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Days of Our Lives: November 2023 Discussion Thread

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I have no sympathy for Li. But, it's because I'm just so pleased that we are losing Remington who I have long thought was the least capable actor, even though he actually improved some recently. 

Now I will have to apply myself to who is the least capable actor!

I'm used to doing shout outs to Richard Bloore because I think he dresses so many people so well. And, Sloan, like Gabi is usually looking great, clothes just drape on her in what I am sure is the perfect way they're supposed to look. Now, I am totally nonplussed. To marry Eric she appeared in a deep pink nightie? Slip dress? What the hell was that? 

I'm very glad that Ken's 3 piano concerts are benefits for SAG-AFTRA but I am offended that he let that monster run ragged over the people at the show & now all he can think to do is play piano. Does he not know where the buck stops?! 

I also can't stand Stabi! 

I'm worried about getting through the next 7 weeks much less months. 

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I don't think Remington was that bad.  I think Carson Boatman and at times RSW are worse.  I think Li was just boxed into a role that didn't have much depth until like the day before he died.  I agree with @j swift that a lot of Li's story had some racism to it as well.  His entire romance with Melinda, for example, felt weird and the only reason they were paired was because they were both Asian.  I think Li lasted a lot longer than he should have, but at the same time I think the character had more to give.  They definitely could have fleshed out the relationship with his father more and his father's relationship with Wendy.

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Ugh.....it falls in line with Wendy being tech savvy and Melinda having to give up her daughter.  I don't think Days is actively trying to offend they just haven't met a stereotype they didn't like.   And Melinda, Li, Wendy don't seem like they grew up in China.  Idk, it's sort of the same thing with the Hernandez family too having to be from Mexico and have immigration issues.  

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@carolineg  I can't argue against the idea that they could have & should have fleshed out the parental unit story! I can't argue with how absurd it is to give him a meaningful character backstory on the day they're going to kill him off! THAT IS ABSURD! Who writes crap like that? Ooh, our special people do! That's who! But I am unwilling to relent on his being worst actor of DAYS 2022 & 2023. I realize we all have our own special anti-faves! He is mine. 

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I don't think Remington was good exactly.  He smirked a lot.  I just don't think he was given a lot to play until recently and I thought he did well with that material.  I think he could have done more with the role if given half a chance.  I just have mixed feelings on Li because he truly was a C character that got an expanded role because of whatever reasons.  It just feels like if you are going to use the character use him properly.  He was just a prop and obstacle for Stabi and a mustache twirling villain.  His motives for his obsession and clingy-ness didn't take shape until way too late.  Daytime is sorely lacking Asian characters in general and it does seem like a waste.

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He was sorely lacking in any kind of acting physicality. He stood or sat, ramrod stiff & showed no body language. He had no vocal variety. Some of the time his line delivery was even a monotone. Most of the time it was just conversational speech. He had no use of his face with facial expressions. He could smile. He could not smile. Every single one of those things is tradecraft & things that he could have been working on. Someone said he posted recently that he was glad to be back on the other side of the camera. If that is true & I am even close to the mark, I am happy for him. Not everyone has to be an actor. 

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Initially, I liked Li. RH worked well as a handsome, charming supporting player. That was his strength on the DOOL canvas. While boosting Li's presence was a fine idea, it has not worked for the actor given the material. Li going off the deep end plays to RH's weaknesses and the result is corny, cringey "bad soap acting". Given time, maybe a director or coach could have helped modulate these performances. I'm disappointed that I've developed such a mistaste for the character.

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I honestly didn't find him to be that bad comparatively to the rest of the cast.  I don't think he's going to win any Emmy's, but I think his material was just bad.  Li had some charisma.  It's like the Talia actress.  She wasn't great but there was something to work with and I think it's the same Remington.   I am not crying over the loss of Li Shin.  I just think the character had more potential.

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While I agree that representation matters, DAYS often feels as if it is trying to have it both ways.  They cast a diverse set of actors, but never discuss race, culture, or ethnicity.

Salem has had two Black mayors in a row, with no mention of the fact.  Jada is a cop, but never talks about the Black Lives Matters movement.  Wendy is Asian, and never discusses the lack of eligible Asian bachelors in town.  Is it because they were all educated in Europe, so they don't identify with the racial minorities in the US? (I realize that is giving way too much grace).  

But using Hamilton-like casting doesn't feel very satisfying when looking for multi-cultural story telling.  Although I am mildly sensitive to the conversation online that Talia didn't "look like a doctor".  The bias may be unintentional, but the criticism seems rooted in negative assumptions about gender and race.  I feel like a doctor can look like anyone in 2023, and that was the least of the problems with that character.

Edited by j swift
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Agreed, I wasn't calling anyone out who is a regular contributor to this thread.

However, elsewhere I read commentary about how Talia didn't seem to possess the intellect of a doctor, or that she didn't dress like a doctor, and that rubbed me the wrong way because it felt coded in bias, even though it may have been unintentional.

Edited by j swift
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