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Reilly on DAYS - a renewed appreciation

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Ah...MW...he was hot too!


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A hot priest

Reminds me of Bible class where all the girls and gay guys wanted to confess with the younger hot priest (yes we had one but he looked more like Michael Weiss).

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Again, isn't there a thread for people who just need a wank?


Either way, DAYS started airing episodes from 1993 where I live in 1997 (it replaced daily reruns of KNOTS LANDING - called JR'S BROTHER; it left us at the cliffhanger where dipshit Val finds out her babies are alive); it quickly became one of the highest rated 1PM shows airing because of the amazing plots. I remember skipping school for it and visiting BETH'S DAYS PAGE to find out what would happen next! Good times, good times.

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And again, to complain about the latter period of Reilly’s writing on DAYS during his first stint- he brought Roman back and cursed us with Josh Taylor.  I absolutely hate him as Roman, always have, always will.

Edited by titan1978
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Bringing JT on as Roman was so, so painful.  I actually don't mind him now, but at the time he was just the worst.  And we all knew it was coming.  The anvil of Roman 'dying' couldn't be more clear.  JT played Roman as such a sad sack practically begging Marlena to take him back and ignoring the fact Marlena/DH visibly cringed anytime a romantic relationship was brought up.  Wayne never would have played it like that.  His Roman had some pride.

I THINK Wayne was unavailable because he was on PC, but I wonder if he was even approached.   He couldn't have too many hard feelings toward the show since he came back under JER as Alex.

It also brought us the Jungle Adventure where John/Hope seeds were planted.  I remember the scene of Hope/John making out (because he was delirious and thought she was Marlena) and going what the hell am I watching?   Why is this happening?  

Like I said, I was already hit hard that Summer/Fall with Sonny leaving Brenda at the altar.  I did not need John/Hope and an aborted Jarlena wedding too.   Tough times lol

Edited by carolineg
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It always bugged me when people say that Marlena left Roman for John. It’s usually diehard Sami stans who say that, and they either didn’t watch or are twisting things to fit their agenda. Marlena was wracked with guilt over her affair and begged Roman for months to give her a second chance. She desperately tries to save that marriage. It was ROMAN who divorced Marlena and then left town. 

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And they used old Roman/Marlena flashbacks for that story.  I can't.  I am so angry on Wayne's behalf. 

I mean, I would literally not blink if JT's Roman became Chris Kositcheck again and they hired Wayne back.  I would accept it easily. No questions asked.

No, Marlena 100% begged and pleaded with Roman to take her back and they would inch toward it and something would happen to screw it up.  It was ROMAN who could not deal with the fact that Marlena still had feelings for John at all and just left his troubled children to leave town again for several years because his feelings were hurt.   I don't know if it's Sami fans only though.  I think the show has also made it seem like that through time. 

I know I have brought this up, but Sami's weird attachment to Roman after the affair always creeped me out.  She acted so protective and weird with him and he just up and left town.  Roman would never do that.

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Honestly, I think it is the show that has continued to push that agenda.  Other characters (besides Sami) have said it.  I think John/Marlena have even said it, but I think that's just what we are supposed to believe contrary to what was shown onscreen.  I think it pushes the notion that John/Marlena were so in love she dropped Roman because "soulmates" lol.

I feel bad for Roman, but it was a really impossible situation Marlena was in.  Roman from the beginning really pushed Marlena (as Isabella did with John) to just move on like RoJohn/Marlena were never married.  I think Roman could have gotten over it eventually, especially since Marlena was so open to Carrie/Anna, but that was clearly not the direction JER wanted to go.  And, for better or worse, moving Marlena in a different direction probably saved the show.

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Wow, a Jim Reilly appreciation thread?  Didn't expect to see that.  LOL  It was really nice to read all the positive stuff about Reilly in the 90's.  I started watching soaps in 1993 with the buried alive story.  I agree that it was his best work: buried alive, the affair aftermath, everything with Sami, Maison Blanche, the Possession, Aremid, Lady in a Cage, the Secret Room. 


One of the things Reilly did to great in the 90's were his villains: Stefano, Sami, Vivian, Peter, Tony, Kristen. They all schemed because of "love" and drove so much of the story.   Another aspect that I really liked is that they had "sounding boards"/people to talk to, to vent, to explain their goals to, to help them with their schemes.  You had Stefano/Celeste, Sami/Jaime, Vivian/Ivan, Tony/his driver(??? I forget his name), did Peter have a guy too? I forget.  LOL    Maybe it's because of the smaller budget of today's soaps, but you just don't have these type of characters anymore for your villains to talk to.  


I honestly don't remember much of his second stint, except for of course the serial killer storyline and Maleswen.  But his first era was so good, and it really helped that the background music was excellent.  It added so much to the stories.  



Beth's DAYS page! LOL  Haven't heard about that in so long. There was also Dustin's DOOL Page, which was probably the first soap site I constantly visited. 

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