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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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The network vetoed a gay bullying story with Shane Morasco on OLTL almost 15 years ago. That was during Frons' tenure though, and I doubt they'd step in on that kind of relevant issue today (I also just don't think they really care enough about that kind of strenuous oversight anymore). I think it's just down to the magic of FV's guarantee/block-tape-based pacing, and also the fact that frankly the kid playing Aiden is very weak.

I think there are better LGBT stories to be told on the show, but they won't be told with this kid. So I'd rather scrap the whole thing and send him off for a bit.

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But since it's not being scrapped, no reason to not discuss it among ourselves. 


I, for one, am glad for any spotlight on Elizabeth and her kids and have discussed it often enough to not have anyone shocked at my opinion.


And going back to technique, in daytime we have seen people raise to the occasion. We seen people...well, not. We most definitely have seen not...only for them to grow when giving something to work with. It may work, it may not. But at least the attempt is made. If it works...like storylines that shouldn't but find a groove...good. If it doesn't...also good. They may be eating crow. They may be not. Nothing wrong with a wait and see. 

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I know that homophobia and gay-bashing is on the rise, and you see every day just how much hell many young queer people face, but I don't really want to see this on the show. I'm tired of this being one of the only stories lgbt characters can have, and I don't trust them to do it right. Frank was involved in a deeply dangerous story about hate crimes against a gay man and I can't forget that.

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May I ask you to clarify your point?  Are you saying that while in the past ABC might have censured stories about gay youth, there is no evidence of a network or advertising effect on LGBT storytelling today? Or are you making a larger point? Because I fail to understand the reference to block taping in this regard.

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Yes, you may ask me to clarify this point. In the past Brian Frons' regime did scrap an OLTL story about gay teen bullying and made them omit the gay element, much like they quickly disposed of the Kish storyline on that show due to backlash and ratings losses. But that was over a decade ago. Frons is long gone and the network's disposition towards creative control (let alone interest in GH at all) has seemed laissez-faire at best for at least 7-8 years. While they may or may not have recently taken more interest in GH, I really doubt any new management is looking to tamp down a gay bullying subplot in the 2020s, especially as bullying and homophobic bullying has become much more relevant in the last decade-plus.

The other issue is FV, and that's that for many years his budget-conscious and preferential approach to block taping actors in bulk, banking material for actor episode guarantees, etc. has caused many stories or subplots to stop and start at strange and abrupt intervals after weeks or months off. That is another key reason I think most of the Aiden thing is offscreen. FV prioritizes other stories and characters, and also clearly considers the Aiden thing a C or D-plot at best. It was clearly never meant to be a major story. And it shouldn't be as long as this kid is in the role. So I say dump it.

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Whatever it is he's planning to do, actually officiate, give them a blessing, a benediction, etc. that is going to happen. Once he is done, all bets are off, though. Maybe we should have a death pool. End of the wedding, during the reception, the next day, ... last day of May Sweeps, when will Gregory kick the bucket? I have hated Gregory so for so long & now I actually feel that Harrison is doing a bang-up job with the acting as he gets worse. I feel I should feel bad, but I don't. 

I'm sure she is speaking of the way Frank handles taping. I am amazed at how badly out of order they tape. Their various continuity people literally save everyone's lives.  The best example I know of to illustrate is that Adam J. Harrington & Eva LaRue both taped their first episodes on the same day. He began airing 2-3 days after that tape day and continued on, regularly for weeks. He shot up in the episode counts from his first moment onward. She didn't have her initial appearance for 3 weeks. That is part of Frank's "genius" & it has an exemplary effect on budget but it says little to nothing for creativity. Creativity, or anything organic about the acting, be damned, the trains must run on time. 

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Hmm, well, I have Parkinsons & I can tell you that dancing has never been the same. Once your balance is affected, which is all the time, you can't really do it well, any more. But heck, this is a TV show, so he may throw down his cane & dance a jig. My bet is also Death At The Reception. Whether it's at the end of the wedding or like we're saying, during the reception, seems to me his dying is going to be a horrible breach of etiquette! I'm making light of a serious subject. The Chase family seems to bring this out in me. 

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That's morbid, so it probably will happen.

Anyway, I think PM/EK realize both Sasha and Willow are an issue and boring, so the career changes are at least acknowledging there is a problem there.  Hopefully they will realize the characters are dead ends eventually.  I don't really know why Willow has had 3 careers when both being a nurse or a teacher were viable enough.  I can understand moving Sasha out of Deception because she was never a believable spokesmodel, but I don't think the Q's chef is a solid choice either.

As far as Natalia, again, I just think the whole character is badly designed.  She's not "evil", but she's not nice and she's not really doing anything.  It feels like they cast ELR first and thought about the character second.  

Drew and Nina continue to be the best part of the show.  And I honestly can't believe I typed that.


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With Drew and Nina, this is my first time watching either character in any iteration so I have the luxury of lying to myself that they were always this watchable.

On that note, I'm actually coming around to this Molly a bit. No, I wouldn't really miss her if she was gone, but I think she's beginning to settle in a bit. Only Sasha and her whole aesthetic, especially those ugly ass outfits she wears, truly bother me on a continuous basis.

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It definitely helps!

I do think the latest Molly (or as I call her Relative of Cast Member Molly, Contest Winner Molly, etc.) has done better lately with better scripts, especially the other day with T.J. But I still find her to be an awkward Fake Shemp sort of recast, so I'd still dump both T.J. and Molly at the end of this story. You can bring back Molly at some future point far from now if there is an actual real storyline and interest in her vs. the last decade, either with a strong and not slapdash recast or, if Pullos has cleaned up her act, who knows.

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