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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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aww. shucks. you thought of me. awwwww. thanks.

All is good. my neighborhood is perfectly fine. We were spared from the craziness. Thankfully.

Somebody tell me what's going on with AJ & Monica?!! She KNEW he was alive? I saw a little bit today, but Sandy messed up afternoon TV all last week, and I have no idea what she knew and how AJ's presence is being explained. Somebody fill me in.

and WHY is Tracy going to jail!?!?!

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<p> </p>

<p>Of course I did, Sweetie - it's me, remember! :D</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Glad to know you weren't swept away.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>As for the jail thing, I haven't got a clue. Obviously I have to catch up on my viewing too.</p>

<div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

Edited by remos
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Lainey, after AJ was pronounced dead, Monica went into AJ’s room alone. She told him that she hoped he finally was at peace, that she would do anything she could to let him know he was a worthwhile person, that she would try to teach him to like himself, and that she loved him. After her speech, AJ wheezed, and Monica saw that he came back to life.

In order to save him from a life in a prison (as many people wanted to see him pay), she and Steven Webber faked his death, autopsy, and snuck him out of the hospital. Meanwhile, upon AJ’s return, we learned that he had completed physical therapy and no longer needed a wheelchair or cane to be mobile (he was left paralyzed after falling off the Quartermaine balcony with Jason).

As for Tracy – I think the old spoilers about her being arrested were false, and that this most recent spoiler refers to her escaping from wherever Alice and Monica put her to keep her quiet about AJ. I could be wrong though, but that’s my take on it. She’ll probably be locked in the freezer again.

Also, for those who may or may not know, Kelly Monaco and at least one of the babies that play Danny recently taped with Jane Elliot.

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^^^ Thanks! I feel like I may have read that Michael/Tracy/boathouse thing somewhere, but it totally had slipped my mind.

It's been so great to be a Quartermaine fan lately... Monica is actually dominating the screen (who would have thought?!), and Tracy and AJ have things to do as well... Seeing Alan was a nice surprise the other day... I just wish Ned could return full-time... Build the family up again - a little at a time, whatever it takes... This is like my Dream GH.

I wonder how long it will last?!? hooked, our spoiler queen - any ideas???

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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