heard LnL fans will be happy, so perhaps that means LnL will get their ending together, but maybe off screen, since TG exits months before GF? Or Luke could travel with Lucky for a while.

IDK though. To me, just sending Luke Spencer for good out of town is such a lame ending, with or without Laura. I know they did it decades ago, but back then they figured eventually both would return. This time, it's for good. I don't think it's a good ending for any character. I agree with what one actor said one time, such an ending-just sending the character out of town-it's almost like they don't count enough to give a good send off.

So perhaps that is why he's unhappy, that Luke just kind of slinks away.

I'd love for his ending to be to die in Tracy's arms after she learns the truth. But what I think will happen, if indeed it's an out of town ending, is that Tracy will learn the truth and still feel betrayed that he didn't trust her enough to tell her. They'll still be done. She'll finally keep her word this time, and Luke will know it, and will leave town.

How that's good for LnL is beyond me, unless they do the "insta reunion" route with them and have them realize in a few short weeks that they really can't live without each other. It sounds like something this regime would do.

Anyway,enough of all that. Just happy Dillon is back. I think the actor is good and has great chemistry with JE, and those were the two main things I was worried about.

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I have a bunch of different feeling about last week, but I think the thing I am most mad at is the writers! I feel like this is just lazy writing and the fake sense of urgency to help Lucky and not tell anyone and pretend to be back together is what makes non-soap fans laugh at the genre and people like myself actual soap fans wonder why we still watch. It's as if the writers just blocked out the storyline like.....

Laura comes back

interrupts Lacy engagement

tells Luke what's wrong

Luke breaks engagement

can't tell anyone

pretends to get back together

go helps Lucky

But instead of this happening over a period time it all happened in one episode. And I have a feeling this is what Tony meant about having to "let Luke go" and do what they write because he is playing it so wooden and uncaring like hurting Tracy was nothing. It feels like he is reading a teleprompter and don't get me started on Genie, she is so NOT a good actor; when in the room with JE and TG she sticks out like a sore thumb.

I do like this new Dillon and I agree with ILTQ when he told Laura to walk out I was cheering him on! Tracy needs someone completely on her side and he came back just in time.

**There is a spoiler out there that says Bobbie gets in Laura's face about what went down at the engagement party, I hope this happens because someone needs to get in her face and tell her whats what!

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So I had a nice post typed out, and then, my computer froze. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

ILTQ, do you think that Tracy was more likely to associate with people "lower" than her on The City because she was away from her family? Maybe she was feeling lonely? Then again, she did have her family around when Marco came into the picture, so there goes that theory. To me, it just seems out of character for her to be associating with "the nanny" or "the maid" even though I love any screen time for Tracy. She and Sabrina were funny today, along with Sam. Hope it continues.

Tracy is in the previews tomorrow with Luke/Laura and Dillon/Lulu. She is mad at Dillon, "Oh my God, Dillon, how could you?" It's too soon for her to find out about Lucky. Wonder if Dillon makes up something to keep the truth a secret? There is speculation that Dillon was recast only because Tony wanted Jane to have something to do once he was gone. If that's true, what happens to Tracy/Dillon once Tony isn't around to keep making his suggestions? I personally don't think any actor should have that amount of power, but if he is the reason we got Dillon, then I won't complain.

I am confused as to who would kidnap Lucky and then demand Luke and Laura pretend to be together?

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Lazy writers that's who!?!?! It's suppose to be some big secret that only Luke can know and now Lulu and Dillon know and soon Tracy will know. It's SO lame!

**There is a new summer promo (no pic of Tracy, of course) that shows Lucky at Elizabeth's door, so much for danger!!

Edited by nex4evr
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MsQ said:

>I am confused as to who would kidnap Lucky and then demand Luke and Laura pretend to be together?

Maybe a de-SORASed Lulu? :)

It is SO lame! Getting more far-fetched by the minute.

Did Laura really get such a phone call, and if so, why would she take seriously what sounds to me like a prank call? Oh, it's PC, where everything is life or death.

Or is this about Tracy? Who would want her free, this much?

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Actually, I almost teared up during the proposal and the confrontation at the party. I think TG is really selling it right now that he loves Tracy. I think the woodeness is because he was trying to not show how he was really feeling when they were lying to Tracy. Agreed that GF just isn't very good. And yeah again I love me some Dillon. I am really liking the recast and how obviously hurt Dillon is FOR Tracy.

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Well, I am suspecting the whole thing could somehow be about ELQ, and that the shares Luke has, he'll have to give up to get Lucky released, but I wasn't specifically thinking Tracy.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if it were Paul behind it all(I don't even care about the reason. I know it's not likely, it's probably Helena, it's such a stupid, stupid story.

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I think Tracy is, as Wally Kurth once said, " a woman crying out to be loved". It says a lot about her so called family that she'd take scraps from Luke, scraps from servants(I can remember Reginald comforting her several times) and those "lower" than her, because she's so hungry for any kind of positive attention at all. I think the reason Tracy will take Sabrina's offer of friendship is for those reasons, and those reasons are the same ones why she's so "warm and fuzzy" about baby AJ and probably Danny, too. For someone who is supposed to be so snobby and uppity, she just wants what everyone else wants. She just tries to get it all the wrong ways, with mostly the wrong people.

What worries me is the previews. Tracy is yelling at Dillon and he's breathing really fast, like he's emotionally distressed. Did she slap him for something? She didn't seem mad enough to do it, but if she did, BAD TRACY. NO. Your baby was defending your honor, even if you don't know it. He's obviously upset though, and it's because of LnL's lie and this stupid stupid stupid SL. What does he say? Does anyone know? Is his lie to her what she is emotionally distraught over, that she needs comforting for, or is it simply Luke leaving with Laura?

And yeah I do think once Tracy knows Dillon and Lulu both knew, it's gonna be heartwrenching. I'm really liking this Dillon and I think he's great with JE. I can't wait for tomorrow. I haven't said that about GH in so, so long. I agree MsQ, I don't care why we got Dillon back. I am just gonna enjoy it while it lasts. smile.png

ETA to ask, anyone have any Q spoilers?

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truenorth, I thought Ned was the only one who handed shares over for Olivia and the baby? Still strange though... They hadn't been together that long, and all of a sudden, he was giving up his family's company for her. I did like them together though, and now, I miss Ned again.

ILTQ, if you were in college and had to write a character analysis for a literature class or whatever, you would totally succeed at writing one about Tracy (even though GH is not literature, but whatever). I do remember a couple scenes with Reginald, but again, never thought of them as friends, but your description of why Tracy interacts with these characters makes perfect sense. And now, I really need a Tracy/Avery scene once a week. They are too adorable. wub.png

About Dillon - it didn't seem like she slapped him to me, but why do I feel like she's slapped Ned before? Maybe Dillon is breathing fast 'cause he is trying to figure out what to say. He is probably not as good as a liar as the rest of the Quartermaines - ha. I have no clue what he says, but Tracy seems really upset. The only spoiler said that Tracy tries to get the truth out of Lulu. I didn't even know Dillon was going to be part of it. Hopefully, it comes out that the 2 of them knew, didn't tell Tracy, and then, she can react accordingly. I think Dillon comforts Tracy on Wednesday because LnL go off together.

My question is did this mysterious person specifically say that Tracy had to be left out? I can't remember what Laura said. Why not clue her in, and then she can act like LnL are getting back together - complete with removing the ring and reaming into Luke. It's sad that she had to have her heart broken again. I know a lot of people don't have pity for her because she keeps taking Luke back, but people in love do foolish things, right?

Haven't seen any spoilers beyond this week. Apparently, Teresa Castillo said she and Jane have more coming up, so I'm all about that. Guessing it's ELQ related. Hope Tracy stays in that story. Since Tracy's been on quite a bit the last few weeks, I'm guessing her air time will decrease for a little while later this month and into July. Hopefully, I'm wrong about that.

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I think it is too bad that the writers chose to have the story end for them this way, but I am not sorry that Tracy got angry and decided to speak the brutally honest truth to Luke.

I think when all is said and done, and Tracy becomes aware that everything that Laura and Luke did was to save their son, I think that she will be glad that they were able to come to their son's aid, I really do. I seem to have more faith in Tracy than a lot of people (here and elsewhere). Unfortunately, I feel that even if she might be able to get over that part of the deceit, there are two other parts that she will not get over easily. The first part of that is that Lulu and Dillon knew the truth way sooner than she did and didn't tell her. The second part to that is that Luke didn't have any trust in her and that she would understand from the get-go.

See, if anything, that convo needs to happen. Then and only then will we find out if Lunacy has a chance, or not. With Tony Geary leaving the show, we know that there is no chance.

I will say that I hope the Tracy/Sabrina friendship takes off. Sabrina needs more friends and so does Tracy. Besides, if Tracy and Lulu have a falling out in the near future, that new found friendship could be just what the Doctor (Dr. O) ordered.

I agree with the person that said that Tracy and Doc O should be friends. They seem more likely to have things in common than Tracy and other characters. As for those that said that Tracy is too high class to be friends with the likes of Sam and Sabrina, why would anyone say such a silly thing? Even if Tracy feels that way, I am surprised that so many on here feel that way. JE is a legend, a tried and true pro in the genre. Anyone and everyone on the show would benefit to share scenes with her.

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