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B&B Promo - A "Shocking" Moment....LOL

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I wouldn't mind Steffy/Carter (he really needs a story) but a  part of me would like to see Steffy/Bill again.....I even painted a scenario where it can simply start with after everyone figures out not only did Steffy kill/attempt to kill Ivy, she was responsible for Aly's death too...of course everyone who didn't know is horrified, but Bill seems to be the only one coming to her defense....causing Katie to (FINALLY) lash out at Bill for his strange obsession he's always had with Steffy and making sure she's married to Liam/part of the family.....maybe Bill has pushed Steffy on Liam because he secretly always wanted her himself?, (which is true when you think about it) and since Liam and not Wyatt is the "chosen one" in his eyes, that's why he pushed so hard for them when Hope/Ivy was in the picture with Liam.....

one thing leads to another,Bill and Steffy end up sleeping together and the rest is history.....

I'll honestly admit most of this comes from me not being a fan of Steffy and Liam together in general, but I would find the whole relationship (or at least the characters) tolerable if they would just bring up the Bill/Steffy thing which I guess is erased permanently from B&B history...

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Yes, it will always be a missed opportunity...and I don't get why Bell has tossed it aside as both DD and JMW both enjoyed it at the time...

I guess he was so ready to do Brooke/Ridge/Taylor 2.0 with the younger generation that he sacrificed so much potential....I personally am tired of that troupe but I guess there wouldn't be B&B without it...

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