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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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KNH, I work at a theatre on Broadway. It's VERY tough to get in. It's about connections, friends, and family. If u send something to a theatre make sure there is a show there and send your resume directly to the propmaster in charge of THAT show. Or you might want to send to a show in tryouts (pre-broadway) and send it to prop master. It will take alot of research to get info but even working regularly as a prop person on broadway requires keeping your ear to the ground.

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This is all as disturbing as the Tracy/Anthony marriage.

Glad I'm not watching. Ping me when lunacy is back.

I gotta say, I really like the oltl creative team. Their storylines are over the top soapy, they give women over 40 sex, love, lust and bed scenes, and they respect vets/history of the show. however, they kept Bo and Nora apart for ten years, and I didn't watch for ten years. By the time I came back, show was dying. Now it's dead!!! And that's sad. What I'm saying is... There is some chemistry that just clicks and is undeniably good and you can't ignore it, and the fans, just because you want to do "soapy." do it another way. If you lose fans (and you lost this one) you die!!

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Thanks. I thought it was you but its been a while so i couldnt remember. Sadly I know all that. I was hoping maybe it wasn't really the case though. I know the right people already so I should be able to get something. I have cousins in ny who are art directors and producers and I know art directors in LA and I still get nowhere. The prop master tip is the best one I've gotten so far so thanks a ton!!!

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TV source previews

Luke and Anna wake up in bed together. Surprise! Guess who walks in? Who will Luke choose? While he tries to figure it out, both Anna and Tracy plan a romantic evening with him. And while both ladies wonder where Luke is, Anna admits to Tracy that she wants a relationship with Luke. How is Tracy going to react to Anna? Wait a minute. Where is Luke?

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From sz for this week: Sure hope Tracy doesn't let him come crawling back down the road after his romance with anna blows up in his face!

Despite lingering feelings for his ex-wife, Tracy, Luke takes Anna to bed anyway.

  • Luke makes a choice between Tracy and Anna. But then there’s Heather, with a boner for Luke and a cunning to do whatever it takes to win him from both Tracy and Anna.
  • Luke and Anna are in the midst of afterglow when a certain someone bombards the lovefest.
  • Anna prepares to spend a sexy night with Luke. But then so does Tracy.
  • Anna talks about falling for Luke—with Tracy. Mushroom cloud.
  • Anna and Tracy sit stewing, wondering where Luke went off to and why he’s late.
  • Heather pulls the mother of all hijacks to divert Luke’s attention solely to her.
  • Anna senses there’s yet another snitch in the police force. To smoke this backstabber out, she calls a meeting.

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I'm going to be tentatively cautious as I am with all spoilers, because ultimately in this mix I think Tracy and Anna will be the most interesting duo.

I do agree with Nex, we don't need grown grandmothers having a catfight (as much as I love LuNacy, Luke really isn't worth it).

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remember monica and tracy fighting in the elevator when monica had her down on the ground--that was pififul! This isn't dynasty in the 80s!

Hopefully their catfight will be of the verbal nature

I just hope they don't have anna dressed all sexy for her romantic night and tracy in some tablecloth preparing for hers!

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<p>I'm actually not hating this. I finally saw the scenes on Friday between Luke and Lulu, and I'm not appalled. It would have been nice to hear Luke wax poetic about Tracy, but on the other hand Lulu has had a front row seat for LuNacy for the past 7 years, and doesn't need to be told Tracy's faults or assets. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>But to be perfectly honest - and this is someone who likes the McBam dynamic - Anna and JOHN are the ones with outstanding chemistry. It's them I want to see a lot more of. When they talked about how scared they were of Tracy, I laughed so hard. She is scary, &quot;formidable&quot; being the polite term.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I'm suspecting that any &quot;cat fight&quot; would not be the Tracy/Monica roll on elevator floor we saw the other year (which was only impressive because at their age they could still do it, and get up easily again), but something more verbal. That was a stupid call the other year.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>If I was writing this particular little tale, I would have LuNacy and Anna/John for the finale, with a healthy dose of Anna/Tracy in the mix. I think the four of them are the most interesting quad being offered on GH at the moment. They can play it all, while other stories have very little humour intrinsic to their story. This is genuine affection and respect mixed with humour, history and sexual attraction. No matter how this turns out, if this is the theme, it's going to be entertaining. The WORST thing they could do with this is make Tracy the harpy she was in yester-year. That would totally skew this to Anna's favour and ruin the enjoyment in this story. So long as everyone stays connected and mature in this story, it will be a fun romp. And having Anna's confidant at the moment be John, while Tracy has Alice, is brilliant. The real trick will be to keep this story going with Luke out of the picture yet still at the pinnacle of the triangle - although he does have to show more interest in Tracy to make this believable, because right now it's looking like he wants Anna. And then there is Heather….</p>

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<p>No, I don't think Monica is the one to be sharing drinks with at all. There has always been an interesting dynamic between Alice and Tracy, and it's nice to see that entertained a bit more. Alice really likes Luke, so she is the one to share this with.</p>

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If I were a betting woman, I would say the reason Tracy is sharing this stuff with alice is 1) cause there is nobody else left to share it with -- no family or kids and 2) she has no friends to speak of and 3) Bergen is cheap!

Not because they want to explore Tracy/alice relationship IMO

As far as leslie goes, I find it really odd unless she wasn't available to work on the day they wanted her to so now they are like whatever who needs you.

Last night taht HNY insider said again that alan is slated for a visit as Tracy's conscience as well as to be resurrected down the line

I would think they would need monica for that

Also that SD return might be at the loss of JI as Edward and that RC had to throw out several edward scripts which doesn't bode well for what JI's heath status is.

I would rather them right him out with a tribute like the Asa funeral on OLTL then just refer to him as upstairs etc

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I didn't say they were exploring the relationship, just that it was a smart connection to use in this context. Monica is more of a bitch than Tracy ever wanted to be, and I'm not interested in seeing her pinched face pretend interest in a woman she's been quite cruel to over the years. Alice is a subordinate, and it's not unheard of for staff to hold confidences. (Not missing her either.)

I get the sense that JI is a huge question mark for the show at this time, and why wouldn't it be? He let it be known he wasn't happy about being disregarded by the previous regime, then is wife dies suddenly and his own health is bad. DOOL dealt with Alice like this for years. She wasn't in a storyline but she was mentioned through conversation - far better than how GH dealt with Lila before AL died.

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