Members Scotty Posted March 8, 2006 Members Share Posted March 8, 2006 Vermont Town Calls For Bush Impeachment POSTED: 9:06 pm EST March 7, 2006 Email This Story | Print This Story NEWFANE, Vt. -- A small town is urging Vermont's only congressman to file articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush. Voters gathered for Newfane's annual town meeting Tuesday to conduct routine business and vote on the impeachment call, which passed 121-29. The impeachment item says Bush misled the nation into the Iraq war and engaged in illegal domestic spying. A justice of the peace said that the town is run by what he calls the "far-left." But a local teacher said she can't tell students "that what happens on the national level doesn't affect us at the local level." U.S. Rep. Bernie Sanders, an independent who generally votes with the Democrats and is running for the Senate, issued a statement that says Bush "has been a disaster for our country" and may have broken the law. But since Republicans control Congress "it would be impractical to talk about impeachment," Sanders said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jude Posted March 8, 2006 Members Share Posted March 8, 2006 Bush should totally be impeached. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members OneLife Fan Posted March 8, 2006 Members Share Posted March 8, 2006 UGH!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jude Posted March 8, 2006 Members Share Posted March 8, 2006 ?? You disagree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members alwaysAMC Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 this is too funny...i couldn't care either way Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kwing42 Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 Sure Bush should be impeached..because he kept us safe after 9-11, because we are part of a coalition that is freeing a country that had a dictator that was raping, killing and causing harm to their own people, someone who used WMD's on his own people. Ya, thats not a good thing. Thank God we never interferred with Germany and Hitler....oh wait, I might be wrong about that. Jobless rates are down, economy is on the right track. Is the man perfect? Hell no. Impeachable. Just like reason to. Granted the two cases are highly differnet, but what i am saying is...there is no reason to even consider that. I find it more scary that a political party (either side) will do anything they can to destroy someone, instead of merely disagreeing. Its sad that it comes to this...but what can you do! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members David_Vickers Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 He should be impeached. The economy isn't good, that's a Bush administration, neo-con lie. More people have filed banktuptcy and faced foreclosure under his administration than any other. He's for turning our borders over to another country, which is scary as hell. Thank you most Republicans for being sane and being against W on this. He did NOT keep us safe after 9/11 our troops did. He's responsible for not getting Osama Bin Laden by him and his adminstration (Many of whom also should be impeached) lied to Congress and all Americans to get the war he wanted and planned before 9/11, his Iraq war and lost concentrating on nailing Bin Laden, who's laughing at us for not capturing him over 5 years later. W and Dick are responsible for the thousands killed in the Iraq war including over 2200 American soldiers (including the most suicides in any war ever). There's many reasons to impeach W. His war in Iraq and his being for giving our borders to the highest bidder are just 2 of 'em. The Democratic party isn't destroying W, he's and his administration and party are doing it all themselves. That's why W and his administration and the Republican controlled Senate and House are at all-time lows. Kwing, who I've never seen post on this board til now, you are in the minority. So you might want to wonder why and might wanna wake up for the GOP & W lies and quit drinking their Kool-aid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members bellcurve Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 Or because he and the rest of the administration created 9-11, because they would all profit from the oil and the building of military weapons. Wow. Yeah. I said it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members David_Vickers Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 Exactly bellcurve. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kwing42 Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 WOW. That is about the most immature statement I have ever read on here. If you do your research, we were attacked by bin Laden during the Clinton Administration also. Did he get Osama? No. Is it his fault? NO. Your claims are laughable at best. And I know what the troops do pal, my brother is over their fighting for us, and he and his fellow troops are so hurt and angry at people like you for your lies and hatred toward our leader. You do not have to agree with him, but you have to show respect. So should Bill Clinton have been impeached for NOT getting Osama? Or saying the same thing that Bush did..that Iraq HAD WMD's? Or just Bush, because he agreed with the rest of the world. We KNOW he had them, he USED them on his own people! Hmmm I guess everyone below should be impeched too huh? "[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." -- From a letter signed by Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, & John Kerry among others on October 9, 1998 "This December will mark three years since United Nations inspectors last visited Iraq. There is no doubt that since that time, Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to refine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer- range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies." -- From a December 6, 2001 letter signed by Bob Graham, Joe Lieberman, Harold Ford, & Tom Lantos among others "Saddam's goal ... is to achieve the lifting of U.N. sanctions while retaining and enhancing Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. We cannot, we must not and we will not let him succeed." -- Madeline Albright, 1998 "The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow." -- Bill Clinton in 1998 "I am absolutely convinced that there are weapons...I saw evidence back in 1998 when we would see the inspectors being barred from gaining entry into a warehouse for three hours with trucks rolling up and then moving those trucks out." -- Clinton's Secretary of Defense William Cohen in April of 2003 To be honest Mulder, I do not care if I am in the minority. In my heart I know we are doing the right thing and I know my brother thinks that too. You can spit on their service, but good will be done. And bellcurve, you need a refresher...9-11 was plotted long before Bush took office, it was during the Clinton years. And what did the FBI say just yesterday? They knew of it in the EARLY 90's. Damn that GWB for not doing anything about it them. And its GWB's fault that Clinton did nothing about it. USS Cole ...just another attack with Clinton as Pres...where is your outrage there? I am fine with people being on the other side of an issue, that is what makes us great. But to spout off just because you hate someone....really not mature and is showing your lack of knowledge. And the USA has YET and probably never will profit from the oil in Iraq. I wish we could, for all we are doing, but we are not. I am sure Osama is laughing for many things, but the fact is, we have not had an attack on our soil since 9-11. I suppose that is Bush's fault too. The only thing the two of you have "proved" is your lack of clear thinking and attention to details. Which makes your case, laughable at best. Not a fan of the kool aid bro. I just live how i see fit, and thats good enough for me. Last January the President of Portugal told the press that Bill Clinton had confided with him: "When Clinton was here recently," Barroso told a Portuguese news service, "he told me he was absolutely convinced, given his years in the White House and the access to privileged information which he had, that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction until the end of the Saddam regime." And let Freedom Ring....unless you only believe that the USA should have freedom like many on the left! And by the way..I am neither a lefty or a righty.. And also, a good friend of mine...SGT. Brian Morris was killed over there in September. So I know what is going on, I know the loss. Besides tearing America apart...are you doing ANYTHING good or respectful for our Country? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jude Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 His entire reason for going into war was because he said there were weapons of mass destruction.... and they didn't find any! Thousands have died for that lie. And you know what? We're still over there! Even if Bill Clinton did think there were weapons and we went to war, he would have pulled out before more people would die for a lie! This is more than about ''freeing a country'' -- and you're totally naïve to think otherwise. If it's our job to police and free the world, why aren’t we in North Korea fighting as well? Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. How anyone can continue to defend that idiot Bush is just beyond me. What more does he have to do for people to see the light???!!! Incredible! And this has nothing to do with Republican vs. Democrat. I know many Republicans who are smart and logical. This is Bush vs. Logic. The man is an idiot. And I know a little something about it too -- my cousin Nick was killed in Iraq. Have a nice day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Walsh Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 I'd love to see Bush get impeached. This man has turned the US into the laughing stock of the world. Plain and simple, he lied through his teeth about the WMDs. I think this is a million times worse than what Clinton lied about. At least a war didn't start because Clinton banged his intern! I can't think of one thing that Bush has done since right after 9/11 that wasn't a failure. The one thing I supported--which was the "Don't Call" list--bombed too because I still get damn telemarketers calling anyway. Everything this man does scares me. Sometimes I like when people make fun of him, but other times he's just scary. Sometimes I wonder if I'll be able to spend the next 50+ years living in this country. That's what bothers me most. His supporters must be blind or just get all of their news from FOX news. Sometimes I think that I'm just too biased with my strong political beliefs to see how his supporters think, but come on...there are still people who think this man is the second-coming and believe every damn lie that comes out of his mouth. That's just shocking. The impeachment is not going to happen anyway, though, when all of his friends control both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Plus, I think that his successors are even worse than he is. I definitely don't want Cheney as president! I mean, granted, these people aren't bumbling idiots like W is, but they're extremely smart...which is even more scary in my opinion. I just hope that the next two-and-a-half years go by very quickly, and that November 2008 comes very soon. I love when election year rolls around (and this time I'll actually be able to vote!!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jude Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 Me too. I can't wait for 2008. How exciting that you'll be able to vote! I was also excited. The first time I voted was in the 1992 election. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Walsh Posted March 9, 2006 Members Share Posted March 9, 2006 I missed the 2004 election by only 3 months. But it wasn't a big deal because it's not like I'm from a battleground state...I'm from Massachusetts!! So I was pretty confident in how my state was going to vote. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R!ck Posted March 10, 2006 Members Share Posted March 10, 2006 If you guys can not have a political debate without attacking other people for their opinions and comments, This thread will be closed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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