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GH: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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I don't mind how the show pivoted Alexis to the newspaper, but I prefer her as a lawyer.  And one more lawyer in town means maybe we can possibly get rid of Diane?

I think Mo's son is okay, but this is too much of a story for him.  Plus, Joss doesn't need MORE to do.  Trina, Joss, Spencer already have plenty to do.  This is just a weird side story.  Adam is just not that close to Joss (thanks for his name lol).  If he was, say, Cameron's roomate and Cameron was in this story it would make more sense.  This reeks of nepotism if you ask me and I honestly don't think Mo's son is awful or anything.  There just really isn't a good reason for this story.

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I have the same feeling, but it could just be an overall mental health story without suicidal issues.  I also am unclear if he's taking prescribed medicine or drugs.  I'll be honest sometimes I tune out a little to this story especially if Joss is around.

Edited by carolineg
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I agree that Joshua Benard is a decent actor. I have no problem with him at all, and I'm not bothered that Mo opened doors for him. Like you, though, I don't yet see a reason for this story, and especially have a problem with Joss' constant involvement.

If they're working towards a stronger tie to other characters, they'd better do it soon.

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Agreed.  It's really hard to invest in Adam when he only interacts with Joss.  This seems like it's going to be a heavy story and I find it hard to get into it when I don't really know much about the character or how he would fit on the canvas.  It's just an excuse to make Joss the hero and the show already knocks us over the head with how awesome Joss is.  I know I am going to regret saying this, but even if he became Esme's friend somehow thus interacting with Spencer and Trina even Kevin/Laura and everyone starts to see signs he was acting erratically it would help.

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I agree about having Adam interact with Esme, Spencer, Trina, etc., would help. Still, even though the actor is 19 IRL, he reads younger to me. I don't think he seems like someone who'd be part of that circle.

The crazy thing is that GH obviously did Maurice Benard a huge favor by hiring his son -- and then failed to set him up for success. Again, that's no comment on Josh Benard's acting abilities, because I thin he's doing a solid job.

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Trina, Joss, and Spencer seem more sophisticated than him.  That's why I could see him bonding with a similarly confused Esme.  Not romantically.  I don't really want that, but find a common bond and then Adam is around more people.  Perhaps he starts getting attached to Esme and other people notice in her life-it brings a lot of characters potentially to the fold.  No one needs to be obsessed or around Joss except Dex.  At this point she's starting to remind me of JMB's Lulu where like 4 guys were obsessed with her at once.

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Agree with you. Feels like they're giving Eden McCoy the Laura Wright playbook -- and that is not a compliment.

In other news, that Quartermaine Christmas tree is lame. It's much too small and doesn't scream excess. Hopefully, the Tracy complaints we see in the previews are about the meager decorations.

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I don't see suicide but I also don't see the problems others are seeing with Adam. Or Joss with Adam, although I was very glad when she began to tell others about Adam. And I think Josh Benard is very talented. Having established that Adam only studies, pops pills, attends class & wants to be around Joss, how would they involve him with other people? Dex, Trina & Spencer could come in the room when he was there studying with Joss & they could then meet. Also, J. Benard is ahead in the game already as he now has a union card, has a gig on his resume, has made some money & has an idea of what happens in television production. 

I was just listening to an audio interview with Robert Kelker Kelly & his first job was as a stand-in on a primetime show. Then he got promoted to being one of the background actors. He said the most important first lesson was patience & that what you do most on television production is wait around. 


Brennan is Pikeman, yes, but when did we find out he was head of the WSB? 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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