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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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It is so ridiculous that Sonny and Carly, etc. were comfy with Ava to begin with before this regime began. People whining that Ava is getting vilified in this run can miss me because a villain/antiheroine is what Ava is, period. I really like her scheming against Sonny and Carly, but outside of when she has the wool over his eyes (as she does now) neither of them should be able to share space with her for long.

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IIRC, Setton said her modesty was out of respect to her husband and neither her nor Josh wanted to do love scenes.  I don't think I even heard religion come into the discussion (although I am sure that plays a part).  It was a bit of a strange take because Amanda and her husband had to realize her income comes from being a soap actress and it generally requires love scenes.  

I do wonder if AS's weight gain after having her kids has affected her wanting to do love scenes as well.  I don't want to appear like I am bashing her or anything, but these buttoned up looks seemed to appear once she came back from maternity leave.

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I believe it was something that both Amanda and Josh talked about. They said since having kids, they decided they want to do naked love scenes anymore. They still kiss and some are quite passionate.


Now to BTS

GH needs a new EP

How about promoting Michelle Henry and/or Mary Kelly Weir

Or is Ginger Smith still up to being an EP of another daily Drama. She was EP of AMC with Prospect park

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Amanda was living by a modesty code long before they paired her with JS. And it did have a religious basis. 

Great segue. A woman would be a good idea. I'd personally like Wendy Riche but could also get up a head of steam for Shelley Curtis. I don't know the people you mention. Is experience with PP an asset? 

Do you recall that Shannon Peace had gone quiet & people hoped someone had made her see the error in what she was doing if she wants to work in this town again? Apparently not. She's posting again. 

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Yes.  On November 12, 2023, there was a Coastal Entertainment live fan zoom event with Josh Swickard and Amanda Setton.  This was discussed during that event.

Josh and Amanda said they don't want to show their characters
in hot lovemaking scenes, because they are married to other people in real life,  and they are concerned what will happen when their real-life children become teens and see GH clips online.

Here is a recap of that part of the zoom event:

"Josh and I are both married. We have young families, we’re wildly committed to our spouses, and it’s a boundary for us"  "the writers and the producers are super respectful of that, and we’re very grateful, and we are willing to chemistry it up and make-out up and make it all good in that way. But in terms of side by side in a bed with bra straps, it’s a bit of a boundary for us."
"I think we get pretty steamy. Like I think the way they write us and the gazing and the kissing and the loving and the hands on each other’s faces, and there’s a neck…it’s great."

"I think there’s ways to do it…there’s ways that they can massage the topic of, you know, falling into…bed,” chimed in Swickard. The actor explained it had to do with his growing brood. “Right now, I’m raising kids, and I’m like…they’re going to have the Internet in 13 years and thinking all those things through and wanting to do right, as an actor and wanting to do right by your family and throwing that all in a blender, it can be stressful at times."

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I don't see anything in their comments that imply it has a religious base.  It absolutely could, but I am just going off the actors comments and religion isn't mentioned at all.  They are just saying they don't want their kids to see their love scenes in 13 years.  Which

1. AS and JS would be lucky if their GH clips are on you tube in 13 years lol

2. You could just tell your teenage children it's fake and part of your job at that point lol.  I am sure a 15 year old or whatever could grasp that.

It's all weird.  I am not knocking anyone's beliefs or standards, but find a job better suited to your needs then?

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Yup.  I can see drawing a line at nudity or something like that, but GH's love scenes are mostly tame af.  It's not like it's OnlyFans or something.  If your teenage children can't understand that acting is fictional then you have more issues with parenting than a few chaste kisses and rolling around on some sheets on camera lol.

Great American Family or whatever should have AS and JS on speed dial.  That feels like a good place for them.

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We all know it was only a matter of time before Chase took a bullet in the line. Time to speed that up.

BLQ, well I think Amanda can do great work if she wants to but I'm not here for Brook Lynn as Agnes of God. So either she can change things up or she can go too.

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Just watched the “big” wedding. Did that episode really make it on the air across the country? Embarassing! A couple that few care about got married. Yawn. And having that untalented little girl singing is almost child abuse! No wonder Mulcahey was fired! Oh wait, he only did the good stuff and had nothing to do with the bad stuff. lol

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