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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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It's not the writers, it's the fans who have no sense of how story works, who are constantly demanding happy endings. That's fine for shows that have been cancelled so now everything can be wrapped up, but not for something that isn't showing signs of ending. And as we've seen by the last couple of times Laura has been on, there are certain vocal groups that are completely myopic on the topic and give TPTB serious grief. Why even have the writers bother to go there. It's not as if the "kids" are children nor do other offspring have their parents around. There is no need and no place for the character of Laura.

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I agree, to a point. I don't need Laura to come back and dominate story, or to reunite Luke. However, there are times when I feel her presence would be needed. When Lucky's son died, when Nikolas found out Aidan wasn't his, etc. Not to be frontburner, but just to pop in here and there as a support mechanism. And if they're not going to have Laura do it, they should have Denise Alexander (Lesley) do it. I think all characters benefit from a maternal figure of some sort. And while I love Tracy, and LOVE her relationship with Lucky/Lulu, I would like to see them explore their relationships with their mother or grandmother.

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I think Laura has dried up all her use, as well. YES, there could be great scenes with her and the kids in times of trouble, but in this medium, characters come and go ALL the time. I don't think it's prudent to bring back characters full time, just for a few sentimental scenes with their families (which is why I'm kinda riding the fence on which, if any, Q's really need to come back right now.)

Every major character should have an immediate reason for being on the canvas, even if they don't have immediate story. And to an extent, minor characters should, too, if they get any airtime.

For instance, Mac, commissioner. I get his presence, but it's not like they couldn't kill him off and fill his shoes with Dante or even Lucky.

Tracy OTOH brings something special no other female brings. People try to lump her with some of the other borderline bad girls, but she doesn't really fit. She can be (and has been) so many things to different people, she defies categorization IMO. (reason #1 she should be a LEAD female-there is still so much that can be done with her).

But what place would Laura have? She has no career here(although I suppose she could buy Crimson), and except for being a sounding piece for her kids, no immediate purpose.

I am glad some seem to be liking GW, but so far he seems to be showcasing the same people, he is just taking the time to showcase OTHERS, which Guza didn't do. But just by reading recaps, I am not buying into any great change as far as the focus of the show. I think Sonny, Carly and Jason will be the "stars" until the day the show dies.


And yes, I know Tracy has been around more with GW, but we might not see her at ALL during the summer with Guza, so ZERO appearances isn't tough to beat. She has only been on about six times since TG left, right?

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Ms. Q-- Yeah I'm back to work. Aug 15th we started back. I have to get back into the swing of things, ugh. I hate going to bed before midnight. I'm a night owl. hehe. Getting up early sucks lemons but I have to pay the bills.

Edited by funny1
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I'm still always amazed how early you folks head back. Good luck with the new year, Funny and Ms. Q. Try not to kill the screamers.

So it's roughly t-minus 30 hours until more Tracy? I haven't seen it since Liz found Lucky in the chapel and I couldn't deal with that teenage-wannabe reliving. I don't understand why TPTB think LL2 is anything to root for. Both are baby-faced, which belies their age, and have so much more chemistry and power with other actors. That's a really blind side as far as I can see.

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Hola! Back from my last trip/college visit.

So this week we have Tracy the 17th and 18th

I think she might be at the hospital and then at ELQ office with Skye both days

next week we have Tracy on the 24th with Skye again and Asher, then Skye is with AZ revealing their scheme

Week of the 29th

Monica jason fantasy--tracy in the Q part

And here are some new spoilers I got tonight for week of the 29th

Lulu and Tracy discuss their relationships

Tracy finds Skye with her hands in the Quartermaine safe, again

Tracy gets suspicious when Johnny comes looking for Skye

Later, Anthony has more on Tracy than she is prepared for

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so is that maybe 4 days out of 5 for the week of the 29th or will they lump everything into about 2? I can hope for 4 - most of the other stuff is boring to me - how many times can Sonny try to kill Jax or get arrested and it be interesting???? And Liz and Lucky are boring - maybe because I don't care for the character of Liz at all - and Carly - wow she just gets on my last nerve - why does she get so much air time???? How many times can you say "I'm part of Jason's life whether you like it or not?" and do people really care? I don't - I'll be really excited to see Tracy tomorrow and Friday - she brings so much to the screen - not just in the scene itself - but when she has a scene with Lulu for instance - the way Jane can play it - you can feel the love and concern she has for her - and she never has to say it - it's just there - in her eyes.....Her eyes have always amazed me - she can tell more with her eyes than most of them could say with 10 pages of dialogue.....Sorry didn't mean to go on so much - but I just watched today's episode and most of it I found so boring even though the writing is so much better - the characters are dead to me.....

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the week of the 29th she is on M with skye, (and possibly the q dream but that could be on firiday the 26th), T with Lulu and TH with AZ and then suspicious of johnny coming ot see skye. They are all at ELQ

the week of the 29th she is on M with skye, (and possibly the q dream but that could be on firiday the 26th), T with Lulu and TH with AZ and then suspicious of johnny coming ot see skye. They are all at ELQ

the week of the 29th she is on M with skye, (and possibly the q dream but that could be on firiday the 26th), T with Lulu and TH with AZ and then suspicious of johnny coming ot see skye. They are all at ELQ

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Thanks for the spoilers! Happy about Tracy tomorrow.

It's been a long time since I did "a year ago..." post, so I'm going to do that now 'cause I'm curious to see what we were talking about a year ago...



Wow. On August 16th, there was only 1 post, made by Truke in response to the lack of posts.

On August 17th (since it’ll be that day by the time I post this), the numbers are as follows:

hooked: 1

remos: 2

funny: 1

So, 4 posts total and the topic was a Lucky/Tracy spoiler and also we found out that Siobhan would be joining the cast…

Wow, this is the most boring “one year ago” post EVER. I probably shouldn’t do these at a time when Tracy didn’t receive a whole lot of screen time the year before.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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