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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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When seeing Tony's response to these questions I get the feeling that he misses his "work wife" He is also right that without conflict on soaps the relationship dies and they become obsolete. TPTB could have written them a bunch of different ways, instead they are still on very good speaking terms and are still friends, what person on the planet goes to their ex to talk about their problems?!?

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I truly think it's just a matter of time - and that's the storyteller in me, not the fangirl. TG has never been quiet about his preferences, just rather politically aware in making them, even when they piss off a fanbase or five. Tracy and Luke did not let each other go, and I find it quite an interesting dynamic to have them being 'girlfriends' on the show. WHEN they do come together again, I think it will be shown that being together is as natural as breathing for them - even when official apart, they still find each other to talk about the important things in life. Over time, that will show itself to be an even more solid foundation for them.

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Ms.Quartermaine I cannot thank you enough for the clips,makes me miss LuNacy even more! I was watching and I really do notice what they bring out in each other (not that I never noticed it before because I always have) their faces are full of emotion,they act with each other so naturally (they must really miss working with each other as much as they used to *tear,they probably had their own "future" for their storylines,they also probably got upset for not acting with each other) .Their characters like in real life known each other for a long time,and they must've been soo happy to get to work with each other after many years. Their chemistry is unbreakable,too much for words to describe. You can tell they miss each other,by the way they act,Jane always puts her best foot forward no matter what scene or storyline,Tony on the other hand acts totally different,not as humorous,loveable,believable. He acts desperate towards the Anna/Luke ship,like he doesn't want it? When he's with Jane,Julie,Sonny or his other "family" cast it's wayy better,even with Robin Christopher and I hate Skye! He totally misses Jane,Finola is awesome and I love her but she's nothing compared to Jane or Jane/Tony's relationship and Luke/Tracy ship!

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<p>^^ that's actually a very good observation. He brings his best to the table when he enjoys the story, and he so obviously doesn't enjoy the Luke/Anna thing anywhere near as much as he enjoys any scene he can get with Jane. I want to laugh every time he tries to pretend as Luke that he's &quot;crazy about Anna&quot;, when he has more enthusiasm about ordering room service. And yet one moment between Luke and Tracy, and they sparkle.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>The longterm ship is so obvious in terms of who works best - I just hope TPTB have removed their rose coloured glasses and are now looking at reality.</p>

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Edited by remos
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Tracy and Luke are going as a pair to the partay!!! She's some marrinette,and lukes some French man way back n the day. So they match basically,Anna's a skipper,Patrick racecar driver (cute),britt nurse,Michael and starr vampires,lulu cat woman,spinelli the body,and that's wat I remember off the top of my head.

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A little bit of Tracy today. Nothing earth shattering. I thought it was hypocritcal of her to basically make fun of Monica talking to her son's spirit (Monica was actually talking to AJ but pretended she was talking to Jason's spirit). Also, Tracy made a comment that the real problem would be when Jason starts talking back. Uh, Tracy? Remember Alan? After he died, you had conservations for months with him!!! Oy... Would have been a nice bit of continuity for Luke to bring that up when she was telling him about Monica.

That photograph of Little Jason as the football player and AJ as the grim reaper was totally photoshopped!!! The grim reaper part, I mean...It was so phony, like a cartoon. I couldn't believe they kept showing the same photo.

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I think that was probably the intent of pot meet kettle of tracy making fun of monica for talking to a dead person when she did it for months

btw this year is shaping up to be better than last year. Last year episode count was pathetic 61 total

At end of oct JE is at 68

Nov should be a good month

Edited by hookedongh
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Just caught up - nice to see AJ returned. Hope when TPTB are playing with history that they will remember the meat hook.

All this talk about Tracy being cruel to Monica and I didn't see that at all. Tracy acknowledged something I've been saying for awhile, that she has her children and can afford to be sympathetic.

Did I really see Tracy ENCOURAGE Luke to tail Anna to the HS? Really?????? No… not right...

Nice to see Diane back. Did someone say she has or will be working with Tracy? CH lost it slightly in the scene with Todd where he said "make it out to Beelzebub" (loved that)

Are we now well and truly done with Jason? please? with a cherry on top?

Liking Duke more every time. Loved his interaction with Emma, just wish he would bring Robin home faster and reunite her. There's a reason for that…. not sure what it could be, but if he is the real Duke (and I'm going with that at the moment) then he knows how much Robin is loved by everyone, himself included, and he would not keep her away needlessly.

Luke is being written as a fool. Hate that.

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I think Tracy is being written as a fool, too. She almost seemed to be following him out of Kelly's like a loyal dog-and I hated that. I hate that she is following him at all. Enough of that. She is Tracy freaking Q. She needs at least ONE man that sees how awesome she is and does NOT have eyes for any other woman.

She had one. They killed him off. And if were not for the fact that the Qs are starting to get awesome again, I might quit this show for that alone. I will NOT sit through Tracy making a fool of herself over Luke again. I won't sit through Luke getting dumped by Anna and deciding that because he is alone, Tracy is better than nothing. Never again. The ONLY reason L&T are at the party today together is because Anna blew him off.

It's all just so very, very wrong. Tracy Q is NOBODY'S consolation prize-and it's high time, if Luke wants her back, that the reason why is because he realizes, REALLY realizes, what he is missing. I don't think that is going to happen here, but of course, with Robert back, Luke doesn't have a chance with Anna.

But hopefully by the time he realizes this, Tracy will be too busy with another man, to notice. It's high time Luke fought for HER.

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I do not foresee luke back with tracy again ever. I think they have worked very hard to change them to BFFs and tracy is the one who suggested he go to the party and she seemed well aware that the only reason he wanted her to come with him was to help spy. I didn't view it as her following him like a puppy dog--she seemed to be taking joy in pointing out that anna blew him off and giving him some [!@#$%^&*] about it. I thought it was funny. It would have been nice for tracy/lulu to have a scene or at least say hello to each other tho

actually I think luke is not being written to be a fool. He is the only one who is really questioning Duke's story and has the spidey sense to not take it at face value. He is not however getting a clue that anna is "just not that into you"

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Agreed I couldn't beleive she encouraged him?! I love Duke no matter what even if he is a villan,for now because he makes way more sense with Anna than Luke ever will. And I agree once again,Luke seems way too desperate for Anna to actually be Luke anymore,its just not right. And I was on facebook,YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE HOW MANY LUNACY FANS THERE ARE! There was not one single comment(on a photo with them @ the halloween party that captioned,"Is it a good idea for Luke to take Tracy to the party") that opposed to them being a couple,and I agree 100%. Once a LuNacy fan,always a LuNacy fan.

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