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B&B December 2021 Discussion Thread

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I actually don't mind Ridge feeling strongly about it and being a bit of a d*** about it coz that's Ridge and I prefer organic conflict between Brooke and Ridge such as this over contrived triangles for the umpteenth time.
His behavior and refusal to acknowledge Brooke's reasonable dilemna is irritating but Ridge is an irritating character. Maybe I am too charitable but I am fine with this: it is character drama that makes sense for the characters rather than lazy shock-value plot-driven stuff that Bell is generally more inclined to. The best story in the world? No. But hey I rag enough on the show when it is lazy and abrupt that I can appreciate when they try to do something character-driven-ish even if it bangs us over the head with it.
My caveat is that I can feel the current B/R conflict is the cue for at least one of the stories planned for Taylor's return and while I am SO looking forward to seeing what KA does with it, I am not super happy they are very likely shaping up to go there. Again.


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Am I confused or did Ridge have Justice follow Deacon?  If he did, why the f*ck hasn't he said anything to Ridge about Deacon going to Sheila's hotel room on a daily basis?  This show just can't stop with the stupid writing.

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Gearing up for a Brook/Ridge/Taylor repeat. I wonder if 30 years ago the actors would've thought they'd be playing the same stories today!

We might even get Brooke and Deacon messing around again, which I feel may result in something between Finn and Hope.

Edited by ironlion
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It's a shame there are so many recast. I've never accepted any recast. It's a shame they are revisiting the triangle with only one original cast member left.

Two seconds in and Taylor is being trashed. Brooke raised Thomas and Steffy... Ummm..really when?

And KA didn't need that awful wig to play Taylor. She actually looks the part.

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