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GH: Mulcahey OUT!

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I've been reading strange things since this whole ordeal has happened. People who just days ago were bashing PM and asking him to be let go since he is not that good... are changing their tune to... Poor victim PM, I am not watching without him... All over social media and boards.

It's kinda shocking to see the same people, same names, same avatars change their mind just like that because the narrative is different. What this says to me about people... About certain type of people. LOL. Human nature never seazes to amaze me.

I again have stated I believe PM would have been a great HW. That's what I believe and I stand by my words.  I think some people were too harsh on him too early and now backtracking and acting like they knew all along he was sabotaged and etc.

But I remember what I read and I remember who said what... Sadly.


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Also agreed.  We don't know exactly what happened.  Some speculation is reasonable but there is a limit to what we can be certain about.

I think it is very likely that PM is the one who suddenly decided that Kristina was gay, not bi.  That was left open for years.  I suspect that the new team will restore her to being bisexual, possibly even mentioning her marriage to Trey.  

It also seems probable that PM is the one who decided to restore Ava and Valentin to their villainous ways.  Those sudden turns were quite contrary to what the show had been doing until recently and feel like the result of a change in the HW team.  Again, the new HWs may decide to back off on that, to whatever extent they can.

Here are some other examples of decisions that feel like they came from the HW: declaring that Marshall was misdiagnosed; and Laura and Kevin actually adopting Ace, not just raising him.

I hated the decision to make Sasha the Q's cook, and I do suspect that this new aspect to her character came from Mulcahey, but we can't know for certain.  Either way, I definitely think he is the one who deserves credit for writing the scene between Michael and Sasha in which it was acknowledged that it was potentially awkward that she was cooking meals for her ex-boyfriend and his family.  

Toups, I didn't realize that you were an NFL fan.  I guess I gave into the stereotype of Canadians and assumed you were all about hockey.  Go Islanders!! (next year).  

Edited by StevieM
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Calling into question Marshall being schizophrenic was well underway before Dan & Chris were fired. What changed about that story was the idea that Marshall's poor healthcare was a product of racism & of stereotyping young black men as dangerous, IOW, bringing closure to the story that had seemingly dragged on forever & putting a political bent to the conclusion. 

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Liz 100%. Herbst will be brought back again once the backlash forces the network to act. Nina, Ava, Anna and Laura have been onscreen more than enough since the change and have ongoing stories to rule them out.  Liz has neither going on and nothing on that horizon. Trina will be kept around for the young set. 




Edited by Vince79
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Obvious to me. When you remove Patrick from the equation then there is no one left who does not HATE Becky, so it was clear that things were going to get worse for her. What's worse than her current often MIA status? FIRING. That's all that is worse. Why is this not obvious to everyone? 


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What the absolute fück is going on at this fücking soap?! You don't hire a name like PATRICK MULCAHEY, saddle him with a co-head writer and then fire HIM after five-months of writing. This has to be the quickest turn around of writers in forever, and I can't even process this. Honestly... I think Disney-ABC, Frank Valentini & Nate Varni did not realize how much of a "no" man Mulcahey would be, and it was off-putting. They clearly didn't like that she was starting to shake things up... and they clearly want the ass-kissing of Sonny & Carly, and then for Jason to return to the mob. It's all so off-putting. You don't hire a name like MULCAHEY and then fire him in five months, and then keep the previous regime for YEARS. This is mind-numbing. I give this soap a year.

I'm kind of done with American soaps, honestly... I'll watch as a supporter of General Hospital (the only American soap I watch), but both Australian and English soaps go above and beyond, in terms of so much.

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Mulcahey made his name as a dialogue writer. A brilliant dialogue writer. The rage over his firing is hilarious. He had no track record as a headwriter other than a few months at GL 30 years ago. And the sabotage theories are equally hilarious. The theory that anything good was his idea, everything bad was Korte/Valentini/Varni is ridiculous. 
Mulcahey plain and simply is not a good headwriter. This was a disaster from the get go. I said weeks ago that this would not work out and here we are sooner than even I expected.
He’ll probably go to The Gates and write dialogue. That’s his niche. Headwriting certainly is not his strong suit. 

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