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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Actually, in terms of animal products, I agree. I have not completely yet cut out meat, and I don't know that I will completely, but I can say that for the past few weeks I've had maybe two days where I ate meat, and I can tell a difference in how I feel. The doctor thinks the reason I have so much pain in one knee and my foot is that I have gout because of a high uric acid content or whatever. I've been reading up, and the advice is to avoid as much meat as possible. I thought it was ridiculous, but I have been almost pain free in the last few weeks. It's not that I even ate a lot of meat, I don't, I never have-but giving up the little bit I did eat has shown me there is some merit to it. It has also helped my circulation and other things.

I do miss it a little-for the past two days I have been craving bacon something fierce, and I hardly ate bacon anyway, but I want some so bad right now, LOL.

I am also craving chocolate chip cookies though (not at the same time) so maybe it's just a salty/sweet thing.

Well, good for Bergen, I am happy for her. The weight loss is very startling, though.

I wonder what a vegan cookie tastes like-no eggs, no dairy-I would imagine they taste like a sawdust patty.

I'll stick with my regular cookies when I want one, though I have had carob chips instead of chocolate chips, and they actually aren't bad. WHen my sister had a lump from her breast removed years ago(non cancerous), she went on this carob kick. The doctor told her that her high caffeine intake, plus the sugar and fat in her diet, contributed to the formation of the lump.

So of course there is lots of logic behind the vegan/healthy diet defense.

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<p>About the only Vegan thing that really can't compare is marshmallows. Those are very expensive and can't make a S'more to save their souls. Otherwise the food is actually pretty good. I have a recipe for oatmeal 'cookies' that are raw and addictive. I had raw raspberry 'cheesecake' 6 months ago and it was amazing.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I know some/many of you don't like her, but I've always enjoyed Lexi and it appears she is about to leave. That is making me rather sad. Ethina was never really given a chance - but others are leaving so perhaps Ethan will be going with her. Once I see who the lost is that's leaving (and if this is to make room for GF I'm completely disgusted) we'll see if I'm going to bother remaining.</p>

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Edited by remos
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It helps to give up cheese when dairy isn't your friend any longer. I gave up most wheat products for the same reason.

I haven't got the recipe handy (I bought the cake) but it involves a whole load of raw cashews. Even though it's raw, it's still packed with calories. The upside is they are basically whole food calories with the good type of fat, so your body can handle them so much better than processed cheesecake.

I really hope the Lexi spoilers are just rumours. I really like her and if they cut too many characters they won't have anyone to tell complex stories with.

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I honestly wonder sometimes if our bodies were meant to process too much meat or meat products. I remember reading one time that pork of any kind was one of the hardest foods to digest, but so is corn, LOL...so I don't know.

I cannot deny when I skip the processed foods, even if do eat some meat, or skipping meat altogether, that my body just FEELS better.

I don't think I could be a vegetarian altogether. I do literally feel my body craving the iron sometimes that only a good piece of red meat can provide. As far as dairy, I love milk even though I am lactose intolerant. I have tried "Substitute" milks and some are okay, but nothing beats cow's milk for me. I don't eat a lot of eggs or cheese, I eat them so rarely I don't see what giving them up will really do, I mean if you only eat them a few times a month anyway....but milk I could drink every day.

I have tried to go organic, we have a good organic grocery store here, but Lord above so much of the stuff is expensive. Especially the meat. But I will say that I can tell a difference, no doubt about it, between organic and non organic foods. Especially the fresh produce.

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So I guess it seems that Lexi is out. I don't know. I think some may be jumping the gun, but it seems all but confirmed officially at this point.

As I said, I don't really care. I do NOT think it fair that pretty much every family on GH right now except the Scorpios, have two, three kids on canvas and the Q's have none. So I'm good with at least one of Alexis's and one of Sonny's going away.

Problem is, I bet they are planning on recasting her, if so, Kristina isn't going anywhere.

I'd feel bad for most of the fans if not for the fact that the SOC contingent has flat out made me loathe Kristina more than any other character on GH ever, including Laura. And I really don't think Lexi is exceptional in any way-there is nothing about her that makes her stand out for me.

So if Lexi is leaving, but Kristina is being recast, not much will change for me. The character still sucks rotten eggs.

If they don't recast.....I won't lie. I am going to celebrate the day Kristina leaves town. I don't think I'm lucky enough for her to be killed off.

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Considering some of the things LA has posted/been rumored to have posted on Twitter, I'm not so sure she's acting with the brat thing. And I definitely dislike the character, but I'll straight up admit 90% of my hate is because of the idiots on SOC. Not all of the Kristina/Ethina supporters get on my nerves, but if it was their intention to make me want the character dead, they did a bang up job.

At the very least, LA needs a gag order. Her comments to me are unprofessional. You don't diss your employer for trying to pair you with someone you don't want to be paired with (not public dissing, anyway) and you don't campaign like a maniac, CONSTANTLY bringing it up-to be paired with a certain actor or actress. LIke she has with NP. I get that she has a real life crush on him-that seems obvious, to me anyway. But there needs to be separation there.

It's one thing to mention someone you'd like to work with-but that is not what she has done.

I chalk some of it up to her young age and inexperience/immaturity, but for whatever reason, it rubs me as diva behavior and I dislike it, to put it mildly.

But as you said...honestly I doubt she is out.

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I pay pretty close attention and have met lexi in person twice now and she is very sweet. She is always very sweet tweeting with her fans. I never see her campaign for Nathan. I think her fans do though. Lexi is always like "would be fun" or "yes we have scenes" She is never like "yah I want to be paired with nathan." Ever.

As a matter of fact, Nathan's publicist made some rude comments on Nathan not wanting to be paired with someone who looked like a little girl.

she was totally classy with losing the emmy and unlike Nancy who admitted that she herself was so pissed that she literally walked out of the awards and said at her event that it was like a beauty contest between Phyllis Diller and ANgelina Jolie and Phyllis Diller won...Lexi seemed totally classy about it.

Nancy and Mo both totally went to bat for lexi when she was having a hard time when she first came on and she had to stand in her underwear in front of Jason and was very green. I don't know about Mo, but I'm sure Nancy doesn't go to bat for just anyone. She genuinely loves Lexi and Haley! It was apparent if you have seen them together which I did.

I have also talked with Lexi's mom and she seems very grounded, etc. Anyway, it is all a matter of opinion I guess, but I have never seen lexi be anything but gracious and sweet and if anything a little too naive on twitter.

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