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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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that's actually what I downloaded to convert all my files, but a0 it was taking forever and b0 i guess i didn't need to do that anyway. once i saved it as one file I had to save it to the actual burning program to make it into a movie instead of just the mixed files all put together like I had it.

and I don't mind it being us... as long as it's not just me talking to myself for about 30 posts.. if I wanted that I'd actually use one of the thousand diaries I had... lol, jk :)

i am kind of impressed at the sweeps (now hear me out b/c they tend for fall short in my eyes with all the build up sweeps get). This is the first time I can rememeber where they are not all locked in 1 room for the whole of the sweeps season!! they started that way, and really it was only a few at that, and now everyone has spread out, at the hospital, that hotel, th party at alexis'... I am waiting to see how everything is going to be put together. I still would have liked a huge scare for tracy so luke can come and save her and get her back, but then again- I'm just sappy enough to want that right away, and I don't think I'd want tracy to give up just b/c he played hero so I can let that slide. but we all have our ideas on how it'll play out and usually the fans aren't that far off, but i'm still curious b/c it IS so fragmented so far. I sort of like it as opposed to the sitting duck scenario that always happens

so what's new hooked? how's the school situation going? any decisions yet? I didn't really your son is my sister's age. my sis has fantastic grades and she's field hockey captain and a greta player so she got into her top and only choice pretty quickly, but she is the biggest stress case I have ever seen, second only to one of my other sister's (who is getting married in september and is surprisingly NOT stressed about the details with that) so I'm glad it worked out that way!

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Did anybody else notice yesterday Tracy and Anthony were being civil to one another!?!? I don't like it!!!

Do we know when Tony comes back from his vacation, because I saw Luke in the new promo along with Emma Sams but I don't know how far into the future that is. I guess I should pay better attention. :)

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Rumour today is that TG wants nothing to do with a reinvisioned Claire Labine version of Luke who is domesticated so he will walk before that, and also pissed that Ethan will be made a Scorpio out of some twisted attempt to appease LnL fans, and with that goes any reunion of that long overdone pairing.

Who knows, but Tracy and AZ would never logically co-exist. I do wonder what they plan on doing with those two and the blackmail. I don't watch the show as it is, but that would completely end even a casual observation on my part. IMO Luke and Tracy give something to each other that alone (or with others) has been sorely missing. If they destroy that pair - honestly without really even seeing what they are capable of - I don't see the point of either character continuing. I certainly won't be.

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At this point, I've really given up all hope for LuNacy. I've gotten used to them being apart, and I'm okay with it as long as Tracy gets good material elsewhere. I'm more of a hardcore Tracy fan than a LuNacy one, though I did love them together. As for Luke, I've never liked him outside of his romantic pairings. I don't think the character works unless he's in a marriage. I loved Luke/Laura and I loved Luke/Tracy. If TPTB are not interested in either, then I'd be just fine with him walking.

All I care about is that they give JE real material to work with. Her, I adore.

Edited by SoapBoy94
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I think Luke still has potential, they just have to remember who this character is. He's not a romantic lead, he's not a hero, he's not a bar tender, he's not a manager, but unfortunately since almost the minute Monty left the first time, that is exactly how he was drawn. The reason he works with Tracy better than anyone else ever, is because they both have hearts of gold that they don't want anyone else to know, they have loyalty to extreme that they don't want anyone else to know, and they can outsmart anyone else around them. They are kindred souls that set each other on fire. Now show me THAT and we'll have a power pair that no show has ever done before.

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not having ANY of that. i know tracy is capable of all of having compassion (though hidden from most) for the most unlikely character, as we've seen. but I don't like this one bit unless it means she is going to end up with a friend on team tracy when all is said and done. if this is a more permanent pairing I'm not happy. This is how they started out with making LnTr love each other. it was her having compassion over situatiosn with lulu or laura or whatever. I agree with TG if they are really going to be doing this whole reinvention thing for luke. You can't reinvent the wheel, especially after said wheel has been a HIT for decades. you want to rework a story in bits and pieces it can be done but you can't can't CAN"T change his whole personality. plus, do the writers realize if they change all this about him it'll change what made it work with all past stories.

i will never stop holding out hope for luke and tracy combos, but I am a hardcore tracy lover as well, so if she has good stories I am a happy girl, just slightly less happy than I would be with luke and tracy. This thing with little oneliners doesn't cut it. can't just drop her in everyone else's scene just b/c she is screen gold ORRRR a smarter thing for them to realise is that if they are doing that b/c she IS screen gold wouldn't she be just as golden with her own story!!??

I was thinking about it the other day when I was watching an past scene- how they have been making her seem just a little out of character with luke toward the end b/c she was having and acting less fun and comedic and full of life. she made me sad for her, and usually i love that b/c no one does touching like JE, but I wanted some more of the old tracy back. they need a happy medium. Then I realized it was kind of like the old Tracy. we just need her to throw her weight around and pull a "tracy" to get what she wants, but historically she has acted kind of like this with men she loves. She is always very hurt (look at Paul) and sad and a little desperate. This is the only time besides maybe larry ashton that one of them actually loved her too so it's a totally new situation. i think that's why she's willing to give up, b/c 1st she never fully believes it is for real, or at least that he cares as much as she does, and 2nd b/c she doesn't want to hurt as much as she does... so sad for her

analysis over. now I'm watching todays epi though I haven't seen our girl yet so we'll see how this goes

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well here is what I know for sure

Jane/Tony havent taped together since before the holidays

Tony has been working a lot

Neither monica/tracy/edward (for obvoius reasons as JI is not well and his wife just died) are at robin's memorial

Jane has barely worked in weeks

Yet BW continues to work and BB and TG

I know RC has to have time to get his stories started but right now with probably only five months of taping left it is not making me very optimistic

Oh at the drops about TG being pissed or whatever is from this crazy person who writes these long ass book posts that are all taken from all over random spoilers and full of liz agenda. so I wouldn't go by that

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I don't go by any of it, including how much each regime seems to "love" JE and her work yet it's still all about the men. It's all fodder for the mill.

Regardless of who's information I read, I'm not intrigued to see the show. Even Douchebag Insider is no longer entertaining.

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^^You know what, I watch and I feel nothing! I think my anger is in the way, let me just say that a good friend of mine died last year and now EVERYTHING makes me cry, a commercial can bring the waterworks. But after watching the past few days I am just so disgusted at how they are treating this "death" if I was KMc I would be fuming!

As a core character who has been on the show since the age of 7 to have her die, thats one thing, but to have her death not even be about her but the local "hero" hitman Jason, no effing way! I could not believe how nonchalant the hospital staff, Sam and MONICA were acting yesterday. Monica who new her all her life casually walked up to Sam and said "I heard about Robin" not a tear she barely seemed upset but more upset that Jason no longer has his cure!

Don't even get me started on today, I haven't even watched but I read what everybody was saying about what Sam said to Patrick and it makes me sick! Okay, i'm done ranting! LOL

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