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B&B July 2022 Discussion Thread

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So many strange moments with the writing/direction/acting on these episodes! 

Grace slapping Carter was just strange. She was sitting there, then stood up to give him a weak slap without any buildup, then sat down again.

And "heartbroken" Paris just sitting there with the exact same blank facial expression and tone of voice that she always has.

I love Sheila and Mike but it seemed like nobody could decide whether the scene when Finn flatlined was supposed to be dramatic or played for laughs. The dialogue could not have been meant to be taken seriously ("oh no, I killed him AGAIN!") and there was a strange lack of urgency when Sheila tried to restart Finn's heart (including Mike debating with Sheila whether or not to use the machine, like just leaving Finn there with no pulse might be a better treatment option...). And why did Finn flatline in the first place, only to be awake and lucid minutes later? 

Edited by Videnbas
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I'm sure it was some kind of marketing ploy. It's weird sometimes because when I'm on Twitter reading Tweets from imbeciles, I'll get these weird things of what's "trending". I think the same would imply for anything else because they want you "glued". Not that what is described above is actually from Twitter, but I do find the topics of King Mattress and Chicago Weather dumbly fascinating. Wow. Chicago Weather and King Mattress. 

Edited by Noel
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Trending displays to an individual based on one's own twitter and browser history.  It has nothing to do with what's *actually* trending.   In some cases it displays by location which isn't accurate either.
To get something (somewhat) more objective, you have to change your twitter profile settings.  something about unchecking all interests and topics or something. I don't do twitter myself, but I have family who do this.

Edited by janea4old
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Come on, Finn. 


Why didn't you at least try to fake not remembering anything? It's SHEILA. Le sigh.


That said...while I did miss the Quinn finds out the affair episode (is that in the vault btw), lord, that wedding was a trip. Or Quinn trying to get to the wedding. And I do find it funny that given it was Paris that exposed Carter and Quinn's affair...now she has egg on her face at this wedding. On one hand, it was nice to see Quinn being the right beat to play given all Carter has been up to this year. But still on the other hand, it is sad that Paris was basically a side piece. No wonder Grace slapped Carter. lol. 


I did like the Sheila/Mike montage. But I don't see how Sheila can even nurse Finn. Did Li leave any notes? She is going to have to bring someone in. Paging...Bridget...?


I've been enjoying the Katie pop-ups. 




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