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Y&R January 2017 Discussion Thread

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It's not immaterial, it's practical. If they're stuck with Christel Khalil, then until and unless they get rid of Cane I am going to look elsewhere for inspiration character-wise. That leads me to Hilary. I'm sure I am not the first or last person on either side of the screen to make that calculation.

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Just a reminder: Even during the best Bill Bell years, there were 20 things to complain about in every episode.


Under Sally, this show is MILES better than it's been in over a decade. It's MILES better than the other three soaps. Just pointing that out since these pages are filled with complaints about characters, story, and actors. 

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It means we can't fault people for gravitating towards the Hilary character in the way they have. Simply shaking a finger at people and saying Lily should be the priority so focus on her is easy to say in a vacuum, but Lily's been around a long time with a problem performer and a problem couple and that is a lot to try and fix, if it can be fixed. It's not going to happen overnight and there's a reason people are excited about other characters as opposed to Lily. Acting like everyone else is the problem with how Lily is perceived is avoiding the fundamental damage.

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You are putting words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about how lily was perceived or folks gravitating towards hilary. How could I when I prefer Hilary and MiM myself. I merely pointed out that the show's current writing of lily as one note mean shrew was intentional. The same way I pointed out that painting Victoria as incompetent, incapable, and a somewhat bad mother to Reed was for the sole purpose of redeeming and boosting Billy. 


I never said Lily should be the priority and focus. I dont even disagree with you about Lily and Cane. She's useless paired with him and it makes me care less about her.  But, my complaint was that this show is doing exactly what was predicted weeks ago by having Lily crapped on to push Hilary because Lily is the only person the show will allow Hilary to win against. Surely you haven't forgotten that conversation. 


My complaint was directed at TPTB  for being 100% predictable by screwing Lily and CK over to fix a character they destroyed in an effort to push someone else. 

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The lack of background music is still so jarring to me. The scene where Gloria finds out Lauren is in trouble could have been wonderful with suspenseful music in the background. Instead, there was nothing. Nothing.

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I'm still enjoying SS Y&R. I was so glad that Jack's plans for Fenmore's didn't include a hostile takeover. I was really surprised when Gloria called him. It was soapy and infused a little bit of spark into the story. There is soooooo much ICK factor whenever Neil and HIllary have a scene together.

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Hard for me to watch the Devon SL scenes because of it. I continue to notice and love how the show is focusing on the hearts and motivations of the characters. I read the MF Amelia Heinle interview and noticed she mentioned it too.


I read a comment that I have to ask a question about. It was about millionaire Victoria mentioning that she wouldn't be able to find an after hours handyman and compared AH to Heather Tom, as if Tom would not have had to say the same thing if she was in the role? I don't think it was about money. I think it was about after hours service in the winter in Wisconsin. I don't think we can blame the actors and actresses for the lines they have to deliver. I've noticed that her hair has been styled better. The Y&R hair department is finally doing their job.

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With Lily I'm not the biggest CK fan either, but I think she's fine in the role. I wouldn't want a recast at this point. She has chemistry with her entire family and was amazing with Daniel, especially when Cane died. Had Cane stayed dead I truly believe her character would be completely rehabilitated by now. As long as she's stuck with him she's going to be dull. I hope Sally takes her elsewhere because I do enjoy her now. 


As for bashing her to prop Hilary, I don't agree with that either, just like I don't see them bashing Hilary to prop Mariah. I think Sussman is trying to build all the relationships on the show before the stories kick in fully. She's reminding us of friendships that the show forgot about, creating new friendships and also building rivalries. They don't have many new rivalries so it's nice. I'm also happy most aren't about fighting over a man. 

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This. I feel the same way. I don't think Hillary is being bashed to prop Mariah, like some do. I don't think Lily is being thrown under the bus for Hillary, but I think having her so laser focused makes the character completely unlikable, petty and bitchy. It's not working because Khalil isn't that strong of an actor. She does well with the crying for Devon, but nothing else she does really works. I don't want a recast at this point either but they need to work on her.


But this is also true. The writing for Lily is incredibly one-note and I have to agree it's being done on purpose. Same thing for Victoria/Billy.


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