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GH: Vet Returns

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It's doable anytime, and they should at some point. Mac has quite a checkered past.

I would like to see Mac and Felicia running some investigations again. They don't need to have a frontburner A-story but their agency can be a backdrop for a number of other more prominent people, like Sam's(?) thing that went nowhere.

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Ron probably would have if he could have figured the original Tale of 2 Macs story out lol.  All I remember is fake Mac was trying to kill Jax and it ended with Felicia getting married to real Mac lol.  Such a weird story.


What did happen to Sam/Spinelli's PI agency lol?  

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Probably because, JJY has a hard enough time playing Mac without throwing a dual role into the mix.

Frankly, there's so little going on in soapland these days that I'm truly excited about; and played-out Felicia coming back to PC, with or without Mac, is just one more reason why I am so, so done with today's soaps.

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Haha!  I am still confused as to why they hired a man who had such difficulty with an Australian accent to play an Australian.  Early regimes did try with Mac.  They let him drop the accent, he had a lot of love interests, was always involved in stories, but he lacked the charisma and excitement a true leading man needed.  

There is a definite place for Mac's type of character on soaps.  He was a great friend, dad, lover, and a cop.    I have always liked Mac.  I honestly don't know if I have ever come across a GH fan that disliked/hated him or anything.  I just doubt this is how the show envisioned the character when the cast him as Robert Freakin Scorpio's brother.

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I've disliked Mac Scorpio almost from the beginning, when it was all about him and Dominique and that slick-as-hell Keith Washington song that still makes me ill every time I hear it.

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Well, Mac did have a defined purpose in the beginning -- as Robert Scorpio's estranged, irresponsible kid brother, with a shady reputation as a longshoreman.  The brothers Scorpio hadn't seen or spoken to each other in years, which suggested they shared some deep, dark secret.  (Didn't Mac kill their parents in some plane crash or something?  Or did I dream that up?).  However, JJY was such a wan actor that I think TPTB, including Gloria Monty, realized right away that he couldn't pull off playing the ne'er-do-well brother of their spy hero, so they had Mac and Robert making up over their differences and moving on, and Mac remaking himself into an entrepreneur, with the opening of the Outback.

And then there was the romance with Dominique Taub, who was living in fear of husband Leopold, who was mixed up in some cartel with (I think) Harlan Barrett and Faison, and...it was all so interminable, lol.

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Yeah there was some evil cartel at the time that Harlan and others were involved in.  I think, among other things, they were doing some shady business with the Eckert's Cannery and that's why Bill killed Harlan.  Ruining a decent romance with Julia at the time.

Listen, the show was such a mess in that era it had a lot of problems.  I agree JJY probably wasn't the best casting ever but I do think Mac found a decent niche for himself on the show after awhile.

Wiki tells me he did Mac was piloting a plane that killed his parents and Robert's then fiancee, so you did not dream that up.  He was also involved in that explosion with Miranda/Jax that was completely dropped when the show dumped Miranda.

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Agree.  It's like GH knew it needed to move on from the "Spy vs. Spy" era, but it wasn't sure how to do that; and in retrospect, hiring back the EP who was responsible for that era's success might have seemed like a good idea "on paper," but it probably would have behooved them more to hire someone who would've brought a fresh perspective to the entire show, which is exactly what Wendy Riche later did.

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I still thinks she had some of the right ideas, just executed them completely wrong.  Focusing on a more blue collar family was smart, they just forced it too fast, and Tony should never have been hired to play Bill.

But Riche just brought a more down to earth, richly emotional texture to the show. I don’t think Monty was capable of doing that.

At the time, I didn’t really care about Mac one way or another.  He was cute, but I didn’t start to like him until he and Felicia were in the Ryan story, then running the Outback together.

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Yeah, it was smart.  Of course, it would have been even smarter to give them strong ties to the hospital.  For instance, Bill (who still could've been played by Tony Geary, although...maybe not) could have been introduced as a new surgeon, the product of a blue-collar family who sacrificed a lot to put him through medical school, and was happy to be reunited with his clan after spending years working at a hospital somewhere on the West Coast.  Then, in addition to Bill and Sly, the son by an ex-wife who, as the story suggests, is a gold-digger who was more concerned about being rich than being a wife and mother, we're gradually introduced to the rest of the Eckerts: Fred, Angela, Jenny, perhaps even a younger brother who becomes a rival with A.J. Quartermaine for some girl's affections.

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