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Two Vets to Days

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If we go by the last retcon in 2007, that Tony was on an Island for 20 years, then yes, he has only died one time, in 2009.

When he died in 1995 and 2004, it was written at the times that he was Tony but becuase of the 2007 retcon those are now Andre. Although the 1995 death was rewritten as Andre in 2002 already.

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Andre died in the quicksand in 1984, and that's the way it stayed until 2002. That's when Tony came back from the dead the first time. He explained that Stefano saved Andre from the quicksand but Stefano still hated Andre for what he did to Renee, so Stefano convinced Andre he had the same blood disease as Tony. Stefano wanted to kill two birds with one stone (Andre and John). So the 2002 rewrite kept Andre dead, the writers just changed his death from the quicksand to Aremid. The error in the 2002 rewrite was the Stefano part, becasue he had amnesia in 1995, we saw him read Tony's diary AFTER Tony's death.

But the 2002 rewrite still made alot more sense than the big 2007 rewrite.

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So shady.

That aside, I love Thaao but I don't want Tony or Andre back. TBH, I am over the Dimera clan. Only ones I'd be all for returning is Peter and Kristen. Other than that, I am over the whole family. Even Stefano. I suggested months ago that a great arc for the 50th would be for the show to have Stefano succumb to cancer and make amends with the Salemites he's screwed over throughout the years.

A. Martinez ... meh. I hope they have not cast him to be Rafe's father or something.

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Great news on BOTH counts. I just hope they don't do to A Martinez what they've done to Sarah Brown, Ian Buchanan, etc.

I hope we get a few more returns down the line (paging Matt Ashford, STAT!) but right now I'm extremely happy. It'll make my break I take from watching Days here shortly more worthwhile.

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