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American Express Suing Kristoff St. John’s Estate Over Unpaid Credit Bill


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Also, correct me if I'm wrong, actors still get paid their guarantees even if they don't work. He probably didn't have the best salary, especially compared to his contemporaries, his negotiating power wasn't great because you know this show would be quick to drop him if he pushed back. And I'm sure his guarantee was also pretty low, 1-2 episodes a week?

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I'm pretty sure they get paid for their guaranteed episodes, unless that's changed. I imagine the guarantee was low. I mean, if he's guaranteed four episodes a month, if he appears in 2, I imagine he gets paid for the other two.


Unless we're all totally wrong on how that kind of thing works?

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Agreed. It's also expensive living in Los Angeles. I imagine the majority of folks spend their money and don't save and invest. Not saying him, I have no idea, of course. (And again, not saying Kristoff, but it's easy to blow through cash when you have any sort of substance addiction ... not saying he did! just another example ...)


It's not like, say, Geoffrey Owens was set for life doing The Cosby Show back in the 80s and 90s ... not sure why folks assume being an actor on television affords them this great lifestyle where they are never hurting for money ... 

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Okay 33k is a lot but to AE who has millions of customers and for them to write that off would be nothing


Im not upset that the estate may have to pay it, more that it was a news story. This isnt an attack on SON because im sure they were made aware of this story and chose to share it but my question who leaked the story inm the first place and could AE being trying to get publicity out of someone's death?

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