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But most shows and movies announce casting far in advance. At this point, if they released the cast tomorrow I don't think that would be too soon. 

I will say, one concern I have with them filming in November is that it's going to be a tight turnaround in terms of promo. The show is premiering in January, so they have to hope everything goes right in November so they have stuff to promote with, hopefully starting in December.

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The head of CBS said the intention is to treat The Gates like one of their primetime launches. Everything we've seen so far suggests that'll be the case. Errol even posted about a PR firm being hired specifically to promote this show. I don't think they'll be hurting for promotion.

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I just put GATES in the title because that makes more sense to me. Not sure how you can abbreviate that like we do for the other soaps, and using the full name makes no sense to me.

Unless the show retitles itself between now and the premiere date, I would think GATES makes the most sense as being the formal title for the show when making topics/threads/posts.

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I just did a very quick dive to see how Michele Val Jean is referring to it in Twi/X posts. 

Every time she's doing this: 


Most recent two examples: 

#TheGates are closed today. It’s my birthday!

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Aug 27
Today was a big day for #TheGates. Wish I could share more but I needed to at least mark it. If you know, you know

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Yes, but that's for social media. We're talking about the SON Community within threads where we don't use hashtags, but abbreviations of each show's title like AMC for All My Children, B&B for The Bold and the Beautiful, SuBe for Sunset Beach or PSNS for Passions.

An abbreviation for The Gates, IMO, doesn't jive with the above format. Therefore, I'm going with GATES unless someone else comes up with a better option.

Agreed. TG reminds me of Tony Geary.

Just to add...

DAYS is the abbreviation for Days of our Lives (although some use DOOL). GATES just has one more letter, so I think it would be fine for The Gates.

For instance, when I release news stories going forward, I plan to use both #TheGates #Gates in my social media posts, even though the latter hashtag might be synonymous with Bill Gates or the Gates Foundation. Hey, more potential eyeballs.

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Yes, I believe they did. I think other soap mags at the time did as well. During my online era (1999/2000-present), I've only ever used the full names of the shows or their abbreviations, so BEACH wasn't my thing for that show. Just like PASS wasn't mine for Passions, although it felt like it should have been at times. Haha.

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Oh, I see. Yeah, that doesn't work because the only thing it could be would be TG & that won't work at all because of Tony Geary. As it is we have SB, SaBa, SuBe & BEACH & that's all because both Santa Barbara & Sunset Beach would prefer being "SB" & they can't both be. Alternately, people do PSSN, PSSNS, PSNS & some fans of that show, say, NO, spell it out. They are quite sure they do not like ANY of the 3-5 letter abbreviations, possible for it. 

I'm sure I will go with whatever the big dogs under whatever porch I happen to be at, are using. You're the big dog here, so GATES it is!!


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