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Y&R May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Lol Josh Griffith has had a pretty mixed bag on May Sweeps during this tenure, let’s review:

May 2019: Mixed bag. Adam’s return started out promising but then we got some whip lash and the story was rushed with Adam getting shot so quickly. GT Phyllis’ downfall was insulting before her exit.

May 2020: The best one, especially when that episode from 1981 aired. Oh wait

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May 2021: I have zero recollection of what May sweeps was for Y&R this year, probably that nonsense of Sally getting Summer her dream job but that being a very bad thing to do

God, 2021 was terrible.

May 2022: Okay this wasn’t too bad as the show felt like it was trying something in a new direction . Diane was back, Ashland was his bad self, we had the Teriah wedding, Rey was dead, we had Imani inviting Nate to take a shower with her (in Elena’s fantasy unfortunately). But eventually JG became rudderless again.

May 2023: Depressing as hell. Dead babies, dead cats, bombs strapped onto teenagers,   Phyllis pretending to be dead. Obviously JG was going through something personal right as the writers strike began.



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But seriously...lol...I like what you did here listing his May Sweeps. 2022 was easily the best one. Diane was back. I actually LOVE the Teriah wedding. The Ashland climax with ice bitca Victoria was flawlessly done before that rushed death and wrap-up. Who's Rey? And we all know how I feel about Imani. So much potential and gone with the wind and not even fabulous. 


Interesting that JG's writing does get dark when something is going bad in his personal life. I would say he needs a co-writer, but I guess that is a moot point now. 

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Soccer disruptions again-
Tues. April 30, Wed. May 1st, and Wed. May 8.

(affects only CBS broadcasts in western timezones.)
As in previous weeks, you might need to watch via different time/channel or online.
Details on page 2 of the soccer thread:


Edited by janea4old
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One thing I appreciated the other day was Summer being happy at the idea that Jordan was dead. I’ve been watching too many superhero shows lately and there’s nothing more annoying than characters having an entire breakdown because a bad guy was murdered instead of going to jail.

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NOPE!!! Lol this after Abby finally meeting one of Ashley’s alters and looking at Ashley strange. As for who is in control of Chancellor-Winters….let May sleeps begin @Taoboi 

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Abby also needs to stop rummaging through Stephanie Forrester’s pantsuit collection.

Christopher Cousins’ creep psychiatrist reminds me of Michael Knight’s creep doctor character from several years back. 

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LOL. I just finished last week today and I have to admit...that (Vicious Lily) was one of my highlights...along with the new Ashley alter and Victor bringing back his cage (see April thread). Lily being bitter and taking it out on EVERYONE has been highly entertaining to me. I was DEAD at her checking Mamie. 


Dare I hope it (Lil, Ash, Cage) is leading to an actual good May Sweeps...? 

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Oh definitely agree about Lily with a vengeance, although I almost would have also like to see Lily not let go of Daniel that easily. CK and the Graz still had it after all these years. I laughed at her being uncharacteristically nasty to Mamie as well lol. This is a side of Lily we need to see more often haha. 

It seems now the show is poised to revisit Lily and Billy, bringing this whole C-W business full circle it appears. 

Here’s to hoping for a half-decent May sweeps. Things come in threes, Y&R got good news in March about the 4-year renewal, Steve Kent’s departure in April, so what’s in store for us in May?

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Same. I was so excited to see a Lily/Daniel/Heather triangle. And it started so well and developed. And I was counting the days until CK came back from her leave...only to be disappointed by how they rushed that. I wanted to see Lily fight for it. I mean...they didn't mind enough of the history between the two cuz this is not even the first time this has happened between them. I love Lily got to at least lay into Heather and hopefully if they are going through with the lawsuit, we will get more of her doing it while Heather is giving it right back. Cuz VB CAN be fierce when she wants to be. I hope we have Vicious Lily around for a little while.


I admit that I have also been liking Vicious Lil with Billy. They are a lot more interesting now that Lily is not being written as lily (pun unintended) white/nice. I would have no problem with THIS Lily snatching him back from Chelesa...who is currently distracted anyway with Connor. 


Fingers crossed re: May. 

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