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ROAD TO REALITY - SYNOPSES (not very detailed)


Rosalind confesses that she fears her father.


Rosalind recounts frightening experience.


Rosalind gives Joan advice.


Margaret discovers that conventionality limits her life.


Margaret admits she dominates her daughter.


Vic fears he is unacceptable to women.


Vic discusses father's venomous attitude toward women.


Vic fears girlfriend's efforts to trap him.


The group analyzes Vic's most serious fight with Marilyn.


? overeats to compensate for lost love.


? challenge Harry's honesty.


Joan's problem - how to invite men to a party.


Joan describes dream of marriage.


Veil in Joan's dream represents hidden fear.


Old grievance against Dr. Lewis.


Margaret learns marital trouble has hurt daughter.


Dr. Henry Work, child psychologist of UCLA, talks about Child Guidance Week.


Rosalind receives gold star.


Vic takes another step toward a final break with Marilyn.


Margaret reveals a sudden wish that her daughter leave home.


Fears of future prevent enjoyment of present.


Young woman joins group.


? finds fear of marriage is really a fear of pregnancy.


Chris confesses her inability to behave like a woman.


Chris explains why she's leaving the group.


Dream reveals Vic's growing doubts about Marilyn.


Vic has trouble with job.  Distrust of people threatens job.


? says husband is too passive.


Margaret and Harry battle furiously.


Harry fears that he is going to lose his job.


Harry feels his wife has betrayed him.


Joan returns to the group.


Margaret dislikes herself for interfering in the lives of her family members.


Susan has financial problems.


The source of Joan's fear of men is revealed.


A clue from Susan's past explains much of her behavior.


Susan hates the whole world because it is full of evil.


Margaret deplores the beatnik clothing worn by her son's friends.


Situation at work takes a serious turn.


Joan thinks she will never be able to love a man.


Joan reveals a secret desire.


Vic thinks he is the subject of a lot of gossip.


Susan describes how she punishes her children.


Susan discusses another side of her son's problems.


Joan's new boyfriend threatens her.


Joan is invited away for the weekend by a new boyfriend.


Margaret takes Joan to task.


Group has final session.

Edited by jam6242
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Thanks for taking the time to dig up all this info. Never thought we would learn more about these shows.

I can see why Road to Reality flopped. Watching a bunch of people in therapy day after day would be a big ask. 

Maybe if we saw their lives outside and then the therapy sessions were interspersed somehow, it would be more appealing?

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Jane Wyatt narrates this halfhour, serial-drama program, which focuses on the problems confronting today’s women and features a new cast and story each week. Each day, psychiatrist Theodore Isaac Rubin will discuss the dramatic situation. This week’s story deals with a couple whose marriage is failing. Henry: James Daly. Helen: Neva Patterson. Martha: Kim Hunter. Charlie: Harry Bellaver. Laura: Eliane Nadeau.

Part 2. Laura implores her parents to reconcile.

Part 3. Helen’s brother Charlie also tries to arrange a reconciliation.

Part 4. Henry becomes romantically involved with an old girl friend.

Part 5. Henry and Helen explore the possibilities of saving their marriage

Week of April 4

This week's story deals with a divorcée’s adjustment to single life. Ruth: Nancy Malone. Mike: Joe Campanella. Jane Wyatt is the narrator. Dr. Theodore Isaac Rubin is the consultant

Ruth confronts some unpleasant facts about her life

Ruth’s son has divided loyalties toward his parents

Ruth learns that her ex-husband is about to remarry.

Ruth is faced with a surprising choice.

Week of April 25

This week's drama is about a young husband who encourages the attentions of other women. Andy: Darren McGavin.

Andy shows his wife no affection

Andy’s office flirtations lead to marital crisis. 

Andy's behavior frustrates his wife.

Andy's marriage fails.

Week of May 2

A man’s desire for success in his career endangers his family life. George: Joe Maross. Amy: Dolores Sutton.

Tension increases in the Fuller household

George and Amy are concerned about their son.

Amy sees how her relationship with her son has changed

The Fullers come to terms with their problem.

Edited by Paul Raven
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Week of May 16

A rebellious teen-ager leaves her parents’ home and takes an apartment in New York's Greenwich Village. Laurie: Merrie Spaeth

Laurie encounters a disturbed young man.

Laurie gets some advice from a neighbor.

Laurie gets help from a_ psychiatrist

Laurie acquires some important insights

Week of May 23

A teen-age couple face marital problems. Kathy: Susan Anspach.

Kathy and Jeff are disillusioned with married life.  Jeff: Richard Lynch.

Jeff leaves Kathy.

Jeff and his father have a disagreement. Carl: Paul Larson.

Kathy makes an important decision.

Week of May 30

A young woman discovers that her lack of self-confidence is affecting her marriage. Julie: Nan Martin.

Julie meets her husband's ex-wife.

Julie tries to learn about her husband’s relationship with his secretary. 

Julie has a disturbing conversation with her mother.

Julie’s older sister gives her some advice

Week of June 6

A plain-looking girl is concerned about her social life. Eve: Zina Bethune.

Eve's mother gives her some encouragement. Eve: Zina Bethune. Emily: Madeleine Sherwood.

Eve’s mother gets her a date.  Paul: Joseph Hanrahan.

Eve takes a stand against her mother 

Eve decides to remain in the city.David: Jess Osuna.

From June 13 there was a month of reruns.

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