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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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hooked, that was me. I tried to send you a PM but I'm not sure it went through.

Colin is doing great - 25 lbs., running around all over the place, talking (although his speech is still way delayed), and about to start daycare a week from Monday. I can't believe so much time has passed already. Here's a recent picture.


As for GH, I'm kinda rolling my eyes at the Tracy/AZ stuff but I also don't think I want her anywhere near Luke, sadly enough. Guza's parting shot seems to have been to kill any interest I had in any type of redemption for him. Unless AG pulls a rabbit out of his hat, I don't see the character as redeemable enough for what I would want for Tracy. And that's some feat, considering the tricks she's pulled in her lifetime. Here's hoping the writing gives it a chance (although part of me wonders if this is AG running interference since I don't see anything compelling about his return, either). AG was always such a fan of Luke's total decimation and I can't understand why. I definitely didn't think he was angelic as in the Laura days, but the whole turn since the intervention episodes, which were so freakin' fantastic, has been just pathetic and not even pity-worthy.

Tracy's better than that. I don't mind her with a scoundrel, but I don't want her with a sleazeball.

Hmmm... Guess I had more to say about that than I thought.

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^^ I think TG is a "company man". They give it to him, he sells it. Guza wanted his stuff about Luke sold, and TG went about doing it through interviews and on camera. While watching his scenes during Luke's downward spiral, you could see the man was trying to turn it into King Lear or something equally intriguing. TG can't be held responsible for Guza not writing any way out of the hole.

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You're probably right about TG being a company man. I just have no idea how they're going to get Luke out of this in a way that will make him likeable. I guess I should hold on and see. At the very least, Luke had better angst HARD over his various relationships. If that's their intent, the conversations with Skye just didn't bring that across at all and I need more than that to buy it.

I totally blame Guza on this one - it's a bit hard for me to be objective about a storyline where a toddler is run over, especially when the person who did it ducks out of town to avoid facing what has happened. Even if it was Luke, who's supposed to be in total denial.

Edited by stargazercmc
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He was never in denial that he killed Jake. The bearing of that responsibility is what sent him into the spiral in the first place. Imagine if this was Sonny? No excuse would have been left unturned. Luke is the walking example of taking on blame and responsibility - he has denied himself forgiveness or grace at every turn.

What has been OTT was the immediate and unrelenting attitude that he was drunk at the time and is a helpless alcoholic. I don't buy that one now and didn't months ago when it was floated. Ultimately THAT attitude is the one universally accepted to excuse Luke's killing of Jake but he is having none of it. It's sad, a little pathetic and terribly executed in the original writing, but there is something quite noble about a man who refuses to deny the damage he has created. Very few soap characters have ever owned up without allowing an excuse. More humans should be like that IMO.

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I agree with Star in reference to Luke. I am kinda over Lacy to be honest, if GW isn't going to redeem Luke enough to make him worthy of Tracy, I'd rather they ended and Laura or Skye or anyone else can have Luke.

My issue though, is that I would want it to be Tracy taking him out with the trash, not Bora "stealing" Luke away. Tracy deserves better, especially with GH likely ending, than to lose any man to that human potato. I don't think any woman deserves to be messed over for Laura's sake, but especially not Tracy.

As far as GW-I don't think he was made HW to save GH. I think he replaced Guza because he's cheaper. I think any PR from the GH TIIC camp, is just them doing a tap dance, stalling the audience until Katie Couric's show is ready to air(isn't that who is set to take the GH time slot?)

I think that the decision has already been made that GH is done. I think they just don't want to announce it because GH has far more rabid fans than AMC or OLTL, and TIIC believe the remaining fans would boycott ABC/GH if they were told it was going to be cancelled.

Never mind how stupid it would be to boycott as a means of trying to save the show-I think TIIC believe the fans would do it, and they'd lose most of the sponsors as a result-and be in total financial chaos until the replacement show starting airing.

I have thought this for a while, but something hooked said about John Ingle clarified it for me. If I'm remembering correctly, John said when he told her he was told GW was rebuilding the Q's, that Dillon was probably coming back and being replaced by JPL from OLTL.

I remember thinking, that's just an internet rumor/spec. What is an 85 year old man doing repeating something that so far has only/mainly been online speculation?

It just struck me as very odd. It also told me that most of the actors aren't being told anything, and if they are being told anything, it is appeasement so that the actors don't walk out before the show can end.

I don't believe GW has any more intention of rebuilding the Q's than Guza had. I believe GW is just as bad as Guza in the sense that he writes what he wants to write (otherwise why is AZ all over the place and LC/JI can't get zip,and JE wouldn't have zip if not for interacting with AZ?)

So, I'm for JE leaving any day. I don't want her going down with this ship. I want this character to die or leave town with dignity, and I have a feeling, if she is there when the show ends, GW will throw Tracy under the bus for LnL or someone/something else.

I'd rather she had her head held up and exited in a good way.

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I think it's too early to jump the gun. Spoilers have been more miss than hit, and long term plans aren't going to be seen immediately by definition. GW has a lot to "fix" I'm sure, and it's a step at a time because he's not doing the advertised "re-boot" thing that Days is doing. I'm content to sit back and see what happens. Already there is integration, longer scenes, more POVs, and greater balance. From my reading those were numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 on most peoples' Ways to Improve General Hospital lists. Specific characters and stories are further-down-the-road issues.

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Too early to say that the decision has been made to end the show?

I don't think so. Call it discernment, call it intuition, instinct, whatever you want to call it, I feel it in my bones and have for a little while now, and I'm not even watching.

Things are too---uneasy. Even on message boards. I think a lot of people have come to this conclusion, and people think by not saying it out loud that they are delaying the inevitable.

I personally don't care about it being cancelled as long as JE gets treated fairly.

My only reason for caring about GH-the Q's-hasn't been a factor in YEARS. The Q's are dead, and GW has no plans to revive them. He's a spin doctor, like Guza. When I see something tangible and concrete-like bringing back contract players with major story-I'll believe he has any more interest in the Q's than Guza did. Until then, it's baloney. Perhaps I'm way jaded from years of reading Guza's load of crap, but I do think the show is on it's last legs and GW/Frons/TIIC are just spinning a web until the announcement is made.

And I don't think GH will go web based, nor should it. I think AMC/OLTL going to the web is sad. The fans and powers that be should have let both shows end with some dignity.

GH should end that way, God knows it has not been dignified for some time. It should go out that way, at least.

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ok have some spoiler pics to post when I get home. Someone got media pic access.

There are some of tracy at the spa with her robe and hair in a towel with AZ in a robe pointing at her and her with a face like get out. Then there is a pic of alice dressed like a masseuse or spa employee and I thought it was a man til further look. Those are for October 4th. Then for october 12th there are pics of tracy going to AZ's MC hotel room and she is wearing that pink long jacket she wore when she was in the police dept with sam that time. Then luke arrives, the nthe three of them are there and tracy is holding some type of paper. Then she is holding some black paper thing and yelling at luke it looks like.

spoilers are

Tracy gets three visitors as surprise

Luke tries to spar with tracy like old times and realizes things have changed.

Then new spoilers are

Tracy goes to the MC to visit AZ but luke interrupts

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hey here are some pics

Please do not repost anywhere as the person asked that specifically but said could be linked. If they see them posted they will stop doing it.

Spa is week of the 2nd, hotel is week of the 9th







Edited by hookedongh
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Amazing things can happen when you remove animal foods and by-products from your diet. We're in the process of doing that now and I've got to tell you as a Raw Vegan in Progress, I've never felt better.

Thanks for the pictures Hooked. I can't wait for LuNacy to be in the same place again. I'm terribly curious about what the "Tracy has changed" tip means.

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