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General Hospital: July 2023 Discussion Thread

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Yeah… we need more Terry/Yuri and less  Austin/His douchebag cousin. 

And yeah, maybe y’all were right about the new nanny probably being in the running for Molly. She might have been too cold for that part. 

And Btw, Liz, if you know what happened between Joss/Cam and Dex, can you please explain why you didn’t beat Joss’ disgusting ass???

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I remember people complaining what an obnoxious, cloying child Molly was 10 year ago lol.  They weren't wrong.  I honestly think Haley could have done just fine with this story, but I can't say I really need another pregnancy story in my life either. 

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I really like the idea of Carly running Kelly's.  It's the first time in a long time Carly has really done something (vaguely) self-sufficient.  And although I don't think Kelly's ever stopped being a 'hot spot' it was nice to hear her talk about plans for it and explain why she doesn't want to take money from Jax, Joss, everyone.  Will it last?  No, I am sure she will spend 5 mins on this and then go back to meddling with everyone's life as usual, but it's a start.  Also, I am sure we will have to hear how brave, strong, and awesome Carly is for awhile.  It started to today with Joss.  Do Carly or Joss ever have conversations with one another where they don't compliment each other on how great they are lol?

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Alright, we're starting to sizzle a bit on GH with Ava getting slapped hard by the new nanny-plant!  I hope the nanny keeps this energy and really messes Sonny up, too.  The Pentonville stories are somewhat interesting...surprisingly.  I wonder where they're going to go and who that third mob faction is led by...hopefully it's someone well cast.

Carly taking over Kelly's and the Brownstone will be nice...probably the only decent thing this character has ever done since she came to Port Charles.

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While I am sure it's disheartening to read those comments and I think soap twitter and some other spaces can be especially vicious, I do think it's just part of the job.  I don't even think these comments are that bad.  How can you really take to heart a person who can't spell dumb or ridiculous right? Lol.

People make horrible yelp reviews for businesses all the time not taking account mitigating circumstances.  People complain in restaurants and stores and belittle regular working class joes all the time for much less.  People can be as*holes all the time especially behind a keyboard.  

When you are a highly paid writer putting out a show and product for public consumption the public is going to have an opinion.  Every person in the entertainment industry that's mildly successful deals with these trolls.  I think it's absolutely silly to go on social media and complain about it.  The people directing these comments to this writer aren't going to read her post and realize the error of their ways.  Most likely they will double down now. 

I don't think actors or writers should be bullied and some of those comments are mean.  That being said, and I truly might be in the minority with this opinion, if things like this are bad for your mental health then perhaps you should follow your co workers lead and stay off social media.   

Edited by carolineg
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