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Y&R January 2017 Discussion Thread

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Years ago, on another messageboard, I mentioned that Y&R needed a mix of socio-economic backgrounds and was told that soaps are escape and fantsasy and that no one wants to watch a soap that looks like "the real world".

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I think you need "strivers" as well as the very financially successful if you want a sustainable dramatic (or even comedic) show.

There's a reason why shows like One Day At A Time are making a comeback but you don't see anyone trying to revive Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous these days. In fact, it flopped the last time someone tried to bring it back.

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TV shows like Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous are obsolete. Why watch that when you can follow a stars entire life  as they post it on social media? I think folks are just as consumed with rich and famous as the ever were. My TL on twitter is full of celebrity gossip and stans feuding over their favorite celebrity. 

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In short takes maybe, but how would a continuing hour-long series do? I'm not talking about reality and celebrities' gossip, guilty pleasure nonsense.

I'm talking about a scripted series with original characters, created by writers and played by actors.

Does this have the same dramatic heft?

The criteria is not the same.


Clips posted on Instagram are not the same as what I'm talking about. Reality shows are not the same as what I am talking about.

I'm talking about a story with a constructed dramatic arc, written entirely from the imagination of someone-without ready-made celebrities.

Very different.

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Has anyone else gotten the sense that it's a bit silly for the one thing that Devon losing his memory over it Hilary doing something catty to Mariah? Like.. I get that what she did was totally wrong and viscious but is that really going to be the reason why Devon will be done with her for good? It just feels like, if Devon was going to lose his memory it should have been over something a little worse than that. Something that Hilary inflicted on Devon directly. 

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The narrative should be Hilary still lying after she and Devon had their heart to heart and fresh start. He thought they were finally where he wanted them to be and was trusting her but she was still lying. This would make full sense. 


But TPTB wants Mariah to do something and to be relevant so we get Hevon arguing and breaking up over her. I guess it would make sense if Devon was going to be with her and Hilary set her up so that he'd choose her over Mariah. Then he dumped Hilary for Mariah and before he could tell her he had the accident. Then the amnesia would have big stakes. But as things stand this is small potatoes. 


Not to say it not enjoying these scenes. Cause I am. 

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