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If it's true that B&B is vulnerable and that CBSD does not see it as a strong brand, then Bradley Bell and his team have only themselves to blame.  IMO, B&B has never really evolved as a show - and whenever it has been on the verge of evolving, like with the introduction of the Avant family, it's always retreated to the same old, tired stories and tropes.  I mean, here we are, in the year of our Lord 2024, and we're supposed to GAF that Sheila is "dead" for like, what, the eighteenth time?  Or that Brooke and Ridge maybe, possibly are getting back together (or breaking up again, IDK, I don't follow that show anymore)?  Familiarity is one thing, but there does come a point when you have to accept that you've drained all the juice you can from your core characters or families and need to move on.

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B&B has been canceled in a lot of international territories in the past 10 years - its global footprint isn’t as strong as it was in the 90’s and early 00’s. It’s more reliant on the licensing fees CBS pays for it now than ever. 

If they cancel B&B, it’s done and no other global market will save it. But would that also lead to the Bell’s selling their stake in Y&R to CBS or selling it fully to Sony? Interesting to think about…

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If I've asked this question once throughout the years, I've asked it a million times: how in the [!@#$%^&*] do you have a show about the fashion industry that DOESN'T include at least one, regular character who is gay, bisexual and/or trans?

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I have no idea if it's accurate but someone who seems to know BOLD told me they're now only in a dozen countries.

I'm curious why you think a defunct B&B would cause them to get completely out of the business?

I tweeted today to MarthaB & asked what has become of the soap she & Lauralee were planning & talking about. Her reply was only to like my post. 

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The Bell’s only profit from their stake in Y&R now, they are no longer pulling the strings or creatively involved. William J. Bell must be rolling in his grave that his legacy soap ended up that way, but it is what it is.

CBS could definitely tell the Bell’s when B&B is up for renewal to, “sell us your shares in Y&R or B&B’s ass is a goner.” Not saying it would happen, but they have leverage and especially if it’s true that they want to maximize their profits through ownership of the shows. 

The other alternative is the Bell’s sell their Y&R shares entirely to Sony and get out of the business entirely if B&B is cancelled. There’s nothing left for them in Y&R, but they could just use it as a stable cash cow. 

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I am happy about this new creation of a soap opera. I am very confident in MVJ's abilities. CBS is very smart to do this.  I think the new show will be very successful.


As for what happens to B&B, it will likely stay on CBS. I do not see the Bells selling their interest in Restless to anyone. Even if CBS dumped B&B, do not be suprised if ABC gets B&B or Amazon or Netflix picks it up. Iger at Disney/ABC needs and wants content for ABC and/or Hulu/Disney +. Amazon and Netflix need contant as well.


Talk shows, news and reality programs in daytime have run their course.  Talk shows and news programs like ABC airs in the daytime are marginally profitable. 

I would not be surprised if this new development causes Disney/ABC to ponder revivals of AMC and OLTL in 30 minutes formats and placement on broadcast ABC and Disney's streaming platforms. Besides the View, ABC Daytime needs an infusion of new content and energy.  


This development is good for the soap opera format and genre.

Edited by JoeCool
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For what it's worth, it makes sense now why CBS made sure to note that Y&R was #1 in African American viewers when they announced its renewal last week. While it is no secret that is and has been the case for ages, this is the first time I believe the network made sure to note that in its renewal announcement.


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