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Moral: "Be careful what you wish for."  We've been BEGGING this show to bring back Sarah Horton since before the bish had even left!  Now, some of us are wishing we could take our first wishes back.


Me?  I still wish DAYS had gone the age-appropriate route and cast Cady McClain to play Sarah.  I don't get how THIS Sarah seems to have aged only minutes in the 20+ years she was off-canvas.



Lemme guess: Kate has been brainwashed into thinking she's Caroline?  No, wait.  She's not really Kate.  She's Kimberly in a Kate mask.  That's it, isn't it?  That's why she's [!@#$%^&*] working at the [!@#$%^&*] pub these days.

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Yeah, I remember when Pease quit, because the material was taking an emotional toll.  Of course, I understood her reasons for leaving, but I thought it was a shame, because her performances as Kimberly and her (two?) alters were, for me, the story's saving grace.


In an interview w/ We Love Soaps, Sheri Anderson said, if she could go back in time and/or give her younger self some advice, she would've told her to say "no" more often to "the suits."  Apparently, there were times when TPTB would "suggest" story ideas; and instead of balking, she would say, "I'm not sure, but I think I make that work."  I have to wonder whether Kimberly's DID was such a story, because while Anderson did some good work in her '90-'91 return (the introductions of Austin, Billie, Kate and Lucas; the Lombards; Isabella's illness and death), there was also some stuff she wrote that doesn't seem at all what she would've written for the show in the past.

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Ah, I see, lol.


In that case -- yeah, that would be a story that would come to mind.  Marlena in the Pit and The Three Faces of Kimberly are two stories that didn't feel as if they were within Anderson's wheelhouse.  She's always been laser-focused on high romance, which I appreciate as much as I appreciate anything else in this genre.


Was Anderson still around for the revelation that Bill and Kate's affair/Lucas' conception was the event that triggered Laura's mental breakdown?  Because, if so, THAT would have been a SERIOUS misstep for her.  Say what you will about her abilities as a storyteller, but I find it incredible she would play so fast-and-loose with established, on-air history.

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I don't think so. Lucas debuted mid-April 1993 and Sheri left a week later, so that one would be all on JER. And yes, one thing I will say about Sheri, much as her style never really suited me, was that she KNOWS her history. It's the one thing I have IMMEDIATELY noticed the difference with since she left as consultant under Ron.

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