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GH: January 2024 Discussion Thread

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I agreed about not fully loving MW because I don't know her work well enough.  Her GH stuff is so out of control to me.  But I think I just prefer a different type of actress.  MW earns her paycheck, just not my thing

Gina Tognoni is fine.  I only saw her stuff on OLTL (which I thought was bland) and a little of GL.  Again, not the full context of work so I can't judge thoroughly.  I am just joking honestly.  If GT was cast as anything other than Brenda I would be fine with it.

Hard no, Donna!  Sami?   I just...........no.

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I'm pretty sure Jill always intended to just port RC over to GH as Skye. But yes, I do recall hearing Gina was up for Carly in 2001 though I also heard (and believe) that Tamara was originally a temp intended to kill Carly off after JFP famously clashed with Sarah and led to her quitting. I also heard they talked to Gina again when Tamara left, GL or no GL. But I'm not clear on the timeline.

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Idk, I would just let Ali appear when she can.  At this point I think a recast would be a mistake.

RC for Carly?  Can't see that.  I think she's a bit too old.

I believe you are correct about TB being temporary and to be killed off though.   I remember reading SODs saying TB was a temp.  I am trying to picture GT and MB as a couple.  Maybe?  

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Specifically, the temp Carly was supposedly to be raped by Sonny's rival Sorel while Sonny and Angel made love and Carly would later die of some sort of gruesome cancer or disease.

MB hated the Angel story, and he and several other performers basically mutinied over their stories (including Endgame). Maurice threw his weight behind Tamara publicly as did the fans, and everything fell apart for Jill and Megan shortly thereafter.

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She came with Jill. They were a package deal at that point. Of course when they tanked the show Jill lost virtually all central power AFAIK despite retaining her title, which is a worthwhile comeuppance IMO - it was Guza's Hospital from then on. He had learned from his battles with Riche and came back after securing a producer credit. The only moment that changed was during the writer's strike in 2008, when she was the one minding the store with Guza gone and suddenly you had the return of her color/wardrobe fetish introductions a la Angel or some of her GL characters with Claudia, then an overnight huge frontburner story for Rick Hearst and Ric's new immigrant bride lol.

Yes, and Tony put a stop to that. I don't know if she was going to die but I do remember the word was Bobbie would go nuts over Roy and Melissa and get shipped off to Ferncliff.

The worst version of the story I remember was that somehow Carly's rape would be somehow connected to the cancer or disease, like uterine cancer or something. Just something really grotesque and typical of Jill.

Edited by Vee
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I think Bobbie was just going to be written off because "no one wants to see old people have sex".  I don't think I ever heard about her dying.

JFP wanted to ruin Carly after SJB.  I think we are "lucky" Angel was a flop and MB stood up for her.  I honestly can't tell you if keeping Carly was good in the long run, but I am glad she was kept at the time.

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