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These current soaps are abominations that make me angry (beyond the overall quality, the racist Black erasure/marginalization we’re witnessing with Y&R/GH/B&B is especially unacceptable in 2024—I don’t follow DAYS at all anymore), but just echoing your excitement about the world that MVJ appears to be building and I’m glad that more information is coming out. (I was begging for some thread of hope for the genre—the three current network soaps are shameful.)

These character descriptions for THE GATES sound “specific” in a way characters on the legacy shows are no longer allowed to be. Characters on Y&R/GH/B&B are just tools to be used to serve whatever half-baked “storylines” (if you can even call them that) that TPTB think might sustain their dwindling viewership. Veteran characters coasting on past glories and name recognition—the Victors and the Sonnys—just feel so worn out and picked over. (I’m no longer even gonna acknowledge B&B anymore. That show is the pits.)

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It felt like we went straight to cokehead with a major problem there. I appreciate someone using it casually first, and not immediately going into an afterschool special.

This!! Because this is going to be on CBS, after reading your post, I tried to think of my first months viewing Y&R. Everyone was so specific, even if they travelled similar lanes. Jabot/Newman had John, Jack, Ashley, Jill, Victor, Neil, Brad, etc. Every single one of them had a real character, with different wants, needs, backgrounds, and branches away from there into other stories. Hoping The Gates is given a chance to build its world out.

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At this point—from a purely creative standpoint—I feel the old soaps need to be replaced with new shows. To quote Madame VP, we need fresh shows “unburdened by what has been.” THE GATES will be an interesting test case. I’m still skeptical but it’s the only glimmer we have.

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The Gates is an experiment that I hope succeeds and we get 5 more new soaps. However it is a risk. Here's hoping it pays off big. The Gates is not a competitor for GH, Days, BB & YR.  It is a new member of the daytime soap family.

Edited by John
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