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GH: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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The Dex/Joss makeout scene looked crazily stilted and awkward to me this time. They usually don't exactly have that problem lol. It felt very very choreographed and awkward, she was clumsily turning away from him then back much less organically than you usually see actors (particularly ones who give the vibe they're fúcking) on these shows pull off.

I guffawed BTW when he just poked his head out from behind that shed or whatever. Joss is on a desperate quest to find Dex only to find him the first place she goes. I thought it was a dumb fantasy sequence at first, like it can't be that easy. But it typifies the dramatic inertia this show has often had for years.

The less said about BLQ's latest Blofeld/Chairmao Mao floral ensemble the better. This mess with Setton can't go on forever.

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Or, alternately: Why should Jagger be back?

We are allowed to critique this show because it's pretty clear most of us care a lot about it. "Using history" doesn't matter to me when it is just about sprinkling in fanservice brownie points in dialogue like RC used to do a lot; he didn't understand that I don't feel satisfied with the current show if they happen to randomly mention some Wikipedia data point from a story that aired 30 years ago. And I also don't have to support what I feel is a very bad recast of a needless old character who doesn't need to be on the show anymore, especially when the canvas is already stuffed full of way too many characters as is. If you feel differently, fine. But none of us are required to be big fans of Wagger or his storyline or these brief, plot-driven scenes talking about Sonny and Karen just because they mentioned the Paradise Lounge, or because he or any other new actor seems to be a nice person IRL. That doesn't mean Wagger should be on the show or that his story is any good. You might see someone on Twitter or something but none of us actually know these people. If you can't tell the difference between that critique and blanket hate, that's your issue, it's not ours.

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When Varni suggested that if the fans were fans they'd stop being critical, I was somewhere between shocked & offended.

And, I really love Amanda Setton but I keep being distracted because if an actress isn't comfortable with physically being romantic, then they shouldn't have a romantic pairing. Not brain surgery. 

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I understand silly hate, but on this soap board we clearly care about our shows and can critique when necessary.  I want to love GH again, but I am not there.  A new regime is coming so I will be optimistic, but I won't say this Jagger recast was a solid idea ever.

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Steven Webber had been back before that as an adult, in 2004. He was also a baby when he left, and Elizabeth is his sister. That is way more connection and less baggage than this guy as Jagger. They also had Heather in and out. And as an adult he was never as big a deal as Jagger was.

The point is they are not really using history. It’s base level fan service disguised as using history. I don’t even dislike the actor, he’s just miscast here.

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Now if this lead to Sonny becoming more sleazy like he was back then, maybe the whole thing has a point. Sonny pushing drugs and strippers again- talk about a fan revolt.

And since she was brought up- hell yes we deserved Serena back, and the actress was game. But we got Kiki and Willow and Sasha. 

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Do you ever think Sonny would become sleazy again?   I do like the show at least acknowledges it happened, but I could never imagine current GH going there again with Sonny.  

I guess at the very least we are saving Serena from the inevitable pairing with Michael, so there's that.

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This Jagger recast doesn’t have enough gravitas to make me easily buy him in the role. They should have gone with a Victor Webster or Tom Welling type hell even an Austin Peck instead of casting somebody who looks the complete opposite to the original actor. It sucks because I think this material is interesting on paper but it wasn’t a smart casting choice.

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While I'm not an immediate fan of the new actor playing Jagger, I also don't recall the original character or actor being that compelling.  The pairing with Karen was intriguing, and the triangle with Brenda was a great teen/young adult story for the time, but Jagger was the weakest link within that plot. 

Also, I am giving GH some creativity points for choosing Jagger as a potential mate for Carly because of all the historical connections.  And he was established as a law enforcer in his prior times on the canvas. 

Amusingly, whenever @vee references him as Wagger, I was reading it as 'wager' (like a bet) in my head and I didn't understand the nickname, but now I think it is fits. 

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