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GH: A few spoilers from TV GUIDE

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Which is why we are sitting here clowning about it.

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ETA: I would be glad to have VM because it's an anniversary, and I want to see Brenda with all the returning favorites, too. I won't mind some Sonny/Brenda teasing cuz well...DUH. lol. But I don't expect them back together until the end of the show itself. And as Brenda would say (and has)...she's worth the wait. Goodness knows Sonny still has some begging to do anyway before that happens.

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I just don't think you immediately shack her up with Sonny and give her options.  I will faint dead if Vanessa appears on my screen in the next few weeks but you have to give her at least a slow burn to Sonny here.  It's probably not the most in character thing for her but IMO it would be silly just to do that thing again immediately because realistically the problems that broke them up literally are the entire same problems they'd still be entertaining but with Nina and extra kids.

Lol.   My girl should just not be waiting around for Sonny's dumb ass (even though it's my number #1 ship Sonny sucks)

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what about Sarah Brown? Is she not retuning for the anniversary in some form? I've been saying they should bring Claudia Zacchara back and have her be the person behind Austin and them, even Selina perhaps. And they can make Dex her kid w/ Sonny or something. 

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I don't forego her having a fling or two, sure. But any kind of triangle or ongoing serious storyline where I'm expected to sit through four to six months of weekly spoilers like "Brenda considers her feelings for Austin," I'm calling SWAT.

As for Cody, I have earmarked him for the fling that gets single mom Liz's groove back and then who knows what.

I will never give up on Sarah. But no Claudia and no more fuckin' kids for Sonny.

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I mean maybe RH and Vanessa would pop off in chemistry lol.. I actually wouldn't be surprised.   I honestly don't need Brenda in random pairings but I need some movement on Sonny's part to not be the worst.  Because I feel like the always put them back together on popularity with zero movement in the actual lovestory.  And I do feel like the show plays Brenda as so lovelorn for Sonny..which fine, but Sonny is a actual trash bag fire with like 17 kids from 17 moms so...........

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Yeah, they played it wrong with them last time including the idiotic engagement to Jax (a go-to Ron always goes for with returning characters for no reason and did with Scott and Laura in an equally ridiculous subplot around the same time - there was no way those two would reunite again). But Brenda raising hell in town, antagonizing Carly, reconnecting with A.J. and Robin, even the Michael tease all worked for me because it was about her being central, able to be plugged in anywhere and shaking up the canvas. That is what she is best at and what she can do. Sonny has to come to her where she lives and especially after what happened to their marriage.

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Yeah I have such mixed feelings about Brenda/Sonny.  Of course I want them together and believe they are the endgame couple, but I also think Brenda as a person should have long moved on from that.   I never liked the narrative that a successful woman like Brenda was somehow empty without Sonny's love.   I didn't love the Michael tease (outside of AJ's stellar reaction), but I liked Brenda proactively scheming to stick it to Carly because she spent the entire previous year letting Carly walk all over her.  

And agree about the Jax/Brenda engagement.  I liked Jax/Brenda as a couple and Ron just destroyed them in a matter of two episodes lol.   Jax/Brenda fans always get the short end of the stick and I think they should have just left that relationship alone.

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Bring on some handsome, captivating man for Brenda to romance until she gets back with Sonny, someone you can easily spin-off to other parts of the canvas after whatever he has with Brenda ends. Do NOT pair her with Easton or Howarth, both of them need to get off this damn show.

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I think we've seen one sexy man (Jax) be Brenda's castoff for years and never fully shake the label so idk about that either.

I agree with you, but we had that discussion at least once or twice lol. I fully believed Brenda had moved on and evolved past Sonny as early as '98 or so when Guza went full tilt with her and Jax and made it completely believable to me that she was above and beyond Sonny, especially when they met again that year. But all that's been undone in the decades since, and we can't change that. I also do think there is something particularly compelling about the older pair still sparking off each other but in an actual, functional long-term relationship or marriage as we so briefly saw, where conflict exists along with their natural idiosyncracies and where Brenda is the more active aggressor and canvas-shaker while Sonny is the more relaxed patriarch. That to me is more interesting as a later viewer than the Sonny/Brenda epic of the '90s which, while I can appreciate it now rewatching, was so omnipresent for me back then that it turned me off: Showing them grow and change and live within that space is what I found and find so interesting. Because no other woman has ever made Sonny come so close to change (and Nina is just a stalking horse).

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I wish the show more openly acknowledged Brenda ruined Jax and that's why he would aggressively take on Sonny's cast offs and marry so many women.   It was a complex part of Jax, but instead of the writers exploring it the show made it seem like he was just a romantic lol.

I am sure we've had this convo 10 times lol.  There is a lot of things to explore in Sonny/Brenda's relationship as grown adults with lots of life experiences behind them.  It's just always Brenda backsliding personally to fit into Sonny's life.  I would love for Sonny to leave the mob behind and have them deal with Sonny basically being retired, but I am not sure that would make for exciting viewing.  I do think there are so many places to go with Sonny/Brenda as a couple and everything gets so muddled with Carly and the other woman because they never could get VM to commit long term. 

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That's on the show. They refused to let go of the ghost of Brenda when the one pairing they tried him with after her (Chloe) flopped. Jax could have moved on but they got scared so we got Brenda dupe (Kelly Monaco's agent is thankful) and the rest is history.

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They wouldn't do Jaxis even though everyone but Riche wanted it, but JFP did try him with Skye. That changed when Guza (and Brenda) came back. I think he was very strong as a surprisingly good husband and father for Carly and her kids, he was a stable and loving second father who raised her boys, and I don't think Carly as a character has ever fully recovered from how she fùcked him over when they broke up. But yes, aside from Carly (which would never have happened without LW) he has never had a strong foundational pairing since.

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I was going to mention how Carly and Jax always felt like a placeholder for both of them because they'd burned through so much story for Sonny and Carly and how that pairing only worked because Laura was in the part. 

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It really is the good old days!  She had one weird quote and this thread has been pages of Brenda.

I am now convinced.  Bring her on, Sonny or no Sonny (at first).

And hell yes to Liz hitting the sheets with Cody.  It would be good for her and the audience.  I do not think I can take another ME relationship on this show.

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I don't think it was a placeholder so much as simply a B-couple and not a big priority for the show. They parked them there and LW's bulk of story came from Carly being a mischief maker outside of the family unit, making trouble on her own or still in and out of Sonny and Jason's orbit. Which was fine at the time IMO. What resulted from it that I found most positive, though, was the regular window into their lives where Jax and Carly had a stable home, relatively stable marriage and Jax was an incredibly devoted father for her sons who loved him even though they had been taught to worship only Sonny and Jason.

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