Members slick jones Posted January 23 Author Members Share Posted January 23 Richard Fairchild II....????... Richard III pretended to be his son Richard Fairchild III ....Norman Snow 1983 (faux) wanted to kill Gunnar Father Fanelli ... Ron Faber ___ Fannon .... David Copeland 1988 Mrs. _____ Fanucci Never Seen mentioned 2009 childhood Ciccone acquaintance Dr. Farber ... Jeff Talbott Father Farley .... Wiley Wisdom 1/6/2010 Janet's priest Beau Farrell ... Neil Maffin 1988-89 Laura Simmons brother, dated Pam Mary ____ Farrell Gloria Hoye 1988 Laura's mother Dr. Steve Farrell ... Philip Peters Sept - Nov 1978 ex fiance Barbara who follows her to Oakdale and proposes again. Has a mysterious past and leaves town on the eve of their wedding. Carla Faust Patricia Barry 1982 an'acid tongued TV reporter who interviewer John Dixon about his novel' Jim Fellows ... Jonathan Rountel Connie Wilson Ferguson ... Debbie McLeod 1981 Professor Wilson's daughter, affair with James Dean Ferguson ... Hansford Rowe Dr. Jeff Ferguson Daniel Travis Stu Ferguson ... Jamey Sheriden 1986 Lt. Joe Fernando .. Michael Lombard 1972-73 Maria's brother cop; shot Dan Stewart due to grief over losing his sister; Dan's guilt prevented him from pressing charges Dr. George Ferris ... ??? 12/81 friend, Sofia, made calls to Dee Annabelle ___ Fettle ... Phyllis Somerville 2004 involved in the Cabot baby switch Sam Fickett. Arnie Mazer 1992 -93 rapist w/ Elroy Nevins--Margo _______Fiddler Ron King 1982 Dr. ____ Field Lisa's therapist upon her return to Oakdale after being raped in Texas- 1964 ... Sheppard Strudwick 1961-64 Jonathan Frid 1964-65 Sir Albert Fielding ... Peter Carey Jones 1992 Kitty's father George Fielding ... Tom Bozell Kitty Fielding .. Margaret Klenck 1992 Scott Eldredge's ex girlfriend Judge Myra Fielding ... Lynn Milgrim 1986 Nurse Sarah Fielding Never Seen mentioned 2008 pediatric nurse; Memorial; took over Morty the dog from Chris Glen Fields Gary Wilmes 2010 Dusty's associate hit on Teri Mr. Fierstein ... Philip Goodwin Officer Fife ????? 1/25/2010 OPD Inspector Emil Filloux ... member of the RCMP came to Oakdale to bring Cabot back to Canada Matthew Dixon 11/20/03 ...Neal Jones 2004 Agent Lloyd Finley ... Richard Borg 1989-90 agent of Crime Commission Zac Finn ..... Nicholas Galbraith 2009 kidnapped Noah Zoe Finn ... Melinda Sullivan 09 kidnapped Noah Irv Finsterwald Ben Franklin lookalike ... Ralph Archibold 09 .... Dean Bennett 09 Mr. _____ Fipps ?? 06-02-2009 from the State department Socrates Firos ... Billy Otis 5/88 Mrs. Fischer ... Christine Parks 1986 Dr. _______ Fisher .... James Ray 1966 Dr. ____ Fisher ????? 1974 Jennifer's doctor Reverend ____ Fisher ... Norman Walter 1985 Stuart Fisher ... Michael Magee Ruby Fisk ..... Diane Perell 2008 witness that helped free Parker Attorney General James Fitzgerald ... Daren Kelly 1990-93 Adelaide ___ Fitzgibbons Kirk Anderdson's former lover/ confidante Susan Brown 1988; 1990-93 ... Beverly Penberthy 1989 Paul Fix III .... Paul Fix III 2008 Mrs. Flanagan ???? shopped in Gloria Dunne's store 1979 Jim Fleming Matthew Loney 1990 Lombard employee Roberta Alcott Fleming Carol Halstead 1993 Michael's sister Dr. _____ Flemming ?? 11-24-2009 Katie's doctor Mrs. _____ Fletcher Never Seen mentioned 2009 Casey and Jade's patient Nurse ____ Fletcher ... Ellen Mittenthal 7/ 1999 Maria Flores ... Cordelia Gonzalez 1988 Rosa Flores ..... Antonia Rey cook, Lucinda Walsh 1986-9? Dr. Flynn .. Susan's psychiatrist Addison Powell 1973 ] ... Sidney Walker 1973 Jimmy Flynn... Joey Shea 1998 Officer Pat Flynn ???? 5/7/1996 with Tom ______ Foley .... George Simpson 2/90 Dr Foley ??? June 77 ... surgeon who operated on Tom Hughes following car accident that killed Chuck Shea Dr. ____ Foley ????? 1970-71 Dr. ____ Foley ... Linda Emond 1998 Beverly Foncillas... Rose Courtney 2009 Paul and Meg's social worker Nash Fontaine Randy Schein 2004 Adele Forentino Kimber Riddle Dr. ___ Forest ??? April 78 surgeon who had a attack during surgery forcing Dan Stewart to take over. Patient died causing Dan to feel guilty. Judge ____ Forman Elizabeth Perry 1990 Dr. Ben Forrest ... David Bailey July - ? 1982 dated Ellen Stacey Forrest ... Danielle DuClos 1982 friend Annie, Ben's daughter Dr. ____ Forsyth Never Seen almost caught Casey and Alison 2010 Captain_______ Forsythe ...???... boss Margo ... 9/83 Ms. _____ Forsythe ?? 11-19-2009 Noah's social worker Mrs. Fortier (Foerter) Elizabeth Lawrence 1998 Adam Foster ... Michael Raymond 3/88 Dr. _____ Foster Never Seen mentioned 2008 neurologist; Memorial Lincoln (?Corey) Foster ... Ronald Foster 1982-83 framed Roberta Johnson... Tucker's uncle Mrs. ____ Foster ... Alice Howard Tucker Foster ... Eddie Earl Hatch 1982- June 1985 worked with Steve, his best friend District Attorney Bill Fowler ... Tom Keena 84-85 boss Maggie, Kit Fowler ... Lauretta Vaughn 2007-08 tried to kill Carly and Jack; bartender from Manley, Idaho; bought Metro with Carly; killed Sam Agent ____ Fox ... Stephen Beach 2007 John Hickock 2007 Dr. _____ Fox ?? 07-18-2008 doctor; Memorial Anne Francis ... Anne Francis 2/1986 Arlene Francis Arlene Francis 1986 Fashion Show Guest Detective _____ Francis ... Willie C. Carpenter 1988 Sergio Francone ... Robert Montano 2006 Gabe Frank ... Ritchie Coster 2000-01 grifter faked death, stole from Bryant Ruby Frank .... Guenia Lemos 2000-01 liked Bryant grifter Dr. _____ Frankel ?? 07-21-2009 neurologist from New York; specialized in post-traumatic stress and memory loss Judge Frankel Stephen Singer 1995 Judge Frankel ????? married Barbara and Henry 8/27/2010 ________ Frankfurter ... John Fitzgibbons Amy ___ Phillips Franklin Karen Evans Kandel abused wife of Lloyd Phillips, eventually married Roy.. Leonard Franklin, Jr. Never Seen, deceased. Roy's deceased brother Leonard Franklin , Sr. Charles B. Dumas 1989 Roy's father Mel Winkler 1986 Nella Franklin nursing student, Tiffani Caesar 1986 Kasi Lemmons 1987-89 Victoria Rowell 1988-89 (?90) Judge Randall Franklin ... Michael McKenzie 2001 Roy Franklin Count Stovall 1985-89 Detective, dated Heather, Jessica Sarah __ Franklin Novella Nelson 1986-89 occasional Roy and Nella's mother Steven Franklin ?????? U. S. Attorney 2/2010 Dr. Franz ... Peter Von Berg Celia Frasier Fiona Hutchison 2000 Simon's sister, drowned with stolen diamond Concetta Concepcion Frasier .. Never Seen ex wife, Simon Eleanor ___ Frasier... Never Seen ex wife, Simon Ilsa ___ Frasier ... Never Seen ex wife, Simon Monique Ferrar Frasier ... Never Seen ex wife, Simon Roger Frasier ... Never Seen father, Simon Simon Frasier ... Paul Leyden 2000-03; 2004; 2006-07 shady Aussie +Katie, +Carly Jules Frawley ... Mark Blum 2004 attorney, Barbara Carol Deming Hughes Stallings Andropoulos Frazier ... Rita McLaughlin Walter 1969-71; 1972-82 Reverend Norman Frazier ... Norman Walter 1980-82 minister; Tom/Barbara aborted wedding Pamela Freedley ... Kay Arnold 1976 District Attorney Jim Freeman Paul Sparer 1967 prosecuted Sara Fuller Dr. Stephen Freeman ... Michael Patterson 1995 Agent _____ Frye ... Sean Mahan 3/6&3/7/2008 Edith Hughes Frye ... Ruth Warrick 1956-60; October 1963 4 episodes for Grandpa Hughes 70 th birthday known for affair with Jim Lowell, Chris and John's sister, secretary, married George Frye Dr. George Frye ... George O. Petrie 1958-60 husband, Edith Nurse Connie Fuller ... Wendy Girard 1979 + John Gwen Fuller ....Karen Evans Kandel Neal Fuller ... J. Leon Pridgen Sarah __ Fuller Gloria DeHaven November 1965-66 fashion designer, dated Don, bio mom to Amanda Holmes Edgar Fullerton Never Seen 1986 adoptive parents, Sabrina Mrs._____ ____ Fullerton ...Never Seen 1986 " " Lexi Funk ... Annie Meisels 1993-94 pizza delivery girl, murder witness Fabrice the designer ...Fabrice 1985 Fay... Samantha Hahn 08 Fay _____ ?? 2009-07-10 Bonnie's friend; sketch artist Felice Deborah Cresswell 5/21/1996 Felicia _____ Never Seen mentioned 2008 Henry's book signing Felix Ryan Spahn 09 Fin knew Ralph .... Gino Calcavella 10/09 Fingers at the shelter ... ???? 1987 Flora who nursed Sierra ... Nina Dova 1988 Flora Cari Gorostiza 1989 possibly also Sierra's nurse Floyd that likes "Geneva" .... Davis Hall 2009 Francine the nurse ... Chris McGinn 1999 Brother Francis the kidnapper ... Boris McGiver 12/04 Frank ... Ryan Serhant 2007 Frank the bartender ... Andrew Thacher 2004 Frank the bartender ... Matthew Jared Frank that liked Rose ... Matthew Del Negro 00 Frank .... Steven Marcus Frank ... William Newhall 1988 Frank ... John Towey 1987 Frank _____ Never Seen mentioned 2009 Janet's ex-boyfriend Frank Never Seen Java Manager 2010 Frankie _____ ?? 09-16-2008 WOAK Frankie ... Justin Campbell 1998 Fred ... Josh Banks 4/20/2010 Fred .... David Ian Lee 2007 Fred ... Kelly Neal 1997 Fred the bartender... Damon DiMarco 1999, 2001 Fred the bartender..... Chris McKinney Fred that found Sheila after her accident...????... 1980 Fred _____ ?? 09-19-2008 chief of the rescue squad Fred _____ Never Seen mentioned 2008 hired hand at the Snyder Farm Freddie that dated Sam Jones ...???... 4/83 Freddie that was Curtis' friend...Mike Santana 2000 Fredo the "goon"...???... Mickey G. ... Rick Aby 1994 tries to beat up Hal Mr. _____ G. Never Seen mentioned 2009 Liberty's homeroom teacher Tiffany __ Gable Hannah Storm 7/12/2004 wedding planner Steve Gaboury Steve Gaboury 07-03-2008 guitarist; Cyndi Lauper Mindy Gaines .... Bethany Butler 2007 Emerson Gallagher John Cunningham 92-93 Attorney for Gavin Kruger and the Harper family Dr. _____ Galloway .... Jonathan Walker 1999 Mark Galloway .... Susan' boyfriend Stephen Bolster 74 ... Anthony Herrera 74-75 Dr. Galvin ????? Deerbrook 4/29/2010 Willie Gannon ... Tim Dekay Officer _____ Garcia Never Seen mentioned 2009 OPD Reverend Garcia Antone Pagan Dr. Gardella ..... Stan Lachow 1996 Dr. _____ Gardner Never Seen mentioned 2009 fertility specialist at Memorial Frank Gardner ???? 1982 Editor of Oakdale Times who gives Lisa job as gossip columnist Dolly Valentine Mr. Gardner .... Donald Buka 88 art gallery owner, showed Sabrina's work Norman Garrison Michael Minor ?? 1975 - December 10, 1975 married Sandy Wilson (#3) Mrs. Garza ???? 11/18/08 Sage's teacher Phillippe Gautier .... Jeffrey David Gordon Geller .... Jack Walsh 2004 stole Jack's wallet proved to Carly he was alive Mrs. _____ Geller ?? 01-28-2009 Dusty's realtor Genevieve George ..... Nancy Ticotin 05 social worker Judge ___ George William Meisle 1995 Arnold Gephart .... David Sheikopf 88 Elliott Gerard ... Ian Kahn 07 Hugo Gerard ... ???? 12/81 attorney, Miranda David Gibboney ... Steve Bradbury 1990 husband, Pearl Pearl ___ Gibboney Donna Drake 1990 wife, David ______ Gibbs ..... Sedric Harris Dan Gibson ... David Reivers 1989 Kevin Gibson Steven Weber 85-86 argued with Marie Kovak, loved Frannie, killed by Marsha Talbot Matt Gibson Peter Flanigan 98 Mrs. Gibson ???? Headmistresss East Lake Academy 3/2010 Emily Giffin Emily Giffin 10/12/2007 Jerry Gifford Brian Delate 90 Simon GIlbey Jerry Lacy 71 adopted Meredith millionaire, liked Lisa George Giles .... ??? ...7/85 Cushing gardener Ron Gillette ran Julie Snyder's modeling agency Tony Carlin 92-93 Malcolm Gets 94 Sheriff___ Gillis Bruce Kirkpatrick Dr. _____ Gilmore ???? February 1976 OBGYN at St Joseph's who informed Kim she was pregnant. Mrs. _____ Gitlin Never Seen mentioned 2009 Johnny's teacher Byron Glass (AKA B.J. Green) ...Brian Gaskill 05 Katie's creepy high school "friend" Jerome Gleason Kevin O'Rourke 3/1989 Mr.____ Glick ... Lucas Caleb Rooney Fairy Godmother Phyllis Diller 84 Marcy's fairy godmother Maya Gold Never Seen body found, killed by Nick Kasnoff 06 Alfred Golden Richard Hunderup Officer _____ Gonzales Never Seen 2008 cop; OPD Vivian Goodsman ... Shelley Bennett 02 Dr.Elmer "Gordo" Gordon Joe Holt 03-04 murdered by Rick Decker Judge _____ Gordon ?? 07-08-2009 Craig & Carly's (non-)wedding Livia Gordone ... Nell Mooney 08 Lawrence Gorey Never Seen killed by Emily before she returned to Oakdale in 1986 Jeffrey Goth .... ???? Judy Gottshalk Sara Chase 07 Mr. Grabowski ... Richard Hughes 2/4/2004 Mrs. Grace ... June Squibb 2005 Lieutenant ___ Grady Reuben Jackson 2000-01 Officer _____ Grady Michael Houston 2009 Kentucky cop who investigated Holden's "death" Officer ____ Grady ??? OPD 6/14/2010 Officer ____ Graham ... Reuben Greene David Graham .... Erik Heger 08 Attorney, Sofie Sally Graham ... Kathleen Cody 67-68 Tom's girlfriend, babysitter for Chuckie Sylvia ______ Graham Holly Barron Dana Lambert's mother 1992 Dr. ____ Grainger ... Faran Tahir 92 Dr Larry Granger ??? Jan 76 Colleague of Dan Stewart, unable to attend conference in Bolivia so Dan took his place. Derek Graver Seth Fisher 07 Dolores ___ Graves (?Grove) .... ???? 75 testified against Joyce at Paget trial Lynda ___Graves ... ... Priscilla Lopez 95 Nikki Munson's mom Bernard Ignatius Grayson (Mr. Big) ... Brent Collins 82-83 arch villain chased by Tom and Margo Lev Green ... John DiBenedetto pawnshop 3/2004 Yale Green Timothy Estin Atty. Rick Greenberg Never Seen 2008 Gray's attorney Mr. _____ Greenberg Never Seen mentioned 2009 patient at Memorial ____Greenhill ??? 90 daughter Sean Baxter+Donna Greenhill Donna ____ Greenhill 90 Amy McDonald Sean Baxter's ex Howard Greenhill ??? 90 husband, Donna (?Never Seen) Dr. ____ Greenwood Wayne Alexander 88 John Dossett Lee Greenwood Lee Greenwood ?92 or 93? sang with Rita Coolidge Renee ___ Greenwood Erin O'Brien-Moore 96 kidnapper, Casey after her son died Fred Greer Tonio Reyes' attorney Wayne Alexander 88 William Carden 89 William Bogert 89-93 Edna ____ Grendle Peg Small 05 Dr. _____ Grey Michael Warner 05 Jeremy "Mr. Grey" Grey Robert Kasel 92-95 Lucinda's detective ; searched for her missing sibling Lawton Grey George Ede Dawn Wheeler's ex Mrs.____ Grey Never Seen raised Melinda Mr. ___ Grey Never Seen raised Melinda Carl Griffin ???? 89-91? Fiona's son Cora Brennan Griffin Franny Brennan's sister Barbara Hayes 1965 Rosemary Murphy 1966 Dallas Griffin Lamar's son Duane McLaughlin 06-07 Kenneth Franklin 07 Wole Parks 07-08 Fiona Griffin Jessica's sister Nan-Lyn Nelson 89 . Kim Yancey ... 89 Iona Morris 89-93 Lamar Griffin Jessica's brother Vince Williams 89 Chris Walker 95 Michael Genet 89-93 occasional afterwar Leon Griffin ????? 89-91? Fiona's son Louise ____ Griffin Billie Allen 89-93 Jessica's mother, abandoned by her husband Nurse Mary Griffin Marcia McCabe 12 episodes 77-78 Ward Griffin Jessica's wayward father Arthur French 90 Carl Gordon 90-93 Otis Griggs Stu "Large" Riley orderly/guard 2004 Abigail Medford Grimaldi Never Seen previous wife, Eduardo ? Bettina Smythe Grimaldi . Rebecca Tilney 95 (aka Smythe) ... T.J. Coan 95 Annette Miller 95 drugged by Orlena Damian Grimaldi Michael Galardi (temporary) ...Paolo Seganti 93-96, 97, 01, 06, 09-10 Dante Grimaldi Luca Calvani 01 half brother Damian Eduardo Grimaldi Lisa's husband, died from an operation by John Dixon after being shot Nic Coster 1993-95 Lisa Miller Hughes Eldredge Shea Colman McCall Mitchell Grimaldi (Chedwyn) Pamela King July 1964 Lynn Rogers 1977-78 Temporary Betsy Von Fursteberg 1980 temp replacement when Eileen Fulton had hepatitis; June 1983- June 1984 Maeve McGuire 1992 Temporary Jane Powell 1990; 1991, 1993, 1994 Temporary Jennifer Bassey early 90s Temporary Carmen Duncan 2004 Temporary Eileen Fulton May 60- April 64, August 64 -May 65,Jan. 16, 1967-83, July 84- September 10 Lorenzo Grimaldi Michael Dantuono 95 father, Damian and Dante Orlena ___ Grimaldi (aka Lena Smythe) ... Claire Bloom 93-95 ... Lynn Milgrim 95 (Young) .... Margalit Kestin 1995 Drugged Lily and Luke and kept them with Damian. Believed to be Damian's mother but was actually his nanny Mrs. _____ Grimshaw Colleen Smith Wallace Dr. ___ Grodin Roderick O'Grady 1995 April Grove April Grove 5/18/10 won a contest to sing with Lisa Henry Grover Jerry Griffin Prof. _____ Gruen ?? 10-07-2009 Noah's professor Martin Guest Stephen Bolster 86 Lucinda's ex, committed suicide Dr. Ron Gunther Ronn Carroll 90 Peter Boyden 89 Clyde Guthrie Sean Hewitt Lieutenant Ray Guzman Robert Fontaine 98-00 Gabe Nick Zurzolo 07 Gabe that liked Liberty ... Corey Eid 09 Gabriele that dated Jack.. Christina Chang 1997 Gaby Shalyn Baum 05-30 -08 friend of Ashley Davis Gage Peter Crombie 1989 Gary Dustin Price 02 Gary the doctor that treated Annie's leg .... ???? 80 Gary Mark Lancaster EMS Tech Genevieve ????? Lucinda's assistant 8/3/2010 Geordi .... Taylor Calvan George ... Sean Mahan 10/31/ 08 George ... Steven Graybilll 7/21/09 Mason's ex-boyfriend George ... Gary Evans 2002 George the castle caretaker....???? 5/89 Agent George Dann Florek 1984 took down Bernie Parker, Bart Montgomery's business partner Georgia Connie Teng 07 Gerard the hypotist.....Charles Nelson Reilley tried to help Margo remember the night Diego die 2/28/97 Gianni the model .....Francis Bouley 93 Gil + Ben Mitchell Lichtenstein 1992 Margo's HIV group Gilbert _____ ?? 05-16-2008 temp; assistant; The Intruder; replaced Casey Gillian ???? patient Reid 2/25/2010 Gina _____ Christine Perkins 06-02-2009 pregnant girl; looking to give her baby up for adoption Ginny Anne L. Nathan 01-09-2008 stylist; participated in Mate Date Ginny Sicily Rockmore 03-31-2009 Holden and Lily's maid Gino Chad Christopher 85 Gisele that worked at the spa ?????? 2/5/2002 Giselle _____ ?? 02-18-2009 waitress; Al's Diner Glenn the NYU Student Jeffrey Emerson 00 Gloria the physical therapist Andrea Navedo Glynn ... Nikki James Goldie, Rose's friend ... Michelle Santopietro 99 Gordon Worldwide board member ???? 6/18/2007 Grace the babysitter ..... Leah Johnston 01-23-2008 (Hallie) Grace Never Seen Mean girl at Faith's boarding school 2010 Grant .... Will Poston 2/28/2008 beat up Luke and Noah Greg .... Michael Borne 07 Greg _____ Never Seen 2008 WOAK crew Greg .... James McAndrew 06 Greta .... Jennifer Jean 10 Memorial Gretchen ... Susan Cella Grigor ??? first mate, Damian's ship 2/2010 Gus that knew Carly Joe Dawson 05-29-2009 patron at Yo's Gus _____ ?? 03-09-2009 Parker's friend Gwen .... Jina Oh 99 _____ Hack ????? 8/85 thug, Guy Howard Bennett Hadley Doug Higgins May - Dec 1979 author, widower was engaged to Lisa; The Willows Greg Hadley attorney at Jessica's firm Joseph Adams 1986 John Gould Rubin 1988-89 Ruth _ Hadley Eileen Fulton 1979 (Flashbacks/pictures) murdered by Hester Pierce; Bennett's wife Myra Haft Charissa Cree Chamorro 2009; 2010 psychic Officer Hagwood Daniel Mastrogiorgio 10-11/2002; 4/2003; 2005 Nurse Alice Hailey Kathleen Klein 76 (?Doris Hailey) Sergeant _____ Hailey ????? 79 The Willows Todd Haines ???? 83 brother of Karen, involved in "adult" industry Detective ___ Hale Norm Lewis 1997 Dr. ______ Hale Never Seen Liberty's OB/GYN 2010 Officer ___ Hale David Roberson 89 Doris Haley Kathleen Klein 1976 Meredith Haliday (Harcourt) Nita Hart 71 +Tom, adopted by Simon Gilbey Diane Hall Tori Davis 2007 Dr. ___ Hall Michael Warner 2007 Agent Douglas Halliwell James Shanklin 1999-2001? agent threatened to deport Simon Jerry Halpern Harry Spillman 85-86 frend of Barbara's Sandy Hamel Mary McCann 1997 reporter D.A. _____ Hamilton Never Seen Mentioned 2008 district attorney Ed Hamilton Terry Kohl 87 June Hamilton Melissa Maxwell 3/2008 Dr. Reid Hamilton Keith Colouris 99 killed by David Stenbeck and replaced. Tim Hamilton Stephen Gregory 87-88 Jef Hamlin Christopher Fuller 94-95 dated Emily Rick Hamlin Robert Vaughn 95 Jef's father attorney Alice ___ Hammond Imogene Coca 83 elderly mugging victim Brenda Hancock Lydia Laurans 82 cook, James had affair with him Samantha Hanes Hannah Cox 89 Inspector ____ Haniotis Louis Zorich 1987-88 Greek Cop Judge Lawrence Hanlin Herb Petras Nevins trial 93 Juliette Hanovan Tracy Kolis 83-84 half-sister, Steve A. Fire Chief ___ Hansen William Lynch 1/87 Lloyd Hansen Craig Wroe 2009 James' attorney Detective ___ Hansen Gerald Walker 89 Officer ____ Hansen Will Schneider 08 Detective ____ Hanson Gerald Walker 89 Officer Steve Hansen [Hanson?] ?? 05-04&12-10-2009 cop; OPD Alan Harder ????? 81 womanizer +Bilan Kit Harding Anjelica Torn 97 cellmate, Lily Zack Harding Adam Roy 06 stabbed by Eve Coleman Browning Elaine ____ Hargrove Caroline Lagerfelt 85-86 cousin of Marsha Talbot Sheriff ___ Hargraves ????? 79 Sheriff, The Willows Samuel Hargrove Michael Lucas Clint Harkness Robert Manzari 80 friend Brad Hollister Timothy Harkness ???? 7/84 prison guard Reverend ___ Harmon Charles Teichman 88 ____Harper James Bartz 85 _____Harper Kevin O'Rourke Anthony Harper Michael Hammond 92-93 husband Vicky Bill Harper John Dossett 89-90 son, Julius Wayne Maugans 90 Julius Harper John Doman 92 -93 brother Anthony Sheldon Harper Brian Davies 86 attorney, Tad Channing Vicky Cerrone Harper Donna Mitchell 92-93 wife, Anthony Glenn Harrington Richard Burgi 88-89 dated Shannon fake agent Mark Harrington Christopher Durham 89 Glenn's brother Dr. Ben Harris Peter Parros 97-05; 09 Curtis (Thompson) Harris adopted by Ben, taken in by Isaac Chad Tucker 00-02 Ernest Waddell 03-05 Emmett Harris Fred J. Scollay 1976 Jerrome Harris Never Seen father, Ben/Isaac Jessica Griffin McKechnie Harris attorney JoAnna Rhinehart 95-99 Tamara Tunie 87-95; 00-07; 09 Nurse Kathy Harris Cecilia Hart early-mid 1970s Nurse ____ Harris Lori March Officer _______ Harris Keith Langsdale 79 Cindy Brooke Harrison Kim Rhodes 00;01 visits Jake, Buys microchip from Carly Felix Harrison city councilman Herb Downer 91-92 Kevin Ramsey 93 Gene Harrison Adam Grupper 98 Judge George Harrison William Meisle 96 Mr. ___ Harrows Kevin McLarnon 4/85 Assistant District Attorney Evelyn Hart Ayo Haynes 01-03 Clinton Hartford Paul Geier 93 Reporter Dr. Todd Hartley Ira Hawkins 88 dated Jess Mr. ____ Harwood Jim Borelli 86 Lieutenant Fred Hasbro Edwin Sean Patterson 6/9/2009 army lieutenant at Fort Leonard Wood Annie Hasbrook Hallee Hirsch 96 X-Mas at Memorial Hospital Billy Hasbrook Timmy Reifsnyder 96 Jake Haskell David Cryer 85 casino boat with Diana (also referred to as Jack) Bill Hastings Bruce Bauer 1989 Jeff Chamberlain 1989 Hazel ___ Hastings Joan Kendall 2/92 Rosalind __ Hatchley Duncan's former lover, murdered Ina Balin 1986 Annette Miller 1986; 1987 (FB) Charles Hathaway Jack Davidson Jeannie ____ Hathaway Nan-Lynn Nelson wife, Kenny Judge ____ Hathaway Jerry Lanning 3/17&22/2004 Kenny Hathaway Keith Glover husband Jeannie Vera Hathaway Martha Byrne 2000 Virginia Barclay's twin sister Mrs. _____ Havelock Marie Danvers 8/2003 Matthew Haversham #1 Paul Hartel 1985 - 1995 Matthew Haversham #2 Thom Zimerle 1985 Matthew Haversham #3 Mark Irish 1996-1997 Matthew Haversham #4 David Varnay 1999-2002 Graham Hawkins Nick Ullett 1992-95 butler Royce, married Thelma Thelma Dailey Hawkins Jenny O'Hara 92-95 Lucinda's assistant Emma Basker Hawley ?????? 5-6/85 Stewart Cushing's nanny Sam Hayden Michael Hayden 93 Principal Edward Hayes ??? 4/8/10 & 8/31/10 High School Principal (seen after Nancy's death) Ms. ____ Haymer Leona Cyphers 88 Harry Haywood David Froman 81 bodyguard, James Judge ____ Heals Harley Venton Dr. Gregory Hearne James Riordan 07-10 Barbara's oncologist; Liberty's oncologist Boss Heeney Paul Austin Lou Helfrich Joseph Costa 3/28/2003 landlord Arnie Heller Scott Guyer Leslie Hellman Barbara Gulan Immigration Agent ___ Helms Robert Cuthill 3/31&4/10/2008 Officer ____ Helms Darren Goldstein 08 Chuck Henderson ????? Jan- ? 57 college student who dated Penny when in Oakdale. Penny thought Chuck was more interested than he was and was devastated when he announced his engagement to another girl. That led to Penny eloping with Jeff Baker. Conrad Henderson Doug Olear 05 delivery guy, Paul's divorce papers(Rosanna) Ida Henderson ?????? 79 maid The Willows (post-Hester) Murray Henderson Rudy Hornish 84-85 hench, Lucinda Dr. ____ Hendricks Christopher Randolph 05 Mexican clinic doctor that treated Lucinda with Keith _____ Hendritzy P.J. Benjamin 86 Officer______ Hendrix Monsoor Najee-ullah 90 Mrs ___ Henley Lizabeth Pritchett Officer _____ Hennessy Never Seen Mentioned 2008 OPD Steve Hennessy business exec James Carroll 92-93 Robert Mackey 93 Mr. ____ Herschel ????? 4/1974 owner of construction company; owed bank; Jay Stallings bought his note Richie Hess Gerald Gordon 59 (Not GG from The Doctors, GH) Mr. ____ Hessel Bill Rowley 6/23/2003 Marriage license clerk Dr. Carl Hessler Robert Bloodworth 85-86 Agent Mitch Hewlitt Richard Borg 85 undercover waiter at Diana's Cliff Higgins Kevin Thigpen 1991 brother, Joel Detective Joel Higgins Hubert Kelly, Jr. 1990-91 partner, Hal Damien Leake 91-95 Josslyn Hilbrandt (Higgins?) Diane Westin 86-87 psychology student, friend Frannie (in '86 episode she said Hilbrandt, in '87 Higgins) Dr. ____ Hill Peter McRobbie Terrence Hill Steve Groff Dr. ____ Hilton Margaret "Meg " Gibson 99 (?89) Dr. Inga Hindenburg Never Seen Mentioned 2008 author of "You're Not My Type"; guest on Oakdale Now Don Ho ?? 04-17-2008 with Brad and Katie; musician? Jennifer ____ Hobart Geraldine Court 89 murdered client of Grant from San Francisco Frank Hobbs Jonathon Albert street vendor, gave drugged beverage to Gwen 2005 District Attorney Avril Hobson Norman Parker 86 Dr. ____ Hobson Kenneth Land 1991 Rex Hoffington Matt Walton 5/4/10 WOAK Anchor, dated Barbara Carl Hoffman Chet Carlin 91-92 butler, Crawford Elwood Hoffman Alex Charak 06-09 Casey's roommate, worked with Cheri Love Freda ____ Hoffman Peg Small 91-92 maid Gregor Hoffman Gregor Hoffman 1979 ballet dancer with Starr Danias Mrs. ____ Hoffman ???? 83-84 housekeeper Craig and Betsy Todd Hoffman Michael Lengel 93 Dr. ____ Hoffstedder Ed Setrakian 81 Inspector_____ Hogan John Jellison 1994 Stan Holden W.T. Martin 81-83 +Kim Private Investigator, James's associate; undercover agent Kevin Holland Lakeview Manager Michael McKenzie 01 Robert Gomes 01 Nurse Sage Holland Alexandra Wilson 86-87 Dusty's Nurse Barney Hollister Never Seen possibly Brad and Eric's father 1980 Brad Hollister Peter Brouwer 80-81 married Annie, con man Eric Hollister Peter Reckell May 2, 1980-81 brother of Brad med student, construction worker, married Hayley, thought he fathered Cricket's son Billy. Hayley Wilson Hollister Dana Delaney 80-81 daughter of Professor Wilson, an archaeologist married Eric Stan Hollister Never Seen older brother, Brad/Eric knew Lisa Amanda Holmes Deborah Solomon Steinberg May 21 1965-68; 1969-70 used the name Jennifer Roberts at first. went to work at Wade's bookstore. Discovered she was daughter of Bill Holmes and Sara Fuller; accidentally caused Sara's death, went on trial but was acquitted dated Don Hughes and Burt Lord Ann ____ Holmes Augusta Dabney 66-68 adoptive mother, Amanda Warren Holmes Richmond Hoxie 1989 William "Bill" Holmes William Prince 66-68 adoptive father, Amanda Martha Honeycutt Rochelle Bostrom 2004 lookalike (Carly) at the water park Eve ____ Hopkins Phyllis Bash Ginny Hopkins Robin Groves 78 protester, knew Kevin Thompson Joe Hopkins Ron Vawter February 1987 Ms. ___ Hopkins Melissa Chalsma 01 Luke's kindergarten teacher. Ms. _____ Hopkins Never Seen Mentioned 2008 Faith's teacher Officer ___ Hopkins ???? 8/3/10 OPD Sergeant _____ Hopper Berto Colon 7/7/08 Army Sergeant Deacon ______ Horner Ty Jones Reverend ____ Horner Chad Coleman Judge Mark Horowitz Don Leslie 01 Joe Horton Ted Neustadt 9/94 Sally Horton Kitty Lunn 1990- 97 Kim's wheelchair-bound assistant Keith Hotchkiss Christopher Dansby Fisher Nelson Hotchkiss Jed Orlemann 07 attorney, Dr. Evers Whitney Houston Whitney Houston 84 sang with Jermaine Jackson Dr. _____ Howard Baxter Harris 87 Dr. _____ Howard Joe E. Sirola early 60s Guy Howard ????? 85 loan shark/fence, Shannon Agent _____ Howell Cyrus Farmer Arthur Howell Chip Zien 95 Dr. _____ Howell ?? 03-25-2009 Vienna's OB-GYN Jasper Howell Ivar Brogger 12/92 Dr. Leonard Howell Robert Elston 81 blackmailed by Miranda made LSD Detective ___ Hoyt James Secrest 87 Mr. ___ Hoyt Jack Ryland attorney, James shot at John Dixon 82-83 _____ Hudson Scott Paridon 89 Chet Hudson Timothy Landfield 86-88 Donna Love Hutchins Hudson Hudson (Cory) Anna Stuart 99-02 Michael Huested John Cameron Weber 1990 Amy Lin Hughes adopted by Penny and Anton; real grandparents were Mr. and Mrs. Parsons Irene Yaah-Ling Sun April 1973 -??/??/1973 Una Kim 1986;1988 Casey Robert Hughes son of Margo and Tom, fathered Gwen's baby, Billy; dated Maddie; became a gambler, ended up with Alison McDermott.... Cruise Russo 91-99 Joseph Cross 99-04 Ian Boyd 04 Peter Vack (Brown) 04 Zach Roerig 05-07 Scott Porter 06 (temporary) Billy Magnussen 08-10 Christina Hughes Never Seen daughter, Mary and Don Christopher Hughes, Esquire attorney, married to Nancy until his death in 1986 Don MacLaughlin 56-86 Dr. Christopher "Chris" Robert Hughes son of Bob and Kim; dated Molly, Abigail, Emily, Sofie, Alison and Katie Adam Kirshan 86-90 Michael Maugen ?87 Joseph Woodstock III 87 Eren Ross Cannatta 90-91 Christian Seifert 92-98 Ben Jorgenson (Monk) 99 Paul Korver 99-01 Alan White 02 Bailey Chase 03-05 Dylan Bruce 07-08 Daniel Cosgrove 10 Daniel (Stewart) Hughes son from affair between Tom and Emily Jared and Lindsay Baskin 00 Dylan Bluestone 01-06 Kevin Csolak 06 Sam Stone 07-08 Doug Chaplin 2009 Donald "Don" Hughes, Esquire attorney married Janice, Joyce, and Mary; adopted Ryder, father of Christina Hal Studer 56 Richard Holland 56-61 James Noble 1961-62 Peter Brandon 65-72 Martin West July 1976- April 1978 Conard Fowkes May 1978-81; April 1985 (Bob and Kim's wedding) 1986; 1988;1993; 1995 Irma Kopecki Hughes Never Seen Married Will ""Grandpa" Hughes and moved to Arizona Not seen but discussed in 1965, possibly earlier Janice Turner Whipple Hughes married Carl Whipple, they had two daughters, Alice and Debbie, later married Don Virginia Dwyer 56-57 Joyce Van Patten 62 Nurse Jennifer Sullivan Ryan Hughes was married to Dr. Chuck Ryan until his death, mother of Rick, Barbara, and Melinda (affair) as well as Frannie Geraldine Court December 1971-February 1972 Gillian Spencer February 1972- October 1975 Kathleen Larkin (2 day temporary recast) 1975 John Hughes farmer brother of Chris and Edith Laurence Hugo 56- 57 Walter Burke early 60s Joyce _____ Colman Hughes Barbara Rodell April 74 - July 79; Dec 79 - 81 ex-wife of Grant Colman, Lisa's many-time rival Katherine "Katie" Anne Peretti Frasier Coleman Kasnoff Snyder Snyder (last engaged to Chris Hughes, so, I figure) Hughes Cori Anne Hansen 89-94 Teri Ann Conn (Colombino) 1998-10 Kim Sullivan Reynolds Dixon Stewart Andropoulos Hughes former chanteuse, Jennifer's sister, married John, Dan, Nick and Bob, mother of Sabrina and Christopher (Young) Sally Mae Dunn Patty McCormack (temporary) 75-76 Kathryn Hays 1972-75; 76-10 Lien Truong Hughes Vietnamese daughter of Tom Hughes, dated Andy, Duke and Ben Harris; attorney Ming-Na Wen 88-91 Lea Salonga 01; 03 Ma __ _____ Hughes Never Seen Late first wife of Will Detective Margo Montgomery Hughes daughter of Lyla and John Dixon, Police detective, had Adam with Hal Munson and Casey with Tom Hughes. Had an affair with James Stenbeck in theearly 80s. Raped by Elroy Nevins, pulled the plug on step-father, Casey Peretti. Margaret Colin 1980-83 Hillary Bailey Smith 1983-89 Glynis O'Connor 93-94 Ellen Dolan 1989-93; 94-10 Marion ___ Hughes Never Seen wife of John Hughes Mary ___ Ellison Hughes widowed by Brian, they had adopted Teddy (Ryder), the son of Joyce and Grant Colman, secretary Kelly Wood 75-80; 93 Janet Bell Oct 1988 Nancy and Dan's wedding Miranda Marlowe Hughes international criminal, daughter of Lydia, mother of Bilan with "Jacques" aka "The Corsican", left town with Antoine Bisset Elaine Princi 81-83 Dr. Robert "Bob" Hughes former husband of Lisa, Sandy, Jennifer and Miranda, father of Tom, Frannie, Sabrina, and Christopher. Had a one night stand with Susan Stewart which nearly destroyed his marriage to Kim Chief of Staff of the hospital. (young) (FB) Richard Roland Bobby Alford 56-58 Ronnie Welch 58-60 Don Hastings 60-10 Susan Hughes Never Seen Late sister of Bob, Penny and Don died diving into the swimming pool during a thunderstorm Teddy "Ryder" Ellison Hughes son of Joyce and Grant, raised by Brian and Mary. Adopted by Don; dated Nikki Munson Jason Matzner 75-76 Joseph Christopher 76-78 Tommy Baudo 78-79 Vince Capalupo 79 Timothy "T.R." Hill 79-81 Kerr Smith 96-97 Thomas "Tom" Hughes attorney, married Carol and Natalie before marrying Margo. fathered Daniel with Emily, and Lien by Lien Truong in Vietnam father of Casey with Margo, raised Adam as his own Matthew Potter 1961-62 James Madden 63 Jerry Schaffer 64 Frankie Michaels 65-66 Richard Thomas 66-67 Paul O'Keefe 67-68 Peter Link 69 Peter Galman 69-73 C. David Colson (David Cherrill) 1973- April 1978 Tom Tammi 79-80 Justin Deas 80-84 Jason Kincaid 84 Gregg Marx 84-87 Scott Holmes 87-10 William "Grandpa" Hughes noble patriarch of the Hughes clan. later married Irma Kopecki William Lee April 28 -April ? 56 possibly only 1 day Santos Ortega 56-76 Ned Humphrey Jon Rowland 03 Agent Brianne Hunt Jordan Baker 91-92 Aurora ____ Hunter Karen Ziemba 09 Larry McDermott used Emily's eggs to impregnate Aurora, who raised son, Lyon Hunter Jeremiah Hunter Never Seen mentioned 2009 Aurora's husband; passed off as Lyon's father; died at an early age Lucy Hunter Linda Cook 81 dated John Dixon Bill Huntingdon ??? May/June 79 affair with Joyce Hughes while Don was paralyzed. Lends Joyce money so she can leave town Sam Hutchins Wally Kurth 07-08 ventriloquist, tried to rape Carly Alexander "Hutch" Hutchinson Judson Mills 91-93 dated Debbie and Rosanna; half brother of Linc Lafferty "Jace Hutchinson " character from the Dobson's papers Dr. ______ Hutton Laurinda Barrett 83 told Craig he's sterile Mr. Hwa C.S. Lee 2005 impostor Hamilton _____ ?? 2008 P.A.; WOAK [unsure if Hamilton is the first or last name] Hank _____ ?? 07-22-2009 Java employee? Hank the bad guy ... Damon DiMarco 12/31/97 Hannah the rape victim .... Camilla Enders Nurse Hannah Tina Stafford Meg's boss 5/11/2010 Hannah, Carly's friend/mid-wife ... Blanca Camacho 05 ... Sara Ramirez 03 Harold .... John Blood 87 Dr. Harry _____ Never Seen Mentioned 2008 Lucinda's cancer doctor Harry the boat captain (Mr. Big) .... Patrick Horgan 82 -83 Harry, Nancy's sister Pearl's husband... Never Seen Harry .... Brantley Black 98 Harvey the waiter ... Mario Campanaro Harvey .... Joel Craig 84 Hawk, Clark's attorney ... Daniel Bishins 3/04 Hayley Never Seen Sage's friend 2010 Hazel Stacey Ann Logan 05 married to Stanley; owned spa Dusty/Sierra tried to purchase Heather + Andy ... Lynn Anderson 1990 Heather the AIDS patient ... Eden Riegel Hector the Bellman Trevor David 1998 Heidi the BRO Model ?????? 5/11/2004 Helen ... Barbara Ann Teer 66 Helen that worked for Nick A. ... Maria Guida 80 Henri Charles DuVal 2/88 Henry, Brian's accountant 5/84 .... ?????? Henry ... Michel Moinot Hillary ... Constance Boardman 97 Hilda .... Shirley Stoler 1982 Hilda, Duncan's maid ..... Ethel Hazen 1987-88 Homer from the pawn shop ... Larry Block 95 George Ingram ????? 12/74 had the stolen property that Natalie ended up with Mr. Inman .... Timothy Warner Jay Inwald .... Dominic Fumusa Charles Ivenstrom Roy K. Stevens 80 father of Ingrid; James' henchman Dr.____ Iverson .... Gordon Gould Ian _____ Never Seen Mentioned 2008 dated Vienna, then Bonnie [this could have been a reference to Ian MacLaren, although this was never specified] Ian _____ Never Seen Mentioned 2008 student at Oakdale U. Indigo from Ohio State ... Melissa Lopriro 02 Ingrid Barbara's nurse ... Maureen Flynn Ingrid _____ ?? 08-20-2009 Memorial; fired Alison Innocencia .... Jessica Leccia 9/15/ 06 Irina ... Katalin Pota 03 Isabel .... Ellen Lancaster Father Ivan the priest ... Bo Rucker 1995; 1998 __ Jablonski (Mugger) Steve Borton ______ Jackson Mac Randall 2/90 District Attorney _____ Jackson ?????? 79 Fred Jackson Joseph Boland 61-66 Betty Stewart's father Jermaine Jackson Jermaine Jackson 1984 duet with Whitney Houston Mary ___ Jackson Abby Lewis 61-66 Betty Stewart's mother Mr. ___ Jackson Never Seen mentioned 2009 Lucy's patient Trey Jackson Never Seen Mentioned 2008 Daniel's friend Nurse ____ Jacobs Heather Alicia Simms 7/05 Sergeant ____ Jacobi ???? 1979 worked with Detective Lewis on the Grant Colman case ______ Jacoby Walt Willey 87 Mr. ____ Jacoby Mark Lotito 03;05 Mr. ___ Jaggers Michael McCormick 01-27-2009 married Dusty & Meg Al James Donald Madden August - December 1957 taunted Penny and Jeff, Jeff killed him Reverend _____ James ??????? 7/2010 Attorney Robert James Sean Patrick Reilley 06 Willis James Tracy Griswold Colonel _____ Jameson ???? wanted to buy chemical plant 1984 Professor Mason Jarvis Forbes March 09 Mrs. _______ Jarvis Clarice Blackburn 87 ___ Jarvis ?????? coin dealer 4/87 Mr. ____ Jason Joe Silver 58 District Attorney Roland Jefferies Stephen Cell 00 used Lisa to get to Tom who had sent him to jail Saul Jefferies Stephen C. Bradbury 12/87 Ava ___ Jenkins Yancy Butler 07 kidnapped JJ Snyder (formerly Larrabee) Dr. Bill Jenkins John Swearingen 1973 Young doctor Dan's protege considered by Ellen a more suitable match for Annie over Richard Taylor Isaac Jenkins Paul Taylor 00-03 half-brother of Ben Harris Officer _____ Jenkins ?? 10-05-2009 OPD Silas Jenkins Wade Mylius 07 husband, Ava _______ Jenks Raymond Barry 83 Bessie Jennings Bibi Osterwald 1960s Sondra Jennings Phoebe Jones Mr. _____ Jenson Never Seen Mentioned 2008 teacher at Oakdale U. Judge Arland Jessup William Mooney 1998-99 John Driver 2000 George Jessup Stephen Beach 92-93 Darryl's bodyguard, killed Carolyn ___Johannsen Anthony Inneo 6/80 tailed Barbara Ben Johnson Never Seen mentioned 2009 Audrey Coleman's ex; deceased Officer Bruce Johnson Never Seen Mentioned 2008 State police; Half Moon Lake Detective ____ Johnson Earl Rowe 85 Dr. ___ Johnson Barton Heyman 84 erased Craig's memory for Raymond Speer Katherine ____ Johnson Kim Staunton 91-92 Kira's mother Kira Johnson Lauryn Hill 91-93 illiterate girl who Nancy taught to read Mr. _____ Johnson Never Seen Mentioned 2008 Liberty's teacher Officer ____ Johnson ???? 2/18/10 OPD Shelby Johnson Tanya Clarke 01-03; 05 Jacques Joles Jean Brassard Nathan Jolly ?? 10-01-2008 Faro Island funeral home Denise Jones Holly Marie Combs Dr. ____ Jones Patrick Boll 89 Officer _____ Jones ?? 08-11-2008 OPD Roberta ____ Jones Mary Alice 83 framed by Lincoln (Corey?) Foster, Sam's mother Sergeant Samantha Jones 1983-84 Juanita Mahone dated Tucker Thomas Jones Tony Crane 11/19/2009 psychic; with Katie Officer _____ Jonesy Never Seen mentioned 2009 OPD Mr. _____ Jordan ???? banquet manager, the Willows wedding 79 Dr. ____ Joshua Glenn Steven Allen 12/3/2008 Judge ______ Joyce Never Seen presided over a case of Tom's 2010 Judge _____ Joyner Peter McRobbie Annie Judd Never Seen dead patient of Reid Olliver 2010 Dennis Judd Edward Watts 10 father of Annie; came after Reid Ben Judson Matt Loney Marvin Jurrow Anthony Herrera one of James' aliases, bought out M&A 87 @Brolden J.T. Lou Martini, Jr. 07 Nurse Jackie _____ Patranila Jefferson(?) 10-27-2009 nurse; NICU Jackie, Kira's friend Sam Carrell 91 Jacques Tod Pettingill 7/19/2001 Jacques _____ Never Seen Mentioned 2008 French chef; Lakeview Jacques, aka the Corsican, Bilan's father ???? 83 Jagged Edge (band) Brian Casey Brandon Casey Richard Wingo Kyle Norman Nurse Jaime Sue Jin Song 1999 Jake Larry Laboe Officer James _____ ?? 05-05-2008 OPD; Emily's source James _____ ?? 05-13-2009 Lakeview Jamie _____ Never Seen Mentioned 2008 Parker's friend Nurse Jan Cathleen Dauenhauer 06 Nurse Jan Rebecca Kaasa 07-08 Jane babysitter Johnny Jessica Moreno (Durdock) 06 Janeen Meg Guzulescu 06 Janet _____ ?? 04-20-2009 patron at Yo's Janie ???? Faith's classmate Oakdale High 2010 Nurse Janie Sue Jin Song 99 Jared Ian Hoge 2/27/07 Jared _____ Never Seen mentioned 2009 WOAK producer? Jasmine ????? Feb 1980 Belly dancer at Nick's restaurant The Plakka. Jason the truck driver ???? 7/84 Jay Peter Richards 1/4/08 gave Lily pills Jay _____ ?? 11-04-2008 student at Oakdale U. Jean the secretary Aideen O'Kelly Jean Sue Lawless pre-73 Jean Claude Troy Britton Johnson 07 Lawyer Jeannie the car service driver Temple Brooks Jeannie Scarlett Sperduto 12/2/2005 Jeannine Bobo Lewis 87 Jeb the sleazy college student Keith Britton 02 Jeff Troy Bozilleri Jeff the firefighter Jeffrey Coleman 2002 Jeff Jason Etter 10/13/2008 & 11/12 & 13/2008; 6/29/2009 the barristo, worked with Noah at Java Jeff Jesse Hlubik 96-97 Jennifer Tina McDowelle 03 Nurse Jennifer ????? 9/2/2010 Jenny the hooker that stole Kevin Thompson's wallet ??? 8/78 Jeremy the artist lover of Margaret McKechnie ... ???? (FB) Jeremy _____ Never Seen mentioned 2009 Parker and Liberty's friend Jerry the bartender Alex Valente 05 Jerry _____ ?? 12-29-2008 clerk; Lakeview Officer Jerry _____ Never Seen Mentioned 2008 OPD [could have been seen on 2008-04-24??] Jerry (+Dee) Never Seen 76 Jerry, bodyguard of B.J. Brian Sheridan 11/28/05; 12/27/2005 Jesse Kelly Welte Jessica ?????? Jacob's Nanny 6/23/10 Jessica _____ ?? 12-08-2008 tango teacher Jessica, Don's friend from Switzerland 6/78 Never Seen Jessie Veronica Vixen Jester Terrence Mann 86 con man (Falcon storyline) Jewel the hooker Lacey Kohl 07 Jill from the support center, pregnancy class Ellen Lancaster 2/10/2003 Jill the waitress Chloe Whiteford 04 Jill _____ Lisa Anzelmo 2/28/2008; 12/7/2009; mentioned 12/24/2009; 2/26/2010; 4/6 & 8/2010; 7/21/2010 works at Fashions Jill Liz Ramos 1990 Jillian, Brian's secretary Marion York 84-85 Jim Ken Falat Jim the Lakeview waiter/bartender Matt Samson 02-03 "Diamond" Jim the card shark Frank Senger 1/27/2004 Jimbo Len Valenta 1983 Jimbo Ralph Buckley 1987 Jimmy Jeffrey Force 1996 Jimmy the phony minister Chuck Montgomery Jimmy _____ ?? 01-10-2008 waiter; Lakeview Joan, Nancy's friend Bethel Leslie 96 Joan the hairstylist Ruth Williamson 98 Joan the magistrate Jennifer Chamberlain Joanie _____ Never Seen Mentioned 2008 The Intruder/Worldwide; assistant Joann the police spokesperson Kay McClelland 97 Nurse Joanna Robin Moseley Jocelyn Never Seen Babysitter Johnny 2010 Joe ??? June 79...Jay's foreman who complains about Chip Kelly's poor work ethic. Joe the Java manager Liam Craig 1998 Joe _____ Eddie Manley 2009-2010 cameraman; WOAK Joe Bo Gorman 08 Joe Nick Gregory Joe the bartender Joseph Julian 1960-63 Joe a bartender Jean Paul San Pedro 03 Joe from WOAK ????? 4/9/10 Joe _____ Keith Keaveney 01-07-2008 contractor Joe _____ Jack Walker-Pearson 11-04-2008 Luke's presidential campaign Officer Joe _____ ?? 03-18-2008 OPD Joel Wesley Broulik 2/8/08 Singer of the Redeemers Joel Anslem Richardson 7/11 & 13/2007; 8/1 &8/2007; 9/17/2007; 10/1 & 3 & 25/2007 Lakeview Bar Manager Joel Frank Tomen 1989 Joel _____ ?? 10-29-2008 with Casey Joey _____ ?? 06-01-2009 mechanic at Billy's in Greenville, WI Joey John Fairlie 95 Joey ,Chris Hughes' friend Shelton Dane 97 Joey, Kristin's sick son Josh Gustin Joey Fred Newman 87 John the Lakeview Bartender ???? 7/19/07 Aaron's co-worker Jojo that accosted Pete and Dani Michael Gallagher 94 Jonas ???? Molly's producer 2/10/10 Jorge, Sierra's friend ?????? 85 Jose Alberto Vasquez 03 Josephina Nina Dova 94 Josephine Ami Almandral 98 Josephine Never Seen Janet's aunt 2010 Josh Sean Hart 5/6/05 Joshua _____ Never Seen mentioned 2009 Johnny's friend Josie Chantal Lonergan 04 Joy Courtney Cole Judd _____ ?? 01-31-2008 Parker's friend Judd _____ ?? 05-15-2008 Dylan's friend Judy from UNCC Casey Gogolin 2002 Judy the con artist that pretended to be Ruby's grandmother Anne Pitoniak 00 Judy, Alison's clinic boss Sharon Washington 1/2004 Father Julian Don Juhlin 97 Julian from the workout tape Don Stephenson 02 Nurse Julie ???? 9/13/2010 Julio Andrew Thacher 02 Aunt June MaryLouise Burke June _____ Never Seen mentioned 2009 waitress at Al's Diner; Janet's colleague Justin the waiter Luke Stanhope 02 Justin _____ Mark Doherty bartender at Yo's 1/4 & 15/2008; 2/14/2008; 3/21/2008; 5/16/2008; 11/ 18 & 26/2008; 12/11 & 15/2008; 2/11/2009; 4/17 & 20/2009; 7/9/2009 Justin _____ Never Seen Mentioned 2008 Faith's classmate Kathy Kaehler Kathy Kaehler Health/fitness expert Dr. Kahn Michael Warner 06-07 Mrs. Kalner Jane Cronin 9/94 Vi Kaminsky Alison Janney 93 Cynthia Linders' friend Mr. Kane ??? 3/21/10 bought Dusty and Janet's dream house Officer Kane Cosmo Pfeil Peter Kane Arlen Dean Snyder 70-71 husband, Sandy Dr. Kantor Kahan James 2010 sexist doctor; mistreated Alison; threatened by Mick Judge Judith Kaplan Lynn Cohen 1995 Dr. Karnoffsky ???? Martin Blake's doctor 79 Anna ___ Kasnoff Susie Abromeit 09 married Mike Caroline Kasnoff Never Seen daughter Mike and Anna Connor Walsh Stricklyn Kasnoff daughter Edwina, took over Walsh Allyson Rice-Taylor 90-97 Susan Batten 97 Mark Kasnoff Alexander Walters 95-97 married Te Amo and Connor, Mike's brother Mike Kasnoff brother of Mark, Sarah, and Stephanie, father of Nora (deceased) and Caroline, married Katie, Jen, and Anna Best friend of Ben Harris Shawn Christian 94-97 Jon Prescott 08 Mark Collier 02-07; 09 Nick Kasnoff Jordan Woolley 05-06 Mike's cousin, cop, murdered Maya Gold; attacked Katie and Carly Nora ____ Kasnoff Never Seen, mother of Mike, Mark, Sarah, Stephanie Nora Kasnoff Tiffany Houghton (dream) daughter of Carly/Mike 8/2/2004 Sarah Kasnoff Lisa Lawrence 96 sister of Mike and Mark, dated Paul Stephanie Kasnoff Never Seen sister of Mike, Mark, and Sarah T (Te Amo) Jones Kasnoff Wendy Jones 96 deceased wife of Mark Mrs. _____ Kauffman Never Seen Mentioned 2008 patient of Chris Gus Kazantakis Brian Benrebbi 05 Laurie Keaton Laurel Delmar 4/1976-79 Jay Stallings' secretary; hid his secrets about Natalie from her friend Carol for him; Mary Ellison's coworker and friend; encouraged Mary to pursue Ralph; became Ralph's secretary; worried about John Dixon's interest in Mary. + Tom Hughes, + Chip Kelly; left town to care for ailing mother ____ Keegan Ed Gallagher 90 Chief ____ Keegan Bill Buell 9/14/2004 Officer ____ Keeler John Knapp 08-14-2009 09-23-2009 Kentucky cop Dr. Alexander Keith Jon Cypher 77-79 father, Mark Lewis, married Valerie, they adopted Katie Katie (Emerson) Keith Rachael Kelly 78-79 adopted by Valerie and Alex Valerie Reynolds Conway Thompson Keith Judith McConnell 76-79 sister of Jason Reynolds, Kim's first husband and his twin brother Benjamin George Keller Richard Litt 93 father of Neal, Royce and Samantha Gloria Walters Keller Elizabeth Hubbard 93 mother of Lucinda, Neal, Royce, and Samantha Royce Keller Lucinda's DID suffering brother, dated Emily, architect Terry Lester 91-94 ] (Young) Sean Kalish 93 (FB) Officer _____ Kellerman ?? 07-04-2008 OPD Bruce Kellogg ?????? 1973-74 NY photographer interested in "Carol Ann" Chip Kelly James Carroll 79 Matt's brother Matt Kelly (Lockwood) John Tripp 79 Jay Stallings' former cellmate Judge William T. Kemp Tommy Hollis Brandon Kendall ????? attorney Tonio 91 Dr. Henry Kennedy ??? Ian McFarland's doctor 79 or 80 Mr. ___ Kent Jeff Williams 06-05-2009 diner owner in Greenville, WI Officer ___ Kent James Prendergrast 90 Jim Kerr Jim Kerr 1979 WPIX Deejay Dr. George Kimble ?????? 8/23/89 dating Lenore _____ Kincaed Scott Klavan 99 Gail Kincaid Stephanie Roth 90 lover, Tonio ; ex-girlfriend, Sean Baxter Eli King lab tech, Meg Snyder's friend Marc Aden Gray 05-06 Travis Wood 07 Bertram Kingsley Never Seen former partner in Kingsley-Malta with the Grimaldi's Patricia ____________ Kingsley Rebecca Hollen 93-95 Bertram's widow Mrs. ______ Kinney ????? 7/27/87 Julie's mother Dr. ______ Kipner Patrick Melville 07 George Kirby Cyrus Hewitt 06 Jack Kirby Mark Zimmerman 90 Vegas Manager Dr. _____ Kittredge Jason Jones 04 Barbara's doctor Ralph Kittredge Ralph Byers ?? Jerry Klein Michael C. Hall 1999 cameraman, Molly Detective ______ Klinger Michael Rodrick 97 Zachariah Knopf Henny Youngman 11/26 & 27/1981 appeared at fashion show Ms. _____ Koltarz Angela Bullock 95 Lydia Konstantin Elizabeth Parrish 88 mystic Sofia Korackes Robin Leary 81-82 daughter Andrea Madame Koster (Sylvia the maid) Marilyn Raphael 82 "phony-baloney" psychic Bo Kottkamp Peter Ashton Wise 05 country club manager Marie Kovac Mady Kaplan April - ? 85 ex-fiancee of Kevin, murdered by Doug Cummings Mr. ______ Kowalski Larry Cahn 12/23/03-04 landlord Officer__________ Kowalski Never Seen, oft bellowed name in the precinct Harley Kozak ????? male singer; Lorrie's client 1989 Dr. Steven Kozak Patrick Quinn 1990 Edith ___ Kramer Alice Drummond 89 Duke's grandmother Gar Kramer ???? 1976 - 77 real estate agent that Jay got to hire Natalie Natalie was selling houses & not reporting the sales to Gar Jerry Kramer Philip Kraus 83 handled Betsy's inheritance Rosemary Kramer Never Seen John's former secretary 1989 Horace Krane Nick Sullivan 10-10-08 toy maker; Krane Toy Company; interviewed on Oakdale 411 Ms. _____ Kranston Meg McCrossen 04-25-2008 nanny; worked for Judge Burke Joe Kravitz Abe Vigoda May 1985 widower on Bob and Kim's honeymoon cruise. Fell for Rose Welinski Head Nurse Arlene Krebs Lynne Matthew 03 around during Rick Decker's murder spree Dr. Ross Kreeger Damian Young 06 ran a gay "detox" camp (VP Pence would be so proud) that Luke was sent to Mrs. ______ Krenwinkle Kristin Rohde Gavin Kruger international businessman, ordered Carolyn Crawford's "Mur-dah" Joris Stuyck 90 Mark Tymchymshyn 90-92 Officer _____ Kruger K.C. Kelly 88 Deborah Kurley Julie Lancaster 97 Airline Representative Judge _______ Kwan Kitty Mei-Mei Chen 6/30/05 Karen _____ ?? 11-30-2009 Al's Diner waitress? Karen, Craig's call girl Janet Aldrich 83 Karen the natural mother of Jack, Jr. Karen Williams Karen _____ ?? 04-21 -2008 babysitter Kate Maureen Hanley Kay + Will Natalia Zvereva 04 Kayla Megan Raye Manzi 04-09-2009; 6/1/2010 barista; Java Kayley + Buck Sandy Rustin Keith the rich preppie Robert Duncan McNeill 85-86 Kelly Sally Wheeler 1996 Kelly (Duncan's Assistant) Marina Zenovitch 1995 Kelly Renee Marie Brewster 07-09-08 Worldwide employee Kelsey, Alison's cellmate Kate Grenfell 03 Ken Ed O'Ross 82 Ken that ran over Betsy ?????? 83 (?84) Kenny Joe McCann 96 Officer Kenny ????? 6/4/10 with Carly Kenny David Perrine 06-10-2009 WOAK cameraman Kevin Jamie Phillips 1989 Kevin, Carly's butler Callum Keith King 1999 Kevin the contestant Alan Mozes Kevin from Maryland Ben Parker Kevin from Ohio State University ???? 11/06/02 Kevin with Simon & Katie (possibly a Lakeview clerk/valet?) 11/04/02 Kiki Bonnie Marsh 1/19/10 with Sharkey Kim DeeDee Lynn Magno Kit the waitress +David S. Tanya Clarke 99 Krista the hooker Sarita Covington 07-08 Kristen Johnny's friend from camp Never Seen 2010 Kristin the mother of sick Joe Jenny Maguire Kurt _____ Never Seen Mentioned 2008 WOAK Kyle the bartender Jason Chambers Kyra Liberty's friend Never Seen 2010 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted January 24 Author Members Share Posted January 24 AS THE WORLD TURNS CAST LIST and CHARACTER GUIDE Complete with @Brolden's 2008- 2010 Additions from full transcripts/videos APRIL 2, 1956-SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 CBS OAKDALE, ILLINOIS Bill Abbott Patrick O'Neal 1962 friend of Claire's brother, came to Oakdale to open an office of his construction company and began a relationship with Claire Cassen. After being caught together in a car accident, the affair was exposed and Bill realized he didn't want to break up a marriage,so left town. Dr. _____ Abeles ????? 06-25-2009 doctor; with Vienna Judge _____ Adams Never Seen 2008 did not issue Jack a search warrant to dig up Paul's garden Nurse Karen____ Adams Doe Lang 1967-70 dated Michael Shea Nurse Louise __ Adams Karen Shallo sanitarium, Barbara 1982-83 Mr. Adams Aaron Remey prosecutor 2007 Dr. Roger Adams Mark McConnell +Annie 1983 Tyler Adams Peter Gatto 1990-92 Detective ___ Adamski Roscoe Born Chicago cop (3 days) 2001 Reg Addington Mark Jude Sullivan 08-09 Luke's friend Dr. ____ Adler Michael Lombard Dr. Randall Adom Fred Waggoner Dr. __ Aikido Ron Domingo Alison's doctor 2007 Mr. Albert Lanny Flaherty 1997 Carly's neighbor Bart Albertini gambler with Henry, owner Al's Diner 2007-08 "Al" Robert Turano "Al" Ralph Buckley "Al" Hardy Rawls Buffy Alcott Remy the Dog 1992-93 Michael Alcott [Neal's husband] Richard Bekins 1993 Stephen Bogardus 1993 Neal Keller Alcott Mary Kay Adams Lucinda, Sam, and Royce's sister 1992-93 Dr. __Alderman Peter Kybart owned infamous "tea set" 1997 Greta _____Aldrin James and Ariel's mother Joan Copeland 82-83 Rosemary Murphy 89-90 Rodney Alexander Jack Brewer top designer 2001 Marian____Allen Never Seen, Mentioned adopted David Stenbeck Warren Allen Never Seen, Mentioned adopted David Stenbeck Dr. ____ Alsop Jack Koenig 1993 Diego Alvarez Never Seen, Mentioned owner of Alvarez Oil Sylvia____ Alvarez Taro Meyer 1988 Diego's widow, possible affair with Tonio Ben Anderson Stephen Bogardus dated Frannie 86 Burt Anderson owner Burt's garage Mike Hodge 2005-06 Willis Sparks Edward Anderson. George Connell father Kirk occasional, 88-89 Ellie Snyder ___ Anderson Renee Props 1988-92 Josie Anderson Kristen Connolly (AKA Josie Matthews Driver) hired to trick Dusty by Paul 2008-09 Kirk Anderson Tom Wiggin Lucinda's business friend/foe 1988-98 Laura___ Anderson Jane Connell Kirk's mother occasional 1988-89 Lenore Barclay Anderson Breon Gorman Kirk's ex wife occ. 1988-95? Linda Ann Anderson daughter, Kirk and Lenore Rebecca Brown Nels Anderson Einar Perry Scott James's assistant 1980-84 Samantha Markham Anderson Lucinda's con-artist sister Brooke Alexander 94-96 Sherry Alexander 97-98 Stephen (Barclay) Anderson son, Kirk and Lenore Tommy J. Michaels 3/1989 Buddy Smith 1989 James VanDerBeek 1995 _____Andrews Matthew Nicklaw 2008 Dr. ______ Andrews Kris Bratton 03-25-2009 Luke Garth Andrews Tade Reen Katie's stalker 2000 Grace Wescott Andrews Kelly Bishop diner owner, Dusty/Lily 1987-88; 1990 Judge ____ Andrews Stephanie Berry Logan Andrews Don Chastain married Grace 87-88; 1990 Mrs. ____ ____ Andrews Barbara Christie 04 Nanny Andrea Korackes Andropolous Patricia Mauceri 1980-81 thief, ex-wife, Nick Betsy Stewart Montgomery Andropolous... Pat McGuiness 71 ... Suzanne Davidson on and off 72-80 ... Tiberia Mitri 72 Temporary ...Maurine Trainor 72-73 Temporary ...Simone Schacter 72-73 Temporary ...Lisa Denton 81-82 ...Meg Ryan August 1982- June 1984 ...Mary Kane 84 (bandages) ...Lindsay Frost 84-88 ...Jennifer Van Dyck (V/O) 96 ...Jordan Baker 95 ... Tracy Sallows 91 Costas Andropolous Never Seen, Mentioned father of Nick, raised Steve as his own Danielle "Dani" Andropolous raised (briefly) by Craig Montgomery Colleen Broomall 84-88 Kristanna Loken 94 Ashley Williams 95-96, 97-99, 00-01(occ) Deidre Skiles 08 Deborah Andropolous Never Seen, Mentioned deceased daughter, Nick and Andrea Diana McCall Andropolous Kim Johnston (Ulrich) married Frank, loved Steve, owned Riverboat 83-85 Lt. Frank Andropolous Jacques Perrault cousin of Steve, Nick dated Maggie and her sister Lyla 83-85 Thea Irene __Andropolous Nina Dova 84 Jill (Randolph) Andropolous ????? daughter of Cal Randolph, adopted by Maggie Thea Lena ____Andropolous Eleni Kiamos mother of Frank 1984 Maggie Crawford Andropolous Mary Linda Rapelye dated Tom, adopted Jill married Frank 81-85 Marina___ Andropolous (fbs) Katerina Razelou Nick and Steve's mother, had affair with Michael Christopher which resulted in Steve 84 Nick Andropolous Carpenter/restaurant owner hired by Lisa for renovations at Wade Bookstore owned The Plakka,knew Sheila Winston, fell for Kim,arousing jealousy of Bob and Melinda. Blamed brother Steve for a fire that killed his wife and daughter.Kim discovers from Steve that he had an affair with Andrea and pulls away from Nick because of that secret, Nick leaves for Greece, Kim follows and they sleep together! and become engaged.Discover Andrea is alive and that she faked her death over guilt of their child dying in the fire. Nick began divorce proceedings, discovered that Steve and Andrea had had an affair and almost killed Steve. Married Kim who became disenchanted with his old fashioned views as they clashed when she took over management of his restaurant and then got a job as Stan Holden's secretary. Furious to discover Steve is involved with Betsy his stepdaughter Died of a heart attack not before extracting a promise from Betsy not to become involved with Steve. Michael Forrest January 1980 - September 1982 Petros (Pietro) Andropolous Loukas Skipitaris father Frank 84 Steve Andropolous Frank Runyeon owned construction company 80-86 Dr. Angelo Antenuacci John Capodice 89 Sheriff Applegate David B. McConeghey 8/92 Colonel _____ Araca Emilio Del Pozo Montega 1989 Mr. _____ Archibald Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 directed a community theater performance of Sweet Charity that Janet starred in as a child Dr. _____ Ari ????? 11-18-2008 Lucinda's doctor Lenny Arnold Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Lakeview concierge _____ Arnold Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Lenny's son Mr. _____ Ardsley ????? 11-23-2009 art authenticator Dr. ____ Ashford Hugh Karraker 1996 Mrs. Atkinson Never Seen Parker and Faith's teacher Philip Austere Dominick Aries Patti Austin Patti Austin 91 performed 'You Brought Me Love' with Johnny Mathis at Mona Lisa for Duncan and Jessica Steve Avery Samuel Stricklen 06 Dean Avian Donald Berman boss, photographer, Andy 89-90 Gordon Avildsen James Horigan boss in Rome, Jennifer 01 A.J. A.J. Vincent waiter, Mona Lisa 90s Acacia Adrienne Hurd Adam Jordan Lawson Adeline Caris Corfman 87 "Prince" Adolphe Jordan Lage 06-07 Prince with Vienna; Carly and Simon stole his diamonds Sister Agnita Pam LaTesta Aileen Pippa Pearthree cancer patient 98 Al ????? bartender...(Cal, Maggie, Missouri Spats 85 Al John Christopher Jones 1995 Alan ????? 4/9/10 masseur Albert Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Paul's IT guy Alec Jed Cooper 84 Alex Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 neighbor of Metro; flirted with Sofie Alex Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Parker's friend Alex Soterios Vainalis student 02 Alex Curt Karibalis 4/90 Alex _____ ????? 11-04-2008 student at Oakdale U. Alexa Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Liberty's friend Alexander _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Rosanna's massage therapist Alfonso Lou Bonacki janitor, victim, Rick Decker 10/2/04 Alice Phyllis Somerville (Rosanna) Alice ????? roommate, Betsy in boarding school 2/78 Alice Jane _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Parker's classmate; had a cousin who's a Metallica roadie Alison ????? +Dusty 5/85 Alphonse Nathan Dean 7/99 Amanda Leslie Stefanson Model Amanda Sarah Abrell Amazonia Kristen Johnson 1994 tattoo artist she was a lead followed by Hal in a case Amber Colleen Dunn +Doc 04 Amber Jennifer Regan bodyguard, James 97 Amy _____ ????? 06-10-2008 guest on Oakdale Now Amy Vedette Lim 2008 Nursing student; dated Casey Amy ????? 7/23/2010 Waitress at Al's Anatoly Lev Gorn involved in Nick Kasnoff's problems 06 Andrew Blaize Conlan 10-10-2008 son of Claudia; impersonated Johnny Andy ????? 07-04-2008 producer WOAK; Andy or Tony? Andy Michael Emery 6/7 and 8/25 2010 Angel ????? 8/17/2004 Aison's shower Angela Kathleen Doyle 96 Angela _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 hospital staff; [possibly Bob's secretary?] Angela Deborah Twiss 5/14/10 Johnny's babysitter Sister Angelica Susan Bigelowe nun Angelina Lizzie Mahon friend, Bonnie 01 Angelique Anna Katarina at spa 02 Anjelica Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 who waited for Johnny at the elevator Angelo Jason Brill kidnapper, Shannon, Harriet 9/86 Anika Roselyn Coleman 99 Anita Yvette Lawrence +Tonio 11/92 Anita Mariam Jabr 07 Nurse Ann ????? nurse 10/77 Sister Anne Barbara Pitts 6/13/08 nun; Sacred Heart Academy in Winnetka Sister Ann Hilary Prentice 2/8/06 Knew Jade Annette Alicia Renee Washington Annette Never Seen, Mentioned Jack Snyder's childhood crush Annette Never Seen, Mentioned Janet's cousin 2010 Annie _____ Never Seen, Mentioned mention Liberty's friend Anthony Peter O'Hara 6/30/10 Antonella Antonia Vasquez cafe owner 85 Arabella Amanda Tree Archie Christopher Fuller secretary, Emily 89-90? Archie William Prael knew Julia Larrabee 04 Aretha Christine Farrell commune Arie _____ ????? 08-01-2008 Casey's classmate; studied Journalism at Oakdale U. Ariel Elysia Thompson girl with Duncan Arnie Richie Allen 78 Arnold D. Scott Eads 97 Arthur Never Seen, Mentioned +Rosanna Arthur Bill Randolph 99 Arthur ????? the boy witness to Damian/Holden fight 2/2010 Ashley Chloe Cmarada (Brooks) 2/25/09 Audrey Ann Marie Nest 1/9/08 speed dating hostess Audrey Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 mean girl at Faith's boarding school Cleo Babbitt Jennifer Landon 06-07 Gwen's doppelganger Dr. ___ Babcock Jack Murtaugh 99 Reverend ___ Babcock William Hardy 91 Nelson Badillo Fabio Polanco Corinne ____ Bailey Pearl Bailey 82 friend, Ellen Stewart while David was lost with amnesia Fran ___ Bailey Aida Turturro 4/98 private investigator Agent Joe Bailey Don Billett 86-93 occasional task force Marty Bailey Adam LeFevre 1998 private investigator Alfred Baines ????? Jan 79 lawyer who contacted Tina Cornell to inform her she was sole beneficiary in Nick Conway's will. Dick Baker father, Jeff Baker Carl Low April 25 1957 -61 Court Benson 61-62 Dr. ___ Baker Geoffrey Horne 12/92 Dr. _____ Baker Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Eliza's pediatrician Grace____ Baker Jeff's meddlesome mother Selena Royle April 25 1957 -59 Frances Reid 59-61 Murial Williams 61-62 Grace Matthews Jeff Baker Mark Rydell Dec 56- Aug 62 spoiled son of Dick and Grace Baker. Elopes with Penny .Chris and Nancy have the marriage annulled. Gets in a fight with al James who dies and Jeff is charged.Defended by Chris Jeff is cleared and joins the Army and Penny, alienated by Jeff's immaturity dates Tom Pope. Jeff joins family business to prove himself to Penny who is engaged to Tom. Tom frees Penny who remarries Jeff (1959). Jeff has difficulties in the family business and discovers his mother's lack of faith in his abilities causing him to drink and eventually run off, leaving a pregnant Penny who miscarries. Under the name Jack Bailey, Jeff works as a piano player in aclub and Meg Blaine falls for him and discovers his true identity. Eventually returns to Oakdale and Penny ,more mature and settled and develops his interest in music rather than work in the family business. Killed in a car accident August 62 Mike Baker Michael Mantrell Suzanne Baker Erin Cressida Wilson Trip Baker Mark Jacoby 07- 08 Emily's lawyer Vivica Baker Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Brad's ex; right after Janet Derek Baldwin Remak Ramsey 87 father, Taylor Judy Baldwin ????? 86 murdered teen hooker Michael Baldwin Christian J. LeBlanc 05 attorney [Represented Jack and Keith in the custody case for J.J.] Dr. Taylor Baldwin Maggie Baird 87-88 old girlfriend, Casey Peretti Shashi Balooja Shashi Balooja 08 award winning star Doc Banks David Piel 6/03 &7/04 Carly's doctor in Montana Officer ___ Banks ????? 8/1/2008 OPD; former bodyguard; Emily's source Phil Banner Douglas Parkhirst 61-62 Baker employee while Jeff was gone Ted Banner Duncan Gamble Sept/Oct 84 movie producer cast Heather in a movie. Marcy was infatuated with him but he pressured her to sleep with him. Jack Bannerman Don Draxler ___ Bannon David Copeland 8/83 Doug Bannon Michael Mastro 1997 lab tech John Barber Never Seen, Mentioned Reid's friend from Dallas 2010 Cabot Barclay Never Seen, Mentioned father, Lenore Virginia Hathaway Barclay Martha Byrne (FB) mother of Cabot and Caroline Carpenter Officer Don Barker Robert Cuthill 4/08 Roy Barker ????? 79-80 loan shark/partner, Matt/Chip Kelly Dr. ___ Barkin Firdous Bamji 99 Hazel ___ Barkley Gay Jordan 1970-73 Governor __ Barnes Edwin C. Owens Karen Barnes Diane Sitter [1989; Derek Mason's assistant] Meg Barnes Gail Strickland 72 Tyson Barnes Chris Spain 05 Kelly Barnett Marceline Hugot Sandra___ Barnhill Barbara Stanger 84 Roger Barron Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Emily's business contact Kenneth Barry Jeff Stafford 96 Dr. ___ Bartlett Kevin O'Rourke 02 Katie and Margo's doctor Judge Franco Bartoli ????? April 82 friend of James visiting Oakdale. James throws a party in his honor Hank Barton Tom's roommate, got him hooked on speed; went to jail Peter Burnell 67 Paul Falzone 67 Gary Sandy 69- May 70 Lance Barton Jason Prendergraft 07 tried to hurt Emily Mr. ___ Barton Barnard Hughes 67 father of Hank, pharmacist Reggie Bascomb James Lorenzo 06 contractor Timothy Alfred "Alfie" Basker Herb Foster 85 Stewart Cushing's butler, killed Veronica Cushing "Garth Basnum" character from Dobson papers Dr. Bruce Baxter Susan Stewart's boss whom she quickly married after divorcing Dan. Not not interested in being a stepfather to Emily or children in general. Susan secretly tried to get pregnant w/o success and wondered if the problem lay with Bruce. When Susan lied that she thought she might be pregnant, he revealed he had a vasectomy years earlier,due to a hereditery blood disease that his brother was suffering from.Bruce realized the marriage was a mistake,that Susan had lied about not wanting children, had the marriage annulled and left Oakdale for Boston. Steve Harmon Aug 72 -? Ben Hayes ?72- March 73 Roy Baxter Victor Verhaeghe buddy, Teague 1997 Sean Baxter Burke Moses exec 89-91 Mark Lewis 91-93 Ben Baylor ????? 1981 Cliff's friend who works on neighboring yacht. Interested in Betsy, Agent Noah Beachman James Carroll 00 Maria Bealer Christa Scott Reed 12/06 Missy Beauchamp Joan Buddenhagen 95 boarding school mate, Rosanna Lacey Beaujolais Lorri Bagley 98 Charles Beaumont Jeff Whiten George Becker William Parry 88 Josh's boss at the construction site Irv Becker David B. McConaghy 00 Landlord Katie Judy Becker ????? July 1968 Neighbor, Lisa; went to a concert with her. When they returned, son Chuckie had gone to the hospital with an abdomenal blockage. Officer__ Becker Dylan Price Suz ____ Becker Betsy Palmer Feb 10 - ? 82 friend, Ellen Stewart while David was presumed dead Tad Becker Tanner Cohen 06 Harvey Beech Bill Kiefer 03 Country Club Thomas Beeton Mark Pinter (FB) [Beatrice McKechnie's deceased fiancé, bearing a striking resemblance to Brian McColl] Professor ___ Behrens Never Seen, Mentioned teacher SIU law school 2010 Chuck Bekins Gary Hillborn 07 Dr. ____ Bellows African-American prison physician, who encouraged Roy McGuire to go into medicine Brock Peters 66 P. Jay Sidney 67 14 episodes early 67. Refused to continue in the role w/o a contract. Walter Benay E. Claude Richards 93 Marty Bendel Ed Moran 2004 Iva Snyder Benedict (Young) Kelly Mealia Lois Robbins 92 Temporary Lisa Brown 85-94; 98; 00; 01; 03 Agent Jason Benedict [District Attorney; tried to prosecute Paul Stenbeck; later married Iva Snyder] John Hutton 89 Jonathon Hogan 92-93 Arnold Bennett Never Seen publisher, Seth Snyder 88-92 Camille Bennett Lauren B. Martin 97-00 Hillary Bennett Hudson Leick Howard Bennett Brendan Corbalis Officer ___ Bennett Frank Sallo 2003 Oakdale PD officer assigned to follow Barbara Sara Ruth____ Bennett mother, Camille Ernestine Jackson 97 Lonette McKee 97-00 Saundra McClain 98; 00 Tony Bennett Tony Bennett October 25 and 28, 1985 Singer Vincent Bennett Dave Lenny 5/84 Walter Bennett Matthew Sussman Dec 9 -? 94 Nurse Wendy Bennett Leigh Lassen 67-68 liked Paul Stewart Judge ____ Benoit Adam LeFevre 8/27/2010 Anna Rose Benson Frances Helm 88 widow, Arnold [Used to live in Tom & Margo's house] Arnold Benson ????? murdered mailman 88 Dr. ___ Benson ????? 76 Miss ____ Benson ????? police officer dating Captain Striker 4/82 Nurse ___ Bentley Perri Gaffney 05 Dr. ____ Benton Ryan Cyrus Shams 07 Aaron Benward Aaron Benward 05 member of "Blue County" Dr. Elizabeth Berg Audra Rapaport 6/05 & 10/05 Mrs. ____ Berger Harriet Miller 84 nanny Officer _____ Berger ????? 11/22/2004 with Barbara Officer _____ Berger ????? 5/1/09 Officer _____ Berger ????? 03-05-2009 cop; OPD Atty. _____ Bergman Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 lawyer; James' inheritance Judge ____ Berlin Adam LeFevre 09 judge at Oakdale Court Frank Berman Ruben Nicolai 06 [Bartender at the Lakeview] Stan Bernard ????? 2/85 crime boss Detective ___ Berns Eugene Smith Sept. 1968-?; 5/1970-? Likely a cop interested in Tom Hughes and the Michael Shea murder. Mrs. ___ Berrysea Never Seen, Mentioned 83 parent, Nicole Donovan Mr.____Berrysea Never Seen, Mentioned 83 parent Nicole Donovan Dr. Bertie Bertrand Pamela Gray Marilyn Best Randie Jean Davis 82 employee, James S. Derek Bickford Jay Ingram 79 nephew, Henry Bickford, read Bennett Hadley's book Dr. Henry Bickford Charles White 79 Benett Hadley's close friend Ambrose Bingham attorney/confidante Lucinda Bernie McInerney 85 Dillon Evans 86 William LeMassena 87-93 Dick Latessa 93 Jane McDonald Bingham Ann Mitchell 85-93; 97 Lucinda's secretary/friend Yolanda Birch Judith Roberts Construction Worker ____ Bishop Frank Martinelli 2008 Officer ___ Bishop Nicholas Calhoun 3-10-10 Antoine Bisset Jean LeClerc 82-83 spy, lover Miranda Ian Black Ian Novick 06 murder victim, Raven Lake Agent Danny Blackmoore Luther Creek 04 Anthony "Blackie" Blackthorne Billy Warlock 10 ex Janet Meg___ Blaine Teri Keane 60-61 kept Jeff away from Penny Harrison Blake Matthew Crane July 85 Society boy who escorted Lily to Lisa's costume party Martin Blake ????? 11/79 brother, Hester Pierce; mental hospital Sheriden Blake Michael Cone 02 Captain ____ Blakely Jack Wallace Dr.___ Blanchard Never Seen Jacob's Doctor 2010 Judge ____ Blanchard Evan Dexter Parke 99 Skye Blue friend, Gwen, babysitter for Carly Haley Joel 06 Maggie Argyris 06; 08 Mrs. _____ Blumenthal R. Kayne Boar Inspector Guido Boggia Olek Krupa 01 Judge Elaine Boland Jean DeBaer Dr. ___ Bolton John Newton 86 Peter Bolton David Gibbs 1997 gigolo, hired by David Stenbeck to seduce Lily Dr. ____ Bonnard Bob Adrian 3/1989 Dr. _______ Bonner ????? 3/1/10 Liberty's dr. in Minneapolis Reverend George Booth Jennifer and Kim Sullivan's confidante; counselled Kim over her personal crises April 1974; confirmed that Melinda was Jennifer's daughter; Sept 77,counselled Kim after Dan's death. Aug 79 Philip Sterling April 1974; 1976; September 1977; August 1979 Nurse _____ Boothe Brooke Noelle Mr. ___ Borg Jos Laniado 94 Butler Dr. ____ Borkow Edmond Genest 97 Stanley Bosworth Will Osborne 95 Leslie Bourdeaux Kim Snyder 92-93 Native American lawyer Simone's sister; tried to block Cal from buying up tribal land Simone Bourdeaux [Navajo girl; rented a room from Lyla] Kimberly Norris 92-93 Kateri Walker 93 Dr. ____ Bowen Pauline Flanagan 88 Craig's doctor Rocky Bowen Roger Morden 92 Atty. Bill Bowers ????? 05-07-2008 lawyer; Paul Charlie Bowling Adam Grupper 1996 Stone Bowman Garrett Dillahunt Doris ___ Boyd EthelMae Mason 2000 wife, JofP Justice of the Peace _____ Boyd Jack Poggi 2000 Martha ____ Boyd Patricia O'Connell 1996 wife Dr. Jim Brack Dave Eveler 99-00 Agent Del Brackett Jay Acovone 03 he was an FBI agent looking into Dusty Donovan's illegal activities... although I believe he turned out to be working for James? He was also involved in kidnapping Lily and Rose and putting them in a well, which may have been on James' orders?] Louise_____ Brackett Deidre Madigan 03 Tim Brackett Greg Perelli Dr. _____ Bradford ????? 1983 Chief of staff at Denver hospital; choked during a dinner interview and was saved by Jeff Ward; hired Jeff and Annie Kent Bradford Ernie Townsend 84 Manager, Juliette Hanovan, former fiance Ellie Bradley Swoosie Kurtz 71 Mrs. ____ ____ Bradley Elspeth Eric 71 Nate Bradley Robert Gorrie 06 Part of the 2000s teen scene; dated Maddie for while; 2nd victim of the Oakdale Slasher Gary Bradshaw Neal Bledsoe 07 Lawyer Sgt. _____ Brady Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 OPD Rick Bragdon Nick Wyman Mr. Brando ????? Rose's husband, Bob's patient, received house calls after being in the hospital; Bob wanted to keep Rose occupied so she wouldn't give Mr. Brando stress. Rose ____ Brando One of Bob Hughes' first patients at his practice Wife of Mr. Brando. Bob Hughes loyal patient, upset he was leaving Oakdale for Vermont.(1967) Impressed that Bob was doing so well as a doctor without his eyesight (to Pa Hughes); It was Bob's opinion that Mr. Brando would recover fully if she were to spend less time with her husband, alleviating the stress on his system. Ethel Everett 1965; 1967; 1968 Judge ____ Brandon Graham Brown Steve's trial 11/84 Coach _____ Branford Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Parker's coach Dr._____ Brennan Steve Pearlman 93 Franny Brennan Toni Darnay 63-65 Stewart housekeeper, delusional, murdered Candace Brenner Barbara Walsh 2000 Sharon Washington 2000 Dean Alan Brewster John Hillner 08-09 expelled Casey and Luke; Dean at Oakdale University Bud Brewster ????? 1957 Don Hughes' college roommate Dennis Brewster Harry Spillman 92 Ed Brewster Donald Barton 85-86 William Cain 87 Dr. Jordan Brewster Neal Canavan 1987-88 William Bell Sullivan 1988 Marshall Brewster Michael Houston 07 Clifford Breyer Sean Patrick Reilley 87 baby broker, sold Lily Mrs. Clifford Breyer ????? 3/20/87 widow Ingrid Brice Deborah Whitefield 8/28/2003 Officer ____ Bridges Nicholas E. Calhoun 10-28-2009 Nurse Carla Briggs Lisa Gay Hamilton 1991 Dr. ____ Briggs John Gould Rubin 96 Judge _____ Briggs Kathleen Chalfant 1988-89 L Mrs.__ Briggs Mildred Clinton Landlady, Joyce Colman 1980 Dr. ____ Brigham Joel Hurt Jones 10 Parker's doctor Constable ____ Brighton Marc Aden Gray 2003 Gaston Brinks Joe Hickey Josh Broder Bray Poor 95 Betty Broderick Never Seen, Mentioned ex girlfriend, Jack Snyder Dorothy ____ Brodie M'El Dowd 1993 Elaine _____Brodie Joan Lovejoy late 60s Trinity Thompson Henry Brodie Joseph Daly late 60s Ms. _____ Brodie Frances Conroy 97 Attorney from the Women's League Nate Brodie Leo Burmester 98 attorney, Cal Dr. ____ Brody Jason Kravits 02-15-2008 court-ordered psychiatrist; Parker Ted Bronson Jason Workman 90-91 business exec Allen Brooks Peter Rini 96 Dr. Joyce Brothers Dr. Joyce Brothers November 23 1981; December 2 81; 10/19/1982 Det. _____ Brown Brian Cromwell 10-09-2009 detective; with Maeve Inspector Kevin Brown Ian Stuart Ralph Brown Staats Cotsworth 67-68 Hugh Franklin 68-70 Eve Coleman Browning Bonnie Root 06 Raven Lake killer Louis Browning Robert Maschio 06 murdered by wife, Eve Charles Brubaker ????? 1/80 attorney.associate of Grant who he asked to assist Joyce Colman when she returned alive from San Francisco Ken Bryant Maurice Ottinger November 1964 - May 1965 dated Lisa, wanted marriage and children but as Lisa couldn't commit he married another woman Ruth. Ruth __ Bryant Never Seen, Mentioned Married Ken after he broke up with Lisa Mrs. ____ Bryce Judith Elder Sept 78...cranky elderly patient who clashes with Barbara Ryan in art therapy. [Patient at the hospital, that Barbara was taking care of] Dr. __ Bryson Never Seen, Mentioned Faith's doctor 2010 Dr. _____Buell ????? 08-25-2009 doctor at Memorial Dr. __ Bullock Harmon Walsh 07 Mr. ___ Bundy worked at the Wade bookstore appeared at least until late 68 John McGovern mid 60's Ivor Francis " " Charles White " " Dr. Brian Burke Bill Gross Detective ____ Burke Harold Scott 77 Pete Larsen case Dr. Fred Burke father, Susan Stewart William Van Sleet mid-60s James Karen 67-70 Judge ____ Burke Marc Kudisch 4/23&24/08 slept with Ms. Kranston; threatened Emily Julia ____ Burke Fran Carlon, 68-75 mother Susan Mrs. _____ _____ Burke Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 wife of Judge Burke _____ Burke Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 daughter of Judge Burke Mary Alice ____Burnham Bev Sheehan 88 Celeste Burns Judith Drake 88 Officer ____ Burns ????? 2/5/1990 Officer _____ Burns Leopold Lowe 11-04-2008 OPD Grace __ Burton Eugenia Rawls 1973 adoptive mother of Peter Marion Graham Burton Margaret Klenck 73 wife, Peter Laurie Heineman 73 Peter Burton Chris Hastings 1972- 73 friend of Tom and Carol Hughes,medical student, discovers he was adopted and tries to find birth parents.Bio father is Rev Wally Matthews whom he at first dislikes, unaware he is his natural father who gave him up when his wife died in childbirth. They grow close but Peter is hurt when he learns Wally knew for months he was Peter's father. Marries Marion Graham and reconciles with Wally. Sergeant Gerry Butler (Parker, alias) Katell Pleven 86-88 Jerry Butler Bernie McInerney January - March 1976 attorney, Teddy Ellison trial Dr. Matt Butler Robin Thomas 82 Betsy and David psychiatrist helpingg David recovering his memory and with Annie and the police trying to break up the drug ring. Cameron Butterfield David Aaron Baker 95 Jim Byers ????? 11-12-2009 loaned Mike the money for his mortgage Daniel "Danny" Byrd David Cummins 05-20-2009 airfield employee Bambi Emily Frankovich worked with Henry 2/20/2003 Officer Barry _____ ????? 05-21-2009 OPD Barry Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Barbara and Paul's banker; has a daughter Beatrice Kim Kennedy Blair 04 secretary Becca Hailey Wegryn Gross 00 Lassiter,PA Ben Anthony Fusco had AIDS; lover Gil 1992 Ben Mark Keller 07 Dr. Ben _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Meg's colleague; Memorial Benjamin James Congdon 88-89 faux Earl Benji Michael Starr 87 tough guy Officer Benny _____ ????? 02-29-2008 OPD Father Bernard Harry Danner 12/4/08 priest Bernardo Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Damian's henchman; Grimaldi Shipping Bernie Leopold Lowe 10/6/08; 10/28/2008; 11/4/2008 Nurse Beth Heidi Kristoffer 06-07 Beth _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Parker's friend Betsy Sophie Hayden 2/1/2007 Alcoholics Anonymous Sponsor Betsy _____ ????? 09-29-2009 Bud's wife; wanted to adopt Liberty's baby Betty Ellen Evans 78 Betty ????? 80 secretary Grant Colman Betty Lou ????? 79 friend, Betsy and Lois Betty Louise Kate Jennings Grant 97 dated Jack Snyder Bev Lisa Datz 05 Bev Susan Kelechi Watson 05 Biff Marcus Collins 06 Bill Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Daniel's friend from soccer Bill Ken Kamlet 96 Billy _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Johnny's friend Billy _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Jack's friend from auto theft Billy Never Seen, Mentioned owner Billy's Take Out 2010 Billy ????? 80 found Joyce Billy Nick Matthews student Billy _____ ????? 09-16-2008 Janet's customer at Al's; volunteered to help get Ethan out of the sinkhole Billy Macklen Kennedy 01 Billy Brian Hartt Green 97 friend Abigail Billy Stephen Beach 84 biker Billy Jean Kate Roe 01 Blaine Nahanni Johnstone Assistant, B-R-O 1-2/2004 Blanca Millie Tirelli 05 Blondie Dorothy Bryce 86 (Scott Bryce's mother) Blue County (Band) Oscar Cary 05 Kurt Goebel 05 Michael Gailey 05 Ty Smith 05 Bo Robert Wesley 89-90 Bo ????? 07-09-2009 Noah's roommate at the dorms Bob Carl Charroux 07 EMT Bob Timothy Mandala 09 Bobbie Rita Pietropinto 99 waitress Java's Bobbie Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Metro employee Bobby Anton Evangelista 94 Italian Waiter Bobby Zach Hanna 06-07 Bonnie Catherine Larsen 83 Boris Albert Makhstier Brad Clay Adams faux Brad Brandon Don Hampton 4/86 Brandon Dominic D'Ippolito 2010 friend, Parker and Liberty Detroit Brandy Teri Furr pony girl Brenda Colleen Smith Woodall maid Brent Alec Phoenix 98 Brian _____ ????? 10-17-2008 bartender; Yo's Brittany Nicole Weaver 10 girfriend Brandon Detroit Brittany _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Sage's friend Bronc Drew Bongianni 84 Brooke Denise Krueger 90 Bruno ????? 2/82 henchman, Mr. Big Bruno Bruno Amato 00-01 thug, Cindy Harrison Bruno _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 James' bodyguard Bruno _____ ????? 05-20-2009 Henry's poker buddy Atty. Bruno _____ ????? 09-28-2009 lawyer; Liberty's adoption Bryn __ ????? 05-22-2008 classmate of Parker and Liberty Buck David Conley tough guy/ trucker Buck R. Ward Duffy Bucky Matt Kautz 2000 A/V Guy Bud Graham Beckel 1982 James Stenbeck's henchman, held Steve A. hostage Bud _____ ????? 09-29 -2009 Betsy's husband; wanted to adopt Liberty's baby Buddy Loren Dean 89 -worked for James Stenbeck Buffy Caroline Slaughter 06-07 Bunny Courtney Cox 84 knew Frannie Burt Ross Gibby 98 Burt Jason R. Moore 07 Butch Doc Dougherty 06 owner, Galaxy Club Butch Paul Sampson 95 boxer Alexander Cabot Paul Hecht 1992-95 [Rosanna's father] Edwina ___ Walsh Cabot Rita Lloyd 1992-94 [Connor and Evan's mother; married Alexander Cabot] Lauren Cabot Lauren Bailey 1995 [Rosanna's half-sister] Peter Cabot Chuck Santoro 1995 [Rosanna's half-brother] Sheila Washburn Tenney Cabot Leslie Lyles 1992 [Rosanna and Carly's mother] Ryan Cabrera Ryan Cabrera [2004-10-12; Singer; performed his song 'Let's Take Our Time' at Metro] Dr. _____ Caldwell ????? 07-22-2008 doctor; Memorial; operated on Meg Jesse Calhoun drug dealer Thomas Sadoski 2007 Jesse Hooker 2007 Lt. Kevin Callaghan Ron McLarty 1983-84 boss, Margo Mary Callaghan +Duncan ????? = Beatrice [Seen at the very end of the 1987-03-20 episode] Marcus Calman ????? 2/17/10 potential Monte Carlo investor Jimmy Cameron James Colby 1998 insurance adjuster Brian Campbell Jason Kimmell 1979-80 [Doug's son] Dr. Doug Campbell Dennis Romer Dec 1978 -Jan 80 liked Annie Mrs. Campbell Never Seen, Mentioned +Doug=Brian Dr. Marcia ___ Campbell Cynthia Bostick-Sherber May 1979- Jan 80 wanted Jeff Ward Mary Hopkins Campbell Lisby Larson 1993-94 ["Aunt Mary"; Hutch Hutchison's mother] cookie magnate Senor ___ Candido Adriano Gonzalez 1992 Dolores Cantina Caroline Rosi Dr. ___ Cappello Michael Pardy Gabriel "Gabe" Caras Ben Levin 2010 Craig's son by former maid, Lydia Lydia Caras Never Seen, Mentioned +Craig= Gabe maid, Craig and Sierra Bill Carey Mark Kaplan 4/86 Dr. ___ Carini Philip Polito Astor Barry Carlson Wayne Armstrong 1979 Ian M's agent Officer ____ Carlton Michael Reed Carter 2009-10 5/25/10 Mr. ____ Carlucci Never Seen, Mentioned knew Janet and Blackie 2010 Jasper Carlyle Sean Cullen 1998 David's attorney Jim Carlyle warned Emily that Brock was being pursued by organized crime Gary Sloan 1989 Michael Raymond 1989-90 Arlene Carmen Carolee Caromello 1993 Chase Carmody Gerald Bunsen 2010 escaped bank robber, hunted by Emily; subject of an interview by Emily Caroline Barclay Carpenter +Jared Never Seen Iva's natural mother Jared Carpenter sweet on Emma, Iva's real father Warren Frost 1988 Lou Bedford 1988-93 occasional Oliver Carpenter Never Seen, Mentioned son, Jared and Caroline E.J. Carr E.J. Carr famous photographer Eugene Carr Gordon Stanley David Carrerras Seth Kaynor 1995 publisher, Devere Bill Carrey Mark Kaplan 1986 Shannon/Brian's wedding Dr. _____ Carrollton Darrell Carey 1999 Angela Carson Vanessa Bell-Calloway 1983 Gloria ______ Carson ????? 1976 Oliver's wife visits Carol to thank her for Jay agreeing to extend her husbands loan, thus restoring Carol's faith in Jay Oliver Carson ????? man owed Jay Stallings 1976 Private Investigator Carson Anthony DeSando 1998 Mr. ___ Carter Willie C. Carpenter 1996 Mrs. _____ _____ Carter Margaret Donlin 02-03-2009 Sasha's mom _____ Carter Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 case that Jack worked on Red Carter Arch Johnson 1984 Robert Llewellyn Carter Phillippe Brenninkmeyer 1999-2000 2002 Roger Carter Boyd Gaines 1998 -99 Sasha Carter Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Liberty's friend Tina Carter Tisha Roth 1990 Sister Domenica Cartwright Karen Ludwig 1991 Virgil's sister, a nun Judge _____ Cartwright Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 family court Atty. Peter Cartwright ????? 10-13-2009 Damian's lawyer Virgil Cartwright Steve Deighan 1991 Henry Lange's crony Dr. ____ Casey Kerry O'Malley 1997 EMT Jim Casey Christopher Bryan Barrette 1997-2000 occasional Dr. Doug Cassen husband of Claire,married her in 1958.His devotion to work leads to trouble in his marriage and Claire has an affair. Up on malpractice charges in 1962 when covering up attending to Claire's suicide attempt rather than dying patient Mr Rice. Cleared when Claire confesses the truth, resulting in a reconciliation.Father of Neil Wade by Judith Wade. Favors Neil at the hospital but is rejected by Neil when he learns the truth. Eventually reconciles with his son. Killed by Ted Rogers, grieving and angry husband of a patient Doug couldn't save. Nat Polen June 1956-October 1966 Lenore ___ Cassidy Emma Walton 1988 cellmate, Barbara Oleg Cassini Oleg Cassini December 26, 1985 famous clothing designer Sergeant Nick Castelo Rick Giolito 1986-88 dirty cop Jose Castillo Eduard DeSoto 1982-83 Annie's first patient Officer _____ Catlin Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 officer stationed outside Holden and Lily's; killed by Zac Charles Cavavaugh ????? 1987 Duncan's pal Nurse Tiffany Cazier Maureen McNamara 1979-80 Pete Cerone Paul Vincent 1993 ____ Chaney (?Clancy?) Michael Speero 1986 kidnapper Shannon, Harriet Judge ____ Chaney Rob Donahoe 7/2003 Mei- Linn Chang Lia Yang 2000-01 [Winston Lowe's housekeeper; killed Flashdance; Dr. __Channing Never Seen, Mentioned Neurologist from Chicago 2010 Tad Channing Andrew Potter 1986 murdered ex of Iva Snyder Larry Pine 1986 . Dr. Peter Chapin D.W. Moffett 1986 PI ____ Chapman ????? Lucinda's P.I. 2/2/2010 Dr. ___ Chase ????? 1/11/1980 Harvey Chase Nicholas Pratley 2010 Linda Chase Margo McKenna 1981 ex-girlfriend of Hank R. He beat her up. Nurse ___ Chastain Ann Williams 1982 _____ Chavez Barney Fitzpatrick Senor Salvatore Chavez Anthony Herrerra 1989 gardener, one of James' disguises Martin Chedwyn Simon Prebble 1996 Lisa's final ex-husband (Young) Matthew Mabe 1996 Dr. ____ Chen Doan Ly 2006 fertility expert Judge __ Chen Keenan Shimizu Norman Chen ????? 07-01-2009 JKR Communications; with Lily and Dusty Dr. Tien Hung Chen ????? 5/85 accupuncturist Joe Chessley John Dossett 2010 date, Barbara Dr. _____ Chisholm Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 OB-GYN with Katie, Brad, Vienna and Henry Agent Michael Christopher Harris Yulin 1984-85 [Steve Andropolous' biological father] (Young) Michael Maniatis 1984 Ernie Chronister William Prael Karen _____ Chronister Laurie Williams Ivy Churchill Jennifer Mudge 2005 Henry's friend Lieutenant Keith Churchill Frank Ryan 85 cop Eddie Ciccone Haskell King 2010 brother, Janet/Teri Maryanne Ciccone Never Seen, Mention 2010 sister of Teri, Janet Mother ____ Ciccone Never Seen, Mention 2010 Rocco Ciccone Ernest Mingione 2010 Janet/Teri's father Teri Ciccone Vanessa Ray 2009-10 Janet's sister Mrs. ___ Cipperley Suzanne Sheperd 1987 Josiah Clack Richard Gallagher 7/ 2010 Vulcan Minister married Vienna and Henry Alice _____ Clark Barbara Tirell 1997 Ben Clark Mark Gordon early 70s Ed Clark John Avner 1996 Harry Clark Ray Girardin 1997 Jane ____ Clark Lois Smith early 70's Lorrie Clark Nandrea Lin 1988-89 manager Russell Clark Clark Gregg 1993 Elroy Nevins lawyer Sally Clark Rita Morley 1957 girl in love with an ex-convict, hoping to reform him Santa Claus Leonard Gibbs Chris Cooke 1997 Eric Peterson 2007 Berto Colon 2007 Bill Buell 2009 Arthur Claybourne Mike Tomlinson 1990 [Carolyn Crawford's lawyer; was in cahoots with the Harper crime family; Bill Tatum 1991-92 Charles Clayton ????? possibly Never Seen 88-89 +Hank Eliot Judith Clayton tv reporter Jill Larson 1986-87 Cedering Fox 1989 Julia __ Clayton Joan MacIntosh Charles' mom 3/1989 Mark Clayton Never Seen, Mention coordnator air rescue Parker and Liberty Dr. Peter Clayton Robert Trumbull Charles' father 3/1989 Laura Cleary Blair Ross 4/9/2004 Willie Cleaver ????? 1980 Suspect, damage to Grant's car Aaron Clegg Bruce Kilpatrick 1996 Ms. ___ Clemens Maryann Urbano 2005 Gwen's former teacher; helped Gwen when she ran off to New York Donna Clifford Kate Boleyn Colleen_____ Cloche Susannah Hay 00 [Enos' wife] Enos Cloche Tom Spackman 00 Fisherman on the Canadian border, who had helped Vicky McKinnon deliver the twins before she died; took care of Bridget and Michelle until Jake tracked them down Janie Cobb-Goodwin Holden's ex Meg Tolin 1998 Paige Conner 1986; 1988 Jackson Cobbler Never Seen, Mention 2010 Henry's business associate Derek Coburn Benton Greene 2008-09 [Jade Taylor's father; dated Bonnie McKechnie] Mrs. _ ___Cochran Sheila Ball Lee Cody Chris Kowanko 1988 Officer _____ Cohen ????? 04-02-2009 OPD; Luke's security Rachel Cohen ????? 5/21/2007 Realtor Jack hired to look at the Milltown house Judge Steve Colby Tim Hopper 2006 married Will and Gwen Louise ___ Cole Mary K Wells 1958 [Tim's wife] Officer ___ Cole Dave Warberg Tanya Cole Sadie Alexandru 2002 [Aaron's former girlfriend from Seattle] Dr. Tim Cole William Redfield 1958; Louise's husband; had an affair with Ellen, which resulted in Jimmy/Dan Audrey ______Coleman Lynn Herring 2009 Henry's vivacious mother Barbara Ryan Stenbeck Stenbeck Munson Dixon Munson Montgomery Stenbeck Coleman fashion designer Judi Rolin 1971 Donna Wandrey December 1971-73 Barbara Stanger 73-74 Colleen Zenk September 1978- September 2010 Bernadette Coleman Never Seen, Mention sister Henry Henry Coleman Trent Dawson 1998-2010 Katie's bestie Maddie Coleman Henry's sister, dated Casey Kelly Barrett 2008-09 Alexandra Chando 2005-07; 2009 Mr. ___ Coleman Never Seen, Mention Audrey's Hubby Sister Coleman Never Seen, Mention Sister Coleman Never Seen, Mention Sister Coleman Never Seen, Mention Sister Coleman Never Seen, Mention Vienna Hiatt Coleman Ewa da Cruz 2006-10 Heiress, married Henry Claudia ___ Colfax Mary McDonnell 1980 adopted Paul with her former husband Raymond Colfax Tom Everett 1980 [Claudia's husband] Mrs.___ ____ Collier Never Seen, Mention Neighbor Henry and Vienna 2010 Fred Collins George Sampson 1965-66 Judge ____ Collins Adam LeFevre 2008 Grant Colman Attorney Konrad Matthaei August 1973-74 James Douglas 1974-81; 1988-89; 1993; 1994-95 Dr. _____ Combs ????? 12-19-2008 doctor; Paul's psychiatrist Sheriff _____ Comers John Conley 1986 Mr. ____ Comstock Ron Keith 1987 District Attorney Sarah Comstock Judith Barcroft 1983-84 Nurse Marion Connelly Clarice Blackburn 1976-78 Dr. Steve Connor Joaquin Perez Campbell 2006 Dorothy ___ Connors Nancy Pinkerton Peabody 1983-November 1984 [Jay and Kirk's mother; killed Whit McColl] Jay Connors Breck Jamison 1983-86 [Dorothy's son] dated Frannie Thornton Converse Dan Hamilton 1988-89 [dated Jessica] Valerie ___ Converse Cynthia Mace 1988 Thornton's meddling mother Nick Conway Doug Travis April - October 1978 ex husband of Valerie. returns to reconcile, Signs away his rights to her farm to prove his honesty, remarries Valerie in July 78. Secretly involved with Tina Cornell and contemplating murdering Valerie. Dies in an accident at the farm hayloft. Dr. Tony Cook Jeffrey Donovan 1995 [ambitious resident at Memorial; blackmailed and was killed by Orlena] Willam Cooley Boat Captain stranded Don Chastain 2000; 2001 Christopher Wynkoop 2002 Rita Coolidge Rita Coolidge sang with Lee Greenwood 1992 Bradley Cooper Paul Rolfes 2003 accused rapist/patient Mrs. _____ _____ Cooper Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Holden and Lily's neighbor Matt Cooper Edward Grover Early 70s Harriet Corbmann Sloane Shelton 1985-91 [Shannon's friend and confidant] Vera (Verna) Corbmann Sloane Shelton (Flashbacks) 1985 Nurse Glenda Corcoran Jacqueline Anderson 2003 Signora ___Cordina Rosemary DeAngelis 2001 General Alberto Cordova Nestor Carbonell 1989 commander of the opposition in Montega Sergeant Joan Corey ????? came to arrest Joyce 1980 Tina Cornell Rebecca Hollen 1978 dated Nick Conway Regina Corrado Priscilla Lopez 2003 Frank Costello Danton Stone Ben Coyle Justin Smith 6/5/2008 Faux Ben Coyle James Villemaire 2008 Dr. ___ Craig Peter Austin Noto 1/28/2000; 7/15 & 17/2005 Meryl Craig Lauren Valentine 2006 Dr. Jim Crane ????? 7/85 dated Lyla Madge Crane Kathleen Claypool 1993 Zoe Crane (Yates) Aisha Henderson 1996 singer Bodyguard Crater Brian Anthony Wilson 2003 (watched Rose) Carolyn Dewitt Van Doren Crawford Leslie Denniston 1990-91 murder victim Carolyn Dana Crawford believed to be the child of Darryl and Carolyn, was actually the child of surrogate, Dana Lambert and her husband, Billy--both dead. adopted by Frannie and Darryl........ Schuyler Quinn 1991 Felicia Cambi 1991-92 Darryl Crawford Rex Smith 1990-92 accused of murdering Carolyn. Affair with Barbara, father of Jennifer Frannie Hughes Crawford Kelly Campbell 1973 Maura Gilligan 1975-79 Tracy O'Neil 1980 Melanie Candel 1982 Helene Udy 1982-83 Terri VandenBosch 1983-84 (Young) Kerry Doherty 1986 (Flashback) Mary Ellen Stuart 1989-92 Mary Kane (temporary) 1991-92 Julianne Moore April 1985- May 1988; April 3 2010 Helen ____ Crawford Fran Barnes 1991 mother, Darryl Jill Crawford Never Seen, Mentioned Mother of Lyla and Maggie Louis Crawford Whit Vernon 1991 father, Darryl Maggie Crawford Maggie Crawford 12/22/2008 Donald Creel Sean Haberle 2004 [hired by Craig to kidnap Lucy] Elizabeth Carpenter Cromwell Katherine Kane 1988-91 occasional [Iva's biological sister; Jared and Caroline's daughter; married Stuart Cromwell] Nigel Cromwell Never Seen, Mentioned Boat Captain, killed by Emily Stuart Cromwell Married Elizabeth Carpenter Greg S. Ryan 3/1989 George Nye 1991 Mona Cross Donna Bullock 2010 Judge William Cross Bill Raymond 2005 _____ Crowe John Palumbo 2010 caused trouble for Dusty Colin Crowley [Sabrina's ex-boyfriend-turned-husband] artist; killed by Richard Tyrell with heroin on Tonio Reyes' behalf Jeff Hayenga 1986 Howard McGillin 1987 Chris Cousins 1988-90 Sabrina Fullerton-Hughes Crowley Frannie's half-sister/cousin dated Seth and Tonio Julianne Moore November 11, 1986 - June 1988 Claire Beckman 1990-92 Stan Crumley Stewart Steinberg 2003 Patient, Bob, murdered Charles Cryer Pepe Douglas 1990 Judge ____ Cullum Michael Hodge 1996 Caroline Talbot Cummings Never Seen, Mentioned [Douglas' deceased wife] Douglas Cummings John Wesley Shipp 1985-86 [Frannie's fiancé; Kim's stalker; Killed by Marsha Talbot] Elaine Cummings Never Seen, Mentioned Mother Amy Hughes Anton Cunningham Patrick Horgan 1986-87; 1989 [Penny's husband; race car driver; English] Pat Cunningham Jean Mowry 1958 Penny Hughes Baker Wade McGuire Cunningham ?Abigail Kellogg?? 1964 or 65 (temporary) Phoebe Dorin 1971 Rosemary Prinz April 1956 -July 1968; April 1985 (Bob and Kim's Wedding); March 1986 - April 1987; 1988; 1993; August 1998; December 2000 Jaden Currier Lucas Kelly 2/2004 Jane Currier Regan Southard 2/2004 Donovan Curry Paul Leyden 2002 [Simon's doppelganger in Avanya] Marcy Thompsn Cushing Marisa Tomei 1984 - September 1985 [had a crush on Bob; dated Kirk; married Stewart] Lord Stewart Markham Cushing Ross Kettle 1985 - September 1985 [Paul Stewart's long-lost son; married Marcy] Lady Veronica ____ Cushing Never Seen, Mentioned +Paul Stewart = Stewart Cushing murdered Dr. ____ Cutler Steven Mailer 2007 Geraldine __ Cutler Chevi Colton 1987-88 spied on Duncan maid Simon Cutler Richard Clarke 1987-88 butler C.J. Thomas Whyte Camal Olek Krupa 1988 Camille ????? Woman hired by Henry (as Brad) to set up Simon 12/14 /2009 Candace Candace Buckley 1998 Candi the trucker Danielle Skraastad Candy Nancy Reilley 1987 Hooker Cara Paige French 1998 helped by Ben and Camille Carl Ron Vail teen with Betsy/Lois 1979 Carlo Francisco Rivela Officer Carlos Tito Ortiz 1999 cop Carlos _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Katie's computer expert; [possibly WOAK?] Carlos ????? Tonio's business associate 9/14/1989 Carlton Thomas J. Simmons Virginia Common Carol JoAnne Camp Carol Anname Phann from Maryland Carol Elizabeth Schmidt 2006 Carol Kimberly O'Brien 1990 Caroline Freya Adams 2007 Caroline Patricia Dalen 1/13 & 14/1999 Caroline Abby Hardwick Caroline _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 waitress; Al's Diner; Janet's colleague Carson Nick Marcucci 2009 Carson Rick Kincaid Carter ????? 11/6/2002 the food service worker with Molly Cat Melissa Dye reporter Caesar David Bottrell at the spa Cecelia Never Seen, Mentioned Johnny's babysitter 2010 Cedric David Melville 2001 airline clerk Chad Chris Hartl 2008 chased Ameera Chardonnay Roxanna Carrascos 2006 [dancer at The Galaxy strip club] Charles Terrence Markovich 11/92 Charles Orlena's gardener William Wurch 1995 Charles Carl Stark 1990 Charles ????? 4/26/2010 with Gabe Charles ????? 11/03/2008 Lakeview Clerk Charles _____ ????? 02-10-2009 tried to buy Eliza in Central Park Charlie Tony Hoty 1997 with Carly Charlie Clarke Thorell thug Charlie Vincent DePaul 2003 bartender Charlie Richard Preshong 2002 security guard Charlie _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Parker's friend Chase Matt Emmich sleazy college guy Chase ????? 1985 snuck around Betsy's cabin Chase _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Parker's friend Chastity Jillie Simon 2003 Cherie the singer Cherie [2004; sang 'Older Than My Years' in front of Dusty and Lucy at Metro] Cheryl Jeanine Abraham 2000-01 Hope's babysitter Cheryl Heather Simms 1997 Chester Michael Minneart worked with Teague 1998 Chester Larry Mitchell 2002 railyard guy Chick Lawrence Arancio 4/04 Chloe Rachael Hollingsworth dated Isaac Christina Carol Lyn Gustafson 1983 Christine Never Seen, Mentioned Sage's friend 2010 Nurse Christine _____ ????? 05-12-2009 Memorial Christy Jill Gatsby 1990 from the shelter Chuck _____ ????? 09-10-2008 Lakeview Chuck John Chardiet 1985 biker, beat up Spree Chuck John Ventimiglia 1995 Prison inmate Chuck George Gerdes 1987 Chuckie Steve Paskoski 1998 Cindy Barbara King 2007 Nurse Cindy Wendy Alane Wright 2003-04 Cindy Che Landon 1997 Circus Chris Walker 1990 Nurse Claire Karen Fineman 1997 Nurse Claire ????? 9/1/2010 Clarence ????? 1980 +Sharon with the horses Clarissa Paulina Porizkova 2009-10 jewel thief with Simon Clarissa Soneela Nankani 2009-10 babysitter Psychiatric Nurse Claudia Kristin McGee Claudia Sofia Sokolov 10/10/2008 actress hired by Paul to impersonate Lucy Claudine Christian Corp Clem George Hosmer clerk Cliff Bryan Hanna 1999 Oasis Bartender Cliff Brendan Shay Curren Model Clyde David Myers Gregory Colby Never Seen, Mentioned 2009-10 Ethan's friend Colton David Farcher Colton _____ ????? 03-17-2009 Parker's friend Cora Rica Martens Foxwood Lodge Courtney _____ ????? 11-04-2008 student at Oakdale U. Courtney ????? 1983 dated Craig Courtney _ Jessica Ecklund 12/2 & 10/2008; mentioned 2/3/2009; 7/6/2009; 1/20/2010; 3/19 & 23/2010; 5/26/2010 Fashion's sales clerk Cruiser ????? 1985 that set fire to he Hayloft Lodge Crystal _____ ????? 10-17-2008 prostitute; with Lester Judge Curt ????? 1/25/2010 Bob's golf buddy Anna Maria Romano D'Angelo Never Seen, Mentioned adopted Rose Joe D'Angelo Tony Musante 2000-03 adopted Rose Rose D'Angelo Martha Byrne 2000-03; 2004; 2006 Showgirl, almost married Paul before Will killed her, Lily's twin Will Dailey Will Dailey 10/3/ 2008 singer/musician performed in Oakdale Heather Dalton Tonya Pinkins 1984-86 singer, almost killed by Douglas C., dated Tucker and Roy Lionel Dalton Heather's serious father James Moody December 1984 Roscoe Lee Browne 1984 Earle Hyman 1985 Palmer Deane 1985-86 Officer Mitch Dalton Edward Vassallo 2008 Dr. Daly Sean Meehan 6/10/2008 doctor; Memorial Starr Danias Starr Danias 1979 Joffrey Ballet dancer that starrred in Ian's ballet Lester "Smitty" Daniels Thomas Kopache 1985-86 Barbara's private detective Mrs. Daniels Joan Kendall 1987 Dr. Walker Daniels Real Andrews 2003-04 forensic pathologist, dated Barbara Regina ____ Dansby Avery Sommers 1997-98 Reverend ___ Dansby Ron Bagden 1997 Ben's minister Andre DeShields 1997-98 Valerie Dansby Lisa Arrindel Anderson 1998 Mick Dante Tom Pelphrey 2009-10 had an anti-aging potion, claimed to be James Stenbeck Denise Darcy Marie Marshall 1985-86; 1988 model, Simply Barbara, dated Hal, killed Tad C. Chaz Dargote D.C. Benny 2006-07 worked for Dusty Pepper Dash Julie Johnson 1996 Darla Davenport Jodi Stephens 3/5/2004 Mr. Davenport ????? County Clerk who annulled Rosanna & Jordan's marriage 2004 George Davidson Lawrence Weber 1973 see Hoppers society couple that liked John D. Marsha Wilson Davidson Elizabeth Lawrence 1973 society couple that liked John D. Warden ___ Davidson Barbara Andres 1988 Spence Davies Robert Tyler 1988 transient mental case; Stableboy at the Walsh Stables Judge ___ Davin Roger Serbagi 2003 Ashley Davis Leslie Ann Glassner 2008 dated Parker (once) Dr. Jack Davis Martin Sheen 1965-70 May 1965 - ?? -- treated Neil Wade as his eyesight was waning; 1968 -- treated Bob after he was blinded; Kevin Davis Luke's best friend, homophobic Tyler Hudson 2005 Karl Girolamo 2005-09 Miss Davis DCFS worker, Marcy Lois Smith 1984 DCFS worker, Marcy Rutanya Alda 1984 Mr. _____ Davis ????? April 1957 John Hughes parole officer Reverend ____ Davis Reno Roop 2003 Sean Davis Jonathon Fried 2006 Sgt. _____ Davis ????? 07-07-2008 army recruiter; with Noah Sondra Davis Gwynn Gillis 1983-84 Agent___ Dawson Tom Day Marty Dawson C. Cavanaugh Harris 1994 (impostor twin, Royce) Dr. Eric "Rick" Decker John James 2003-04; 2008 serial killer Dr. Susan Burke Stewart Baxter McDermott Decker alcoholic ex-wife of Dan, Bruce, Larry and serial killer Rick Decker. Mother of Emily and Alison; slept with Bob Hughes while he was married to Kim. Connie Scott 1966-67 actress was 16/17 at the time Diana Walker 1967 actress was 24 Jada Rowland November 1967-68 returned to Secret Storm in May 1968 Leslie Perkins 1968 Marie Masters 1968 - March 1979; 1986-2010 Judith Barcroft August-September 1978 (Temporary) Mrs. DeHaven ????? 1979 hospital board member Mrs. Delancey Ruth Miller 1988 Dr. _____ Delaney Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 doctor; Memorial; treated Alison Meredith Delaney Wendy Benson 1992 Officer _____ Delaney Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 OPD Patty ____ Delaney Barbara Biermann 1992 mother, Meredith Marcy ____ Dell Marissa Emmanuel Peter Dell Jeffrey Lawrence Dr. Phillip Deming Ed Bryce early 70s Carol's father Carole Dempsey Kym O'Brien Pam Dennison realtor Kate Hodge 2007, 2009, 2010 Krissy Shields 10/&12/2007; 2010 Rex Dennison Dennis Cunningham Oct. 26 & 27/1981 society columnist WCBS Art Critic; appeared at fashion show Dr. ___ Denton Larry Bryggman 1969 original name of Dr. John Dixon _____Denver Stephen Rowe 1988 Malcolm Dervis Michael Conforti 1994 Count Lucien De Seze Louis Moreno 1996 Dr. Matthew Devan Len Gochman Kim's doctor (amnesia) 9/1975; psychiatrist, Betsy 1978 Owen Dever George Millenbach 2001 obsessed with Julia Lindsay, set off bomb at boathouse Jack Devere (Durbin) Darnell Williams 1994-95 writer friend of Shannon Shannon shouted "Devere" when she returned from Africa Ms. _____ DeVito Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Liberty's biology teacher Lt. Daniel DeVito Damian Colletti 2009 Philly Cop Chuck Devon Matthew Mabe Roderick DeVries W. M. Brydon 1988 Lilith McKechnie's brother Ms. __ Dewey Never Seen, Mentioned Parker and Liberty's teacher Charles DeWitt Forrest Compton 1991-93 uncle, Carolyn Crawford, father of Evelyn Evelyn DeWitt Elizabeth Lawrence 1991 sister, Charles and Nate Grace ____DeWitt Rachel Stevens 1992 Charles' wife Nate DeWitt Never Seen, Mentioned Carolyn's father Guy Dexter John Wojda 1994 Leslie Dexter Dana Cordle 1989 fiance of Daisy Westborne with Shannon and Duncan Mr. DiGrassi Stevie Ray Dallimore 2004(Rosanna's disappearance) Anna___ DiNucci Mary Tahmin Benny DiNucci Vincent Pacimeo Clive Diedrichson ????? 3/26/2010 owned clothing store Archaeology Mary ___ Diedrichson Meredith Collins 2010 wife, Clive Dr. ___ Dietrich Clarke Thorell 2001 Erich Dignan ????? Sabrina's artist mentor 1/21/1988 Andrew "Andy" Dixon Jason Ferguson 1976-79 alcoholic photographer Skye Berdahl 1978 (temporary) Robert Dwyer 1980 Alfie Smith 1982 Sean Anthony 1983-84 Scott DeFrietas 1985-95; 1997-2000 Courtney Baxter Dixon Hayley Barr 1990-94 +Andy, +Evan W., eating disorder Dawn "Dee" Stewart Dixon Simone Schachter 1971 Jean Mazza 1972-73 Glynnis O'Connor 1973 Marcia McClain April 1976- Nov 78 Heather Cunningham 8/1978 Temporary Jacqueline Schultz 1979- 82 Vicki Dawson 1982-83; 1986; 1991 (1976 - 78) Falls for Beau Spencer but steps aside when she discovers he loves Annie. Then falls for Tom when she cares for him after he is injured in a car crash and finally Jay when he is estranged from Carol. Leaves town for a few months. Denise Maynard Dixon Cassandra Creech 1998-2001 Hope's mother "Duke" Ian Kramer Dixon Michael Louden 1989-91 John's son with Rosemary Kramer, boxer Hope Dixon Andy + Denise's daughter Mariah D'Aprile 1999-01 Rebecca Anderson 1998-99 Katherine Braun 1998 Sophie Spencer King 2001 Dr. John Dixon Robert Elston 1978 (Temporary) Larry Bryggman 1969-2004; 2010 John Dixon, Jr. Never Seen, Mentioned son of John and Barbara Karen Haines Stenbeck Dixon Kate McNeil 1981-84 Cynthia's daughter married James and John, loved Dusty like a son Matthew John "M.J." Dixon son of Iva/John Leonard Manning (?Murray) 1993-94 Michael Angarano 1998-99 Mrs. ___ Parker Dixon Never Seen, Mentioned John's Mother Mr. ___ Dixon Never Seen, Mentioned John's Father Nurse Pat Holland Dixon Melinda Peterson 1976-77 married John to avoid testifying against him, died on courthouse steps Reenie Dobson Welker White 1989 Amy Ryan 1990 _____ Dodge ????? 05-20-2009 Henry's poker buddy Matron Audrey Dolan Margaret Ritchie 1988 Sgt. Jeff Dolan Ryan Reid 1989 Lucky Dolan Never Seen, Mentioned murdered on the orders of James Stenbeck Sheriff ___ Dolton Nick Battiste 2003 Pilar Domingo Diego's sister, stock car driver Roselyn Sanchez 1996 Daniella Alonso 2004-05 Building Inspector ___ Donahue ????? 1978 _____ Donaldson Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Worldwide employee; mentioned by Dusty Dena Donatello ????? 01-09-2008 lingerie designer; guest on Oakdale Now Sal Donato Thom Politico R.J. Donely Dane Leach 1994-95 Tracey's son Tracey Sullivan Donely Sarah Knowlton 1994-95 RJ's mother, dated Holden Christine Whitmore Donegan Kathleen McCall 1996 daughter, Rex Dorothy Donegan Dorothy Donegan Molly Donegan Whitney Vance 1996 Christine's daughter Rita Donley Melinda Mullins 1990 Maureen Donnelly Mary Joy Ariel Aldrin Dixon Donovan Judith Blazer 1982- June 1984 James' sister Burke Donovan David Forsyth 1983 raised Dusty Dream Son Donovan Mikey Bloom 9/22/1986 Meg and Dusty's dream son. Mikey Bloom was Brian Bloom's little brother) Dustin "Dusty" Donovan son of Gunnar and Nicole Brian Bloom 1983-88 Grayson McCouch 2003-08; 2008-10 Jennifer Ryan (Munson) Kasnoff Donovan daughter of Barbara and Darryl, raised by Hal Michelle Nemeh 1990-91 Sarah Graney 1992-93 Brianne Sassone 1993-95 Alexandra Herzog 1995-99 Kim Onasch 1999-2002 Jennifer Ferrin 2003-06 Lorenzo Donovan son of Janet and Dusty Aniella Mohr 2010 Emily Griffin 2010 Nicole Berrysea Donovan Lucinda Jennings 1983 Dusty's mother Mr. _____ Dooley Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 patient at Memorial who died; owned a pet spider Sheriff___ Dooley Jack Koenig 2010 _______Dorado Norberto Kramer Dr. __ Dorato (voice-over) Rick Warner 1999 Mrs. _____ Dowd Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 dropped Faith off at home _____Doyle Stephen Payne 2001 Wisconsin boat rental saw Damian Miss __ Doyle ????? nurse 1968 Poker Player __ Doyle Bobby Guarino 7/6/2010 Gabe's poker game Sergeant __ Doyle Lorenzo Laurence Guardino 1980 Alan Drake Robert Leeshock 2004 Sierra's third husband Sierra Esteban Reyes Montgomery Drake Daughter of Lucinda and Jacobo, mother of Bryant and Lucy Finn Carter 1985-88; 1990; 1991-94 Mary Beth Evans 2000-2001; 2001-04; 2004-05; 2010 Dr. ___ Drexler Alice White 1993 Alan Dreyfuss Edward Seamon 1989 Bruce "Hey You" Dreyfuss Jean Wolfman 1989-90 homeless shelter Lois ___ Dreyfuss Julie Hogben 1989-90 married "Hey You" Madge Dreyfuss ????? 1988 unwed mother, Clifford Breyer's firm Ed Driscoll Dan Dailey 1992 Vladivostock Dropney Joe Polito 1982 henchman, James Mitchell Dru Geoffrey Lumb 1962-64 attorney _____ Duff ????? 05-28-2009 AA Agent ___ Duffy Dennis Pfister 1994 _____Dufour ????? mobster after Steve Andropolous 1980 Harvey Dugan George R. Sheffey 2005 Iris ___ Norbeck Dumbrowski Gwen and Cole's mother (Young) Liz Fye 2005 Terri Garber 2005-07; 2010 George Dunlop Jesse Moore Carol Dunn ????? January 1965 Greg Morgan's boyfriend; went on a double date with Bob Hughes and Sylvia Hill; took a job with Bob as a receptionist/lab technician Ada Dunne Portia Reiners 2006 Gloria Dunne Mary Denham Dec 1979 friend, former partner of Ruth Hadley NY antique shopkeeper. Warns Lisa about getting involved with Bennett Captain Jean Dunne Mark Elliott Wilson 2006 Jim Dunne Jim Dunne 1984 Steve and Betsy's wedding Mrs.___ ___ Dunne Kala Bennett Mrs. __ ___ Dunne Kristen Griffith 2008 administrator; Oakdale U. Dr. ___ Dunston ????? 1984 hypnotized Craig Polly Dupont Joy Franz 1990 Inspector ___ DuPres Bertrand Buchin Suzanne DuPres Colleen Zenk murdered by Hensley Taggart Sofie Duran Justine Cotsonas 2007-08 +Cole, +Aaron Dr. ____ Durrell Ken Marks D'Peshu Tiffany Jones dated Isaac Dagmar Amanda Hall Rogers Dalma Jennifer Barnhart 2004 babysat for Caig Dan Mike DiGiacinto 1/28/2010 Dan ????? 1979 +Betty Lou, friend at Betsy ad Lois' party Dana Nedra McClyde 2005-10 Production assistant Oakdale Now Dana Tamara Tunie 1985 Danny Michael Port 1997 trouble maker at Yo's Danny Kyle Hatley 2002 Rhodes college Danny Richard Biermann 1998 Bartender (Magic Lantern) Dara Megan Goldkamp 2002 St. Louis College student Darcy Mellini Kantayya 5/19/2005 Darla GIna Torres model Darlene, Felicia Finley 3/4/2003 Alison's cellmate Darlene Collette Hawley 1997 Dave ????? 1988 drugged Andy's drink Dave _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Maddie's college boyfriend Dave _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 reporter for Emily Dave _____ Nicholas J. Coleman 04-14-2009 waiter; Lakeview [very likely more, but on this date he was named] David Derek Michalak 11/12&14/2008 Station director in Chicago Davy _____ Amani Emanuel 12-01-2009 Alison's patient Dawn Brianna Steinhilber 3/8/2004 child caretaker Dean Joe Wachowski 2004 Deanna Never Seen Faith's friend 2010 Nurse Deb Heidi Kristoffer 2008 Debbie Never Seen 2010 Jacob's babysitter Dee Maureen Pierson runner - up Deidre _____ Erin Stutland 11/3 & 12/2008; 02-25-2009; 3/2/2009; 9/2/2009; 12/2/2009; 2/11/2010;3/25/2010; 5/12/2010; 7/1/2010 salesgirl; Fashions Del John Ahlin 2006 knew Gwen Des James Michael Armstrong 1997 bartender Desi the desk clerk from Avanya Gary Perez 2002 Nelson Vasquez 2002 Devin Adrian Rieder worked at BRO. Diana Lynette Perry 1996 Diana Alix Elias 1997 Diana ????? October 1980 village girl Dick Michael Houston King 1996 frat boy Dina Katherine Jameson 2006 Dodge Tony F. DeVito 2008 Dolores Ginny Ortiz 1983 Domenico Marco Anasso 7-8/2001 faux friar Dominic Rudolph Willrich 1987' Don _____ ????? 04-30-2009 Jade's date Don _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 WOAK employee Donna Peggity Price 1984 Gunnar's psychiatrist Donna Annette Hunt 1995 knew Samantha Dora, Ruth Ray 11/14/2003 Paul's maid Nurse Doris Marilyn Alix 1989-90 Casey Peretti Doris _____ ????? 05-13-2009 Johnny's babysitter Doris ????? Gave Craig & Rosanna their marriage license 12/14&15/2009 Dottie Cass Morgan 1990 secretary Doug Ed Vassallo 9/2007 Doug Pancho Gutstein 1998 Duane the auto parts guy Steven Skybell John Hickok Dulcey Tembi Locke Barrista Dylan Chris Cafero 2008 dated Liberty Dylan ????? 5/14/2010 Parker's friend Jules Earling Stu Richel 2006 Dr. ____ Early Boris McGiver 2000 Stan Eastman Joel Stedman early 1970s Ms. _ Easton Louise Petrie 2003 social worker Ernst Ebert Michael Quill hit man 1988 worked at castle Dr. ____ Eckert Simon Jones 1999 Fred Edgar ????? July 67 Private Investigator Judge Lowell hires to investigate Micheal Shea Detective ___ Edwards ????? 1985 arrested people at Bob and Kim's wedding Len Edwards ????? 1979 Lisa's travel agent Mrs. __ __ Edwards ????? January 1965 Bob's patient that was worried about tetanus Dave Egan Ken Garito Sept 21 - ? 1994 Marty Egan Don Scardino 1969-70 Dr. ____ Ehrlich Bob Heitman 1983-85 Frederic Eldridge Roger Serbagi 1991 Karl's brother Helen ___ Eldridge Ann Shropshire 1991-92 Lisa's former mother-in-law John Eldridge Nick Coster 1965 Lisa's ex-husband Michael Levin 1991-92 Baby John Eldridge Never Seen, Mentioned child of Karl and Monica Karl Eldridge Richard Backus 1991-95 occ. Attorney, cousin of John and Tom, brother of Frederic Monica Lawrence Eldridge wealthy businesswoman Judith Ann Lowery 1986-91 Juliet Pritner 1992 Scott Eldridge Lisa's son by former brother-in-law Tom Joseph Breen 1992-93 Christopher Cass 1993 Doug Wert 1995-96 Tom Eldridge Mark Deakins 1992 (FB) Lisa's ex-brother-in-law Hank Eliot Brian Starcher 1988-89 gay designer for Barbara, fake-dated Iva Reverend Elkins minister James Doerr Robert Sonderskov Armonde Elliott Mike Flanagan June 1982 movie producer who options John's book. Secretly working for James who wants to bury the project. Bruce Elliot James Pritchett 1962 brother to Linda, shoe salesman, had affair with Lisa. They wnt public and planned to marry but Bruce became bored with Lisa and broke it off. Katie ___ Elliott Never Seen, Mentioned (possibly Lindsay Frost in FB) 1984 Russ' late wife Linda ___ Elliot Bruce's sister Bonnie Toman 1961 Beverly Owen 1961-62 Dr. Russ Elliott Richard Backus 1984 doctor that thought Betsy was his dead wife Mr. ____ Ellis David Leary 1983 Brian Ellison Robert Hover 1975 Mary's late husband, raised Teddy(Ryder) Frances Ellison Karen Mason Reverend "Elvis" Chuck Wagner Dr. ____ Elwood Christopher Innvar _______Emerson Charles Blackwell 1987 Andrew Emerson Robert Wiley Nancy's date, HW's real-life husband Judge ____ Emerson Russell Coster 1988 Rob Emerson Don Money 2007 drug dealer Dr. ____ Endicott ????? March 1976 Acting Chief of staff at Oakdale Memorial Dr. Darren Engler Ross Gibby Dr. Patricia Englewood ????? 05-21-2009 therapist at Memorial; specializes in troubled adolescents Judy English Sybil Collier 1965-66 dated Bob, Claire's niece Steven English Never Seen, Mentioned brother of Claire English Lowell Cassen Shea Jim Enright Allyn Burrows 1994 Dr. _____ Erickson James Lurie 99 Jim Espinoza Adriano Gonzalez Jacobo Esteban Never Seen, Mentioned Sierra's father former leader of Montega Dr. Charles Evans Reathal Bean 1997 Dr. _____ Evans ????? Emily's doctor 1/7/10 Dolores Evans Never Seen, Mentioned Elizabeth ___ Evans Laurie Kennedy 1987 mother, Kathy Kathy Evans drunk girlfriend (Andy) Debbi (Alice) Adair 1987 Katherine Kellner 1987-88 Keith Evans Drew Keil 1987 father, Kathy Lieutenant ____ Evans ????? arrested Sheila W. 1980 Mr. _____ Evans Michael Hobbs 1998 step-father, Eddie Silva Reverend _____ Evans Samuel Maupin Veronica Everest or Everett Barbara Meek (not verified) 1993 or 1997 Dennis Everhart Drew McVety 2004 private investigator hired by Carly to find Jack Dr. Charles Evers Marcus Dean Fuller 2007 Dr. Julian Evers Ryan Cyrus Shams 2007 Marcus Dean Fuller 2007 Mr. ____ Exeter Never Seen, Mentioned Henry's associate 2010 Earl Derek Phillips pool shark Ed Alex Draper 2007 knew Carly Ed ????? 1969 Tom's Cellmate Ed Blake Schaefering 2002 Rhodes College Eddie Mike Santana 2000 Eddie Kevin Bulla 6/20/2008 Holden's stablehand Eddie _____ Daniel Pearce 2008 cameraman; WOAK Eddie Ron Feinberg 08 Eddie Christopher Berger 1994, 1997-99 Eddie _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 poker game; Lakeview; connected with Gray Eddie _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 bartender Edie _____ ????? 02-17-2009 Craig's Midnight Sun backup designer Edith Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Emma's friend Edith Kelly McAndrew 1999 Edmundo Paul Calderon 1985 from Montega Edna Allyce Beasley 09 knew Paul and Rosanna Eduardo Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Dusty's associate set up inheritance for Janet Eileen Fran Brill Elaine Sarah Rafferty 5/98 Teacher Eleanor ______ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 camp mom Holden and Carly ran into Elena Isabel Garcia Lorca 1983 Sister Elizabeth Barbara Andres 2006 Nurse Ellen Melissa Gallagher 2005 Nanny Ellis Lee Breuer 1987 Emilio ????? 9/23/1992 restraurant owner Emma Alice Yourman 68 Lowell family maid Emmett Jon DeVries 1983-84 Walsh Stable guy Emmett Tom Ligon August 13 - ?1997 dated Molly Enid ????? 1983 woman on the cruise that knew the Taylor ladies Eric Rob Feinberg 11/12/2002 from Pittsburgh Eric _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 friend of J.J. Eric _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 friend of Daniel Nurse Ericka ????? 11/28/2007 Erik Mark Devine 1998 aide in David Stenbeck's secret admirer hoax on Emily Erik Tom Galantich Erika Danielle Ward 2009 District Attorney Erin ????? 8/1/2008 classmate, Casey Erlinda Blanca Camacho 1989 Ernie James Doerr 1994 Bartender Ernie Dawn Colkart waitress at the Mona Lisa Erroll Jeremy Peter Johnson 1997 Esmerelda Joanna Merlin 1983 Estelle Peggy Cosgrave 1990 the cleaning lady Estelle _____ ????? 01-27-2009 Mr. Jaggers' assistant Eunice Angela Pietropinto 1995 Eunice Debbie Silver Eva Freida C. Santiago Evelyn ????? March 79 ex girlfriend of Hank Robinson who informed Carol that Hank had been violent with another ex-Linda. Ezra Jeffrey Buehl 1996 frat boy 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted January 26 Author Members Share Posted January 26 (edited) RECENT ADDITIONS GENERAL HOSPITAL Natalia Rogers-Ramirez Added 1/21/2025 working with Maxie at Deception; goes to see Sonny about Deception business; 1/22/2023 -- finds Sonny out cold; helps him st up, medicates him and calls Isaiah for him. Tells Isaiah she'll keep an eye on Sonny; 1/23/2025-- at the MetroCourt with Sonny, helps Sonny and Brick make up excuses for trip to see specialist in L. A.; stops in to see Kristina and congratulate her on the re-opening of Charlie's Pub Martin Grey Added 1/21/2025 -- Police Station, tries to pressure Tracy to give up Wiley and Amelia for Drew; messes with Tracy; 1/22/2025 -- at Charlie's Pub with Lucky and Elizabeth discussing Cyrus and their mother Florence. Cyrus wanted to end her suffering, but she got better Lulu Spencer Falconeri Added 1/22/2025 -- visits Tracy at the PCPD and advises her to play the long game with Willow/Drew regarding the kids; 1/24/2025 -- goes to see Maxie at Deception for the job. After learning that BLQ was among those to get tested, a thaw forms. Tracy hires Lulu on the spot. Jack Brennan Added 1/21/2025 -- Arranged a room at the clinic in Baden-Baden for Michael and Carly; arranged a mediical plane and staff to fly Michael overseas. 1/24/2025 -- after a meeting in London, flew to Baden-Baden to comfort/support Carly Kai Taylor Added 1/24/2025 offers his biggest fan, Stella, tickets for next season. Meets with his Orthopaedic surgeon. Tells Trina he can never play football again Dr. Lucas Jones Added 1/23/2025 -- babysitting Avery and Donna with Josslyn; she reveals her suspicions about Cyrus killing Dex Chief Mac Scorpio added 1/23/2025 at the PCPD to deal with Cody's arrest. Kristina will drop charges if he pays for damages Server ???? 1/23/2025 Charlie's Pub Champagne for Lucy/Jenz Dr. Isaiah Gannon Added 1/22/2025 -- Charlie's Pub for a date with Jordan ends when Natalia calls for help with Sonny. Sergeant Tony Robinson Added 1/22 & 23/2025 desk sergeant at the PCPD; Ric Lansing Added 1/23/2025 -- shows Ava a new apartment she can afford, tries to boost her morale; they kiss Jenz Sidwell Added 1/21/2025 meets Alexis at the launch to get papers for the purchase of Wyndemere; 1/22/2025 -- takes Lucy to the opening of Charlie's Pub; Lucy E-mails Laura to meet Jenz; 1/23/2025 -- Laura and Anna meet with the man that almost killed L:ucky, Jason and Anna. Tells him he's not welcome. He responds that she'll learn to appreciate him in time. Stella Henry Added 1/24/2025 -- stops in to chat with Kai; talks to Trina Wiley Corinthos Added 1/22/2025 whining like Walow while wanting to hear abot his Dad. Damian Spinelli Added 1/22/2025 Charlie's Pub opening with Maxie; Cody demands money from him $75,000.00 to be exact and then attempts to hit Spinelli when Lucky gets involved. Officer Scott Added 1/21/2025 -- in the interrogation room with Tracy and others to resolve the Wiley/Amelia situation Brick Added 1/22/2025 -- opening of Charlie's Pub enters with Jordan and joins her later when Isaiah is called away; breaks up the scuffle between Lucky and Cody; 1/23/2025 meeting with Sonny takes a turn when he learns of Sonny's heart ailment; arranges a specialist to see him in California Nurse ????? 1/21/2025 came with the medical plane for Michael to Baden-Baden that Jack arranged Waitress ???? 1/22/2025 Charlie's Pub; nice tip from Brick after the altercation between Cody and Lucky Orthopaedic Surgeon ???? 1/24/2025 Gives Kai the news that football is no longer in his future Desk Nurse ????? 1/24/2025 At Turning Woods, ?Josslyn offers this nurse assistance as a volunteer Desk Sergeant ???? 1/24/2025 working desk at PCPD Guard (Burt Ramsey under arrest) Bob Kane December 1986 Alan James[AJ] Quartermaine, Jr.. ...Jason Marsden December 1986-88 Edith____ Fairchild .Joan Benedict March 89 Accountant, Delafield Foundation Barry Durbin Peter Keleghan 1/21/1992 - 4/15/1992 Pentonville Guard Benai Boyd 6/24/2024 May the Nanny Kiana Madani 1/14/2025 shows up at the mansion and tells Sasha that Willow is taling the kids to Nina's; Sasha goes and sends Wiley and Amelia to the main house with May. Sasha and Willow spar over Willow's behavior SEARCH FOR TOMORROW Shalimar Wendie Malick 1985 hooker Dr. ___ Halstead ????? 1965 Marge Bergman's OB/GYN. Told her she had a late in life pregnancy Dr. ____ Harris ????? 1965 Alison Metcalf's OB/GYN. Head of Obstetrics. Tells Alison she CAN get pregnant, but an operation is needed first AS THE WORLD TURNS Ted Banner Duncan Gamble Sept/Oct 84 movie producer cast Heather in a movie. Marcy was infatuated with him but he pressured her to sleep with him. Dave Egan Ken Garito Sept 21 - ? 1994 Ken Bryant Maurice Ottinger November 1964 - May 1965 dated Lisa, wanted marriage and children but as Lisa couldn't commit he married another woman Ruth. Ruth __ Bryant Never Seen Married Ken after he broke up with Lisa Rose ____ Brando One of Bob Hughes' first patients at his practice Wife of Mr. Brando. Bob Hughes loyal patient, upset he was leaving Oakdale for Vermont.(1967) Impressed that Bob was doing so well as a doctor without his eyesight (to Pa Hughes); It was Bob's opinion that Mr. Brando would recover fully if she were to spend less time with her husband, alleviating the stress on his system. Ethel Everett 1965; 1967; 1968 Carol Dunn ????? January 1965 Greg Morgan's boyfriend; went on a double date with Bob Hughes and Sylvia Hill; took a job with Bob as a receptionist/lab technician Mr Davis ??? John Hughes parole officer April 1957 Grace (originally Belle)____ Baker Selena Royle April 25 1957 -59 Jeff's meddlesome mother Dick Baker Carl Low April 25 1957 -61 father, Jeff Baker Armonde Elliott Mike Flanagan June 1982 movie producer who options John's book. Secretly working for James who wants to bury the project. Judge Franco Bartoli ????? April 82 friend of James visiting Oakdale. James throws a party in his honor Walter Bennett Matthew Sussman Dec 9 -? 94 Bud Brewster ????? Don's 1957 college roommate Fred Edgar ????? July 67 PI Judge Lowell hires to investigate Micheal Shea More segments of AS THE WORLD TURNS will be up once we coordinate some updated information. Then THE GUIDING LIGHT, LOVE OF LIFE, THE SECRET STORM and GENERAL HOSPITAL will be re-posted. We're putting our info together due to the editing no longer being available. Other shows will get updated as well, just bear with me as we make the changes to make the lists easily readable and more accurate! Edited January 26 by slick jones 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted February 8 Author Members Share Posted February 8 (edited) AS THE WORLD TURNS CAST LIST and CHARACTER GUIDE Complete with @Brolden's 2008- 2010 Additions from full transcripts/videos APRIL 2, 1956-SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 CBS OAKDALE, ILLINOIS Part 2 Richard Fairchild II ????? Richard III pretended to be his son Richard Fairchild III (Faux) wanted to kill Gunnar; lies that he is a wealthy businessman but takes a job as janitor. Obsessed with Barbara. Shot Bob in a murder swap with an unwitting John.Wanted to kill Gunnar Norman Snow November 1983 Father Fanelli Ron Faber ___ Fannon David Copeland 1988 Mrs. _____ Fanucci Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 childhood Ciccone acquaintance Dr. ____ Farber Jeff Talbott Father Farley Wiley Wisdom 1/6/2010 Janet's priest Beau Farrell Neil Maffin 1988-89 Laura Simmons brother, dated Pam Mary ____ Farrell Gloria Hoye 1988 Laura's mother Dr. Steve Farrell Philip Peters Sept - Nov 1978 ex fiance Barbara who follows her to Oakdale and proposes again. Has a mysterious past and leaves town on the eve of their wedding. Carla Faust Patricia Barry 1982 an acid tongued TV reporter who interviewer John Dixon about his novel Jim Fellows Jonathan Rountel Connie Wilson Ferguson Debbie McLeod 1981 Professor Wilson's daughter, affair with James Dean ___ Ferguson Hansford Rowe Dr. Jeff Ferguson Daniel Travis Stu Ferguson Jamey Sheriden 1986 Lt. Joe Fernando Michael Lombard 1972-73 Maria's brother cop; shot Dan Stewart due to grief over losing his sister; Dan's guilt prevented him from pressing charges Dr. George Ferris ????? 12/81 friend, Sofia, made calls to Dee Annabelle ___ Fettle Phyllis Somerville 2004 involved in the Cabot baby switch Sam Fickett Arnie Mazer 1992 -93 rapist w/ Elroy Nevins--Margo _______Fiddler Ron King 1982 Dr. ____ Field Lisa's therapist upon her return to Oakdale after being raped in Texas- 1964 ... Sheppard Strudwick 1961-64 Jonathan Frid 1964-65 Sir Albert Fielding Peter Carey Jones 1992 Kitty's father George Fielding Tom Bozell Kitty Fielding Margaret Klenck 1992 Scott Eldredge's ex girlfriend Judge Myra Fielding Lynn Milgrim 1986 Nurse Sarah Fielding Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 pediatric nurse; Memorial; took over Morty the dog from Chris Glen Fields Gary Wilmes 2010 Dusty's associate hit on Teri Mr. ___ Fierstein Philip Goodwin Officer ____ Fife ????? 1/25/2010 OPD Inspector Emil Filloux member of the RCMP came to Oakdale to bring Cabot back to Canada Matthew Dixon 11/20/03 Neal Jones 2004 Agent Lloyd Finley Richard Borg 1989-90 agent of Crime Commission Zac Finn Nicholas Galbraith 2009 kidnapped Noah Zoe Finn Melinda Sullivan 09 kidnapped Noah Irv Finsterwald Ben Franklin lookalike Ralph Archibold 09 Dean Bennett 09 Mr. _____ Fipps ????? 06-02-2009 from the State department Socrates Firos Billy Otis 5/88 Mrs. __ ___Fischer Christine Parks 1986 Dr. _______ Fisher James Ray 1966 Dr. ____ Fisher ????? 1974 Jennifer's doctor Reverend ____ Fisher Norman Walter 1985 Stuart Fisher Michael Magee Ruby Fisk Diane Perell 2008 witness that helped free Parker Attorney General James Fitzgerald Daren Kelly 1990-93 Adelaide ___ Fitzgibbons Kirk Anderdson's former lover/ confidante Susan Brown 1988; 1990-93 Beverly Penberthy 1989 Paul Fix III Paul Fix III 2008 Racecar Driver Mrs. ___ __ Flanagan ????? 1979 shopped in Gloria Dunne's store Jim Fleming Matthew Loney 1990 Lombard employee Roberta Alcott Fleming Carol Halstead 1993 Michael's sister Dr. _____ Flemming ????? 11-24-2009 Katie's doctor Mrs. _____ Fletcher Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Casey and Jade's patient Nurse ____ Fletcher Ellen Mittenthal 7/ 1999 Maria Flores Cordelia Gonzalez 1988 Rosa Flores Antonia Rey cook, Lucinda Walsh 1986-9? Dr. ____ Flynn Susan's psychiatrist Addison Powell 1973 Sydney Walker 1973 Jimmy Flynn Joey Shea 1998 Officer Pat Flynn ????? 5/7/1996 with Tom ______ Foley George Simpson 2/90 Dr. ____ Foley ????? June 77 surgeon who operated on Tom Hughes following car accident that killed Chuck Shea Dr. ____ Foley ????? 1970-71 Dr. ____ Foley Linda Emond 1998 Beverly Foncillas Rose Courtney 2009 Paul and Meg's social worker Nash Fontaine Randy Schein 2004 Adele Forentino Kimber Riddle Dr. ___ Forest ????? April 78 surgeon who had a attack during surgery forcing Dan Stewart to take over. Patient died causing Dan to feel guilty. Judge ____ Forman Elizabeth Perry 1990 Dr. Ben Forrest David Bailey July - ? 1982 dated Ellen Stacey Forrest Danielle DuClos 1982 friend Annie, Ben's daughter Dr. ____ Forsyth Never Seen, Mentioned almost caught Casey and Alison 2010 Captain_______ Forsythe ????? boss Margo ... 9/83 Ms. _____ Forsythe ????? 11-19-2009 Noah's social worker Mrs. Fortier (Foerter) Elizabeth Lawrence 1998 Adam Foster Michael Raymond 3/88 Dr. _____ Foster Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 neurologist; Memorial Lincoln (?Corey) Foster Ronald Foster 1982-83 framed Roberta Johnson... Tucker's uncle Mrs. ____ Foster Alice Howard Tucker Foster Eddie Earl Hatch 1982- June 1985 worked with Steve, his best friend; dated Samantha Jones, Heather Dalton District Attorney Bill Fowler Tom Keena 84-85 boss Maggie, Kit Fowler Lauretta Vaughn 2007-08 tried to kill Carly and Jack; bartender from Manley, Idaho; bought Metro with Carly; killed Sam Agent ____ Fox Stephen Beach 2007 John Hickock 2007 Dr. _____ Fox ????? 07-18-2008 doctor; Memorial Anne Francis Anne Francis 2/1986 Arlene Francis Arlene Francis 1986 Fashion Show Guest Detective _____ Francis Willie C. Carpenter 1988 Sergio Francone Robert Montano 2006 Gabe Frank Ritchie Coster 2000-01 grifter faked death, stole from Bryant Ruby Frank Guenia Lemos 2000-01 liked Bryant grifter Dr. _____ Frankel ????? 07-21-2009 neurologist from New York; specialized in post-traumatic stress and memory loss Judge ___ Frankel Stephen Singer 1995 Judge ____ Frankel ????? married Barbara and Henry 8/27/2010 ________ Frankfurter John Fitzgibbons Amy ___ Phillips Franklin Karen Evans Kandel abused wife of Lloyd Phillips, eventually married Roy.. Leonard Franklin, Jr. Never Seen, Mentioned Roy's deceased brother Leonard Franklin , Sr. Charles B. Dumas 1989 Roy's father Mel Winkler 1986 Nella Franklin nursing student, Tiffani Caesar 1986 Kasi Lemmons 1987-89 Victoria Rowell 1988-89 (?90) Judge Randall Franklin Michael McKenzie 2001 Roy Franklin Count Stovall 1985-89 Detective, dated Heather, Jessica Sarah __ Franklin Novella Nelson 1986-89 occasional Roy and Nella's mother Steven Franklin ????? U. S. Attorney 2/2010 Dr. ___ Franz Peter Von Berg Celia Frasier Fiona Hutchison 2000 Simon's sister, drowned with stolen diamond Concetta Concepcion Frasier Never Seen, Mentioned ex wife, Simon Eleanor ___ Frasier Never Seen, Mentioned ex wife, Simon Ilsa ___ Frasier Never Seen, Mentioned ex wife, Simon Monique Ferrar Frasier Never Seen, Mentioned ex wife, Simon Roger Frasier Never Seen, Mentioned father, Simon Simon Frasier Paul Leyden 2000-03; 2004; 2006-07 shady Aussie +Katie, +Carly Jules Frawley Mark Blum 2004 attorney, Barbara Carol Deming Hughes Stallings Andropoulos Frazier Rita McLaughlin Walter 1969-71; 1972-82 Reverend Norman Frazier Norman Walter 1980-82 minister; Tom/Barbara aborted wedding Pamela Freedley Kay Arnold 1976 District Attorney Jim Freeman Paul Sparer 1967 prosecuted Sara Fuller Dr. Stephen Freeman Michael Patterson 1995 Agent _____ Frye Sean Mahan 3/6&3/7/2008 Edith Hughes Frye Ruth Warrick 1956-60; October 1963 4 episodes for Grandpa Hughes 70 th birthday known for affair with Jim Lowell, Chris and John's sister, secretary, married George Frye Dr. George Frye George O. Petrie 1958-60 husband, Edith Nurse Connie Fuller Wendy Girard August- December 1979 + John Gwen Fuller Karen Evans Kandel Neal Fuller J. Leon Pridgen Sarah __ Fuller Gloria DeHaven November 1965-66 fashion designer, dated Don, bio mom to Amanda Holmes Edgar Fullerton Never Seen, Mentioned 1986 adoptive parents, Sabrina Mrs._____ ____ Fullerton Never Seen, Mentioned 1986 " " Lexi Funk ... Annie Meisels 1993-94 pizza delivery girl, murder witness Fabrice Fabrice 1985 Designer Fay Samantha Hahn 08 Fay _____ ????? 2009-07-10 Bonnie's friend; sketch artist Felice Deborah Cresswell 5/21/1996 Felicia _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Henry's book signing Felix Ryan Spahn 09 Fin Gino Calcavella 10/09 knew Ralph Manzo Fingers ????? 1987 at the shelter Flora Nina Dova 1988 nursed Sierra Flora Cari Gorostiza 1989 possibly also Sierra's nurse Floyd Davis Hall 2009 liked Geneva Nurse Francine Chris McGinn May 14, 1999 - ? 1999 Brother Francis Boris McGiver 12/04 kidnapper Franco ????? 1982 gang leader that threatens Margo Frank Ryan Serhant 2007 Frank Andrew Thacher 2004 bartender Frank Matthew Jared Bartender Frank Matthew Del Negro 00 Loved Rose D'Angelo Frank Steven Marcus Frank William Newhall 1988 Frank John Towey 1987 Frank __ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Janet's ex-boyfriend Frank Never Seen, Mentioned Java Manager 2010 Frankie ____ ????? 09-16-2008 WOAK Frankie Justin Campbell 1998 Fred Josh Banks 4/20/2010 Fred David Ian Lee 2007 Fred Kelly Neal 1997 Fred Damon DiMarco 1999, 2001 Bartender Fred Chris McKinney Bartender Fred ????? 1980 that found Sheila after her accident Fred _____ ????? 09-19-2008 chief of the rescue squad Fred _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 hired hand at the Snyder Farm Freddie ????? April 1983 dated Sam Jones; jealous of Tucker Foster Freddie Mike Santana 2000 Curtis's friend Fredo ????? goon Mickey G. Rick Aby 1994 tries to beat up Hal Mr. _____ G. Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Liberty's homeroom teacher Tiffany __ Gable Hannah Storm 7/12/2004 wedding planner Steve Gaboury Steve Gaboury 07-03-2008 guitarist; Cyndi Lauper Mindy Gaines Bethany Butler 2007 Emerson Gallagher John Cunningham 92-93 Attorney for Gavin Kruger and the Harper family Dr. _____ Galloway Jonathan Walker 1999 Mark Galloway Susan' boyfriend Stephen Bolster 74 ... Anthony Herrera 74-75 Dr. __Galvin ????? Deerbrook 4/29/2010 Willie Gannon Tim Dekay Officer _____ Garcia Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 OPD Reverend Garcia Antone Pagan Dr. __Gardella Stan Lachow 1996 Dr. _____ Gardner Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 fertility specialist at Memorial Frank Gardner ????? 1982 Editor of Oakdale Times who gives Lisa job as gossip columnist Dolly Valentine Mr. ____ Gardner Donald Buka 88 art gallery owner, showed Sabrina's work Norman Garrison Michael Minor ?? 1975 - December 10, 1975 married Sandy Wilson (#3) Mrs. __ __ Garza ????? 11/18/08 Sage's teacher Phillippe Gautier Jeffrey David Gordon Geller Jack Walsh 2004 stole Jack's wallet proved to Carly he was alive Mrs. _____ Geller ????? 01-28-2009 Dusty's realtor Genevieve George Nancy Ticotin 05 social worker Judge ___ George William Meisle 1995 Arnold Gephart David Sheikopf 88 Elliott Gerard Ian Kahn 07 Hugo Gerard ????? 12/81 attorney, Miranda David Gibboney Steve Bradbury 1990 husband, Pearl Pearl ___ Gibboney Donna Drake 1990 wife, David ______ Gibbs Sedric Harris Dan Gibson David Reivers 1989 Kevin Gibson Steven Weber 85-86 argued with Marie Kovak, loved Frannie, killed by Marsha Talbot Matt Gibson Peter Flanigan 98 Mrs. __ __ Gibson ????? Headmistresss East Lake Academy 3/2010 Emily Giffin Emily Giffin 10/12/2007 Author Jerry Gifford Brian Delate 90 Simon GIlbey Jerry Lacy 71 adopted Meredith millionaire, liked Lisa George Giles ????? July 85 Cushing gardener Ron Gillette ran Julie Snyder's modeling agency Tony Carlin 92-93 Malcolm Gets October 27 - ??/??/1994 Sheriff___ Gillis Bruce Kirkpatrick Dr. _____ Gilmore ????? February 1976 OBGYN at St Joseph's who informed Kim she was pregnant. Mrs. _____ Gitlin Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Johnny's teacher Byron Glass (AKA B.J. Green) Brian Gaskill 05 Katie's creepy high school "friend" Jerome Gleason Kevin O'Rourke 3/1989 Mr.____ Glick Lucas Caleb Rooney Fairy Godmother Phyllis Diller 84 Marcy's fairy godmother Maya Gold Never Seen, Mentioned body found, killed by Nick Kasnoff 06 Alfred Golden Richard Hunderup Officer _____ Gonzales Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 cop; OPD Vivian Goodsman Shelley Bennett 02 Dr.Elmer "Gordo" Gordon Joe Holt 03-04 murdered by Rick Decker Judge _____ Gordon ????? 07-08-2009 Craig & Carly's (non-)wedding Livia Gordone Nell Mooney 08 Lawrence Gorey Never Seen, Mentioned killed by Emily before she returned to Oakdale in 1986 Jeffrey Goth ????? Judy Gottshalk Sara Chase 07 Mr. ___ Grabowski Richard Hughes 2/4/2004 Mrs. Grace _____ June Squibb 2005 Lieutenant ___ Grady Reuben Jackson 2000-01 Officer _____ Grady Michael Houston 2009 Kentucky cop who investigated Holden's "death" Officer ____ Grady ??? OPD 6/14/2010 Officer ____ Graham Reuben Greene David Graham Erik Heger 08 Attorney, Sofie Sally Graham Kathleen Cody 67-68 Tom's girlfriend, babysitter for Chuckie Sylvia ______ Graham Holly Barron Dana Lambert's mother 1992 Dr. ____ Grainger Faran Tahir 92 Dr Larry Granger ????? Jan 76 Colleague of Dan Stewart, unable to attend conference in Bolivia so Dan took his place. Derek Graver Seth Fisher 07 Dolores ___ Graves (?Grove) ????? 75 testified against Joyce at Paget trial Lynda ___Graves Priscilla Lopez 95 Nikki Munson's mom Bernard Ignatius Grayson (Mr. Big) Brent Collins 82-83 arch villain chased by Tom and Margo Lev Green John DiBenedetto March 2004 pawnshop Yale Green Timothy Estin Atty. Rick Greenberg Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Gray's attorney Mr. _____ Greenberg Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 patient at Memorial ____Greenhill ????? 90 daughter Sean Baxter+Donna Greenhill Donna ____ Greenhill 90 Amy McDonald Sean Baxter's ex Howard Greenhill ????? 90 husband, Donna (?Never Seen) Dr. ____ Greenwood Wayne Alexander 88 John Dossett Lee Greenwood Lee Greenwood ?92 or 93? sang with Rita Coolidge Renee ___ Greenwood Erin O'Brien-Moore 96 kidnapper, Casey after her son died Fred Greer Tonio Reyes' attorney Wayne Alexander 88 William Carden 89 William Bogert 89-93 Edna ____ Grendle Peg Small 05 Dr. _____ Grey Michael Warner 05 Jeremy "Mr. Grey" Grey Robert Kasel 92-95 Lucinda's detective ; searched for her missing sibling Lawton Grey George Ede Dawn Wheeler's ex Mrs.____ Grey Never Seen, Mentioned raised Melinda Mr. ___ Grey Never Seen, Mentioned raised Melinda Carl Griffin ????? 89-91? Fiona's son Cora Brennan Griffin Franny Brennan's sister Barbara Hayes 1965 Rosemary Murphy 1966 Dallas Griffin Lamar's son Duane McLaughlin 06-07 Kenneth Franklin 07 Wole Parks 07-08 Fiona Griffin Jessica's sister Nan-Lyn Nelson 89 . Kim Yancey ... 89 Iona Morris 89-93 Lamar Griffin Jessica's brother Vince Williams 89 Chris Walker 95 Michael Genet 89-93 occasional afterwar Leon Griffin ????? 89-91? Fiona's son Louise ____ Griffin Billie Allen 89-93 Jessica's mother, abandoned by her husband Nurse Mary Griffin Marcia McCabe 12 episodes 77-78 Ward Griffin Jessica's wayward father Arthur French 90 Carl Gordon 90-93 Otis Griggs Stu "Large" Riley orderly/guard 2004 Abigail Medford Grimaldi Never Seen, Mentioned previous wife, Eduardo ? Bettina Smythe Grimaldi Rebecca Tilney 95 (aka Smythe) T.J. Coan 95 Annette Miller 95 drugged by Orlena Damian Grimaldi Michael Galardi Temporary ...Paolo Seganti 93-96, 97, 01, 06, 09-10 Dante Grimaldi Luca Calvani 01 half brother Damian Eduardo Grimaldi Lisa's husband, died from an operation by John Dixon after being shot Nic Coster 1993-95 Lisa Miller Hughes Eldredge Shea Colman McCall Mitchell Grimaldi (Chedwyn) Pamela King July 1964 Lynn Rogers 1977-78 Temporary Betsy Von Fursteberg 1980 Temporary when Eileen Fulton had hepatitis; June 1983- June 1984 Maeve McGuire 1992 Temporary Jane Powell 1990; 1991, 1993, 1994 Temporary Jennifer Bassey early 90s Temporary Carmen Duncan 2004 Temporary Eileen Fulton May 60- April 64, August 64 -May 65,Jan. 16, 1967-83, July 84- September 10 Lorenzo Grimaldi Michael Dantuono 95 father, Damian and Dante Orlena ___ Grimaldi (aka Lena Smythe) Claire Bloom 93-95 Lynn Milgrim 95 (Young) Margalit Kestin 1995 Drugged Lily and Luke and kept them with Damian. Believed to be Damian's mother but was actually his nanny Mrs. _____ Grimshaw Colleen Smith Wallace Dr. ___ Grodin Roderick O'Grady 1995 April Grove April Grove 5/18/10 won a contest to sing with Lisa Henry Grover Jerry Griffin Mr. ____ Grover ????? Dec 1957 owner of sweet shop who witnessed altercation b/w Jeff and Al James. Al Groves ????? May 16 1957 patron at Purple Parrot Club knows of John Hughes Prof. _____ Gruen ????? 10-07-2009 Noah's professor Martin Guest Stephen Bolster 86 Lucinda's ex, committed suicide Dr. Ron Gunther Ronn Carroll 90 Peter Boyden 89 Clyde Guthrie Sean Hewitt Lieutenant Ray Guzman Robert Fontaine 98-00 Gabe Nick Zurzolo 07 Gabe Corey Eid 09 liked Liberty Gabriele Christina Chang 1997 dated Jack Gaby Shalyn Baum 05-30 -08 friend of Ashley Davis Gage Peter Crombie 1989 Gary Dustin Price 02 Gary ????? 80 doctor, treated annie's leg Gary Mark Lancaster EMS Tech Genevieve ????? Lucinda's assistant 8/3/2010 Geordi Taylor Calvan George ????? 1981 student who brings PCP laced joints to party Eric smokes one and freaks out. Became infatuated with Dee and made anonymous phone calls. George Sean Mahan 10/31/ 08 George Steven Graybilll 7/21/09 Mason's ex-boyfriend George Gary Evans 2002 George ????? 5/89 castle caretaker Agent George Dann Florek 1984 took down Bernie Parker, Bart Montgomery's business partner Georgia Connie Teng 07 Gerard Charles Nelson Reilley 2/28/1997 hypnotist that tried to help Margo remember the night Diego died Gianni Francis Bouley 93 model Gil Mitchell Lichtenstein 1992 Margo's HIV group; Ben's boyfriend Gilbert _____ ????? 05-16-2008 temp; assistant; The Intruder; replaced Casey Gillian ????? patient Reid 2/25/2010 Gina _____ Christine Perkins 06-02-2009 pregnant girl; looking to give her baby up for adoption Ginny Anne L. Nathan 01-09-2008 stylist; participated in Mate Date Ginny Sicily Rockmore 03-31-2009 Holden and Lily's maid Gino Chad Christopher 85 Gisele ????? 2/5/2002 spa worker Giselle _____ ????? 2-18-2009 waitress; Al's Diner Glenn Jeffrey Emerson 00 NYU Student Gloria Andrea Navedo physical therapist Glynn Nikki James Goldie Michelle Santopietro 99 Rose's friend Gordon ????? 6/18/2007 Worldwide Board Member Grace Leah Johnston 01-23-2008 Hallie's Babysitter Grace Never Seen, Mentioned Mean girl at Faith's boarding school 2010 Grant Will Poston 2/28/2008 beat up Luke and Noah Greg Michael Borne 07 Greg _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 WOAK crew Greg James McAndrew 06 Greta Jennifer Jean 10 Memorial Gretchen Susan Cella Grigor ????? first mate, Damian's ship 2/2010 Gus that knew Carly Joe Dawson 05-29-2009 patron at Yo's Gus _____ ????? 03-09-2009 Parker's friend Gwen Jina Oh 99 _____ Hack ????? 8/85 thug, Guy Howard Bennett Hadley Doug Higgins May - Dec 1979 author, widower was engaged to Lisa; The Willows Greg Hadley attorney at Jessica's firm Joseph Adams 1986 John Gould Rubin 1988-89 Ruth _ Hadley Eileen Fulton 1979 (Flashbacks/pictures) murdered by Hester Pierce; Bennett's wife Myra Haft Charissa Cree Chamorro 2009; 2010 psychic Officer Hagwood Daniel Mastrogiorgio 10-11/2002; 4/2003; 2005 Nurse Alice Hailey Kathleen Klein 76 (?Doris Hailey) Sergeant _____ Hailey ????? 79 The Willows Todd Haines ????? 83 brother of Karen, involved in "adult" industry Detective ___ Hale Norm Lewis 1997 Dr. ______ Hale Never Seen, Mentioned Liberty's OB/GYN 2010 Officer ___ Hale David Roberson 89 Doris Haley Kathleen Klein 1976 Meredith Haliday (Harcourt) Nita Hart 71 +Tom, adopted by Simon Gilbey Diane Hall Tori Davis 2007 Dr. ___ Hall Michael Warner 2007 Agent Douglas Halliwell James Shanklin 1999-2001? agent threatened to deport Simon Jerry Halpern Harry Spillman 85-86 frend of Barbara's Sandy Hamel Mary McCann 1997 reporter D.A. _____ Hamilton Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 district attorney Ed Hamilton Terry Kohl 87 June Hamilton Melissa Maxwell 3/2008 Dr. Reid Hamilton Keith Colouris 99 killed by David Stenbeck and replaced. Tim Hamilton Stephen Gregory 87-88 Jef Hamlin Christopher Fuller 94-95 dated Emily Rick Hamlin Robert Vaughn 95 Jef's father attorney Alice ___ Hammond Imogene Coca 83 elderly mugging victim Brenda Hancock Lydia Laurans 82 cook, James had affair with him Samantha Hanes Hannah Cox 89 Inspector ____ Haniotis Louis Zorich 1987-88 Greek Cop Judge Lawrence Hanlin Herb Petras Nevins trial 93 Juliette Hanovan Tracy Kolis May 1984 - May 1985 half-sister, Steve Andropoulos; pianist; engaged to Kent Bradford; raised by "uncle" Raymond Speer Fire Chief ___ Hansen William Lynch 1/87 Lloyd Hansen Craig Wroe 2009 James' attorney Detective ___ Hansen Gerald Walker 89 Officer ____ Hansen Will Schneider 08 Detective ____ Hanson Gerald Walker 89 Officer Steve Hansen [Hanson?] ?? 05-04&12-10-2009 cop; OPD Alan Harder ????? March 83 involved with Bilan much to Miranda's displeasure Kit Harding Anjelica Torn 97 cellmate, Lily Zack Harding Adam Roy 06 stabbed by Eve Coleman Browning Elaine ____ Hargrove Caroline Lagerfelt 85-86 cousin of Marsha Talbot Sheriff ___ Hargraves ????? 79 Sheriff, The Willows Samuel Hargrove Michael Lucas Clint Harkness Robert Manzari 80 friend Brad Hollister Timothy Harkness ????? 7/84 prison guard paid by Whit to lie to Steve that he didn't know his father. Reverend ___ Harmon Charles Teichman 88 ____Harper James Bartz 85 _____Harper Kevin O'Rourke Anthony Harper Michael Hammond 92-93 husband Vicky Bill Harper John Dossett 89-90 son, Julius Wayne Maugans 90 Julius Harper John Doman 92 -93 brother Anthony Sheldon Harper Brian Davies 86 attorney, Tad Channing Vicky Cerrone Harper Donna Mitchell 92-93 wife, Anthony Glenn Harrington Richard Burgi 88-89 dated Shannon fake agent Mark Harrington Christopher Durham 89 Glenn's brother Dr. Ben Harris Peter Parros 97-05; 09 Curtis (Thompson) Harris adopted by Ben, taken in by Isaac Chad Tucker 00-02 Ernest Waddell 03-05 Emmett Harris Fred J. Scollay 1976 Jerrome Harris Never Seen father, Ben/Isaac Jessica Griffin McKechnie Harris attorney JoAnna Rhinehart 95-99 Tamara Tunie 87-95; 00-07; 09 Nurse Kathy Harris Cecilia Hart early-mid 1970s Nurse ____ Harris Lori March Officer _______ Harris Keith Langsdale 79 Cindy Brooke Harrison Kim Rhodes 00;01 visits Jake, Buys microchip from Carly Felix Harrison city councilman Herb Downer 91-92 Kevin Ramsey 93 Gene Harrison Adam Grupper 98 Judge George Harrison William Meisle 96 Mr. ___ Harrows Kevin McLarnon 4/85 Assistant District Attorney Evelyn Hart Ayo Haynes 01-03 Clinton Hartford Paul Geier 93 Reporter Dr. Todd Hartley Ira Hawkins 88 dated Jess Mr. ____ Harwood Jim Borelli 86 Lieutenant Fred Hasbro Edwin Sean Patterson 6/9/2009 army lieutenant at Fort Leonard Wood Annie Hasbrook Hallee Hirsch 96 X-Mas at Memorial Hospital Billy Hasbrook Timmy Reifsnyder 96 Jake Haskell David Cryer 85 casino boat with Diana (also referred to as Jack) Bill Hastings Bruce Bauer 1989 Jeff Chamberlain 1989 Hazel ___ Hastings Joan Kendall 2/92 Rosalind __ Hatchley Duncan's former lover, murdered Ina Balin 1986 Annette Miller 1986; 1987 (FB) Charles Hathaway Jack Davidson Jeannie ____ Hathaway Nan-Lynn Nelson wife, Kenny Judge ____ Hathaway Jerry Lanning 3/17&22/2004 Kenny Hathaway Keith Glover husband Jeannie Vera Hathaway Martha Byrne 2000 Virginia Barclay's twin sister Mrs. _____ Havelock Marie Danvers 8/2003 Matthew Haversham #1 Paul Hartel 1985 - 1995 Matthew Haversham #2 Thom Zimerle 1985 Matthew Haversham #3 Mark Irish 1996-1997 Matthew Haversham #4 David Varnay 1999-2002 Graham Hawkins Nick Ullett 1992-95 butler Royce, married Thelma Thelma Dailey Hawkins Jenny O'Hara 92-95 Lucinda's assistant Emma Basker Hawley ????? 5-6/85 Stewart Cushing's nanny Sam Hayden Michael Hayden 93 Principal Edward Hayes ????? 4/8/10 & 8/31/10 High School Principal (seen after Nancy's death) Ms. ____ Haymer Leona Cyphers 88 Harry Haywood David Froman December 1981 - ???? bodyguard, James Judge ____ Heals Harley Venton Dr. Gregory Hearne James Riordan 07-10 Barbara's oncologist; Liberty's oncologist Boss Heeney Paul Austin Lou Helfrich Joseph Costa 3/28/2003 landlord Arnie Heller Scott Guyer Leslie Hellman Barbara Gulan Immigration Agent ___ Helms Robert Cuthill 3/31&4/10/2008 Officer ____ Helms Darren Goldstein 08 Chuck Henderson ????? Jan- ? 57 college student who dated Penny when in Oakdale. Penny thought Chuck was more interested than he was and was devastated when he announced his engagement to another girl. That led to Penny eloping with Jeff Baker. Conrad Henderson Doug Olear 05 delivery guy, Paul's divorce papers(Rosanna) Ida Henderson ????? 79 maid The Willows (post-Hester) Murray Henderson Rudy Hornish 84-85 hench, Lucinda Dr. ____ Hendricks Christopher Randolph 05 Mexican clinic doctor that treated Lucinda with Keith _____ Hendritzy P.J. Benjamin 86 Officer______ Hendrix Monsoor Najee-ullah 90 Mrs ___ Henley Lizabeth Pritchett Officer _____ Hennessy Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 OPD Steve Hennessy business exec James Carroll 92-93 Robert Mackey 93 Mr. ____ Herschel ????? 4/1974 owner of construction company; owed bank; Jay Stallings bought his note Richie Hess Gerald Gordon 59 (Not GG from The Doctors, GH) Mr. ____ Hessel Bill Rowley 6/23/2003 Marriage license clerk Dr. Carl Hessler Robert Bloodworth 85-86 Agent Mitch Hewlitt Richard Borg 85 undercover waiter at Diana's Cliff Higgins Kevin Thigpen 1991 brother, Joel Detective Joel Higgins Hubert Kelly, Jr. 1990-91 partner, Hal Damien Leake 91-95 Josslyn Hilbrandt (Higgins?) Diane Westin 86-87 psychology student, friend Frannie (in '86 episode she said Hilbrandt, in '87 Higgins) Dr. ____ Hill Peter McRobbie Terrence Hill Steve Groff Dr. ____ Hilton Margaret "Meg " Gibson 99 (?89) Dr. Inga Hindenburg Never Seen Mentioned 2008 author of "You're Not My Type"; guest on Oakdale Now Don Ho ????? 04-17-2008 with Brad and Katie; musician? Jennifer ____ Hobart Geraldine Court 89 murdered client of Grant from San Francisco Frank Hobbs Jonathon Albert street vendor, gave drugged beverage to Gwen 2005 District Attorney Avril Hobson Norman Parker 86 Dr. ____ Hobson Kenneth Land 1991 Rex Hoffington Matt Walton 5/4/10 WOAK Anchor, dated Barbara Carl Hoffman Chet Carlin 91-92 butler, Crawford Elwood Hoffman Alex Charak 06-09 Casey's roommate, worked with Cheri Love Freda ____ Hoffman Peg Small 91-92 maid Gregor Hoffman Gregor Hoffman 1979 ballet dancer with Starr Danias Mrs. ____ Hoffman ????? 83-84 housekeeper Craig and Betsy Todd Hoffman Michael Lengel 93 Dr. ____ Hoffstedder Ed Setrakian 81 Inspector_____ Hogan John Jellison 1994 Stan Holden W.T. Martin 81-83 +Kim Private Investigator, James's associate; undercover agent Kevin Holland Lakeview Manager Michael McKenzie 01 Robert Gomes 01 Nurse Sage Holland Alexandra Wilson 86-87 Dusty's Nurse Barney Hollister Never Seen, Mentioned 1980 Brad Hollister Peter Brouwer December 1979 - 81 geologist Flirtation with Lisa, opens a silver mine outside Oakdale, married Annie, con man Eric Hollister Peter Reckell May 2, 1980-81 brother of Brad med student, construction worker, married Hayley, thought he fathered Cricket's son Billy. Hayley Wilson Hollister Dana Delaney 80-81 daughter of Professor Wilson, an archaeologist married Eric Stan Hollister Never Seen, Mentioned older brother, Brad/Eric knew Lisa Amanda Holmes Deborah Solomon Steinberg May 21 1965-68; 1969-70 used the name Jennifer Roberts at first. went to work at Wade's bookstore. Discovered she was daughter of Bill Holmes and Sara Fuller; accidentally caused Sara's death, went on trial but was acquitted dated Don Hughes and Burt Lord Ann ____ Holmes Augusta Dabney 66-68 adoptive mother, Amanda Warren Holmes Richmond Hoxie 1989 William "Bill" Holmes William Prince 66-68 adoptive father, Amanda Martha Honeycutt Rochelle Bostrom 2004 lookalike (Carly) at the water park Eve ____ Hopkins Phyllis Bash Ginny Hopkins Robin Groves 78 protester, knew Kevin Thompson Joe Hopkins Ron Vawter February 1987 Ms. ___ Hopkins Melissa Chalsma 01 Luke's kindergarten teacher. Ms. _____ Hopkins Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Faith's teacher Officer ___ Hopkins ????? 8/3/10 OPD Sergeant _____ Hopper Berto Colon 7/7/08 Army Sergeant Deacon ______ Horner Ty Jones Reverend ____ Horner Chad Coleman Judge Mark Horowitz Don Leslie 01 Joe Horton Ted Neustadt 9/94 Sally Horton Kitty Lunn 1990- 97 Kim's wheelchair-bound assistant Keith Hotchkiss Christopher Dansby Fisher Nelson Hotchkiss Jed Orlemann 07 attorney, Dr. Evers Whitney Houston Whitney Houston 84 sang with Jermaine Jackson Dr. _____ Howard Baxter Harris 87 Dr. _____ Howard Joe E. Sirola early 60s Guy Howard ????? 85 loan shark/fence, Shannon Agent _____ Howell Cyrus Farmer Arthur Howell Chip Zien 95 Dr. _____ Howell ????? 03-25-2009 Vienna's OB-GYN Jasper Howell Ivar Brogger 12/92 Dr. Leonard Howell Robert Elston ? 81 – December 81 blackmailed by Miranda . Made LSD in hospital lab. Detective ___ Hoyt James Secrest 87 Mr. ___ Hoyt Jack Ryland attorney, James shot at John Dixon 82-83 _____ Hudson Scott Paridon 89 Chet Hudson Timothy Landfield 86-88 Donna Love Hutchins Hudson Hudson (Cory) Anna Stuart 99-02 Michael Huested John Cameron Weber 1990 Amy Lin Hughes adopted by Penny and Anton; real grandparents were Mr. and Mrs. Parsons Irene Yaah-Ling Sun April 1973 -??/??/1973 Una Kim 1986;1988 Casey Robert Hughes son of Margo and Tom, fathered Gwen's baby, Billy; dated Maddie; became a gambler, ended up with Alison McDermott.... Cruise Russo 91-99 Joseph Cross 99-04 Ian Boyd 04 Peter Vack (Brown) 04 Zach Roerig 05-07 Scott Porter 06 Temporary Billy Magnussen 08-10 Christina Hughes Never Seen, Mentioned daughter, Mary and Don Christopher Hughes, Esquire attorney, married to Nancy until his death in 1986 Don MacLaughlin 56-86 Dr. Christopher "Chris" Robert Hughes son of Bob and Kim; dated Molly, Abigail, Emily, Sofie, Alison and Katie Adam Kirshan 86-90 Michael Maugen ?87 Joseph Woodstock III 87 Eren Ross Cannatta 90-91 Christian Seifert 92-98 Ben Jorgenson (Monk) 99 Paul Korver 99-01 Alan White 02 Bailey Chase 03-05 Dylan Bruce 07-08 Daniel Cosgrove 10 Daniel (Stewart) Hughes son from affair between Tom and Emily Jared and Lindsay Baskin 00 Dylan Bluestone 01-06 Kevin Csolak 06 Sam Stone 07-08 Doug Chaplin 2009 Donald "Don" Hughes, Esquire attorney married Janice, Joyce, and Mary; adopted Ryder, father of Christina Hal Studer 56 Richard Holland 56-61 James Noble 1961-62 Peter Brandon 65-72 Martin West July 1976- April 1978 Conard Fowkes May 1978-81; April 1985 (Bob and Kim's wedding) 1986; 1988;1993; 1995 Irma Kopecki Hughes Never Seen, Mentioned Married Will ""Grandpa" Hughes and moved to Arizona Not seen but discussed in 1965, possibly earlier Janice Turner Whipple Hughes married Carl Whipple, they had two daughters, Alice and Debbie, later married Don Virginia Dwyer 56-57 Joyce Van Patten 62 Nurse Jennifer Sullivan Ryan Hughes was married to Dr. Chuck Ryan until his death, mother of Rick, Barbara, and Melinda (affair) as well as Frannie Geraldine Court December 1971-February 1972 Gillian Spencer February 1972- October 1975 Kathleen Larkin (2 day temporary recast) 1975 John Hughes AKA Jack Higgins farmer brother of Chris and Edith Laurence Hugo 56- 57 Walter Burke early 60s Joyce _____ Colman Hughes Barbara Rodell April 74 - July 79; Dec 79 - 81 ex-wife of Grant Colman, Lisa's many-time rival Katherine "Katie" Anne Peretti Frasier Coleman Kasnoff Snyder Snyder (last engaged to Chris Hughes, so, I figure) Hughes Cori Anne Hansen 89-94 Teri Ann Conn (Colombino) 1998-10 Kim Sullivan Reynolds Dixon Stewart Andropoulos Hughes former chanteuse, Jennifer's sister, married John, Dan, Nick and Bob, mother of Sabrina and Christopher (Young) Sally Mae Dunn Patty McCormack (temporary) 75-76 Kathryn Hays 1972-75; 76-10 Lien Truong Hughes Vietnamese daughter of Tom Hughes, dated Andy, Duke and Ben Harris; attorney Ming-Na Wen 88-91 Lea Salonga 01; 03 Ma __ _____ Hughes Never Seen, Mentioned Late first wife of Will Detective Margo Montgomery Hughes daughter of Lyla and John Dixon, Police detective, had Adam with Hal Munson and Casey with Tom Hughes. Had an affair with James Stenbeck in theearly 80s. Raped by Elroy Nevins, pulled the plug on step-father, Casey Peretti. Margaret Colin 1980-83 Hillary Bailey Smith 1983-89 Glynis O'Connor 93-94 Ellen Dolan 1989-93; 94-10 Marion ___ Hughes Never Seen, Mentioned wife of John Hughes Mary ___ Ellison Hughes widowed by Brian, they had adopted Teddy (Ryder), the son of Joyce and Grant Colman, secretary- befriends and assists John Dixon with his book. Involved with Ralph,marries Don Hughes, mother of Christina Kelly Wood 1975; Jan 76 - Nov 80; 93 Janet Bell Oct 1988 Nancy and Dan's wedding Miranda Marlowe Hughes international criminal, sister of Lydia, mother of Bilan with "Jacques" aka "The Corsican", briefly married Bob Hughes; blackmailed Len Howell to produce LSD. left town with Antoine Bisset Elaine Princi March 81- March 1983 Contract; March 1983 - December 16, 1983 Dr. Robert "Bob" Hughes former husband of Lisa, Sandy, Jennifer and Miranda, father of Tom, Frannie, Sabrina, and Christopher. Had a one night stand with Susan Stewart which nearly destroyed his marriage to Kim Chief of Staff of the hospital. (young) (FB) Richard Roland Bobby Alford 56-58 Ronnie Welch 58-60 Don Hastings 60-10 Susan Hughes Never Seen, Mentioned Late sister of Bob, Penny and Don died diving into the swimming pool during a thunderstorm Teddy "Ryder" Ellison Hughes son of Joyce and Grant, raised by Brian and Mary. Adopted by Don; dated Nikki Munson Jason Matzner 75-76 Joseph Christopher 76-78 Tommy Baudo 78-79 Vince Capalupo 79 Timothy "T.R." Hill 79-81 Kerr Smith 96-97 Thomas "Tom" Hughes attorney, married Carol and Natalie before marrying Margo. fathered Daniel with Emily, and Lien by Lien Truong in Vietnam father of Casey with Margo, raised Adam as his own Matthew Potter 1961-62 James Madden 63 Jerry Schaffer 64 Frankie Michaels 65-66 Richard Thomas 66-67 Paul O'Keefe 67-68 Peter Link 69 Peter Galman 69-73 C. David Colson (David Cherrill) 1973- April 1978 Tom Tammi 79-80 Justin Deas 80-84 Jason Kincaid 84 Gregg Marx 84-87 Scott Holmes 87-10 William "Grandpa" Hughes noble patriarch of the Hughes clan. later married Irma Kopecki William Lee April 28 -April ? 56 possibly only 1 day Santos Ortega 56-76 Ned Humphrey Jon Rowland 03 Agent Brianne Hunt Jordan Baker 91-92 Aurora ____ Hunter Karen Ziemba 09 Larry McDermott used Emily's eggs to impregnate Aurora, who raised son, Lyon Hunter Jeremiah Hunter Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Aurora's husband; passed off as Lyon's father; died at an early age Lucy Hunter Linda Cook 81 dated John Dixon Bill Huntingdon ????? May/June 79 affair with Joyce Hughes while Don was paralyzed. Lends Joyce money so she can leave town Sam Hutchins Wally Kurth 07-08 ventriloquist, tried to rape Carly Alexander "Hutch" Hutchinson Judson Mills 91-93 dated Debbie and Rosanna; half brother of Linc Lafferty "Jace Hutchinson " character from the Dobson's papers Dr. ______ Hutton Laurinda Barrett 83 told Craig he's sterile Mr. Hwa C.S. Lee April 2005 impostor hired by Paul to pretend to be a Singapore businessman that Craig wants to meet. Hamilton _____ ????? 2008 P.A.; WOAK [unsure if Hamilton is the first or last name] Hank _____ ????? 07-22-2009 Java employee? Hank Damon DiMarco 12/31/97 bad guy Hannah Camilla Enders rape victim Nurse Hannah Tina Stafford 5/11/2010 Meg's boss Hannah Carly's friend/mid-wife Blanca Camacho 05 Sara Ramirez 03 Harold John Blood 87 Dr. Harry _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Lucinda's cancer doctor Harry Patrick Horgan 82 -83 Mr. Big's boat captain Harry Never Seen, Mentioned Nancy's sister Pearl's husband... Harry Brantley Black 98 Harvey Mario Campanaro Waiter Harvey Joel Craig 84 Hawk Daniel Bishins 3/04 Clark's Attorney Hayley Never Seen, Mentioned Sage's friend 2010 Hazel Stacey Ann Logan 05 married to Stanley; owned spa Dusty/Sierra tried to purchase Heather Lynn Anderson 1990 +Andy Heather Eden Riegel AIDS Patient Hector Trevor David 1998 Bellman Heidi ????? 5/11/2004 BRO model Helen Barbara Ann Teer 66 Helen Maria Guida 80 Worked for Nick Andropoulos Henri Charles DuVal 2/88 Henry ????? 5/84 Brian's Accountant Henry Michel Moinot Hillary Constance Boardman 97 Hilda Shirley Stoler 1982 Hilda Ethel Hazen 1987-88 Duncan's Maid Homer Larry Block 95 ????? Pawn shop George Ingram ????? 12/74 had the stolen property that Natalie ended up with Mr. Inman Timothy Warner Jay Inwald Dominic Fumusa Charles Ivenstrom Roy K. Stevens 80 father of Ingrid; James' henchman Dr.____ Iverson Gordon Gould Ian _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 dated Vienna, then Bonnie [this could have been a reference to Ian MacLaren, although this was never specified] Ian _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 student at Oakdale U. Indigo Melissa Lopriro 02 Ohio State Ingrid Maureen Flynn Barbara's nurse Ingrid _____ ????? 08-20-2009 Memorial; fired Alison Innocencia Jessica Leccia 9/15/ 06 Irina Katalin Pota 03 Isabel Ellen Lancaster Father Ivan Bo Rucker 1995; 1998 Priest __ Jablonski (Mugger) Steve Borton ______ Jackson Mac Randall 2/90 District Attorney _____ Jackson ????? March 1979 works with Grant to gather evidence on Hank Robinson Fred Jackson Joseph Boland 61-66 Betty Stewart's father Jermaine Jackson Jermaine Jackson 1984 duet with Whitney Houston Mary ___ Jackson Abby Lewis 61-66 Betty Stewart's mother Mr. ___ Jackson Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Lucy's patient Trey Jackson Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Daniel's friend Nurse ____ Jacobs Heather Alicia Simms 7/05 Sergeant ____ Jacobi ????? 1979 worked with Detective Lewis on the Grant Colman case ______ Jacoby Walt Willey 87 Mr. ____ Jacoby Mark Lotito 03;05 Mr. ___ Jaggers Michael McCormick 01-27-2009 married Dusty & Meg Al James Donald Madden August - December 1957 taunted Penny and Jeff, Jeff killed him Reverend _____ James ????? 7/2010 Attorney Robert James Sean Patrick Reilley 06 Willis James Tracy Griswold Colonel _____ Jameson ????? wanted to buy chemical plant 1984 Professor Mason Jarvis Forbes March 7/14/2008 - 11/16/2009 Noah's advisor in the film department Mrs. _______ Jarvis Clarice Blackburn 87 ___ Jarvis ????? coin dealer 4/87 Mr. ____ Jason Joe Silver Oct 57 -? 58 District Attorney Chris consults him over the verdict in his brother John's (Jack Higgins) trial in California 2 years previously. Also prosecutor in Jeff Baker trial. Roland Jefferies Stephen Cell 00 used Lisa to get to Tom who had sent him to jail Saul Jefferies Stephen C. Bradbury 12/87 Ava ___ Jenkins Yancy Butler 07 kidnapped JJ Snyder (formerly Larrabee) Dr. Bill Jenkins John Swearingen 1973 Young doctor Dan's protege considered by Ellen a more suitable match for Annie over Richard Taylor Isaac Jenkins Paul Taylor 00-03 half-brother of Ben Harris Officer _____ Jenkins ????? 10-05-2009 OPD Silas Jenkins Wade Mylius 07 husband, Ava _______ Jenks Raymond Barry 83 Bessie Jennings Bibi Osterwald 1960s Sondra Jennings Phoebe Jones Mr. _____ Jenson Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 teacher at Oakdale U. Judge Arland Jessup William Mooney 1998-99 John Driver 2000 George Jessup Stephen Beach 92-93 Darryl's bodyguard, killed Carolyn ___Johannsen Anthony Inneo 6/80 tailed Barbara Ben Johnson Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Audrey Coleman's ex; deceased Officer Bruce Johnson Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 State police; Half Moon Lake Detective ____ Johnson Earl Rowe 85 Dr. ___ Johnson Barton Heyman 84 erased Craig's memory for Raymond Speer Katherine ____ Johnson Kim Staunton 91-92 Kira's mother Kira Johnson Lauryn Hill 91-93 illiterate girl who Nancy taught to read Mr. _____ Johnson Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Liberty's teacher Officer ____ Johnson ????? 2/18/10 OPD Shelby Johnson Tanya Clarke 01-03; 05 Jacques Joles Jean Brassard Nathan Jolly ????? 10-01-2008 Faro Island funeral home Denise Jones Holly Marie Combs Dr. ____ Jones Patrick Boll 89 Officer _____ Jones ????? 08-11-2008 OPD Roberta ____ Jones Mary Alice 83 framed by Lincoln (Corey?) Foster, Sam's mother Sergeant Samantha Jones Juanita Mahone dated Tucker 1983 - 84 Thomas Jones Tony Crane 11/19/2009 psychic; with Katie Officer _____ Jonesy Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 OPD Ken Jordan ????? May/June 57 accompanied Jim Lowell on his fateful Florida fishing trip where Jim died Mr. _____ Jordan ????? banquet manager, the Willows wedding 79 Dr. ____ Joshua Glenn Steven Allen 12/3/2008 Judge ______ Joyce Never Seen, Mentioned presided over a case of Tom's 2010 Judge _____ Joyner Peter McRobbie Annie Judd Never Seen, Mentioned dead patient of Reid Olliver 2010 Dennis Judd Edward Watts 10 father of Annie; came after Reid Ben Judson Matt Loney Marvin Jurrow Anthony Herrera one of James' aliases, bought out M&A 87 @Brolden J.T. Lou Martini, Jr. 07 Nurse Jackie _____ Patranila Jefferson 10-27-2009 nurse; NICU Jackie, Kira's friend Sam Carrell 91 Kira's friend Jacques Tod Pettingill 7/19/2001 Jacques _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 French chef; Lakeview Jacques ????? 83 aka the Corsican, Bilan's father Jagged Edge (band) Brian Casey Brandon Casey Richard Wingo Kyle Norman Nurse Jaime Sue Jin Song 1999 Jake Larry Laboe 1984 old flame of Diana McColl wants to resume affair Officer James _____ ????? 05-05-2008 OPD; Emily's source James _____ ????? 05-13-2009 Lakeview Jamie _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Parker's friend Nurse Jan Cathleen Dauenhauer 06 Nurse Jan Rebecca Kaasa 07-08 Jane Jessica Moreno (Durdock) 06 Babysitter Johnny Janeen Meg Guzulescu 06 Janet _____ ????? 04-20-2009 patron at Yo's Janie ????? 2010 Faith's classmate Oakdale High Nurse Janie Sue Jin Song 99 Jared Ian Hoge 2/27/07 Jared _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 WOAK producer? Jasmine ????? Feb 1980 Belly dancer at Nick's restaurant The Plakka. Jason ????? 7/84 truck driver Jay Peter Richards 1/4/08 gave Lily pills Jay _____ ????? 11-04-2008 student at Oakdale U. Jean Aideen O'Kelly secretary Jean Sue Lawless pre-73 Jean Claude Troy Britton Johnson 07 Lawyer Jeannie Temple Brooks car service driver Jeannie Scarlett Sperduto 12/2/2005 Jeannine Bobo Lewis 87 Jeb Keith Britton 02 sleazy college student Jeff Troy Bozilleri Jeff Jeffrey Coleman 2002 firefighter Jeff Jason Etter 10/13/2008 & 11/12 & 13/2008; 6/29/2009 the barristo, worked with Noah at Java Jeff Jesse Hlubik 96-97 Jennifer Tina McDowelle 03 Nurse Jennifer ????? 9/2/2010 Jenny ????? 8/78 hooker that stole Kevin Thompson's wallet Jeremy ????? (Flashback) the artist lover of Margaret McKechnie Jeremy _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Parker and Liberty's friend Jerry Alex Valente 05 Bartender Jerry _____ ????? 12-29-2008 clerk; Lakeview Officer Jerry _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 OPD [could have been seen on 2008-04-24??] Jerry (+Dee) Never Seen, Mentioned 76 Jerry Brian Sheridan 11/28/05; 12/27/2005 bodyguard B. J. Jesse Kelly Welte Jessica ????? 6/23/10 Jacob's Nanny Jessica _____ ????? 12-08-2008 tango teacher Jessica Never Seen, Mentioned 6/78 Don's friend from Switzerland Jessie Veronica Vixen Jester Terrence Mann 86 con man (Falcon storyline) Jewel Lacey Kohl 07 Hooker Jill Ellen Lancaster 2/10/2003 from the support center, pregnancy class Jill Chloe Whiteford 04 Waitress Jill _____ Lisa Anzelmo 2/28/2008; 12/7/2009; mentioned 12/24/2009; 2/26/2010; 4/6 & 8/2010; 7/21/2010 works at Fashions Jill Liz Ramos 1990 Jillian Marion York 84- June 1985 Brian's Secretary who made moves on him following his split from Barbara Jim Ken Falat Jim Matt Samson 02-03 Lakeview Waiter/Bartender "Diamond" Jim Frank Senger 1/27/2004 card shark Jimbo Len Valenta 1983 Jimbo Ralph Buckley 1987 Jimmy Jeffrey Force 1996 Jimmy Chuck Montgomery Phony Minister Jimmy _____ ????? 01-10-2008 waiter; Lakeview Joan Bethel Leslie 96 Nancy's Friend Joan Ruth Williamson 98 Hairstylist Joan Jennifer Chamberlain magistrate Joanie _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 The Intruder/Worldwide; assistant Joann Kay McClelland 97 police spokesperson Nurse Joanna Robin Moseley Jocelyn Never Seen, Mentioned Babysitter Johnny 2010 Joe ????? June 79 Jay's foreman who complains about Chip Kelly's poor work ethic. Joe Liam Craig 1998 Java Manager Joe _____ Eddie Manley 2009-2010 cameraman; WOAK Joe Bo Gorman 08 Joe Nick Gregory Joe Joseph Julian 1960-63 Bartender Joe Jean Paul San Pedro 03 Bartender Joe ????? 4/9/10 WOAK Joe _____ Keith Keaveney 01-07-2008 contractor Joe _____ Jack Walker-Pearson 11-04-2008 Luke's presidential campaign Officer Joe _____ ????? 03-18-2008 OPD Joel Wesley Broulik 2/8/08 Singer of the Redeemers Joel Anslem Richardson 7/11 & 13/2007; 8/1 &8/2007; 9/17/2007; 10/1 & 3 & 25/2007 Lakeview Bar Manager Joel Frank Tomen 1989 Joel _____ ????? 10-29-2008 with Casey Joey _____ ????? 06-01-2009 mechanic at Billy's in Greenville, WI Joey John Fairlie 95 Joey Shelton Dane 97 Chris Hughes' friend Joey Josh Gustin Kristin's sick son Joey Fred Newman 87 John ????? 7/19/07 Aaron's co-worker Lakeview Jojo Michael Gallagher 94 accosted Pete and Dani Jonas ????? 2/10/10 Molly's Producer Jorge ????? 85 Sierra's friend Jose Alberto Vasquez 03 Josephina Nina Dova 94 Josephine Ami Almandral 98 Josephine Never Seen, Mentioned Janet's aunt 2010 Josh Sean Hart 5/6/05 Joshua _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Johnny's friend Josie Chantal Lonergan 04 Joy Courtney Cole Judd _____ ????? 01-31-2008 Parker's friend Judd _____ ????? 05-15-2008 Dylan's friend Judy Casey Gogolin 2002 UNCC Judy Anne Pitoniak 00 con artist that pretended to be Ruby's grandmother Judy Sharon Washington 1/2004 Alison's boss at the clinic Father Julian Don Juhlin 97 Julian Don Stephenson 02 Workout Tape Nurse Julie ????? 9/13/2010 Julio Andrew Thacher 02 Aunt June MaryLouise Burke June _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 waitress at Al's Diner; Janet's colleague Justin Luke Stanhope 02 Waiter Justin _____ Mark Doherty bartender at Yo's 1/4 & 15/2008; 2/14/2008; 3/21/2008; 5/16/2008; 11/ 18 & 26/2008; 12/11 & 15/2008; 2/11/2009; 4/17 & 20/2009; 7/9/2009 Justin _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Faith's classmate Kathy Kaehler Kathy Kaehler Health/fitness expert January 2002 Dr. Kahn Michael Warner 06-07 Mrs. Kalner Jane Cronin 9/94 Vi Kaminsky Alison Janney 93 Cynthia Linders' friend Mr. Kane ????? 3/21/10 bought Dusty and Janet's dream house Officer ____ Kane Cosmo Pfeil Peter Kane Arlen Dean Snyder 70-71 husband, Sandy Dr. Kantor Kahan James 2010 sexist doctor; mistreated Alison; threatened by Mick Judge Judith Kaplan Lynn Cohen 1995 Dr. ___ Karnoffsky ????? Martin Blake's doctor 79 Anna ___ Kasnoff Susie Abromeit 09 married Mike Caroline Kasnoff Never Seen, Mentioned daughter Mike and Anna Connor Walsh Stricklyn Kasnoff daughter Edwina, took over Walsh Allyson Rice-Taylor 90-97 Susan Batten 97 Mark Kasnoff Alexander Walters 95-97 married Te Amo and Connor, Mike's brother Mike Kasnoff brother of Mark, Sarah, and Stephanie, father of Nora (deceased) and Caroline, married Katie, Jen, and Anna Best friend of Ben Harris Shawn Christian 94-97 Jon Prescott 08 Mark Collier 02-07; 09 Nick Kasnoff Jordan Woolley 05-06 Mike's cousin, cop, murdered Maya Gold; attacked Katie and Carly Nora ____ Kasnoff Never Seen, Mentioned mother of Mike, Mark, Sarah, Stephanie Nora Kasnoff Tiffany Houghton (dream) daughter of Carly/Mike 8/2/2004 Sarah Kasnoff Lisa Lawrence 96 sister of Mike and Mark, dated Paul Stephanie Kasnoff Never Seen, Mentioned sister of Mike, Mark, and Sarah T (Te Amo) Jones Kasnoff Wendy Jones 96 deceased wife of Mark Mrs. _____ Kauffman Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 patient of Chris Gus Kazantakis Brian Benrebbi 05 Laurie Keaton Laurel Delmar 4/1976-79 Jay Stallings' secretary; hid his secrets about Natalie from her friend Carol for him; Mary Ellison's coworker and friend; encouraged Mary to pursue Ralph; became Ralph's secretary; worried about John Dixon's interest in Mary. + Tom Hughes, + Chip Kelly; left town to care for ailing mother ____ Keegan Ed Gallagher 90 Chief ____ Keegan Bill Buell 9/14/2004 Officer ____ Keeler John Knapp 08-14-2009 09-23-2009 Kentucky cop Dr. Alexander Keith brusque head of surgery who clashes with Dan Stewart. Protective of Mark Lewis, a family friend . Attracted to Kim as she resembles Mark's mother with whom he was in love. Susan became attracted to him as they worked closely helping Mark but Alex confided in her his feelings for Kim. Eventually married Valerie, they adopted Kate. Jon Cypher September 1977- December 1979 Kate (Emerson) Keith Rachael Kelly January – December 79 12 yr old orphan adopted by Valerie and Alex Valerie Reynolds Conway Thompson Keith sister of Jason Reynolds, Kim's first husband and his twin brother Benjamin. Dated Bob, knew Kevin .Owned a farm outside Oakdale.Dated Dan to annoy Kim whom she blames for breaking up her romance by paying off ex lover. Decides to stay in town and renovate the farm. Ex husband Nick tries to kill her. Finally decides that her heart belongs to Dan, which Bob understands. Renews closeness with Kim,agrees to marry Dan but the wedding is cancelled when Dan and Kim discover Susan engineered their breakup. Returns to Bob causing Lisa to be jealous, begins to have feelings for Grant now reconciled with Lisa. Finally bonded w Alex over their desire for a married person. Grows close to and adopts Kate. Marries Alex and leaves town. Judith McConnell April 76- Dec 79 George Keller Richard Litt 93 father of Neal, Royce and Samantha Gloria Walters Keller Elizabeth Hubbard 93 mother of Lucinda, Neal, Royce, and Samantha Royce Keller Lucinda's DID suffering brother, dated Emily, architect Terry Lester 91-94 ] (Young) Sean Kalish 93 (FB) Officer _____ Kellerman ????? 07-04-2008 OPD Bruce Kellogg ????? 1973-74 NY photographer interested in "Carol Ann" Chip Kelly James Carroll 79 Matt's brother Matt Kelly (Lockwood) John Tripp April – Sept 79 (? – Dec79 ) Jay Stallings' former cellmate who goes to work for Jay, Brother of Chip, who was involved in a robbery. Briefly dated Melinda. Judge William T. Kemp Tommy Hollis Brandon Kendall ????? 91 Tonio's Attorney Dr. Henry Kennedy ????? Ian McFarland's doctor 79 or 80 Mr. ___ Kent Jeff Williams 06-05-2009 diner owner in Greenville, WI Officer ___ Kent James Prendergrast 90 Jim Kerr Jim Kerr 1979 WPIX Deejay Dr. George Kimble ????? 8/23/89 dating Lenore _____ Kincaed Scott Klavan 99 Gail Kincaid Stephanie Roth 90 lover, Tonio ; ex-girlfriend, Sean Baxter Eli King lab tech, Meg Snyder's friend Marc Aden Gray 05-06 Travis Wood 07 Bertram Kingsley Never Seen former partner in Kingsley-Malta with the Grimaldi's Patricia ____________ Kingsley Rebecca Hollen 93-95 Bertram's widow Mrs. ______ Kinney ????? 7/27/87 Julie's mother Dr. ______ Kipner Patrick Melville 07 George Kirby Cyrus Hewitt 06 Jack Kirby Mark Zimmerman 90 Vegas Manager Dr. _____ Kittredge Jason Jones 04 Barbara's doctor Ralph Kittredge Ralph Byers Jerry Klein Michael C. Hall 1999 cameraman, Molly Detective ______ Klinger Michael Rodrick 97 Zachariah Knopf Henny Youngman 11/26 & 27/1981 appeared at fashion show Ms. _____ Koltarz Angela Bullock 95 Lydia Konstantin Elizabeth Parrish 88 mystic Sofia Korackes Robin Leary 81-82 daughter Andrea Madame Koster (Sylvia the maid) Marilyn Raphael 82 "phony-baloney" psychic Bo Kottkamp Peter Ashton Wise 05 country club manager Marie Kovac Mady Kaplan April - ? 85 ex-fiancee of Kevin, murdered by Doug Cummings Mr. ______ Kowalski Larry Cahn 12/23/03-04 landlord Officer__________ Kowalski Never Seen, Mentioned oft bellowed name in the precinct Harley Kozak ????? male singer; Lorrie's client 1989 Dr. Steven Kozak Patrick Quinn 1990 Edith ___ Kramer Alice Drummond 89 Duke's grandmother Gar Kramer ????? 1976 - 77 real estate agent that Jay got to hire Natalie Natalie was selling houses & not reporting the sales to Gar Jerry Kramer Philip Kraus 83 handled Betsy's inheritance Rosemary Kramer Never Seen, Mentioned John's former secretary 1989 Horace Krane Nick Sullivan 10-10-08 toy maker; Krane Toy Company; interviewed on Oakdale 411 Ms. _____ Kranston Meg McCrossen 04-25-2008 nanny; worked for Judge Burke Joe Kravitz Abe Vigoda May 1985 widower on Bob and Kim's honeymoon cruise. Fell for Rose Welinski Head Nurse Arlene Krebs Lynne Matthew 03 around during Rick Decker's murder spree Dr. Ross Kreeger Damian Young 06 ran a gay "detox" camp (VP Pence would be so proud) that Luke was sent to Mrs. ___ ___ Krenwinkle Kristin Rohde Gavin Kruger international businessman, ordered Carolyn Crawford's "Mur-dah" Joris Stuyck 90 Mark Tymchymshyn 90- 92 Officer _____ Kruger K.C. Kelly 88 Deborah Kurley Julie Lancaster 97 Airline Representative Judge _______ Kwan Kitty Mei-Mei Chen 6/30/05 Karen _____ ????? 11-30-2009 Al's Diner waitress? Karen, Janet Aldrich 83 call girl, Craig Karen . Karen Williams natural mother of Jack, Jr. Karen _____ ????? 04-21 -2008 babysitter Kate Maureen Hanley Kay Natalia Zvereva 04 + Will Kayla Megan Raye Manzi 04-09-2009; 6/1/2010 barista; Java Kayley Sandy Rustin + Buck Keith Robert Duncan McNeill 85-86 richn preppie Kelly Sally Wheeler 1996 Kelly Marina Zenovitch 1995 (Duncan's Assistant) Kelly Renee Marie Brewster 07-09-08 Worldwide employee Kelsey Kate Grenfell 03 Alison's cellmate Ken Ed O'Ross March 82 co- worker at odds with Steve at construction site Ken ????? 83 (?84) ran down Betsy Kenny Joe McCann 96 Officer Kenny ????? 6/4/10 with Carly Kenny David Perrine 06-10-2009 WOAK cameraman Kevin Jamie Phillips 1989 Kevin Callum Keith King 1999 Carly's Butler Kevin Alan Mozes contestant Kevin Ben Parker from Maryland Kevin ????? 11/06/02 Ohio State University Kevin ????? 11/04/02 with Simon & Katie (possibly a Lakeview clerk/valet?) Kiki Bonnie Marsh 1/19/10 with Sharkey Kim DeeDee Lynn Magno Kirk ????? 1980 offers Barbara a job but James interferes. Kit Tanya Clarke 99 waitress + David Stenbeck Krista Sarita Covington 07-08 hooker Kristen Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Johnny's friend from camp Kristin Jenny Maguire mother of sick Joe Kurt _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 WOAK Kyle Jason Chambers Bartender Kyra Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Liberty's friend Edited February 8 by slick jones 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted February 8 Author Members Share Posted February 8 (edited) AS THE WORLD TURNS CAST LIST and CHARACTER GUIDE Complete with @Brolden's 2008- 2010 Additions from full transcripts/videos APRIL 2, 1956-SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 CBS OAKDALE, ILLINOIS Part 3 Madame LaCoste Janis Dardaris 06 psychic hired by Paul for Jenn Stuart LaDue Richard Hoehler 07 Luke's teacher; didn't choose Luke's essay as a winner because he was gay Sydney LaFarge Niki Rene Hannah ___ Lafferty Linc's religious mother Carole Demas 90-91 Lee Bryant 91-94 Lincoln "Linc" Lafferty Son of Hannah Lafferty and Woody Hutchinson; half brother of Hutch; involved with Connor Walsh, Julie Snyder and married Marcy Breen; had a ONS with Debbie Simon; killed by Ned Simon James Wleck March 1990 - April 1992 \ Lonnie McCullough May 1993 - Nov 19 1993 Lincoln Lafferty, Jr. Conor Locklear 94 Marcy Breen Lafferty barracuda in business, used baby to land Linc Kathleen McNenny 91 Jill Powell 91-93; 94 Melvin Lafferty aka Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Hutchinson Daniel Ziskie 91-93 Abandoned Hannah and Linc, knocked up Mary Hopkins Campbell and raised Hutch Dr. _____ Lake Lawrence Clayton 06 Mrs. Marion__ Lake ????? 1965 -? Dr. Doug Cassen's secretary. replaced Ms. Saunders; never had children, which Doug reflected on while deciding to tell Neil Wade that he was his father. Went on a few dates with David Stewart. Billy Lambert Michael Lord 91-92 Dana's husband Dana Graham Lambert Louise Roberts Carolyn Crawford's surrogate 91-92 Dr. Keith Lambert Andrew Jarkowsky 5/78 liked Annie S. Dr. Kevin Lambert ?????? 8/1975 Kim's dr. in Centerville 10/1975 letter found with Kim Monsieur____ Lamphere Christian Aubert _____ Lamson Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 kid on Parker's baseball team Cynthia Landis Summer Sheridan 1989-90 Tonio's secretary Rod Landry (Josh Snyder) William Fichtner 87-89 Son of Elizabeth Snyder and Cal Stricklyn, raised and abused by Henry Snyder. Raped Iva which resulted in the birth of Lily and Rose. Married Meg ______ Landsdowne Richard Clarke 96 Mr. _____ Lane ????? 3/25/99 Carly's Private Investigator Ed Lang Jay Barney 1960-61 detective Rose Lemay Lang ????? actual mother of Beau Spencer late 70s Barclay Lange John Ottavino 88-91 son of Henry, brother of Angel, Jay and Steven Charlene ____ Lange Never Seen, Mentioned Steven's unseen wife Henry Lange James Rebhorn 88-91 father of Angel, Stephen, Jay and Barclay, molested Angel. Jay Lange James Harlow 91 brother of Angel, Barclay and Stephen Stephen Lange Ray Virta 91 brother of Angel, Barclay and Jay, Charlene's hubby Detective _____ Langstrum Ned Luke 05 Reverend Sidney Lanier Reverend Sidney Lanier Oct. 1959 married Penny and Jeff Howard Lansing Charles Cioffi 86 former hospital administrator, involved in Sabrina's kidnapping at birth Mr. _____ Lansing ????? 08-07 -2008 Bonnie's client Detective ______ Lanza Scott Feraco 87 Tracey___ Larimer ????? 9/79 jet set friend of Ralph and Valerie- agreed to fake a fling with Ralph to fool his fiancee Mary so she would act on her feelings for Don. Stanley Larkin Tony Edmonds 90 Philip Lombard's employee Julia (Morrissey ) Larrabee (Sweeney Snyder invalid) Sarah Brown 04-05 found Jack, sister of Keith, mother of J.J. Snyder that Jack and Carly adopted; killed by her ex-husband, Les Sweeney Chick Larsen Lawrence Arancio 4/04 Connie Larsen Courtney Cole 2003 Jennifer Ryan's Model friend that took a shine to Dusty Eve Larsen Terri Donahoe 87-88 Pete Larsen ????? 12/77 murder victim, crooked foreman, Jay Stallings Wade Larson kidnapped Lucy with Don Creel for her stepfather, Alan Drake John Elsen 6/04 Kenneth Simmons 5-6/04 Judd Lassiter Robert Archer Lynn 97-98 Grace Latham Jeannine Moore Patricia Latham Tanya Clarke Antoine Laudel Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Damian's friend; owner of a foundation that serves disabled children Cindy Lauper Cindy Lauper singer 08 sang at event at Yo's Greg Lauritz Roscoe Born 99 attorney, Carly Evelyn DeWitt Lausin (also referred to as Lewis; Carolyn Crawford's cousin Fran Brill 91-92 Ellen Tobie 92-93 Warren Lausin (Lewis) Evelyn's hubby Mark Shannon 92 Richmond Hoxie 92-93 Corinne ____ Lawrence Patricia Gage 86-88 mother of Monika, businesswoman, affair with James Stenbeck Ed Lawremce ????? May 16 1957 real estate agent working with Janice at Harmon real estate. She agrees to a date. Reverend Lawrence Christopher Loomis Brown 98 Attorney Lawson ????? 8/17/04 Barbara's Attorney Bridget ___ Lawson Haviland Morris 10 stage mother, Hayden Hayden Lawson Sami Gayle 10 Bridget's daughter pageant girl The Shannon Lawson Band Shannon Lawson 02 Edward L. Dunbar 02 Gary L. Murray 02 Shirley Lawson Never Seen, Mentioned ex girlfriend, John Dixon Ed Lazarus Matt Edwards 07-23-2009 business partner for Monte Carlo Mr. Lebo Never Seen, Mentioned Carly's neighbor 2006-10 Mrs. Sandy Lebo Lori Hammel 06-08 occ. babysitter for Jack and Carly Not Seen 09-10 Mrs. Theodora ___ Ledbetter allowed shelter to be built Barbara Cooke 83 Joyce Worsley 85 Kim and Bob's wedding Assistant District Attorney Corinne Lee Elaina Erika Davis 00 Mr. ____ Lee C. Sean Kim 96 Mr. ___ Lee Sam Freed 10 Sandra Lee Sandra Lee 07 celebrity cook Dr. _____ Leigh Never Seen mentioned 2009 Derek and Jade's paternity results Crystal Lennon Dana Wheeler-Nicholson 93 Herb Leonard Donald Symington Phyllis ____ Leonard Catherine Cox Antonio Leonardi Anthony Heald 79-80 Manager Ian McFarland Philip Lester Evan Ferrante 88-89 Officer ______ Letizia Al DeChristo Mr. _____ Leversee Skipp Hinnant 88 Ruth Levinson Nancy Youngblut 2/88 Brian Lewis Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Noah's colleague at Java Gigi Lewis Kelly Deadmon 07 Lab Technician Lieutenant ____ Lewis Reuben Greene 79 Grant Colman's hit and run case Mark Lewis Biff Warren September 1977- March 78 18 yr old orphan patient with blood disease under Susan and Alex Keith's care. Befriended by Dee Stewart. Judge Michael Lewis ????? 2008 married Brian & Lucinda and Jack & Janet Judge Michael Lewis Daniel Ziskie 2008 Mrs. ______ Lewis ????? 2010 took Nat and Ethan for Sleepover Mrs. _____ Lewis Cynthia Belgrave Mr. _____ Lewis Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 faculty advisor at Oakdale U Officer _____ Lewis Jeff Binder 05-21-2008 Illinois State Police Officer _____ Lewis ????? 12-03-2009 OPD Howard Liebermann Gordon Joseph Weiss 12/92 Mrs. _____ Lieberman Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Casey's patient Mr. _____ Liebowitz Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Casey's patient Lois Lillibridge Stacey Rukeyser 94 Cynthia Linders Linda Cook 92-93 ex, Royce Keller Tripp Linders Lanny Flaherty 93 Cynthia's brother Allen Lindsay Reese Madigan 93 Charles Lindsay Russ Anderson 4/19/99 Julia's father Charlotte ___ Lindsay Susan Pratt 99 Julia's mother' Mrs. __ __ Link ????? 1965 patient of Doug Cassen 1day role u/5 Dr. ___ Linn Will Chase 06 Samuel Litz ????? 05-06-2009 "Dr. Schmeglitz"; stand-up comedian hired by Vienna to pretend to be her doctor Irene Locatis Katina Kalen 88 Mrs. ___ Locatis Dimitra Arliss 88 Sharon Lockhart Never Seen, Mentioned +John Dixon Cass Logan Catherine Campbell Dr. _____ Logan ????? 11-19-2009 Noah's doctor Mike Logan Robert Miles 1/2009 Judge Steven Logan ????? Barbara's trial 8/17/04 Brock Lombard Greg Beecroft 89-90 see Hoppers +Emily, +Ellie mobbed up businessman Married to Marjorie, father of Denise and Greg Connie ___ Lombard Barbara Caruso 89-90, Phillip's wife, Brock's mother Denise Lombard Emily Rose 90 daughter of Brock and Marjorie Greg Lombard Jonathan Raskin 90 son of Brock and Marjorie Joseph Lombard Dick Hughes 2/90 brother, Philip Marjorie Marino Lombard Maryann Urbano 89-90 wife, Brock daughter of Frank and Esther, mother of Greg and Denise Mrs. ___ __ Lombard Marti Nixon 06 accused Gwen of theft, Lakeview guest Phillip Lombard Jack Cryer 89-90 Brock's mobbed up father _____ Lombardi Thomas G. Waites 88 Kip Lonegan David Oliver Cohen 06-07 Casey owes Kip money Diane Long Annika Peterson 2/2/1996 Mr. _____ Long John Weigand 06 Dr. Eric Lonsberry Douglas Marland 72 discovered Lisa's "Phantom Fetus" _______Loomis Scott Rhyne 4/85 Tony Loomis David Lee Smith 92-93 Senora ____ Lopez Marina Durrell Burt Lord Darryl Wells September 1969- ?1970 a carefree playboy who is a "man of the world"; Burt Lord visited the town book store - where he met Amanda who works there. It looks like a love affair might develop between Burt Lord and Amanda. Cheri Love (AKA Charlene Wilson Mayer) Robin Mattson 07 Emily's madame, Noah's mother Mrs. ____ Lovejoy Alice Playten 4/ 05 Mr. ____ Lovejoy Bill Cwikowski 4/05 Fred Lowe Ken Costigan 90 Winston Lowe (Mr. Smith) Joel Fabiani 99-00 Craig's business associate, Carly's husband that kidnapped her Alice ____ Lowell Never Seen, Mentioned Late wife of Judge James T. Lowell, mother of Jim, grandmother to Ellen Colin Lowell ????? head of internship program with Fashionista Weekly (with Liberty) 4/2009 Judge James T. Lowell William Johnstone 56-79 father of Jim James "Jim" Lowell Les Damon 56-57 married to Claire, sleeping with Edith, father of Ellen, died in a boating accident Joleen Lumiere Mary Testa Prosecutor Jim Lundigan Robert Burke 93 prosecuted Tom for shooting Elroy Nevins, Margo's rapist Tuan Ly Lien's school "chum" Russell Wong 88 Phillip Moon 88 Ann Lynch Kaija Matiss 05-06 murdered by Eve Browning Evelyn ____ Lynch Linda Mugleston 06 Ann's mother Louie Lyons Rick Zahn 05 Larry Chris DiVito pool player Larry Never Seen, Mentioned October 1979 that dated Dee Stewart Larry ????? February 1984 the wheelchair-bound chairman of Throwaway Kids Larry Michael Marino 85 Larry Terry Serpico 97 Molly's private detective Laura _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Ethan's babysitter Laurel _____ Rebecca Kaasa 06-30 -2008 Meg's friend Lee Peter Starrett 1999 Christopher Hughes' friend Len Drew McVety 09 the officer searching for Paul and Eliza in Greenville Wisconsin Lena Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Janet's childhood best friend 2010 Lenny Gregory McClure thief Lenny _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 WOAK; cameraman or producer? Lenny Joe McCann 1996 Lenore _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Janet's colleague at Al's Leroy _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Johnny's friend? [could be a stuffed animal?] Leroy _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 involved with Maeve's cousin, Loretta Lester David Folsom 08 thug Liam the Lindsay stableboy James Hyde 99 Brody Hutzler 99 Lila Cooper Harris 07 (Not) Lily Brooke Marie Procida 98 Lily Lookalike at the bar Nurse Linda _____ ????? 02-02-2009 nurse Lindsey Diane Neal intern Nurse Lindsey at Deerbrook ????? 12/14/09 Deerbrook Liz _____ ????? 12-28-2009 Eliza's babysitter Liz _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Fairwinds maid Lloyd Clay Adams 07 lab tech Lloyd Adam Smith 99-00 the WOAK Production Assistant Lloyd Frederick "Rick" Hamilton 6/12/07-2010 the Lakeview Bartender Lois Jodie Gibson 1978 (sister of actress Amy Gibson) Lois _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Janet's colleague at Al's Lola Mylika Davis 96 Dani Andropoulos' friend Lonnie Hugh Karraker 96 dance instructor Officer Lonnie ????? 1/28/10 OPD Loretta Susan Wands 87 Loretta Tina Johnson 96 waitress at Al's Loretta Deborah Lacey 98 Loretta Annette Held 1990 Secretary Loretta _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Maeve's cousin Lori Hanna Cox 7/86 Lori _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Counselor at Camp Chapawee Lorna Barbara Cook 1983 Lorraine Caris Corfman 11/92 Margo's neighbor Lorraine _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Memorial; nurse? Lou Jason Allen Caine 03-05 Lou John Ramsey 1987 Louie ????? with Craig 6/4/10 Officer Louie Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 OPD Judge Louis _____ ????? 07-09-2008 married Paul & Meg Louis Jerry Matz 4/85 Jake Haskell's hench Louisa Shannon Walker Williams 3/25/ 99 Pregnant teen runaway with Ben and Denise Nurse Louise ????? 10 head of the orderly's union Louise Marguerite Stimpson 8/26/10 from the pre-school Lucky Chris Noth 11/86 Jester's pal that drowned in the castle moat Lucy Fiona Hutchison 9/84 that dated Kirk McCall Luis Hector Osorio 88 Lydia _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Vienna's grandmother Lyle Carl Palmer 5/25/04 Pilar's thug Lynn, Heather Lindell 07 Brad Snyder's crazy ex-girlfriend Nurse Lynn _____ ????? 01-08-2008 nurse; Memorial Mr. _____ MacDougal Keith Gerchak 08-22-2008 Acme Carting Company; provided trucks for the Snyder construction job Garrick MacLaren Alan Coates 2002 "Duke" Ian MacLaren Peter Giles 2002 Hank MacPherson ????? stable boy, tried to rape Lily 9/1985 Henry MacPherson Robert Gerringer 1985 Hank's daddy Detective _____ MacRae Robert Prescott Judge_____ Madden Ben Hammer 9/94 Dr._____ Maddux John Leone 2005 Mr. ____ Madison ????? 8/11/2010 banker with Craig Celia Magalia Celia McDally 6/17/2009 choreographer from Buenos Aires; guest on Oakdale Now Kevin Mahoney Rick Stear Scott Reeves' Manager 2/14/2005 Mr. _____ Malcolm Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Brad's banker Alan Mallory Jay Alan Christensen 2000 Detective ____ Malloy Trevor Richardson 2001 Mallory Malloy Jennifer Kroll 2002 Jack's Publicist Michael Malloy Rudolph Willrich 1982 henchman, Mr. Big Officer _____ Malone ????? 2009 investigated Reg's death Reverend _____ Malone Tom Roland 1997 Rita Malzone (Burke) Priscilla Garita 1996 aerobics instructor/ Umberto's sister Umberto Malzone (Diego Santana) Rick Gianisi 1996 Bronson Pickett 1996-97 Lenny Mancuso Jonathon Del Arco 2/88 Officer _____ Mancuso John Fiore Melanie Mannarino Melanie Mannarino Editor of Seventeen Magazine Brenda Manning Rosalyn Coleman 2008 head of the nursing program at Memorial Judge _____ Manning Ben Jones 1999 Dr. Wayne Manning Marcus Lovett 1992 Ruth ______ Mansfield Ann Flood 1992-93 Kirk's client "Aunt" Marie ___ Manzo Marisa Redanty 2010 Janet's aunt "Uncle" Ralph Manzo Stuart Damon 2009-10 mobster Agent ___ March Peter Marx 2005 INS Agent with Rafi and Celia Nurse Laura March Georgann Johnson 1960 Edith's replacement at Memorial. Claire was jealous of Laura, who worked closely with Doug. Dr. _____ Marcus Never Seen, Mentioned Alison's boss 2010 Dick Marcus Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 from New York; the leading authority on the insanity defense Cesare Marichi Matt Servitto 1994; 1997 Eduardo's assistant Esther ____ Marino Donna Martella 1989-90 Marjorie Lombard's mother Frank Marino Ed Setrakian 1989-90 Marjorie Lombard's father Maria Fernando Marino Jill Harmon 1972 patient (Dan Stewart) that died on the table; wife, Tony, sister, Joe Fernando Tony Marino Carmine Stipo 1972-73 Maria's widower Eliot Markham Philip Bosco 1993-94 con artist partner/father figure Samantha (Keller) Markham Anderson Buzzy Markman Steve Talley 2002 Jill Marks Ruby Jerins 2006-07 Sage's friend Melissa Marks Angela Bullock 2000 Dr. Neil Marlette Helmar Augustus Cooper 1997 City Times Editor ___ Marlowe Ward Asquith 1994 Robert Ari 1997 Bilan Marlowe Kathleen Rowe McAllen 1981-83 daughter of Miranda and "The Corsican", kidnapped by "Mr. Big" Lydia Marlowe Zsa Zsa Gabor November 20 - ?1981 Miranda's sister Zurich based jewelry designer. Tracks Miranda to Oakdale and is furious that Miranda is passing off her designs as her own. Miranda confesses, claiming she was trying to help Lydia,(in reality she was posing as a jewelry designer to cover her criminal activities) gets a request fom Lisa for more pieces, so returns to Switzerland Mrs. _____ Marly Basia McCoy 1999 Peter Marsden Peter Webster 1986-87 related to Mona Simms; involved in Sabrina story (faux) Charles Cioffi 1986 Doug Marshack Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 WOAK Kevin Marshall Jeff Phillips 1990 Karen Atkins Martell Dee Hoty 1992 wife, Shorty Willard "Shorty" Martell Peter D. Greene 1992-93 murder victim/hit man Guido Martelli Michael Burstyn The Brad Martin Band Brad Martin 2002 Dan Cohen 2002 James Cook 2002 Mike Geiger 2002 Derek Mixon 2002 Bill Martin Rick Stear 2007 Dr. Cheryl Martin ????? 5/80 dated Bob Hughes District Attorney Dick Martin dated Claire and Lisa Joe Maross 1966 Ed Kemmer May 1966-70; Feb 1975-78 Otto Martin Allen Nourse 1966-68 Dick's father; retired cop Reverend _____ Martin Andy Taylor 1993 (husband of Alyson Rice-Taylor) Reverend ____ Martin Amy Taylor 1994 Sandy Martin Never Seen, Mentioned 1957 College student who dated Ellen Dr. ______ Maslin Armande Anthony 2005 Belva Mason Barbara Neal Bill Mason Michael P. Moran 1996 Commissioner _______ Mason Ron Parady 11/87 disliked Margo Derek Mason Thomas Gibson 1988-89 Lily's former husband, wanted to kill her Joe Mason Mark Elliott Wilson 1999 Bodyguard Niles Mason Charles Keating 1988-89 Derek and Trish's father Ruth Mason Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 sister of Charlene Wilson; aunt of Noah Trish Mason Sherry Ramsey 1988-89 Derek's sister Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis October 1991 singer performed 'You Brought Me Love' with Patti Austin at Mona Lisa for Duncan and Jessica Cliff Matson Jay Acovone 1981-82 dated Sofia K. investigated James for Stan Holden Mitzi Matters Anne Sayre 2000-04 showgirl friend of Rose D. later embezzled from her and poisoned herself (accidentally). Dr. ______ Matthews ????? 4/2010 Gabriel's doctor Dr. Henry "Matt" Matthews David Brand 1990 Iva's therapist Reverend Wally Matthews Charles Siebert 1972- January 1974 ordained minister/doctor who gives spiritual and medical advice. Took over Paul Stewart's practice,natural father of Peter Burton whom he gave up for adoption in grief after his wife died in childbirth. Discovers Peter is his son, but doesn't reveal the fact -when the truth comes out Peter rejects him until Wally explains the circumstances. Involved with Lisa Shea who hopes for a proposal but he cannot commit. Bobbi Maxwell Arva Holt 1983 Lonnie's wife Janice Maxwell Holly Cate 1993-95 Kim's manipulative WOAK assistant; dated Holden Lonnie Maxwell Matthew Cowles August 1983 Bobbi's husband; involved in coin caper with Steve/Betsy; kidnaps Steve when is on the run Ameera Ali Aziz Mayer Tala Ashe 2008 married Noah Noah Mayer Jake Silberman 2007-10 Luke's boring true love Colonel Winston Mayer Daniel Hugh-Kelly 2007; 2008; 2009 Noah's homophobic murderer father ______Mayes Jack Poggi Gloria ___ Maynard Never Seen, Mentioned Denise's Mother Dr. ____ McBurney Never Seen, Mentioned dental records switched with James Stenbeck Fiona McBurney ????? 11or12/87 Dr. McBurney's daughter _____ McCann Dominic Marcus 2003 thug Dylan McCarthy Zach Sorrow 2008 + Alison McDermott Morgan McCarthy Lexie Drago 2007 object of Parker's interest, skinnier than Faith. Parker's interest in Morgan caused Faith to binge on candy Muffy McCarty Lisa Peluso 1976 Bernice McCloskey Jaclyn Ross 1988 Dan's daughter; at wedding Captain Daniel "Dan" McCloskey Dan Frazer July 1984-96 Captain of Police Squad, married Nancy Hughes, had Alzheimer's Nancy ____ Hughes McCloskey former schoolteacher, town matriarch, meddlesome mother turned town confidante; volunteer. Wife of Chris and Dan; close friend to Katie Betty Runnell (temporary) Betty Low 1988 Helen Wagner April - June 56 July 1956-March 81; June 1983; April 1985-May 2010 Dr. Lewis " Lew "McCloud skeevy ex boyfriend of Camille Bennett, paralyzed by explosion, then faked paralysis until he tried to rape Camille Marc Gomes 1997 Monti Sharp 1997-98 Pamela ____ McCloud Helen Goldsby 1997 Lew's wife, killed in explosion Ronnie McCloud Scott Cumberbatch 1997 Lew and Pamela's son Beatrice McKechnie McColl Ashley Crow 1986-87 Duncan's daughter by Mary Callahan; thought she was his sister; married Brian, mother of Mary Joanna, Duncan Brian and Whitney Brian McColl editor, dated Dee Stewart, Barbara Ryan and Shannon O'Hara before marrying Beatrice Robert Burton 1982 Frank Telfer 1982-84(12/24/82 overlap with role on TD) Mark Pinter 1984-87; 1990 Charmane L'Amour McColl Lee Meredith 1983-84 Whit's wife, pretended to be his sister Duncan Brian McColl Never Seen, Mentioned son of Brian and Beatrice Joanna ___ McColl Never Seen, Mentioned mother of Brian and Diana Kirk McColl Christian J. LeBlanc 1983 - July 1985 son of Whit and Dorothy Connors gambling addict, dated Frannie and Marcy. learned his best friend Jay was his half-brother Mary Joanna McColl Never Seen, Mentioned daughter of Brian/Beatrice Whitney "Whit" McColl Robert Horton 1982-84 widower of Joanna; bigamist--married to Charmane and Lisa at the same time, fathered Kirk by Dorothy; murdered by Dorothy owned City Times and McCall Industries Whitney Margaret McColl Never Seen, Mentioned daughter of Brian and Beatrice Agnes ___ McDermott Sydney Anderson 1992 Larry's mother "L.J." McDermott Robert Hogan 1991-93 Larry's father Dr. Larry McDermott Former boyfriend of Frannie, dated Lyla; married Susan Stewart. fathered Alison by in vitro fertilization (via Emily's egg); later used another of Emily's eggs via Aurora Hunter, fathering Lyon Hunter McDermott Marcus Lovett (temporary) 1994 Ed Fry 1990-95; 2009 Lia McDermott Deja Kreutzberg 2005-06 Casey's ex-girlfriend, found murdered at country club Lyon Hunter McDermott Evan Alex Cole 2009-10 in vitro child of Larry and Aurora _____ McDermott Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Larry's child ____ McDermott Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Larry's child Mrs. _____ _____ McDermott Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Larry's new wife Mrs. _____ McDonnell Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 involved in Sage's Peter Pan production Mr. ____ McDonnell Jim Mohr 1996 Officer_______ McDonough Jim Schoefield 1996 Dana Woodward McFarland Deborah Hobart March 1979- December 1979 friend of Penny whom she met in London, former wife of Ian M., Ballerina; engaged to Bob Hughes. Calls off engagement to return to dance. Ian McFarland Peter Simon 1979-80 composer, ex husband of Dana, fell for Dee Stewart, died in the sack with her Bud McGann Charlie Pollack 2008 dated Carly; mistreated her Sergeant ______ McGill Brian St. August 11-09-2009 Philadelphia Jimmy McGuire Michael Cody 1970 son of Sandy and Roy Kelly McGuire Shauna Hicks 1990-91 Roy McGuire Konrad Matthaei 1966-68 ex-husband of Sandy and Penny Mr. _____ McHenry Graeme Malcolm 1987 Dr. Marsha Palladino McKay Justine Miceli 1992-93 Holden's doctor/ dated Spencer McKay Nell Mooney 2008 faked her death with the help of Dani Andropoulos Stan McKeller ????? 1975 Susan Stewart's attorney in the Emily custody suit Angus McKechnie Michael Swan 1986 (flashbacks) Bonnie Louise McKechnie (Jenkins) daughter of Duncan and Jessica; dated Isaac,Brad, Derek, and Dusty Allison Gangadesu 1993 Caroline Aimetti 1993-96 Chloe Morris 1996 Napiera Daniela Groves 2001-03; 2004 Chauntee Shuler 2007-09 Duncan McKechnie Michael Swan 1986-95; 2001; 2003 part Scotsman, part pirate, part hero and part rogue; married Shannon and Jessica; father of Beatrice and Bonnie Lilith DeVries McKechnie Sara Botsford 1988-90 psychotic ex-wife of Duncan, sister of Roderick, allegedly shrunk Shannon's head(she didn't) Margaret ____ McKechnie Margaret Reed 1986 flashbacks Shannon O'Hara McKechnie Margaret Reed 1985-90; 1994-95 aka Erin Casey (also Erin Cavanaugh) Niece to Earl Mitchell; dated Brian M., Glenn and Mark Harrington; took care of Dusty for John, almost married Brian, married Duncan; presumed dead, returned in 94 Reverend Angus McKenzie J.R. Horne justice of the Peace 2/8/ 2005 wed Henry to Katie Doris ___ McKenzie Carole Monferdini wife, Angus 2/8/2005 Bridget McKinnon Jake and Vicky's daughter Jenna McGrane 2000-02 Megan Ferrara 2000-02 Jake McKinnon Tom Eplin 1999-2002 editor of City Times, lost wife Vicky; married Molly; killed by crazy Mary Mennihan (vast history on Another World) Marly Love (Hudson) McKinnon Ellen Wheeler 2000; 2001; 2002 Vicky's twin; Jake's ex-wife; took custody of the twins Michelle McKinnon Bridget's twin Kayla McGrane 2000-02 Bridget's twin Lauren Ferrara 2000-02 Molly Peterson Conlan McKinnon cousin of Carly mother of Abigail former news anchor at WOAK; dated Nick Scudder,Holden, Andy, David Stenbeck, Chris, Mike and Dusty Christina Chambers 2004 Lesli Kay 1997-04; 2009-10 Victoria "Vicky" (Carson) Love Hudson Frame Harrison McKinnon twin to Marly; mother of Bridget and Michelle; wife of Jake; killed in plane crash Jensen Buchanan Brian McKnight Brian McKnight 1995 singer Reverend ___ McLaird Jariath Conroy 1989 Major Gerard McLane Brian Delate 11/20/2007 Officer _____ McLaughlin Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 OPD Alan "Red" McLean Peter Maloney 1994 George McLellan (aka Mel Asher) ????? 1989 Security Head in Florida Hospital Sandra McLure Stephanie Raye 2004 fashion reporter Dick McMahon Ed Kurtzman Mrs. ____ McMillan Joann Bayes Fred McNeil ????? 12/77 alibi Jay Stallings Sandy McNeil Ted Pejovich 1987 Duncan's buddy, James' employee James stole his money; turned up dead Dr. Colin McNulty Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Worked at Cedars Sinai with Reid Olliver _____ Mead Bill Kux Nurse _____ Meade Lori March early 1960s ________Meadows John DiBenedetto mausoleum guard Anne ___ Meadows Barbara Joyce 1959-61 raised Jimmy aka Danny Stewart friend, Doug Cassen Dr. Joe Meadows John Boruff 1959-61 couple that raised Jimmy aka Danny Stewart friend of Doug Cassen Lee Melton Penelope Ann Miller 1984 Dr _____Meltzer ????? August 1977 Joyce's doctor Cesar Mendoza Mo Kanekoa 2009 Guard that worked the docks and turned up dead Mary Dolan Mennihan Marian Thomas Griffin 2001-02 crazy nanny that killed Jake McKinnon Dr. Richard Meredith Never Seen, Mentioned Invicta pick for Memorial's Neurowing 2010 Valerie Merediz Sara Ramirez 1997 attorney Dr. ____ Merker Gregory Chase 1996 Dina Merrill Dina Merrill Oct. 26 & 27/1981 Fashion Show (Possibly had a character name????) Officer Jessie Meyer Cathy Diane Tomlin 2007; 9/8/09 Arthur Meyers ????? 1965 divorce lawyer acting on behalf of Neil Wade in his proposed divorce from Penny Gwen Meyers Never Seen, Mentioned 1965 Tommy's "girlfriend" at school Mr. _____ Meyers ????? 9/15/04 Chris Hughes Tailor Captain _____ Meyerson David Wilson Barnes 2007 Coast Guard Jake Meyerson Robert Bacheler Dr. Lynn Michaels Oakdale's favorite psychiatrist Kaiulani Lee Temporary 1989-1990 Barbara March Temporary 1988 Beth McDonald 1997 Courtney Simon 1985-08 [final air date: 08-08-2008] Sue Michaels Jill O'Hara 1965 Lois Middleton Diane Franklin 1979 Betsy's friend dated Kirk Simmons and Matt Kelly got pregnant Reverend _____ Middleton Alex Molina 1989 Terry Milburn Scott Klavan 2010 Banker at Oakdale Trust Alma ____ Miller Lisa's mother Joanna Roos 1960 Ethel Remey 1963-77 Dorothy Blackburn 1978 Brendan Miller Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Johnny's friend Dr. ____ Miller Doug Ballard 1983-84 Henry Miller Luis Van Rooten 1960-61 Lisa's father Mrs. _____ Miller Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Brendan's mother Mr. ______ Miller ????? 8/85 one of Guy Howard's thugs Nicole Miller Nicole Miller 1984 fashion designer Stu Miller ????? May 15 1957 engaged to Doris Ruelling student at Cornell Penny meets when visiting Chuck Henderson Danny Milligan Never Seen, Mentioned friend of Johnny 2010 ___ Milligan Never Seen, Mentioned Danny's brother Mrs. _____ _____ Milligan Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 psychologist; works at OPD Dr. ______ Milton Greg Zittel 1997 Eugene Milton Daniel Pearce 6/21/2010 claims adjustor Officer _______ Milton Roy Feinberg cop Carmine Minardi Frank Gulli 1993 Renata's brother Gino Minardi Renata's brother Mark Lotito 1992 Emmanuel Xuereb 1992-93 Renata Minardi former lover, Damian executive assistant at Kingsley-Malta Gianna Ranaudi 1992 Elizabeth Sastre 1992-93 Dr. ____ Ming Stephen Sable 7/8/10 Vienna's fertility doctor Dr. _______ Mitchell Never Seen, Mentioned Vienna's doctor 2010 Agent Earl Mitchell Farley Granger 1986-89 secret agent; Shannon's uncle; Lisa's late husband Nurse Mary Mitchell Joan Anderson 1963-65 dated Chuck Ryan Matt Mitchell Noah Mazaika 2005 Ralph Mitchell Keith Charles March - May 77 ? - Dec 79 1988 - 94 Occasional Businessman/real estate agent .Old friend of Val who arrived when she was making a play for Bob. Left with wife Sally to reconcile but returned months later alone. Went to work for Natalie and bought her agency, interested in Mary but John interferes and he takes up with Joyce Hughes again resulting in a pregnancy. Planned to tell Don the truth so Joyce planned to shoot him but shot Don instead. Involved with Mary but realizes she and Don are better suited and left town. Dated Lisa and Ellen when he returned years later. Sally ____ Mitchell Delphi Harrington 78 ex-wife, Ralph Stan Mitchum Daniel Ahearn 2005 Iris Dombrowski's fling Reginald Moffett ????? 6/85 attorney Stewart Cushing Jake Molino David Wasson Dr. Henry Moller John Seitz 1982 Barbara's sanitarium doctor Miss ___ Moloney April Adams 1985 Agent _____ Moniz Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 called Margo about Robby Sanchez Dr. ___ Monroe Richard Lounello 1998 Dr. ________ Monroe Never Seen, Mentioned Carly's doctor 2010 Mitch Monroe Mitchell McGuire Phyllis Monroe SuEllen Estey pre-1989 Monty Montague Paul Schoeffler Andre Montand ????? 11/85 Shannon's ex-lover Senor _______ Montez Greg Mitchell "April" Montgomery character from the Dobson papers possibly Cricket or Margo's original name Bart Montgomery James Raymond 1984 father of Craig and Cricket; set up Bryant Montgomery son of Sierra and Craig; loved Jennifer; died in car crash; also dated Abigail and Ruby Dennis Marotta 1987-89; 1990 Jaime Kenyon (Young) Zach Sorrow 12/9/2004 Todd Rotondi 1999-2001 Cabot Sinclair Montgomery (age 16) Micah Alberti 2004 Aiden Wagner 2004; 2/2005 Billy McFadden 2004 Lucas Kelly 2003-04 Daniel Menake 2005-07 Craig Montgomery Son of Bart and Lyla; brother of Cricket; half-brother to Margo and Katie; father of Bryant and Lucy by Sierra; father of Gabriel Caras by Lydia; father of Johnny by Jennifer; adoptive father of Cabot with Rosanna. charismatic conniver best known for sleeping with Lucinda and daughter Sierra in the 80s; faked paralysis during his first marriage to Betsy; presumed dead in Greece; founded Montgomery and Associates; later married Sierra,Barbara, Meg and Rosanna twice. Scott Bryce 1982-87; 1988-89; 1990; 1993-94; 2007-08 Hunt Block 2000-05 Jeffrey (Geoffrey) Meek 2006-07 Jon Lindstrom 2008-10 Johnny Montgomery son of Craig and Jennifer, taken away by Lucy and Dusty Daniel Menake 2005-06 Bailey Harkins 2008-10 Dr. Lucy Montgomery daughter of Craig and Sierra; dated Clark, Rafael, Aaron, and Dusty. Dusty and Luci took Johnny away and brought him back Chelsea Braden Amanda Seyfried 2000-01 Peyton List 2001-05 Spencer Grammer 2006 Sarah Glendening 2008-10 Mrs. __ __ Montgomery ????? September 1983 lady that was NOT Craig's wife in the state room on the cruise Rosanna Cabot Walsh Montgomery Sinclair Ryan Montgomery Ryan Montgomery spoiled daughter of Alexander, half-sister of Carly; tried to steal Carly's kids several times over the years Yvonne Perry 1992-96; 1998; 1999 Cady McClain 2002-05; 2007-08; 2009; 2010 Melba Moore Melba Moore singer -- performs 'Falling' September 18, 1986 Mr. ___ Moore ????? January 1965 patient referred to Bob Hughes by David Stewart Detective _____ Moran ????? 2/85 killed by bootleggers Grant Moran ????? 03-12-2009 from Starglow Foundation Mrs. ___ ___ Moran Jennifer Joyce 4/85 wife of Detective Shirley Morehouse Isabel Glasser 1999 best friend, Deena Silva Mrs. _____ Moretti Never Seen, Mentioned Casey's patient Dr. ____ Morgan ????? 3/23/2010 Nurse Diana Morgan Michelle LaMothe 1978-80 Errol Morgan Jeremy Peter Johnson 1997 Teague's partner Jason Roth 1997 Evan Morgan Jack Ryland 1977 Greg Morgan ????? January 1965 - ???? 1965 young attorney in Chris Hughes' law firm; takes Carol Dunn on a double date with Bob Hughes and Sylvia Hill Reverend _____Morgan Bennett Stephens Robert Morgan Armand Schultz 2000 Terrence McCrossin 2000 Dr. ______ Morris David Furr 2006 Dr. _____ Morris ????? 02-27-2009 Johnny's doctor' Judge ________ Morris John Wojda Mrs. _____ Morris Never Seen, Mentioned raised Samantha Markham Mr. ______ Morris Never Seen, Mentioned raised Samantha Markham Keith Morrissey Kin Shriner 2005-06 pilot; Julia Larrabee's brother; JJ's uncle; affair with Lily Leo Morrissey Zack Conroy 2008 intern; dated Liberty Percival Morrison (aka Missouri Spats) ????? 9/84 pool shark (Maggie) Detective ____ Morrow Louis Mustillo 3/13/ 2008 OPD Dr. _____ Morse ????? 3/2010 Janet's OB/GYN Mr. _____ Mort Joseph Prussak 08-25-2008 works at Memorial's mortuary Mr. _____ Mortimer ????? 9/08/2010 Henry Moss Greg Baglia Public Defender Judge _____ Moss Frank Raiter 1994 Tony Motsi ????? 06-04-2008 appendectomy patient; Memorial Libby Mueller Irma St. Paule 2002 woman at the spa with Dr. Weston Captain ______ Muggins Robert Ferro 4/87 ship's captain Detective ____ Mulcahy Jack Davidson 1991 ____ Mulligan Andrew T. Murphy 1986-87 bar owner Adam (Hughes) Munson son of Margo and Hal, raised by Tom; film school student, loved Abigail; screwed around with Jade Taylor; became obsessed with Gwen; almost died in Afghanistan; came home with face grafts and the name Riley Morgan. Left town.. Philip "Phips" Smith 1988-89 Michael Zderko 1989-95 Harry Zittel 1996-98 Bret Cooper Craig Lawlor 1998-2002 Matthew Morrison 2006 Matt Cavenaugh 2006-07 Tom Degnan 2009 (Riley Morgan fake name) Gwen Norbeck Munson Daughter of Iris D and Ray Tenney, half sister to Carly, mother of Billy (by Casey) and Hallie by husband Will Jennifer Landon 2005-08; 2010 Detective Hal Munson "the father of half of Oakdale" ; son of Harold, brother of Claire, police chief; fathered Nikki with Lynda; fathered Adam with Margo; did not father but raised Jen as his own;fathered Will by Barbara; raised Paul as a father figure; fathered Parker with Carly; he went by Harold Gleason while undercover as chauffeur for the Harper family.; married Lynda, Barbara (3 times), Carly, and Emily. Richard Council 1989 Temporary John Hillner 1994-95 Temporary James Kiberd 2001 Temporary Randolph Mantooth 2003;2004-05 Benjamin Hendrikson 1984-2004; 2005-06 Hallie Munson ????? 2007-08 Alexa Kaplan 2010 Harold Munson Hal's father John Seitz 1986 Barton Heyman 1989 Liberty Ciccone Munson daughter of Janet, dated Leo,married Parker Meredith Hagner 2008-10 Sarah Wilson 2010 Detective Nikki Graves Munson Hal's daughter by Lynda former IRS agent, dated Jeremy, Ryder, Andy, Matt, and Henry Jordana Brewster 1995-98; 2000 McKenzie Satterthwaite 2004 Parker Munson son of Carly and Hal (Brad and John were also in the running) briefly married true love, Liberty Justin Weiss 1999 Cole Kachelhofferr 1999-2004 Giovanni Cimino 2004-06 Mick Hazen 2006-10 Will Munson son of Barbara and Hal, dated Gwen, Celia, and had affair with Jade; accidentally killed Rose D'Angelo as a teen John Pink 1993-96 Bryan Abadrabo 1996-99 Brett Groneman 2000-04 Jesse Lee Soffer 2004-08; 2010 Judge ____Murdoch ????? 6/23/2010 Mandy Murdoch ????? 9/1984 fitness instructor; dated Bob Mrs. ____ Murphy Madeline Sherwood 1983 Mr. _____ Murphy Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 runs movie theater in Greenville, WI Mr. _____ Murphy Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 patient; Chris; Memorial Officer _____ Murphy Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 OPD Officer ____Murphy David Courier 1990-94 Valerie Murphy Toni Lewis 2002 Adam Munson's lawyer Sergeant ____ Musgraves Josh Pais 2004 patient at DeerBrook Mr. _____ Myers ????? 2004 Chris' tailor _____ Myers Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Worldwide employee; mentioned by Dusty Sally Myers Liz Holtan 2009 Eliza's babysitter; bribed by Paul to set up Meg Mabel owner of Mabel's Red Hots Maggie Task 1991 Lynne Lipton 1996-97 Mac _____ ????? 2009 cameraman; WOAK Madeline Barbara Gulan 1998 reporter Madison _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Sage's friend; redhead Magda Judy Gold (between 2000 - 02) wedding security guard Maggie _____ ????? 02-29-2008 waitress; Al's Diner Maggie Joanna Wolff 1998 the little girl Julia and Jack helped Maggie _____ ????? 02-20-2009 costume designer; WOAK Maggie Erica Thomas 2009-10 Johnny's babysitter/ nanny Nurse Maggie ????? 2/19/10 Maggie Cheryl Ann Leaser 2007 Magnifico Ryan Oakes 2006 magician Mahalia Gammy Singer helped James Stenbeck Malcolm _____ ????? 11 -2009 Mike's pit captain Mandy Victoria DeMare 1999 student Mandy ????? 4/2/2010 (Henry) Manny Holter Graham 1/19/2008 medical examiner Marcello _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Henry's wine merchant Marcia _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Sage's friend Marco Mario Campanaro 1994 Jordi Caballero 1994 Marco ????? 2/1984 stopped Richard from killing Gunther Marcy Meghan Strange 1999 Marcy Larisa B. Emanuele 2009 Margaret Ruth Kulerman waitress Margarita Ida Bernadini flower lady "Mental" Marge Cheryl Moore 2001 Margery Mary McTigue Maria Marissa Chibas 1986 Maria Judith Delgado 6/4/2008 WOAK Administrator Maria Jackie Cossett Marie Claire Winters 2006 Marie ????? 8/17/04 friend of Alison's at shower Marilyn Melissa Johnson 1990-94 Lyla's Nanny for little Katie Marilyn Marla Sucharetza 1998 dated Jack Marilyn Lisa Jolley stage manager Marj Robin Groves 1987 Mark ????? 4/14/2010 + VIenna Mark _____ ????? 11-06-2009 child #1; Philadelphia food bank Marla Buffy Cannon 2002 Rhodes College Marlena Ingrid Whittakher 1997 Marsha Stacie Linardos 1997 waitress Marsha ????? with Liberty and Parker 6/4/2010 Aunt Martha (voice-over) Glynis Bell 7/1999 Martin Blaise Hemingway 2001 Martino James Soviero 2001 Employee, David Stenbeck Marty _____ ????? 06-13-2008 Al's Diner Marty _____ ????? 07-04-2008 cameraman; WOAK Mary Kristen Stewart Chase 2006 Mary Annie Mistak 12-10-2009 ghost; Brad's friend Nurse Mary ????? 2/11/2010 Mary _____ ????? 11-04-2009 actress in Noah's film Mary _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Faith and Natalie's friend Mary Beth Heather MacRae model Mary Elizabeth Never Seen, Mentioned classmate, Faith 2010 Mary Lou _____ ????? 12-11-2008 Yo's patron; mistaken for a stripper by Henry Mason Never Seen, Mentioned (Claudia Colfax's first husband) Matt Scott DeFrietas 1984 rude teen Maurice John Reger 2004 Barbara's limo driver Max Marcus Schenkenberg 2000 Java Manager Max John Jenis maitre'd Max ____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 WOAK Max Sean Hemeon 2002 Virginia Common Max Ryan Link 2006 Max Tim Kubart 2005 Max Craig Chester Max Scott Brown 4/17/2006 Max Alex Garcia (Darke) 2005 Maynard Dick Martinsen 1986 Megan Katie Lowes 2004-05 Aaron's friend Megan Kristina Apgar 2004 dated Clark Mei Ling Elaine Tse 1996 Mel Jan Austell messenger Mel Jessamyn Bradley 7/31/2007 kidnapping witness Melanie Dontee Kiehn 2005 assistant, Craig Nurse Melanie _____ ????? 02-18-2009 works with Katie's fertility specialist at Memorial Melvin Greg Moody businessman Melissa Wendy Allyn 2004 Nurse Melissa ????? 6/3/08 Mercedes Laura Sametz divorcee with Simon Merle Kevin Thomas Mia _____ ????? 01-14-2009 Alison's colleague Mia Athena Curry 12/2007 Michael ????? 3/17/2010 Deerbrook Attendant Michelle Never Seen, Mentioned Molly's Assistant Miguel Eddie Andino Hotel clerk Mike George Gerdes 5/86 Mikki Jane Krakowski 1983 Frannie's friend Mildred Julie Jirousek maid Mildred Marilyn Redfield 7/87 Millie Kit Flanagan Julia's supervisor Millie _____ ????? 06-12-2009 Fairwinds maid Mimi Julia Murray 5/84 friend of Diana McColl Mindy _____ ????? 12-11-2009 Al's Diner waitress; Janet's colleague Miranda Linda Warren Miranda Jackie Hoffman 10/17/2007 Miranda Sarah Viccelleo (Clements) 2007 ?? Missy ????? September 1983 Maurice Vermeil's companion on the cruise; secretary Mitzi Sue Ellen Estey waitress Moe Brian Huskey 2005 Mona ______ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Al's Diner waitress; Janet's colleague Mona Kim Sweeney + Damian Monica _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 called Kim; WOAK?? Mother Monica Margaret Hall 1991 Mother Superior Monica Jennifer Karr 1985 spoke to Cal Randolph; Barbara's model Monique Eleanor Handley 2010 Doctors without borders Monty _____ ????? 07-23-2009 owner of the Chicago restaurant where Teri worked Morgan _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Faith's classmate Morlin Peter Dinklage 2002 Protector Murray Jerry Matz 1985 Murray Bill Christ 2000 Security Guard Murray Matt Walton 2000 Rose's Friend Mya Martha Milian 2005 Myra Claudia Rocafort 1996 Nurse ____ Nash Beth Glover Dr. ___ Nassir ????? 6/14/2010 Janet's OB/GYN Officer ____ Nathans ????? 1/19/05 Luis (Vasquez) Navarro Gilbert Cruz 1994 Dr. ___ Neil ????? June 1957 Jim Lowell's surgeon in Florida unable to save him ___ Nelson Michael Mulheren 1996 Blythe Nelson Shelley Conger 1989-93 (occasional) debutante; WOAK anchorwoman; dated Tonio Ellis Nelson Kurt Robin McKinney 2010 Craig's thieving accountant Sandy Nelson Melinda Page Hamilton Elroy Nevins Cliff Weissman 1992-93 brutally raped Margo with Sam Fickett Gerald Nevins (aka Gray Gerard) Dominic Fumusa 2008 won Al's Diner from Henry, Elroy's brother that went after Margo for payback Herbert Newman Marshall Travers' lawyer Robert Stanton 2003 Terrence Mann 2003-04 Monica Newman Vickie Patik August 1979 Dates Ian causing Dana to be jealous Dr Adam Newton ????? 1967 doctor who befriends Bob/Sandy on their honeymoon in Vermont Mr. _____ Nguyen Dalton Leong 1988 Dr. -___ Niarchos Gregory Roziakis 6/1987 "Big" Vinnie Nichols Lanny Flaherty 4/83 convict uprising at prison Anne Nielsen Never Seen, Mentioned dated David Allen (Stenbeck) Jens Nillson Jens Martin Krummell Gregory Noble Christian Baskous 1992 Detective ____ Nolan Ben Thomas 1986 Dr. _____ Nolan ????? 2008-11-03 doctor with Josie in Sandusky, OH Judge _____ Nolan Jerry Mayer 1998 Officer _____ Nolte Darren Pettie 2002 Billy (Hughes) Norbeck Daniel Menake 2005 stillborn son of Gwen and Casey Colton "Cole" Norbeck Chris Heusler 2007;2008 son of Iris,father of Hallie Munson with Sofie Duran; drug addict; killed Sofie for hiding money; went to jail Mr. _____ Nordoff Never Seen, Mentioned 12/74 Pa Hughes competition for Irma Kopecki James 'Jim' Norman James Broderick 1962 lawyer who became engaged to Ellen Cole not knowing she had a child. When Betty Stewart died, Ellen hoped she might gain custody of her son so she confessed all to Jim, secretly hoping that as a married woman her chances would be greater. Jim realized Ellen was using him and broke the engagement. Brad Norris Marcus Diamond 1983 Frank Norris Steven Marcus Inspector Edwin Norton Christopher Wynkoop 1988 Colin Fox 1988 Paul Norton ????? April 17 1957 widowed lawyer working at Lowell law firm Albert Norville Kevin Carrigan 2001 former Montgomery and Associates employee turned bartender Miss _____ Nussbaum Marina Zenovitch Dr. ___ Nutton Greg Zittel Nan Melanie Vaughn 2007 waitresss Nancy Dawn Yanek 2007 Naomi Dorothy Lyman 8/23/2004 the maid Nassos Titos Vandis 1983-84 fisherman Nate Kelly Neal 1997\ Nate, Cameron Scott 2000 Bryant's bruh Neal Michael Gaston Neia Never Seen, Mentioned Sarah's mother Nello Spiro Malas 1987 Nick Brandon Dooling 6/10/09 Parker's friend Nick Neal Huff 1992 homeless kid Nick Chance Kelly 1997 Nicole Brandhyze Stanley model Nicole Joselin Reyes 2003 Alison's cellmate 98 Degrees -- Band Justin Jaffrey 1999 Drew Lachey 1999 Nick Lachey 1999 Jeff Timmons 1999 Norman Jerrome Clark guard Harvey O'Bannion Never Seen, Mentioned Parkinson's patient, Chris 2010 Officer ____ O'Brien David McDonald 1990 _____ O'Connell Never Seen Mentioned 2008 subject of a case Margo worked on Matt O'Connor Eric William Morris 2008-09 met Casey in jail and joined him in Oakdale Father O'Hara Arthur Anderson 1989 Agent ___ O'Malley Abraham Smith 03-06-2008 Homeland Security Sister Mary Catherine O'Malley Tresa Hughes (Young) Tara Falk Mary Pat O'Neal Barbara Garrick 1987 met Dusty at Rose's diner Officer ____ O'Neill Krista LePore 2000; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2009; 2010 Officer Kevin O'Reilly Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Miami P.D.; Bonnie's contact Officer ____ O'Reilley Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Siobhan O'Rourke Priscilla Shanks 1993 April O'Shea Garland Hunter 1990 Aiden O'Toole George Heslin Mister _____ Oleson ????? November 1981 banker that opened an account for Lydia Marlowe -- with Miranda's money1 Angus Olliver James Rebhorn Reid's uncle, arrived post Reid's death Mrs. ___ ___ Olliver Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Mr . __ Olliver Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Dr. Reid Olliver Eric Sheffer Stevens 2010 (Young) in video ???? 2010 Unapologetic, arrogant and witty doctor brought in to cure Noah by Luke; moved in with Katie and son Jacob; started to fall for Luke before getting killed off, donating his heart to Chris Hughes. One of the best written gay characters in daytime--- Noah should have been driving over those train tracks Celia Ortega Alyssa Diaz 2004-05 singer, Rafael's sister, dated Casey Rafael (Rafi) Ortega boxer, Celia's brother; dated Luc A.J. Lamas 2004-05 Michael Cardelle 2005 Officer _____ Ortiz Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 OPD Beverly ____ Overton Mary Elaine Monti 1994 Charlotte Overton Julie Potter 1993-94 Dr. Bradley Cooper Owens Paul Rolfes 2003 Dr. ____ Owens Bryan Hicks 1997 *********** Kevin O'Malley Kevin O'Malley 5/27/07 Robin __ O'Malley Robin __ O'Malley 5/27/07 Couple that won a day with Brad and Katie Olga Ann Marie Cusson 3/9/2009 babysitter Olga Charley King 2005 "The Amazon" at the spa Olga Nereida 1983 maid Francois Pacoud Katy Selverstone 2010 Lucinda's French employee Major Page Leon Janney 1964 head of Military School Gregory Paget Never Seen, Mentioned Tennis bum/hit and run victim of Joyce Colman Joseph Palladino Victor Arnold 1992 father of Marsha McKay Mary __ Palladino Bernice Masse 1992 mother of Marsha McKay Sergio Palma ????? October 2002 photographer with Mallory Malloy to take pics of Jack Snyder Stan "Mr. Pants" Pantoliano Michael Crecco 2009 Inspector ___ Pappas Greek policeman Alex Oliensis 1988 James Michael Gregary 1988 Peter Paramour ????? 3/1982 dated Ellen Bernie Parker ????? 1984 Bart Montgomery's treacherous business partner Albert Parks Jeff Talbott 7&8/2005 Attorney ___ Parsons Never Seen, Mentioned Mother of Amy Hughes Mrs. ____ Parsons Augusta Dabney 1973-74 Amy H's Grandmother Mr. ______ Parsons William Prince 1973-74 Amy H's Grandfather Barry Partridge ????? Gentleman that makes faux jewelry that met Marcy Thompson on a plane to England 6/28/1985 Armando Pastrana Never Seen, Mentioned Memorial' janitor's Union 2010 Mr. _____ Patel Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 customer; Al's Diner Mr. ____ Patel ????? manager of Vegas hotel Menasha Patel ????? 07-01-2009 JKR Communications; with Dusty and Lily George Patelli Vyto Ruginis 1988-89 history teacher; drugged Andy and tried to kill Lien; Vietnam vet Ed Patterson Robert Michael Tomlinson 1988 Frank Patterson John LaGioia 1980 PI worked for John Dixon Artemio Paz Roger DeKorven 1985 5/12/04 Jacobo Esteban's best friend Ms. _____ Peabody Virginia White 1989 Mr. _____ Peacock Eric Deskin 01-05-2009 Henry's book signing Hester "Miss Thompson" Pearce Jacqueline Brookes 1969-70 patient of Bob Hughes; confessed to Bob for killing Michael Shea then died. Tom was in jail for the murder and no one could prove her guilt Trooper ____ Pearson Andrew Call 2006 Trainer Agent ___ Pendleton Marc Webster 2001 INS Agent Gil Penn Van Hughes 2006-07 Mitch Pepper Jon Rowland 2002 student at Franklin College - stole Aaron's Motorcycle Juanita Pererra Vivianne E . Castanos 1989 Montegan uprising Manuel Pererra John Enrique Varea 1988 Montega Adelaide Peretti ????? 1987 ; 89Casey's aunt Dr. Casey Peretti Bill Shanks 1986-90 Frannie's ex, saved her from Marsha Talbot; delivered Chris Hughes at the Hughes cabin; dated Taylor Baldwin; fell in love with Lyla and fathered Katie. Was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, was paralyzed, and begged Margo to pull the plug. She did. Claudia Peretti Alice Barrett 1988 Casey's cousin Gino Peretti ????? 1987 ; 1989 Casey's nephew Joe Peretti Frank Biancamano 1987-90 Casey's dad; heard tape of Casey begging Margo Lorraine ___ Peretti ????? 1987;1989 Shaun's wife; Gino and Tony's mother Nurse Lyla Crawford Montgomery Peretti Ex-wife of Bart, the father of Craig and Cricket;had an affair with John Dixon fathering Margo. Sister of attorney Maggie Crawford; engaged to Bob Hughes, dated Frank Andropoulos and Larry McDermott; married Casey and had Katie; lost Casey and was engaged to Cal. Rented room in her home; chanteuse, left town on tour. Veleka Gray 1980 Lee Bryant 1985; 1986 Temporary Anne Sward 1980-93; 2000 Maureen Pettigrew Peretti Luce Ennis 1987-90 Casey's mother Michael Peretti ????? 1987 Casey's brother Rose ___ Peretti Miriam Phillips 1987-89 Casey's grandmother Seraphina Peretti ????? 11/6, 24, &25 1987 Casey's aunt Shawn Peretti ????? Casey's brother 1987; 1989 Tony Peretti ????? Casey's nephew 1987; 1989 Arturo Perez Gilberto Companion Henry Perkins James Callahan Neil Perkins Michael Izquierdo 2008 lab tech; murder victim of Evan Walsh IV Officer ____ Perkins Brian Letscher Andre Perrin Scott Hampton 2003 boyfriend, Jennifer Judge Peters Never Seen, Mentioned 1978 father of Karen involved in illegal activities Karen Peters (aka Karen Parker) Leslie Denniston 1978 arrived in Oakdale on the run from her father and fiance, district attorney Walter Vested who was trying to convict the judge. Dated Bob Hughes as a cover, but when all was said and done, she was involved in the crime syndicate, as was Walter. All three went to jail Mr.____ Peters David Byron 1999 Mr. _____ Peters ????? = 07-04-2008 guest on Oakdale Now; bookstore owner? Dr. Anthony Peterson Brad Schmidt 2002 Miss ___ Peterson Simon Gilbey's Executive Assistant Nancy Andrews 1970 Margaret Hamilton 1970 Mrs. ____ Tenney Peterson Never Seen, Mentioned mother of Molly, sister of Ray Ms. _____Peterson Never Seen, Mentioned daughter of Alison's patient 2010 Mr. _____ Peterson Never Seen, Mentioned patient of Alison 2010 Mr. ____ Peterson Never Seen, Mentioned father of Molly Violet Peterson Nancy Reilly 1987 hooker Diane ___ Petrie Barbara Eda-Young 1988 Herb's wife Herb Petrie station manager, had affair with and was killed by crazy Laura Simmons Stan Tracy 1988 James Gleason 1988 Nurse Connie Petrillo Felicia Dyer 1995 Loretta Pettigrew Never Seen, Mentioned 1987 Casey's aunt Dr. Dick Phalen Irving Allen Lee 1990-92 Isaiah Whitlock 1993 Officer ____ Phelps Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Officer Oscar Phelps Chris Lucas 2002 Bill Phillips Craig Wroe 2008 Barbara's banker George Phillips Robert Blackburn 1992-93 Gus Phillips Sal Vaccarino Henry's associate 2000; 1/17/01 Lloyd Phillips Damien Leake 1989 abused his wife, Amy who married Roy F. Steve Phillips Patrick Boll 2006 Dolores ___ Snyder Pierce Valerie Perrine 1998-99 Jack and Brad's wretched Mom Frank Pierce Never Seen, Mentioned 1998-99 second husband of Dolores Hester Blake Pierce Ann Stanchfield 1979 Martin Blake's sister, Martin Hadley's maid that killed his wife, Ruth and tried to kill Lisa Inspector Pierce ????? 1985 came to Oakdale investigating Lady Veronica Cushing's death/murder Reverend ____ Pierce Mitchell McGuire 1991 Doris __ Pierpont Mary D'Arcy 1987 Duncan McKechnie's ex Agatha __ Pierson Cordis Heard 1/10/96 Damian's Aunt Charles Pierson Ben George 1987 Duncan's employee that was on James Stenbeck's payroll to ruin his shipping company Inspector Jean Piette Gerard Touroul Officer ____ Pikus Kevin Geer 9/94 Herbert Pinely Edward McPhillips 1987 groundskeeper Ana [Anna?] Pinnarossa Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Gia's mother; daughter of a bastard Grimaldi child; fought for her father's share of the Grimaldi fortune; killed by the Grimaldi family Gia Pinnarossa Melinda Sullivan 04-2009 aka Zoe Finn Miss ___ Piper Polly Adams 1996 Owen Pitt Michael Cannis Mrs. _____ Plank Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 East Lake Academy Jamie Platt David Norton 1978-79 hung out with Betsy and Lois Gary Podvitz Rocky Stone 1990 Dr. ____ Polk ????? 8/1975 Joyce's OBGYN Dennis Poole Dennis Poole 1979 dancer in sequence where Dana McFarland remembers her previous ballet career. Tom Pope Attorney that dated Penny. Let her go when he heard her profess her love for Jeff Baker Hal Hamilton 1957 Biff McGuire (Temporary) 1958 Charles Baxter 1957-58 ____ Porter Jason Schuler 2000 Dr. ___ Porter Stephen James 1992-93 Nurse Gloria Porter ????? Oct 78 ... nurse at Memorial who contacted Jane Spencer to tell her that dying patient Rose Lange(Beau's real mother) wanted to see her. Greg Porter Joshua Sutton Luke Porter Ted Agress 1975-76 Margaret's husband that slept with his brother, Ralph's wife, Natalie Bannon Margaret ___ Porter Kathleen Noone May - June 1976 Luke's cuckolded wife Ralph Porter Never Seen, Mentioned 1975-76 Natalie's husband that overdosed Bruno Portolano Jaime Passer 2001 Craig's business associate, friend of Rose, smitten with Katie ___ Posner Dean Harrison 1996 Bud Potter ????? 5/1984 beat up Craig Morgan Powell Eric Martin Brown 2005 Skip Powell Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 army guy Lt. Hasbro brought up with Riley Morgan Reverend ____ Powers Walter Hudson 1995 Mr. ____Prager ????? Meg's Attorney 5/25/10 Louella __ Pratt Kathleen Butler 2002 headmistress of Wentworth Academy; Alison broke her trophy Will Pratt Gordon Lockwood 1985-86 assistant, Marsha Talbot Dr. Bert Prendergrast Patrick Melville 2-11-2009 Reg; neurosurgeon at Memorial Mike Prendergrast Michael Landrum Dr. David Prentice Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 fertility doctor Atty. _____ Prescott Jeremiah Wiggins 07-24-2009 prosecutor Dr. ____ Prescott George Rose 1975-1976 Chief of Staff at Oakdale Memorial. Called for investigation into Norman Garrison's death under pressure from John Dixon. Douglas Prescott John O'Hurley 1988 Dr. _____Pressman Mark Irish 2010 diagnosed Liberty's Leukemia ___ Price James Ciccone 2010 card player Leland Price Gregg Edelman 9/1/2010 Mr. ____ Price Don Creech parole officer 1998 Reverend _____ Price Bill Massof 12-07-2009 remarried Damian & Lily Dr. Richard Price Murphy Guyer 1999 Edith ____ Prisk Ronnie Farer 2007 informed Lily that many babies were ill and Lucinda must be notified Judge _____ Pritzker Brian Smiar 2010 Hermione Proulx Jacqueline Bertrand Lucas Pryor Mark Garfield 1989-90 Lombard family employee Tony Pugliese Nick Adams 2010 Tonya Pugliese Diana Bologna 2010 Dr. Bill Purcell Eugene Boles 1990 Mrs. ___ ___ Putnam Marcella Martin Rick Putnam Tony Cummings February 1985 photographer that tried to rape Marcy Ronald Putney Jay Russell 3/25/2004 St. Bart's hotel desk clerk Paddington Peter Noone 2002 butler Nurse Pam Claire Byrne 07-10-2009 Meg's friend from the hospital; babysat Eliza Pamela Never Seen, Mentioned 1976 Mary Ellison's friend Paolo John LaGioia concierge Paolo Frank Fortunato Lucinda's trainer Pat David Margulies bartender Pat Dyon Donley biker chick Patrice Susan Barry from the spa Dr. Patrick _____ David Shih 12-02-2008 Paul's doctor Patti Nikki Doney Patty Kate Skinner 2007 Waitress Patty ????? Metro 3/1/10 Patty _____ ????? 11-04-2009 with Damian Paula Lois Robbins Pearl Never Seen, Mentioned Nancy Hughes' sister Peg ????? 5/2007 Lakeview Desk Clerk Peggy Beth B. Austin at the salon Nurse Peggy _____ Heidi Kristoffer 08-26-2008 [possibly around much longer in '08? could even be the Nurse Peggy in '10??] Nurse Peggy ????? 5/4/10 Madame Penelope Melina Kalomas 2008 seer Percy Never Seen, Mentioned WOAK video editor Perri Ann Dowd 5/5/2009 childbirth instructor at Memorial Officer Pete ????? 12/14/09 Pete Andrew Lubeskie 1987 Peter ????? 1979 from the Plakka Peter James Michael Bryan maitre'd Peter Jack Walker 11/28/05 meth dealer Peter Miguel Darga security guard Peter Jamil Mena 2006 Peter Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 Ethan's friend Petey ????? 8/15/97 Jack's shady contact Phil _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 WOAK Phil _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 called Dusty Phil Never Seen, Mentioned owner of Phil's gas station Phoenix Sabrina Lloyd 3/94 hooker Phyllis (aka Cha Cha) ????? 4/84 that dated Bob Phyllis Erin Fritch Phyllis Tamara Lewis 2003-04; 2005 the Fairwinds Maid Pierce Greg Connelly 2010 private investigator Pietro Rocco Parente 1996 Priscilla Betsy Aidem apartment manager Prue Christine Toy Johnson coordinator Mr. ____ Quick Joe Wisniewski 2009 _____Quinlan W.T. Martin 1996 Officer ___ Quincy ????? 7/26/06 Barry Quinlan Tom McBride Lonnie Quinn Lonnie Quinn 2009 worked at CBS as weatherman with Molly Peter Quinn Danny Johnson 2006 Q Lee Wong 2005 More from AS THE WORLD TURNS as we combine our additions! @P.J. already a lot more information added! Edited February 8 by slick jones 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted February 8 Members Share Posted February 8 (edited) thanks @slickjones these are invaluable! Edited February 8 by P.J. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted February 9 Author Members Share Posted February 9 (edited) AS THE WORLD TURNS - ADDITIONS Most of these are courtesy of @Paul Raven. Richard Fairchild III (Faux) wanted to kill Gunnar; lies that he is a wealthy businessman but takes a job as janitor. Obsessed with Barbara. Shot Bob in a murder swap with an unwitting John.Wanted to kill Gunnar Norman Snow November 1983 Franco ????? 1982 gang leader that threatens Margo Nurse Connie Fuller Wendy Girard August- December 1979 dated John Freddie ????? April 1983 dated Sam Jones; jealous of Tucker Foster Nurse Francine Chris McGinn May 14, 1999 - ? 1999 Professor Mason Jarvis Forbes March 7/14/2008 - 11/16/2009 Noah's advisor in the film department Irma Kopecki Hughes Never Seen, Mentioned Married Will ""Grandpa" Hughes and moved to Arizona Not seen but discussed in 1965, possibly earlier Gar Kramer ?????? 1976 - 77 Natalie was selling houses & not reporting the sales to Gar William "Grandpa" Hughes noble patriarch of the Hughes clan. later married Irma Kopecki William Lee April 28 -April ? 56 possibly only 1 day Santos Ortega 56-76 Valerie Reynolds Conway Thompson Keith sister of Jason Reynolds, Kim's first husband and his twin brother Benjamin. Dated Bob, knew Kevin .Owned a farm outside Oakdale.Dated Dan to annoy Kim whom she blames for breaking up her romance by paying off ex lover. Decides to stay in town and renovate the farm. Ex husband Nick tries to kill her. Finally decides that her heart belongs to Dan, which Bob understands. Renews closeness with Kim,agrees to marry Dan but the wedding is cancelled when Dan and Kim discover Susan engineered their breakup. Returns to Bob causing Lisa to be jealous, begins to have feelings for Grant now reconciled with Lisa. Finally bonded w Alex over their desire for a married person. Grows close to and adopts Kate. Marries Alex and leaves town. Judith McConnell April 1976- December 1979 Matt Kelly (Lockwood) John Tripp April – September 1979 (?December 1979) Jay Stallings' former cellmate who goes to work for Jay, Brother of Chip, who was involved in a robbery.Briefly dated Melinda. Ron Gillette ran Julie Snyder's modeling agency Tony Carlin 92-93 Malcolm Gets October 27 - ??/??/1994 Al Groves ????? May 16 1957 patron at Purple Parrot Club knows of John Hughes Mr. ____ Grover ????? Dec 1957 owner of sweet shop who witnessed altercation b/w Jeff and Al James. Juliette Hanovan Tracy Kolis May 1984 - May 1985 half-sister, Steve Andropoulos; pianist; engaged to Kent Bradford; raised by "uncle" Raymond Speer Timothy Harkness ????? 7/84 prison guard paid by Whit to lie to Steve that he didn't know his father. Brad Hollister Peter Brouwer December 1979 - 81 geologist Flirtation with Lisa, opens a silver mine outside Oakdale, married Annie, con man Dr. Leonard Howell Robert Elston ? 81 – December 81 blackmailed by Miranda . Made LSD in hospital lab. Miranda Marlowe Hughes international criminal, sister of Lydia, mother of Bilan with "Jacques" aka "The Corsican", briefly married Bob Hughes; blackmailed Len Howell to produce LSD. left town with Antoine Bisset Elaine Princi March 81- March 1983 Contract; March 1983 - December 16, 1983 Mary ___ Ellison Hughes widowed by Brian, they had adopted Teddy (Ryder), the son of Joyce and Grant Colman, secretary- befriends and assists John Dixon with his book. Involved with Ralph, marries Don Hughes, mother of Christina Kelly Wood 1975; Jan 76 - Nov 80; 1993 Janet Bell Oct 1988 Nancy and Dan's wedding John Hughes AKA Jack Higgins farmer brother of Chris and Edith Laurence Hugo 56- 57 Walter Burke early 60s Harry Haywood David Froman December 1981 - ???? bodyguard, James District Attorney _____ Jackson ????? March 1979 works with Grant to gather evidence on Hank Robinson Mr. ____ Jason Joe Silver Oct 57 -? 58 District Attorney Chris consults him over the verdict in his brother John's (Jack Higgins) trial in California 2 years previously. Also prosecutor in Jeff Baker trial. Jake Larry Laboe 1984 old flame of Diana McColl wants to resume affair Alan Harder ????? March 83 involved with Bilan much to Miranda's displeasure Kirk ????? 1980 offers Barbara a job but James interferes. Dr. Alexander Keith brusque head of surgery who clashes with Dan Stewart. Protective of Mark Lewis, a family friend . Attracted to Kim as she resembles Mark's mother with whom he was in love. Susan became attracted to him as they worked closely helping Mark but Alex confided in her his feelings for Kim. Eventually married Valerie, they adopted Kate. Jon Cypher September 1977- December 1979 Kate (Emerson) Keith Rachael Kelly January – December 79 12 yr old orphan adopted by Valerie and Alex Ken Ed O'Ross March 82 co- worker at odds with Steve at construction site Jillian Marion York 84- June 1985 Brian's Secretary who made moves on him following his split from Barbara George ????? 1981 student who brings PCP laced joints to party Eric smokes one and freaks out. Became infatuated with Dee and made anonymous phone calls. Wonder if this may be George Ferris (see above.) Mr. Hwa C.S. Lee April 2005 impostor hired by Paul to pretend to be a Singapore businessman that Craig wants to meet. Melba Moore Melba Moore singer performs 'Falling' September 18, 1986 Arthur Meyers ???? divorce lawyer acting on behalf of Neil Wade in his proposed divorce from Penny 1965 Mr. ___ Moore ????? January 1965 patient referred to Bob Hughes by David Stewart Greg Morgan ????? January 1965 - ???? 1965 young attorney in Chris Hughes' law firm; takes Carol Dunn on a double date with Bob Hughes and Sylvia Hill Mrs. Marion__ Lake ????? 1965 -? Dr. Doug Cassen's secretary. replaced Ms. Saunders; never had children, which Doug reflected on while deciding to tell Neil Wade that he was his father. Went on a few dates with David Stewart. Mark Lewis Biff Warren September 1977- March 78 18 yr old orphan patient with blood disease under Susan and Alex Keith's care. Befriended by Dee Stewart. Ed Lawremce ????? May 16 1957 real estate agent working with Janice at Harmon real estate. She agrees to a date. Mrs. __ __ Link ????? 1965 patient of Doug Cassen 1day role u/5 Lydia Marlowe Zsa Zsa Gabor November 20 - ?1981 Miranda's sister Zurich based jewelry designer. Tracks Miranda to Oakdale and is furious that Miranda is passing off her designs as her own. Miranda confesses, claiming she was trying to help Lydia,(in reality she was posing as a jewelry designer to cover her criminal activities) gets a request fom Lisa for more pieces, so returns to Switzerland. Sandy Martin Never Seen, Mentioned 1957 College student who dated Ellen 1957 Dana Woodward McFarland Deborah Hobart March 1979- Dec 1979 friend of Penny whom she met in London, former wife of Ian M., Ballerina; engaged to Bob Hughes. Calls off engagement to return to dance. Lonnie Maxwell Matthew Cowles August 1983 Bobbi's husband; involved in coin caper with Steve/Betsy; kidnaps Steve when is on the run Dr _____Meltzer ????? August 1977 Joyce's doctor Stu Miller ????? May 15 1957 engaged to Doris Ruelling student at Cornell Penny meets when visiting Chuck Henderson Dr Adam Newton ????? 1967 doctor who befriends Bob/Sandy on their honeymoon in Vermont Dr. ___ Neil ????? June 1957 Jim Lowell's surgeon in Florida unable to save him Paul Norton ????? April 17 1957 widowed lawyer working at Lowell law firm There are many dates and character tidbits added that I forgot to copy for ATWT as well. GENERAL HOSPITAL Natalia Rogers-Ramirez Added 1/27/2025 -- "reminds" Lucy that she and Sonny are headed to L. A. to see an investor (really a doctor's appointment); 2/7/2025 -- with Sonny in Los Angeles at the cardiologist's office; he tells her he needs to find the bomber before he can have the pace-maker put in Nurse ????? 2/7/2025 -- Los Angeles Cardiologist's Office with Sonny/Natalia Romeo ????? 1/27/2025 Bartender at the PC Grille (Natalia/Lucy) Gail (Turning Woods Nurse) added 1/27/2025 --sings Cyrus's praises to Elizabeth and Lucky; prints a list of patients Cyrus visited; 2/7/2025 -- thanked by Elizabeth for her help; tells Cyrus he needs to speak to Ferner Desk Nurse Turning Woods Robyn Lynne Norris 1/27/2025 tells Liz and Lucky that TRina is not in Tara (Turning Woods Nurse) Never Seen 1/27/2025 Nurse that Eizabeth knew at Turning Woods that isn't working the day Elizabeth and Lucky arrive to see her Ferner added 1/27/2025 -- angry that Lucky is on the premises and threatens to have him removed. Lucky threatens a lawsuit because of Lulu to keep him occupied while the list prints out; 2/7/2025 -- meets with Cyrus; explains that he is o longer wecome to visit patients at Turning Woods. Tells him that misrepresenting himself in Lulu's interests may lead to legal issues for T. W. Mrs. __ __Brown Never Seen, Mentioned 2/7/2025 Patient at Turning Woods that Cyrus planned to visit Emma Scorpio-Drake Added 1/28/2024 -- at the nail salon with Felicia and Anna; caught out for neaking out, reveals she was at a fund raiser because PCU still tests on live animals; 1/29/2025 -- goes to the Q Mansion to see if Gio would play a fund raiser geared toward "older people"; 2/3/2025 -- at the Surf Lodge with Maxie, overhears a discussion between Maxie and Sasha and makes an assumption; listens to Gio prattling on Martin Grey Added 1/27/2025 -- insults Lucy, deals with Drew; 1/29/2025 -- at the salon for a manicure, snipes with Tracy; 2/6/2025 -- with Wallow on the phone she's moved out; hired by Lois to protect her secret -- Gio is BLQ's son; spars with Tracy over Wallow moving out Yuri Added 1/27/2025 -- not seen, threatened Drew to stay away Deejay ????? 4/23/2024 The Surf Lodge with Stella, Joss and Trina; The Surf Lodge with Joss and Dex, Michael and Wallow; ????? 11/12/2024 Joss, Trina, Kai and Quinn; 2/3/2025 -- asks Emma what she is doing in the booth Lulu Spencer Falconeri Added 1/27/2025 -- meets with Laura, discusses Lucky/Sidwell situation.. 1/29/2021 -- runs into Anna, discuss shooting (Charlotte). Tells Anna she understands the situation, and doesn't blame her; 1/30/2025 -- tells Maxie that Sam was murdered; discuss Lulu's love and Dante... 1/31/2025 -- discusses Rocco, Charlotte/Valentin and is she still in love with Dante? 2/3/2025 -- goes to Cody's to find Dante. Apologizes for the way she's been acting and tells Dante to grieve at his own pace; 2/4/2025 arrives late (a bit) to the Deception meeting to assist BLQ. witnesses Carly blast Drew for banging Wallow on the Quartermaine property. 2/5/2025 -- Deception meeting goes sideways after Carly publicly outs Drew having sex with Wallow in Michael's house; ends up at the bar talking to Anna about Brennan. Leans Valentin was in Baden Baden. 2/7/2025 -- with Laura; talk about Brennan, Lulu is following Equestrian sites to try and track down Charlotte; Cyrus approaches her and she rages at him, threatening him with the restraining order. Cyrus tells her she has no idea what he has done for her. Lulu goes to Anna for help. MetroCourt Bartender ???? 2/5/2025 Anna and Lulu Spa Attendant (Esthetitian) Ryan Bernales 1/28/2025 sets up Jack Brennan in spa (Baden Baden) Jack Brennan Added 1/28/2025 -- in Baden Baden with Carly; invites her to the hotel's spa; attacked by Valentin in the massage room; 1/29/2025 rescued by Carly; 1/30/2025 -- admit that though he's been covering for Valentin -- ad that he didn't send anyone to kill him -- that he's done now that Valentin tried to kill him. Charles Mesure -- December 1, 2023 - 1/30/2025 Chris L. McKenna 2/4/2025 - Present 2/4/2025 -- Recast -- on the flight back from Baden Baden talks with Carly about not moving forward, yet... at Austin's old house in the woods with Collette-- she tells him this is Cyrus's backup spot. They decide to letosslyn discover it on her own to further the investigation. 2/6/2025 -- with Josslyn discussing leads to Dex's killer, bumps into Carly Alwin Carter Glade 1/29/2025 -- Baden Baden Spa; Carly looking for Brennan's room Hub Nurse ????? 1/29/2025 Manicurist ????? 1/29/2025 doing Tracy's nails, gets criticized Kai Taylor Added 1/28/2025 reveals to Trina that if he plays football again, an injury could leave him paralyzed; Trina has Portia look over his chart; 1/31/2025 with Trina talking about re-habbing and maybe dropping out. 2/3/2025 -- has a visit from his buddy, Quinn. Quinn complains about the backup QB and Kai tells him he needs to step up and lead the others, because Kai can't do it now, or probably in the future. Trina sends Curtis directly in to speak from his own experiences and helps Kai see past the misery and look ahead, just a bit. Quinn Added 2/3/2025 visits Kai. When Kai tells him to step up to lead the team, because Kai can't play anymore. Quinn storms out. Runs into Trina and blames her Valentin Cassadine Added 1/28/2025 -- in Baden Baden attempting to kill Brennan; 1/29/2025 -- knocked out by Carly while trying to kill Brennan Mrs. Layla __ Chadd Never Seen, Mentioned 2/3/2025 -- Turning Woods patient that died in December following visits from Cyrus -- Elizabeth and Lucky speak to the family Dr. Lucas Jones Added 2/5/2025 -- discusses Brennan and danger with Carly; 2/6/2025 -- with Brad and Stella until Carly arrives to go to dinner; warns her not to go too far with Wallow/Drew; 2/7/2025 -- with Carly at the hospital -- warns her about Brennan and teaming with Nina to go after Drew; discusses Cyrus with Elizabeth. She tells him to keep Joss away from Cyrus; offers support to Wallow Colette Moreau Added 2/4/2025 shows Brennan Austin's old house in the woods that Cyrus uses for his "hide-away" for Joss to discover on her oewn. Dr. Isaiah Gannon Added 1/28/2025 -- with Portia; tells Alexis that someone killed Sam on purpose; 2/3/2025 -- Jordan informs Isaiah that Sidwell is in town. He says there are other doctors that he can kidnap. 2/4/2025 -- at the MetroCourt with Jordan but gets called away. Upon his return, he finds her chatting up Sidwell. After confronting the man who attempted to haver him murdered,he heads to the Surf Lodge. Jordan joins him and lets him know she's going to work Sidwell for information. Ric Lansing Added 1/31/2025 -- at lunch with Ava, go to Diane's to suggest joint custody; confronts Sonny; tries to rile up Kristina, but she won't flinch; 2/5/2025 -- interrupts Elizabth and Lucky bonding; tells her she can go back to work; agrees to find the terms to Cyrus' probation for Elizabeth, not Lucky. Jenz Sidwell Added 2/4/2025 -- MetroCourt and attempts to charm Jordan. She plays into his charm. Isaiah confronts Sidwell for trying to have him killed. Lucy tries to schmooze things ... 2/7/2025 -- meets with Drew and suggests Eminent Domain as a way to take Sonny's Pier that the coffeehouse is on; Laura arrives and suggests that Sidwell's money is tainted and he is untrustworthy, having tried to kill her son. Thug ????? 2/7/2025 -- trailed Natalia to Los Angeles and informs Sidwell that she's with Sonny at a top Cardiologist's office Brad Cooper Added 1/31/2025 -- working out at the gym to prep for the Miami Medical conference with Lucas; 2/5/2025 -- chases Cyrus out of the hospital, calling him a hypocrite; 2/6/2025 -- manipulates Portia, who tells him to "slow his roll" --Curtis gives him an ultimatum about hurting Portia or Stella; shows off his trainer's success to Stella and Lucas Personal Trainer ?????? 1/31/2025 training Brad at Voloninos Cyrus Renault Added 2/5/2025 -- thrown out of the hospital by Brad; goes back to his room and finds that someone opened his bible. 2/7/2025 -- Turning Woods -- inquires about Mrs. Brown. Told by Ferner that his visits are no longer welcome. Goes to Bobbie's for a bite to eat and runs into Lulu. She blasts him and wants to utilize the restraining order that Laura put into motion. Tells her she doesn't know how far he's gone for her Superintendant ????? 2/5/2025 Cyrus's building. Lets Josslyn into his room, believing she works with him at the ministry. Gio Palmieri Added 1/28/2025 -- talking about his Mother; 1/29/2025 -- visit from Emma; she wants to know if he would play the violin for a fund raising event to stop animal testing, a little put off when she refers to violin as old people music... 2/3/2025 -- discussing the fund raser and then Sasha's business; 2/6/2025 -- at Wallow's with Dante, Chase, Tracy and BLQ Lois Cerullo Q -- Added 1/28/2025 BLQ upset about working with Lulu; discusses baby BLQ gave up; 1/29/2025 -- at the nail salon with Olivia and Tracy discussing Sasha's pregnancy; called back to the mansion; comforts BLQ about Chase shooting blanks; BLQ begins to show more interest in the child she gave up. 1/29/2025 more about the baby given up for adoption; 2/3/2025 -- Lois agrees that BLQ telling Chase about the baby she gave up is a bad idea; 2/6/2025 -- hires Martin to protect her secret - Gio is BLQ and Dante's son; hustles Tracy out ofmartin's room Stella Henry Added 2/6/2025 -- admiring Brad's training; tells Curtis she believes Brad is attempting to be a better man. Selina Wu Added Collects $5,000.00 from Cody, offered him a job in a card game; has a meeting with Drew Q about beng Curtis' partner when Cody bursts in to go off on Drew and reveal that Sasha is pregnant by Jason (she's not). Alexei Added 2/4/2025 too late to keep Cody from interrupting Selina with Drew MetroCourt Waitress Lori Caulfield 2/4/2025 taking care of the Deception group (Tracy, BLQ, Lulu, Lucy and Maxie Danny Morgan Added 2/5/2025 --picked up by Molly at the mansion for an important conversation with Alexis, Molly and Kristina; 2/6/2025 -- filled in by Alexis, Molly and Kristina that his Mom was murdered. Wants to know if Jason knows yet; hears from Rocco that Cyrus is the main suspect Rocco Falconeri Added 2/6/2025 -- Overhears Dante and Chase discussing Sam's murder, and hears that Cyrus is the main suspect; fills Danny in Cop Napoleon Tavale 1/15/2025 takes Cyrus in to be questioned Edited February 9 by slick jones 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted February 21 Author Members Share Posted February 21 AS THE WORLD TURNS CAST LIST and CHARACTER GUIDE Complete with @Brolden's 2008- 2010 Additions from full transcripts/videos APRIL 2, 1956-SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 CBS OAKDALE, ILLINOIS Part 4 Sheriff ____ Radcliffe John Henry Cox 2007 Agent _______ Radford Daniel Travis Gary Rady Donnie Keshawarz 1999 made Denise sell her baby Dr. ___ Rainer Latanya Barsay 1998 Charlie Raines ????? 10-08-2008 Paul's accountant Detective ____ Ramirez Gary Perez 1996 District Attorney _____ Ramirez ????? 1980 Dr. ____ Ramirez Joseph Melendez 12/2004 Dr. ____ Rampal Sam Schacht 1995 Carl Ramsey Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Audrey Coleman's ex; deceased Dominic Ramsey Chris Tardio 2004 Rafi's manager Mark Ramsey Terry Eno 1993 Mrs._______ Ramsey Rebecca Schull 1985 Nathan Randall Jim Stanek 2010 Henry's proposal Billie Lou ___ Randolph Never Seen, Mentioned late wife of Cal, mother of Jill Cal Randolph Luke Reilly 1984-85 former prisoner, dumped Diana at the altar, gave his daughter Jill to Maggie Crawford and Frank. Murdered by Douglas Cummings in the Yacht Club pool. Kenny Rankin Kenny Rankin 1985 singer Officer _____ Rawson Tim Devlin 1997 Greg Ray Nick Cortland 1985 Detective ___ Raybuck Paul Austin 1990 probation officer Officer Joe Rayburn Danny Johnson 11-18-2009 NYPD; Molly's friend Dr. _____ Reade ????? 04-02-2009 doctor; with Damian Chris Reagan Ingrid Helmke 1968 friend of Susan Burke's; previously worked at an orphanage; hired by David to assist Ellen with Baby Dawn on Susan's recommendation. Mrs. ______ Reagan Anna Minot 1973 Peggy's mother Peggy Reagan Lisa Cameron 1973 Emily Stewart's baby nurse Dr. _____ Reed ????? 01-12-2009 doctor; with Johnny Officer ___ Reed Gary Evans 1999 Coleman "Doc" Reese DJ Lockhart Johnson 2004 sportscaster, one night stand with Margo Marilyn ___ Reese Karen Williams 2004 Doc's ex-wife Sam Reese Allen McCullough 03-24-2009 homophobic landlord Scott Reeves Scott Reeves 2005 Singer Blue County Nurse Rita Renfield Barbara Garrick 1998-99 David Stenbeck's girlfriend, lacky and murder victim Dr. George Renfro ????? Signora ______ Renzetti Dolores Wilson 1987 ____ Rescott Gary Tacon Detective Melinda Reubens Sundra Oakley 2002 (An)Tonio Reyes Peter Boynton 1986-91;1992 Manipulative bastard to put it kindly; businessman, womanizer married Sierra and Meg; had affairs with Barbara,Emily, Lilith, Julie, Blythe, Gail, Veronica and was engaged to Sabrina; blackmailer, perjurer accused of murder, abused his women, hired killers, kidnapped a few...all around sleazy guy---played to perfection by Boynton. presumed dead falling from a helicopter. Madame _______ Reynevska ????? piano teacher 7/84 Ann Reynolds Linda Cook 2007 realtor Ben Reynolds David Nichols 1991-92 Kim's former brother-in-law; Jason's twin, Valerie's brother Casey Reynolds Nicolette Goulet 1984 Dr. ______ Reynolds Elissa Bonds 10/1/2007 Dr. ______ Reynolds Marie Thomas 1998 Officer Finn Reynolds Raymond Crisara 2002-10 occasional Jason Reynolds Never Seen, Mentioned first husband of Kim Sullivan; possibly shown in flashback 1992 David Nichols Mr. _______ Reynolds Herb Nelson Aug/Sept 1967 hospital administrator dealing with the Steiner case. Under pressure from Michael Shea to discipline Bob Hughes, who, under threat of a lawsuit, resigns from Memorial hospital. Mr. _____ Reynolds ????? 01-07-2009 banker; Carly Nurse _____ Reynolds Never Seen, Mentioned floor Nurse, Memorial Carol Rice Gloria Hoye 1962-63 Mitchell Dru's secretary Ed Rice John McMartin 1962-63 Carol's brother, convinced Edna to sue Doug Edna ___ Rice Helen Shields 1962-63 Carol and Ed's mother, sued Doug Cassen for malpractice Judge Harold Rice Peter McRobbie 2008 judge; presided over Parker's case and the Alison v. Chris case Mr. Rice Judson Laire 1962 Carol and Ed's father died of complications from a duodenal ulcer Ms. ______ Rice Alison Metcalf ______Richards ????? Possibly Never Seen, Mentioned Judge Lowell's manservant Gordon Richards Tim Peper 2006 came to see Gwen sing Ms. ____ Richards ????? May 1965 Dr. Jack Davis's receptionist. Interacts with Neil Wade Tina Richards Toni Bull Bua Feb/March-76 came to Oakdale to get money owed to her by Norman Garrison, argued with him in hospital inadvertently causing his death,which Bob Hughes was blamed for. Testified at a hearing, exonerating Bob. Ed Richardson Frank Thomas 1961-62 Grace Baker's right hand man, helped Jeff get into the music business Pete Rigby ????? 6/84 Whit McCall's henchman Officer ______ Rigby Marjorie Johnson 1997 Pat Riley Dyon Nicole Donley 2/2/2007 biker chick Dr. ______ Ripley Jack Koenig 1999 Carlo Rivera Francisco G. Rivela 1989 Officer Carlos Rivera Tito Ortiz 2001 Phoebe Rivera Melissa Ramone 1994 State Nurse ___Rivera Kathy Cortez Inspector______ Rizzoli Paola de Paolo 9/94 Jane Robelot Jane Robelot CBS This Morning 1998 NY awards host Lauren ___ Roberts Celeste Holm October 26 & 27/1981 appeared at fashion show Mr. ______ Roberts ????? 1983 Jeff Ward's patient Sal Roberts Tom Bloom 2007 Sergeant ____ Roberts ????? Dec 16 57 found Al James body in a ravine Dr. _____ Robinson Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 oncologist at Memorial Hank Robinson Kipp Whitman 1978-79 raped Carol, used to beat/sexually abuse ex Linda. Jay beat him up and went to jail for 60 days. Mel Robinson James Doerr 1998 minister Vic Robinson Mark LaMura 1997 Jack went undercover with this gangster Joey Rocco James Thomas Bligh 2004 Barbara's assistant Miss Rochelle Lucinda Jenney 1983 Judge _____ Rockwell Suzi Hunt 1991 Nurse _____ Rockwell Judith Hawking ?2004? Dr. _____ Rodden John Vennema 1996 police psychologist Sergeant Domingo Rodriguez Emilio del Pozo 1992 Father ______Rodriguez Jos Laniado 2002 Melissa Roebling Elizabeth Heflin liaison between StrickCo and Walsh Enterprises 1993 Candace Rogers Anne Lange 1992-93 District Attorney _____ Rogers Jack Betts 1981 prosecutor in Dee/John rape trial Joan ___ Rogers Joan Copeland 1967-68 +Ted died of heart failure Roy Rogers Roy Rogers ???????? Ted Rogers Clifford Carpenter 1967-68 Joan's husband Lieutenant ___ Rollins ????? July 79 involved in hostage situation at Oakdale Memorial Steve Rollins video editor Larry Green 1997 T. Scott Cunningham 1998 Ernest Ronan Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 aka Eerie Ernie; director of the Oakdale Funeral Home; resurrected Dusty Harry Roper John Conley 1989-90 Lombard henchman Dr. Bethany Rose Tovah Feldshuh 1994 John Dixon's doctor for his colon cancer Dr. Boris Rose Sam Gray 1994 father of Bethany Judge __ Rosen Margo Martindale 1999 Mrs. ____ __ Rosenfield Jeanne Lehman 1998 Casey's teacher Baby Ross Never Seen, Mentioned third child of Cricket, born in California Billy Ross son of Cricket and Cody Sullivan; adopted by Ernie; bartender; slept with Jennifer; went to Scotland with Bonnie to prove she was rightful heir; Never came home. ????? 1982-83 Adam Linke cast but Never aired 2001 Hunter Garner 2001-02 Cricket Montgomery Ross Lisa Loring 1980-83, 1984 Daughter of Lyla and Bart Montgomery; pretended she was preggers by Eric Hollister, worked for Cody Sullivan and got pregnant with Billy by him. Fell for close friend Ernie, married him after pregnancy with Suzanne, who was born before they left Oakdale for California. Visited in 1984 for Craig's incarceration. Ernie Ross Jay Marshall Watson 1981-83 Cricket's tutor, virgin, chemical engineer. Married Cricket, adopted Billy, fathered Suzanne Mr. _____ Ross ????? 08-19-2008 offered Dani a job at OPD Suzanne "Suzi" Ross ????? 1983 daughter of Cricket and Ernie Joe Rossiter Chance Kelly 01-10-2008 fireman at Lakeside Station; Katie's speeddate Beverly Roth Kate Forbes 1993 Dr. ____ Roth Daniel Cantor 09-30-2008 tied Emily's tubes Simon Roth Brian Cousins 1990 Dr. _____ Rothman Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Hallie's doctor Dr. _____ Rourke Shamika Cotton 2000 Claudette Roy Gayton Scott 2/4/2004 fashion reporter Joel Rubin ????? 07-01-2009 JKR Communications; with Dusty and Lily Brady Rudd Benjamin Mathes 2002-03 Aaron's buddy from Seattle Judge ___ Rudolph Bill Raymond 2005 Tim Rudy John Todd 2001-02 Doris Rueling ????? May 15 1957 engaged to Stu Miller; meets Penny Agent Ruiz Sean Mahan 2008 Officer _____ Ruiz Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 OPD Mrs. __ __ Rusconi ????? 1975 Nurse at the hospital Teddy was born to Joyce. Mr. _____ Rusk Scott Winters 08-04-2009 Damian's business associate Sara Rusk Sara Hillier 08-04-2009 Mr. Rusk's daughter Jay Rusoff Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 NYC talent manager Liv Russell Jessica Eliandra Grant 2006-07 +Kevin Officer _____ Russell Tony Cucci Officer _____ Russo Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 OPD Dr. Chuck Ryan first husband of Jennifer Sullivan; father of Rick and Barbara; Bob Hughes' best friend dated Mary Mitchell Michael Ebert 1961-66 Bob Balaban ???? Don Chastain 1971 Eliza Ryan daughter of Paul and Emily Julia Kaplan 2008-09 Madison Orofino 2009-10 Emily Stewart Snyder Munson Ryan..... courtesy of @Brolden Daughter of Dan and Susan; Betsy's sister; Donated the eggs that were used to conceive her sister, Alison, and Hunter; Mother of Daniel and Jennifer; Married to Holden, Hal, Paul and Casey; Dated James, Tonio, Craig, Brock, Gavin, Evan, Larry, Royce, Jef, Diego, David, Chris and Dusty; Journalist; Owner of the Intruder; Former prostitute. Pat Reynolds early 1970s Janine Sagan early 1970s Jenny Harris 1976-79 (Marie Masters' daughter) Melissa Morell 1979 Colleen McDermott 1986-87 Christine Moore Temporary Melanie Smith 1987-91; 1992 Kelley Menighan Hensley 1992-2010 Jennifer Ryan Never Seen, Mentioned 2006 daughter of Paul and Emily died in childbirth Meg Snyder Reyes Landry Ryan Montgomery Ryan courtesy of @Brolden Daughter of Harvey and Emma; Sister of Iva, Seth, Ellie, Caleb and Holden; Mother of Eliza; Married to Tonio, her "cousin" Josh/Rod (but it was OK, because he was adopted), Craig and Paul. Dated Dusty and Damian. Once tossed aside by Damian, spiralled completely out of control and ended up in a psychiatric hospital in Washington. Jennifer Ashe 1986-89; 1991; 1992; 1993; November 7, 1994 (Cal/Connor wedding) Marie Wilson 2005-10 Paul (Stenbeck) Ryan courtesy of @Brolden Son of James and Barbara; Raised temporarily by Claudia and Raymond Colfax; Brother of David, Jordan, Henry, Jennifer, Will and Johnny. Father of Jennifer and Eliza; Married Rosanna, Emily and Meg; Dated Tess, Sarah and Rose; Slept with Sofie; Former partner in Barbara Ryan Originals Canaan Crouch 1980 Brett Barry 81-82 Elden Ryan Ratliss 1982-83 Daniel Pintauro 1983-84 Braden Danner 1984 (Boarding School) Christopher Daniel Barnes 1985-86 Damion Scheller 1986 Andrew Kavovit 1986-91; 1992 John Howard 1996 Scott Holroyd 2001-03 Roger Howarth 2003-10 Dr. Rick Ryan former doctor; John Dixon's protege; son of Jen and Chuck; let Len Howell get away with making PCP, planted it on Larry Travis, spiked Eric Hollister with it; was involved in taking baby Sabrina from Kim with Howard Lansing Con Roche 1972-74; 1986-87 Gary Hudson 1981 Judge Hamilton Rydell Richard Council 2000 Eric Rykov Page Johnson 1989 Stalked Anna Benson and wormed his way into Tom and Margo's house in search of the postal heist loot Dr. Tess Ryland Anne Shropshire 1984 worked with Russ Elliott Rachel Megan Gunning 2002 from Virginia Common Rachel Amanda Powell 2005 Aaron's friend Rachel Hanna Klein 2006-09 Sister Rachel ????? 1982 Bilan's headmistress at convent Rachel Aleye Compaly Rachel Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Faith's classmate Rachel Michelle Woods 2002 restaurant patron Rachel Sharon Emster 4/90 Rainbow Patrice Mirium Johnson Commune Ramon Carlos Sabater 1989 Ramon Jose Zuniga Randy Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Craig's contact at Fashionista Weekly Raoul ????? 1983 Karen's male escort Raspy Christopher McCann 1986 threatened Margo Ray Ray Iannicelli 2002 NYC Bartender Raymond Sam Catlin 1998 photographer at Camille's shoot Raymond Robert Vincent Smith 1988-89 Rebecca ????? 8/17/10 Memorial Recigno Michael McCormack 1995 Renee Adenrele Ojoi 1998 Nurse Renee Dawn McGee 2009 Maeve's friend Rene Olivia Oguma 1997 Rex Adonis Kapsalis 2007 Rhonda Mary Anne Lamb 1998 dated Jack Ricardo Alexander Blaise 2007 French Jeweler Richard Daniel Bryck 5/2010 dated Noah Richard Michael Houston King Richie Jonathan Walker 1996 Zoe's Manager Richie _____ Dylan Snyder 12-28-2009 Parker's hockey teammate Rick Josh Stamberg 1998 Rick Erik Alden 2002 from UNCC Rick ????? 9/1/98 photographer, Emily Ricky Bret Cooper Adam's friend Ricky _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Jade's ex Rico Porfirio Figueroa 11/1992 Riley _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Lucinda's security; customer at Al's Ritchie Gerald Anthony 2003 Sleazy guy Rob _____ ????? 03-06-2008 student at Oakdale U.; global studies Rob _____ ????? 06-06-2008 friend of Daniel Robbie ????? 6/28/1985 Dusty's friend Roberta Maureen Pelegrino Nanny Roberto Chris Rivaro 2004 Robin _____ ????? 07-02-2009 lab tech at Memorial Robin _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Liberty's friend Rocco ????? 5/1985 thug, burnt down the Hayloft Bar Rocco Jay Boryea Dusty's Goon Roland Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Kim's police contact Rolf Reid Mihalko 1999 Lucinda's therapist Rolf Eric Gustafson 1995 Rolo ????? 1985 beat up Cal Randolph in prison Romeo ????? 3/1982 Dated Ellen Ron Michael Gruber 1996 Ron Jerry Baxtrom, Jr. 2002 Ohio State Ron ????? 5/18/10 WOAK Rory Michael Cosman 1983 X-Mas Rosalie _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Janet's aunt Rosanne Edie Adams 1982 Ellen's friend Rosie Lola Pashalinsky 1999 Ross Yves Michel Beneche 2007 young boy Roy Stephen Mendillo 1997 Russ Mark Zeisler 1999 lab tech Ruth _____ ????? 08-31-2009 with Janet Ruthy Caitlin Goodrich 2002 Rhodes College Signore ____ Sabatino Frank Savino Justin Saint Claire Joel Fabiani 1994 Rosie Salcedo Rosa Arredondo Dr. _____ Salerno Ali Marsh Dr. Audrey Samuels OB/GYN Donna Mitchell 1986 Maureen Anderman 1986 Maggie Burke 1986-1996 Elaine Bromka 1996-2003? Geneva Samuelson Geneva Hyman 2006 one of Eve Browning's murder victims Dr. ___ Sanborn Jack Gilpin 2004 psychiatrist, Barbara Hector Sanchez Rui Baptista 1994 took Scott's watch Miss ______ Sanchez Amanda Diaz 2/20/2001 Nita __ Sanchez Judy Reyes 1994 pregnant cantina worker; Duncan met her while searching for Scott Eldredge. Robbie Sanchez Carlos Alberto Valencia 12/08-1/09 Jade's ex Mr. ___ Sanders Sam Freed 1998 Lynn Sands Patricia Hodges ________ Santiago Never Seen, Mentioned Montegan criminal Officer _____ Santiago Albert Michel, Jr. Merv Santini ????? 1980 supplier, Jay Stallings Helen __ Saunders Lisa Howard ?1961-62 Theresa Saunders Sofia Landon (Geier) 1987-88 servant, McKechnie Castle; murder victim Lieutenant Gary Savage Lloyd Alan 1981-82 police officer Dr. _____ Savitt Munson Hicks 1993 Dr. _____ Sawyer ????? 1972 Mr. _____ Sawyer Barry Cullison 1989-90 Lucinda's Pilot Signore _______ Scarzini Nicholas Kepros Martha Schaeffer Julie McKee 1988 Doug Schaff Mike's parole officer, bad cop Terry Eno 1994 -95 Adam LeFevre 1995 Dr. _____ Schiff Jean DeBaer 1998 heart specialist Dr. Elaine Schiller Traci Godfrey 2005-08 OB/GYN Captain Rudolph Schilling Edmund C. Davys 10/11/2000 Dr. _____ Schmeglitz ????? OB/GYN with Henry, Vienna, Katie, and Brad 5/1/09 Hans Schmidt Gerrit Vooren 1993-95 shot Eduardo, responsible for many Kingsley Malta disasters; kidnapped Lily and Holden Hilda Schmidt Lisa Mandel 2002 spa Mr. _____ Schneider ????? 03-10-2008 Chris' patient; Memorial Officer________ Schwartz Jeffrey Spodan 1990 Dr. Jack Scott Edward Moore 1984 Myrtle ___ Scott Marcia Haufrecht 2003 elderly victim of Rick Decker Nick Scudder Carl Tye Evans 2001-02 Molly's former lover, jailbird; acted reformed but was still a sleaze; tried to seduce Abigail and run away with her; murdered by Mary Jill Scully Tara Westland Dr. ___ Searle Sue Jin Song 2007 Emile Seblon Tom Galantich 1992 Gavin's hired hit man Henri Seblon Christian Aubert 1992 Emile's brother Dr. ____Seidmann worked with Parker Ali Marsh 2007 Hope Chernov 2008 Randy Selkirk reporter Don R. McManus 1990 Neal Jones 1993 Craig Austin 1994 Alex Draper 1998 Dr. Steven Seltzer George Dickerson 1993 Lois Serafin Kathryn Meisle 2004 psychic Reverend ____ Seton Nicholas Kepros 1986 Dean ____ Severn John Hillner 2009 Oakdale U Officer Ron Shanks David Harbour 1997-2004 gullible police officer Nurse ___ Shapiro Lynn Cohen 1992 Mr. ____Sharkey Jeremy Holm 2010 fake orderly (Deerbrook) Damian's henchman Milo Shaughnessy Ross Partridge 2007 Sarah's husband, demanded to know how she died at gunpoint Sarah _____ Shaughnessy Crystal Bock 2007 patient that died from an allergy after an operation Judge Henry Shaw Lewis Arlt 1997 Reverend_____ Shaw ????? 2/15/10 All Angels Church Charles "Chuckie" Shea son of Lisa and Dr. Michael Shea; killed in 1977 by a car accident Keith Pomeroy Pip Sarser Roger Morgan Willie Rook Johnny Breen Shane Nickerson David Perkins ?? - 1977 Claire English Lowell Cassen Shea best friend of Nancy Hughes; cheated on by husband Jim with Edith Hughes; mother of Ellen; sister of Steve, widowed, married Doug Cassen; inadvertently caused the death of Diane Steiner, widowed again; married Dr. Michael Shea,lost him to Lisa, became a drinker, which may have caused her death Anne Burr 1956-58; back injury; returned 1959-60 Gertrude Warner 1960 Nancy Wickwire 1959 temporary;1960-62-- came and left briefly to appear on stage and in other acting projects Jone Allison 1963-65 Barbara Berjer 1965-71 Dr. Michael Shea scheming doctor from an impoverished background, took over Doug Cassen's practice and romanced the older Claire, his widow. Also began an affair with Lisa. Eloped with Claire Aug 67, impregnated Lisa who gave birth to Chuckie (early 68) Manipulated himself to Chief of Staff. Walked out on operation on Mrs Steiner who died Admitted paternity of Chuckie causing Claire to divorce. Attempted a reconciliation by admitting to his shady past which was short lived when Claire discovered his true intentions -she stabbed him. Used that incident to retain his position at the hospital. Revealed to Dan that he was Ellen's true son.Mentor to John Dixon. Caught Tom Hughes stealing drugs.Used that to force Lisa into marriage to get close to Chuckie. Tried to paint Lisa as an unfit mother, whilst involved with Karen Adams.Shot and killed.(Feb 70) Killed by Hester (Miss Thompson) Pearce, whose daughter had committed suicide after being rejected by Micheal. John Lasell 1966 Jay Lanin 1966-67 Roy Shuman 1967- January 1970 Bartleby Shears Jonno Roberts 2003 con man who worked with Simon, murdered by Simon ; twin of Mordecai Mordecai Shears Jonno Roberts 2003 wanted revenge on Simon and Katie Becky Shelby Larissa Auble 1989 Hal's niece Ben Shelby Donovan Sylvest 1989 Hal's brother-in-law Ben Shelby, Jr. Sam Gold, Jr. 1989 Hal's nephew Cassie Shelby Stacey Morley 1989 Hal's niece Claire Munson Shelby Kirtan Coan 1989; 1993 Hal's no-nonsense sister Davey Shelby Sean Kalish 1989 Hal's nephew Tess Shelby Parker Posey 1991-93 Hal's niece ; dated Hutch; pretended she was pregnant to save their relationship Eddie Shelton Mark Todd Bruner 1994 Milt Shepherd Thom Sesma 2005 pharmacist Nan ___ Shepherd Ann Torsiglieri 2/24/2005 Bill Sheriden Michael Butler 1990 Noelle's father Martha _____ Sheriden Betsy Aidem 1990-91 Noelle's mother Dr. ____ Sherwood John Ottavino 2007 doctor called in to check on Bob Hughes, but Chris intervenes Mr. _______ Shink Patrick McNulty 2009 Parker's lawyer Dr. Harold Shipman Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 British Serial killer whose brain was examined by Reid Bobby Short Bobby Short 1973 Musician Nurse _____ Showcroft Marisa Redanty 2004 nurse @ Deerbrook Harry Siegler Randy Kovitz 2009 backer, Carly's vodka business Deena ___ Silva (Evans) Eddie's mother;drug addict; killed by Margo Deborah Hedwall 1998 (Young) Sarah Thompson 1998 Eddie Silva Nathaniel Marston 1998-2000 son of Deena and Alec Wallace; juvenile delinquent; Lost his mother; crushed on Margo; fell for Georgia; found out Alec was his father; Georgia killed Alec in self defense; married her and moved away (Young) Frankie J. Galasso 1998 Georgia Tucker Silva Jaime Nicole Dudney 1998-2000 daughter of Cody Tucker and Samantha Markham, abandoned by Sam a second time; contemplated suicide after killing Alec; cleared ; married Eddie Dr. _____ Silverman Allen Enlow 2005 doctor that supplied Rosanna with a drug _______Simmons Never Seen, Mentioned Reid's patient 2010 Daisy ____ Simmons Paula Trueman 1985 woman that almost froze to death Darren Simmons Never Seen, Mentioned 1988 husband of Laura Jennifer Simmons Never Seen, Mentioned 1988 daughter of Laura and Darren Kirk Simmons Dan Monahan 1979 dated Lois Middleton "PORKYS" movies Laura Farrell Simmons Carolyn Anne Clarke 1988 daughter of Mary, sister of Beau; disturbed woman, "Fatal Attraction" for Bob Hughes; murdered Herb Petrie Victor Simmons Never Seen, Mentioned 1988 son of Laura Mr. _______Simms Phil Pruneau 1990 Mr. _____ Simms Tom Cappadona 2005 Mona Marsden Simms ????? 11/86 kept tabs on Frannie in Europe, Peter Marsden's aunt Phil Simms Phil Simms 2007 former New York Giant turned Sportscaster cameo Debbie Simon Sharon Case 1992-93 Ned and Valerie's unbalanced daughter; fell for Hutch, but ended up in a bad situation because of Linc Dr. _____ Simon Craig Wroe 1997 Ned Simon Frank Converse 1992 - March 22, 1994 Seth's publisher, fell in love with Emma; Debbie's over-protective father; killed Linc for hurting Deb; died of a cerebral hemorrhage Valerie ____ Simon Sigrunn OMark 1993 Ned's wife, Deb's mom, stayed with Ned for Debbie's sake Bud Simpson Vasili Bogazianos 2004 gym manager Detective______ Simpson ????? 1988 dead police officer Mary Simpson Mary Joy 1990 Mrs. ______ Simpson ????? March - ? 1979 Social worker involved when Val wants to foster Kate, a recently orphaned young girl. Jordan Sinclair came to work for Barbara; married Rosanna to help her get custody of Cabot, found out he's Cabot's father; divorced Rosanna; dated Jen, found out James was his father; worked for Lucinda; left for NYC Chris Beetem 2004-05 (Young) ????? flashback 6/9/04 Bing Skaggs Jeff Robins 2009 threatened Holden's life Jasmine Skyler Chelsea Lagos 2005 J.D. Slade Jason Kravits 1997 reporter Ike Slattery William Hickey 1983 con man, impersonated Steve for Craig and stole rare coins Dr. ______ Sloan Andrew William Smith 2006 Miles Slocum Chris LaPanta 6/22/10 P. I. Officer _____Slocum Brandon Fisher Steven Cimino Tiffany Slovinsky Katie Bennett 1996 dated Clegg Melvin Smenk ????? BRO business associate 7/2/04 Dr. _____ Smith ????? 12-24-2008 on-call OB-GYN; Memorial Dorrie _____ Smith Paula Laurence 1979; 1985 gossipy woman Ernie Smith James Doerr 1989 bartender Harry Smith Harry Smith Dec 5 1995 CBS TV host cameo Jerry Smith Haywood Nelson ?1971-73? John Smith Ed Kemmer Bruce Smithwick Jamie Walters 1989 date, Carrie Sturgess Aaron Snyder Son of Holden Snyder and Julie Kenney Wendall, ; adopted by Iva; raised by Holden, then Julie and Caleb in Seattle; rode a motorcycle;fell for Lucy, chased by Alison (they married and divorced twice; worked as a cashier, mechanic, boxer, and bartender; was injured by a weighted glove by Rafi Ortega (Rafi didn't know); moved to Seattle to help his dying mother; came back; fell for Sofie, testified against her in family court, lost her; fell for Alison; smartened up and left town. Mason Boccardo 1991-95 occasional; 1998 Agim Kaba 2002-05; 2007-09 Alison (McDermott) Stewart Snyder Snyder daughter of Larry McDermott and an egg from Emily Stewart, Susan Stewart carried her; waitress;; porn star/meth fiend; nurses' aide. dated Gordo; Dylan McCarthy; Jesse the drug dealer; Matt O'Connor, ONS with Dusty; pregnant by/ engaged to Chris Hughes; married Aaron twice; left town engaged to Casey Amy Principe 1994-96 Krista & Mary Ricchiuti 1996-99 Jill Shackner 2000 Sarah Hyland 2001 Jessica Dunphy 2002-2005 Marnie Schulenberg 2007-10 Angel Lange Snyder Snyder Alice Haining 1988-94 molested by her father; found help to escape after affair with Caleb ; married Holden; confronted father; married Seth adopted Noelle but gave her back. Bert Snyder Never Seen, Mentioned father of Brad and Jack; late husband of Dolores Bradley "Brad" Snyder Son of Bert and Dolores; brother of Jack; star of Oakdale Now and Oakdale 411; knocked up Janet with Liberty; had affairs with Lucinda, Camille, Rosanna,Vienna, and Bonnie ;blackmailed Carly into marriage(thought Parker might be his), eventually fell in love with Katie and married her. fathered Jacob with her; con man, grifter; grew to love daughter Liberty beating up the boy that drugged and attacked her; killed accidentally by his brother Jack while rescuing Katie from Ralph Manzo Nick Kokotakis 1998-99 Roy Eudon 1999 John LoPrieno 1999 Austin Peck 2007-09 (Young) ????? 11-02-2009 flashbacks Detective Caleb Snyder Lived in Chicago with his sister, Ellie, accused of murder there, slept with Lily, dated Pam, was engaged to Angel; prime suspect in murder of Brock Lombard; married Julie, became a cop, moved to Seattle to raise her kids, Pete and Jenny Wendall and later, Aaron Michael David Morrison 1988-93 (RIP) Graham Winton 1993-95; 1998; 2001; 2002 Carly Tenney (Lowe) Munson Dixon Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Maura West 1995-96; 1997-2010 (Young) 2005 ????? Dr. ____ Snyder Ed Prentiss 1956 doctor, Claire Lowell Elizabeth ___ Snyder wife of abusive Henry Snyder; raised her son, Josh (aka Rod Landry) by Cal as Henry's. Eda Seasongood 1987 Annie (Rose) Murray 1987-88 Emma Lape Snyder Matriarch/widow of Harvey; mother of Seth, Ellie, Caleb, Holden and Meg; adoptive mother of Iva; farmer and romance novelist (as Amber D'Amour); dated John Dixon ad Cal Stricklyn; was engaged to Ned Simon before his death; staunch supporter of her children. Kathleen Widdoes November 1985- June 2010 Ethan Snyder Holden and Lily's third child Jason & Julian Patrick 2006-08 Brayden & Declan Schenck 2006-08 Jason Bastelli 2008-10 Faith Snyder eldest of Holden and Lily's three children together; kidnapped at birth by David Stenbeck; bulimic; hooked on diet pills; started taking drugs; kidnapped and tied up by Damian; crushed on Parker as the show ended. Keara Dolan 1998-2002 Eliza Ryan 1998-2002 Cassidy Hinkle 2002-06 Ashley Marie Greiner 2006-09 Valentina DeAngelis 2010 Harvey Snyder Never Seen, Mentioned Father of Seth, Ellie, Caleb, Holden and Meg; adopted Iva; died before Snyders arrived Henry Snyder ????? in flashback 1987?? brother of Harvey & Bert, married Elizabeth; abusive; raised Elizabeth's son Josh Holden Snyder Jon Hensley 1985-88; 1990-95; 1997-2010 Detective Jack Snyder Michael Park 1997-2010 ' (Young) ????? 11-02-2009 flashbacks Fantasy Jack Snyder, Junior ????? 2/26/2010 fantasy baby, Jack and Janet Jacob Snyder son of Brad and Katie Joseph & James Ambra Janet Ciccone Snyder (Donovan) "Juicy" Janet; high school OONS with Brad that resulted in Liberty; ran away and raised her as a single parent, arrived in Oakdale after Liberty; waitressed at Al's Diner; fell for Jack; kept Liberty and Parker apart until he saved her from date-rape; destroyed proof that Brad hurt Leo the attempted rapist; married Jack; blamed him for Brad's death; hooked up with Dusty; Lberty had cancer; father Rocco bone marrow match, tried to reconcile with him; married Jack after pregnant Jack turned out to not be the Dad, it was Dusty; engaged to Dusty in 2010 Julie Pinson 2008-10 Jack Snyder, Jr. ????? the baby Julia stole from another couple and claimed was Jack's 10/2002-12/2002 J.J. Larrabee Snyder Son of Les Sweeney (the jailbird) and Julia Larrabee; nephew of Keith Morrissey; found amnesiac Jack with his mother and nursed him to health; after Julia was murdered by Les, stayed with Keith, then was adopted by Jack and Carly; kidnapped by Silas and Ava Jenkins; went away to boarding school. Dylan Denton 2004-06 Daniel Manche 2006-08 Julia Lindsay Snyder Annie Parisse 1998-2001 (Young) Eva Dona Silver-Smith 1999 Julie Kinney Wendall Snyder Snyder Susan Marie Snyder 1989-95; 1998 Lily Walsh Mason Snyder Grimaldi Santana Snyder Grimaldi Snyder Lucy Deakins 1984-85 Heather Rattray 1989-93 Martha Byrne 1985-89; 1993-2008 Noelle Beck 2008-10 Lorenzo Snyder (Donovan) see Donovan Luke Grimaldi (raised Snyder) Spencer Goodnow 1995-96 Sean Cohen 1996 Jeremy Zelig 1996-2001 Christopher Tavani 2001-05 Jake Weary 2005 Van Hansis 2005-10 Natalie Snyder second child of Lily and Holden Tatum Menake 2002 Hailey Wratchfield 2002-05 Alexa Gerasimovich 2006 Makayla Leigh 2006 Ellery Capshaw 2006-09 Isabella Palmieri 2009-10 Noelle (Sheridan) Snyder ????? 1990 baby adopted by Holden and Angel; lost custody to mother, (?Elizabeth Sheridan?) Sage Snyder Daughter of Jack and Carly, born in Montana; faked a kidnapping to bring her parents together; pretended to want to take part in the Miss Snowflake America contest hoping to reunite her parents in Detroit. Cameryn Rose DeRoche 2003 Bianca Pagona 2004 Colleen Feehan 2004-05 Elle Sauli 2006 Allie Gorenc 2006-10 Seth Snyder Eldest son of Emma and Harvey; helped Frannie find her twin half-sister/cousin Sabrina; got engaged to and dumped by both; married Angel and moved to New York; came back for Caleb & Julie's wedding and when Holden was presumed dead. Steve Bassett 1986-88; 1991-94; 2001; 2009 Marina Sollitto Anna Mastroianni Sister Marta Sollitto Bernadine Santistevan Mike Somers David Brisbain 1988 Agent _____ Sommers Amir Arison 03-19-2008 FBI agent; Gray Gerard case Mrs. _____ Sommers Sharon Laughlin Reverend ____ Sommers Robert Phelps 1992-93; 1997-98 Richard Seff 1993 Musiq Soulchild Musiq Soulchild 2003 sang at Ben/Jessica wedding Lucia Spagnoli Silvia Garufi 2001-02 Charley Spangler James McCaffrey 2003 Dusty's associate; kidnapped Lily thinking she was Rose D'Angelo Ian Spangler Michael Patterson Poker Player ____ Sparks Gary Napoli 7/6/10 Captain _____Spaulding Bob Stillman Lewis Spear Robert Blumenfield 1990 Bruce Spector Reed Birney Raymond Speer Juliette' uncle and guardian; spy; former ambassador; protected Juliette and Steve about their father's occupation; traded himself for Michael Christopher Donald May June - ?? 1984 Beau Spencer Law clerk; managed Spencer Hotel; son of Ron Spencer and Rose Lemay; adopted by Jane Spencer; hit by car by Dee Stewart, fell for Annie Stewart; married her; manipulated by Jane into relationship with Melinda Grey; Annie miscarried; married Melinda; she miscarried; found out truth about Jane Spencer adopting him; left town Wayne Hudgins 1976-79 Jane__ Spencer Adoptive mother of Beau; manipulated Beau with wealth; hospital board member; blackmailed by John Dixon over her secret about Beau Georgann Johnson Aug 77- July 79 Julie Spencer young attorney; Mitchell Dru's ward Lisa Howard 1959-61 Lynne Rogers 1962-63 Melinda Grey Spencer Daughter of Jennifer Sullivan Ryan and an unknown man; raised by Mr. and Mrs. Grey;half-sister of Barbara and Rick; Jane Spencer's assistant seduced and married Annie's husband Beau; miscarried Beau's child; chased after Jay Stallings; got involved with Brad Hollister; jumped off his boat and drowned. Ariana Muenker August 1977 -June 1980 Mr. ____ Spencer ????? January 1965 Neil Wade went to New York to borrow money from his mother to purchase Spencer's bookstore Ron Spencer Never Seen, Mentioned father of Beau with Rose Lemay; owned hotels; divorced Jane. Troy Spencer Christopher Michael Bauer 2003-04 Vicar ______ Spencer Mickey Dolenz 2002 was to preside at Bonnie and Ian's wedding Joe Spinelli Joe Forbrich 2005 Keith Morrissey owed him money Dr. David Spiros Munson Hicks 1994 Annie ___ Spotted Eagle Victoria Racimo 1987 Keith's mother Keith Spotted Eagle Paul Lemos 1987 Lily and Dusty's friend Ms. ______ Stacell Kathleen Frazier 2006 Amy Stallings-Frazier Claire Doyle 1978-81 daughter of Natalie and Jay; adopted by Carol Gil Stallings married and killed Jay's mother for her money, but was foiled when it was left to Jay. Stalked Lisa to make it appear Jay was responsible,planned to frame Jay for Lisa's murder and kill Jay to make it look like a suicide. Grant uncovered the truth and surprised Gil who shot Jay.killed by police while escaping. Edward Grover Feb- March 1974 Jay Stallings Married Carol; fathered Amy by Natalie Bannon; assaulted Pete Larsen and Hank Robinson; affair with Susan Stewart; prime suspect in Pete's murder; owned construction company; got involved with shady Roy Barker and the Kelly brothers; died in a mining accident Dennis Cooney 1973-80 (Young) Shawn Campbell 1974 flashback ___ Stallman Alan Leach Jay Stanhope (1) alias for James Stenbeck Dorothy Stanley Maggie Rizzoti Burt Stanton Peter Donat 1959 engaged to Ellen until he found out she was pregnant Mrs. __ ___ Stanz Viola Harris 2001 Landlady, Owen Dever Mrs __ __Stapleton ????? 1977 adoption agency worker who advised Carol, in the best interests of Natalie's child, not to be secretive about the adoption. Jeffrey Starr Jeffrey Deaver 2003 tabloid reporter murdered by Rick Decker Kenny Starziak Daniel Oreskes 2004 gangster Inspector ____ Staunton Alan Coates February 1987 Frannie/Sabrina story Inspector ____ Stavros Taso Stavrakis 1987-88 Greece Judge _____ Steadman George Dickerson 1995 Joseph Steed Edmond Genest 1987 Laura ___ Steed Suzi Hunt 1987 Dr. ____Steele Peter McRobbie 1979 Joyce's doctor SF doctor, after her 'return from the dead'. Minister _____ Steiger Evan Sanders 1987 Diane Steiner ????? 1967 Bob's patient received a blood transfusion without consent Mrs. _____ Steiner Margaret Hayes 1967;1969 didn't approve of transfusion on religious beliefs Mr. _____ Steiner Dan Frazer 1967, 1969 didn't approve of transfusion on religious beliefs Mother _____ Steiner Dorit Kelton 1967; 1969 patient of Michael Shea David (Allen) Stenbeck Son of James and an unnamed woman; raised by Warren and Marian Allen;burned down their house, killing them; dated Anne Neilsen (killed her, allegedly); Kit(used her to set up Lily in prison; slept with Emily, Molly, Rita, and Julia Lindsay; former DA (never passed the bar); blackmailer; kidnapper; murdered Rita Renfield and Dr. Reid Hamilton (whose identity and face he stole); switched Faith and Hope; arrested; escaped prison; killed (finally) by police Chris Browning ? 97 - April 30 1997 Danny Markel May 6 1997-98 Keith Coulouris 1998-99; 2000 (posing as Dr. Reid Hamilton) Enid Costanza Stenbeck Never Seen, Mentioned James' first wife Gunnar (St. Clair) Stenbeck True heir to the Stenbeck fortune; affair with Nicole Berrysea resulted in a son, Dusty, raised by Vurke Donovan; saved Barbara many times from James; married her; died while traveling around the world. Hugo Napier 1982-84 Ingrid Ivenstrom (?Svenstrom) Stenbeck ????? 5/1982 wife of Lars; daughter of Charles James Stenbeck Anthony Herrerra 1980-83; 1986-89; 1996-99; 2001-02; 2003-05; 2008; 2009; 2010 in a vision Lars Stenbeck Never Seen, Mentioned 1982 James' "Brother" died in 1982 Lance Sterling Rick Dean Mr. _____ Sterling Jude Cicolella Anna ___ Stevens Phyllis Bash 1990-91 mother, Blake Blake Stevens hired at Walsh Inc. to irk Kirk; chased Jessica; stole many clients from Kirk; became a "leak" to Lily; got together with her; stole information for Tonio; got dumped; left town. Peter Francis James 1989-91 Dr. Jerry Stevens mentor Neil Wade; married Judith Wade Stephen Elliott 1964 Roy Poole 1964-65 Judith ____ Wade Stevens had an affair with Doug Cassen which resulted in Dr. Neil Wade; married Frank Wade and raised Neil; married Jerry Stevens Connie Lembecke 1964-67 Dr. Lloyd Stevens Michael Hodge 1990-91 father,Blake Dr. Mel Stevens Carl Mueller 1987 Officer _____ Stevens Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 OPD Agent ______ Stephenson Mark Lancaster 1/1992 Dr. ______ Stevenson Sean Haberle Betty Jackson Stewart first wife of David Stewart; adopted Dan; mother of Paul; died of Leukemia Patricia Benoit 1960-62 Cynthia ____ Haines Stewart married Donald Saunders, who was David Stewart with amnesia (invalid); mother of Karen and Todd Linda Dano 1981-82 Dr. Daniel "Dan" Stewart Son of Tim and Ellen; adopted by David and Betty; named Jimmy; hard time accepting Ellen after Betty's death; married Susan Burke in college; she miscarried; fathered Betsy with future sister-in-law Liz; married Liz after Paul died while divorcing her; after a second miscarriage, fathered Emily with Susan; took custody; fell in love with John's wife Kim; dated Valerie but married Kim; started drinking; diagnosed with a brain tumor, passed away while on vacation with his family around him Paul O'Keefe 1962-63 Doug Chapin 1964 Jeff Rowland 1966 John Colenback 1966-73; March 1976- September 1979 John Reilly 1974-January 1976 Dr. David Stewart Married to Betty; adopted Dan (Ellen and Tim's son) and named him Jimmy; fathered Paul; after Betty passed married Ellen; fathered Carol Ann (Annie) and Dawn (Dee); head of research at Memorial Hospital; hated Dr. John Dixon for the pain he caused Dan and raping his daughter, Dee; threatened him; left town and developed amnesia; married Cynthia Haines (as Donald Saunders, invalid); regained memory and remarried Ellen (after a bit of grovelling); went to Africa to do research on AIDS; moved to Atlanta to compromise with Ellen to continue his research; died in 1991. Ernest Graves 1960 Cec Linder ??? Temporary Alan Manson ???? Temporary William Prince 1981 Temporary Henderson Forsythe 1960-90 Elizabeth Talbot Stewart Stewart Penny's friend from England; Penny stayed with her family 'across the pond', so Elizabeth stayed with the Hughes family; dated Paul Stewart and struck up friendship with Dan; married Paul but he didn't know Dan was the Daddy; had Betsy , then a miscarriage; went to a sanitarium; divorcing Paul when he died of a brain tumor; married Dan; fell up the stairs and ruptured her spleen and died. Jane House October 15, 1968-72 Judith McGilligan 1972 - February 1973 Ellen Lowell Cole Stewart Stewart Daughter of Jim and Claire Lowell; granddaughter of Judge James T. Lowell; best friend of Penny Hughes; disowned her father for affair with Edith Hughes; fell for married Tim Cole; got pregnant; sued by Tim's wife, Louise; dated Tom Pope, Jeff Baker, and Donald Hughes; dumped by Jim Norman and fiance Burt Stanton; gave up child Dan (Jimmy), babysat "Jimmy" , her son and didn't realize it; convicted of Franny Brennan's murder; married David and adopted Paul; bore Carol Ann (Annie) and Dawn (Dee); dated Ben Forrest while David was presumed dead and had amnesia; remarried David and eventually moved to Atlanta with him; widowed; became a volunteer at the hospital; left town to travel the world. Wendy Drew 1956-60 ????? Temporary 1962 or 1963 Patricia Bruder 1960-95; 1998 Dr. Paul Stewart Son of David and Betty Stewart; doctor for the poor; met and married Liz,raised Betsy as his own until they lost a child; Liz went to a sanitarium; Paul died while divorcing her. Years later it was discovered he had had a son, Stewart Markham Cushing by Lady Veronica Cushing while he studied abroad. Alan Howard 1962-65 Edmund Gaynes 1965-66 Steve Mines 1966-68 Michael Hawkins 1968-69 (aka) Garson De Bramenio Marco St. John 1969 Dean Santoro September 1969 - November 1972 Mrs. __ ____ Stiegler Martha Greenhouse 1987 Meg and Tonio's wedding Reverend ___ Stiegler Arthur Anderson 1987 Meg and Tonio's wedding Richard Stiles Richard Borg 2000 supplied a picture of Julia with Winston Lowe Justin Stiver Justin Stiver 11/24/2006 Mrs. _____ _____ Stokes Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Neal's wife; died of breast cancer Neal Stokes Michael E. Rodgers 2008 Mike's boss; Carly's date Detective ____ Stone Chris McKinney Dr. ____ Stone Laurine Fowler Nurse Dorothy Stone Marsha Clark ?1976 Ebberly "Eb" Stone Frank Clem 2009 kidnapped Holden, Maeve's husband Evelyn ___ Stone ????? 1985 body found in Kim Hughes yard Maeve McGuire Stone Judi Evans 2009 Eb's wife Reverend ____ Stone Pamela Burrell Dr. Zachary Stone Leon Russom 1983-84 psychiatrist, worked with Barbara; dated Kim Huck Stover neighbor, Emma Raynor Scheine 2002 Christopher Braden Jones 2002 Dr. Jim Strassfield Geoffrey Horne May 1976-78 Chief of Staff at Oakdale Memorial,dated Kim after her divorce from John. Dr. Henry Strauss W. T. Martin 1986 hit and run victim of Douglas Cummings, his former patient Reverend ______ Strickland Reathal Bean 2008 Cal Stricklyn Using the name 'Rod Landry'. had an affair with Elizabeth Snyder; left before finding out she was pregnant; founded Stricklyn Oil; dated Emma Snyder, Susan Stewart, Lucinda; had broken engagement with Lyla, married Connor; after she cheated on him, he headed back to Waco, divorcing her. Patrick Tovatt 1988-97 Captain Aaron Striker Mark Gordon 1982-83 Margo's boss, made her job difficult eventually dismissing her. Margo discovered he and Gail Benson in an intimate situation and used that as leverage to be reinstated. Atty. Walter Strindberg Tom Titone 10-08-2008 Stockholm lawyer; colleague of Mr. Bergman; James' will Judge _____ Strongwater Peter Davies Mr. ____ Stubbs Davis Hall Jim Stuckey John Speredakos 2004 Carrie Sturgess Brooke Mills 1988-89 hung out with Andy District Attorney Ross Sturgess James Shannon 1988-89 Carrie's father Attorney _____ Sturmer John Rothman 2004 Marilyn Reese's lawyer Andrew Suitor ????? 07-20-2009 camp counselor; Camp Idlewild Dr. Al Suker Well respected doctor; married to Martha; father of Helene; after Helene's accident, didn't want to tell her about paralysis.; divorced Martha; married Sylvia Hill. Gave Bob his practice. Michael Ingram 1964-66 Helene Suker Drama student; fell off the stage; Bob's patient; paralyzed; forgave father; died of kidney failure. Jerianne Raphael 1964 Martha ____ Suker Anne Hegira Helene's mother; told her the truth about paralysis Sylvia Hill Suker nurse, engaged to Bob; married Al Millette Alexander 1964-66 Cody Sullivan Jeff Ward's step-brother; sent to Oakdale by Natalie to watch Carol; film producer; dated Cricket and Sofia; fathered Billy with Cricket Beau Gravitte 1981-82 Dr. ______Sullivan John Gould Rubin 1998-99 Frances __ Sullivan Never Seen, Mentioned Mother of Kim and Jennifer Jade Sullivan Laura Baler 1990-92 Gavin Kruger's assistant Officer ______ Sullivan David Purdham 1987 "Skye Sullivan" 1980 character from the Dobson files _____ Sullivan Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 case that Jack worked on Dr. ______ Sussman John Rothman 1992 Holden's surgeon Otis Sutton Charles Brown 1984-87 Heather's recording manager/agent P.I. Ed Suzuki Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Dusty's P.I.; San Francisco based ____ Svenson Kevin Dowling Dr. ________ Swann Tom Galantich 2005 John Gabriel 2005 Mr. _____ Swanson ????? 2009-10 Craig's business associate; owner of convenience store Les Sweeney Former prison inmate; divorced from Julia Larrabee; father of JJ; murdered Julia; escaped during ride to prison; tried to kill Keith, Holden and Lily by fire when Jack showed up and shot him. Michael Lowry 2004-05 Judge _____ Swenson Anne St. Onge Geneva Swift Trent Dawson 2009 Henry's talk show alter-ego Jeff Swindleheart Lee Moore Harrison Switzer Rik Walter 1996 Martha ___ Sykes Elizabeth Swain 1984-85 Marcy's maid; +Alfie B. Dr. ____ Sylvestre Never Seen, Mentioned Lilith's psychiatrist 1988 Victor Symington David Snell Sadie Marni Lustig 2005 knew Henry Sal Marco Zunino 2001 worked for Dante Sal Robert Funaro thug Sal Anthony J. Gallo 2009 employee, Ralph Manzo Sally Christopher Norris ???? dated Tom Sally MaryLouise Burke 2008 Snyder Farm neighbor Sally _____ ????? 09-24-2008 guest on Oakdale Now; author of "Making Amends Is Easier Than Making Excuses" Sally Stacey Linnartz 2008 Sally Colleen Werthmann at the club Sally ????? 2/18/10 worked at WOAK Sam William Andrews Sailor Sam Michael Derek 5/29/2008 helped the faux Coyle in New York Sam Will Poston 2002 from UNCC Sam Michael Bryan French 1990 Bartender Samantha Never Seen, Mentioned 2010 mean girl from Faith's boarding school Sandy ????? November 1981 Angel Dust user who freaks out at the hospital Sandy ????? 4/1984 Jeff Ward's neighbor Sandy Amy Cuthbertson 2002 from Ohio State Sandy Pamela Burrell 1986 Nurse Sandy Never Seen, Mentioned Nurse in Minneapolis 2010 Sarah Liann Pattison 12/92 Sarah ????? 4/8/2010 Faith's friend (Oakdale High) Sarah ___ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Dr. Flemming's assistant Sasha ___ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Sage's friend Sasha Never Seen, Mentioned Faith's friend 2010 Schatzie ????? 7/27/2010 Lingerie store owner Scott __ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 NYC hotel masseur Sean Collins Pennie 2002; 2003 Officer Sean ????? 1/27/05 Sei Lydia Gaston 2005 Sergio Scott Crawford 1980-81 Sergio Stephen Abadie 4/1984 fashion retailer Seth Peter Rom Nurse Shannon ___ ????? 12-22-2009 Dr. Prentice's assistant Sharon ????? 8/17/04 friend of Alison at her shower Nurse Sharon Alix Strauss 1995 Nurse Sharon _____ ????? 09-30-2008 nurse; with Dr. Schiller Nurse Sharon Elizabeth Santos 3/21/2008; 5/6/2008; 5/6/2009; 8/6/2009 Nurse Sharon Ariel J. Woodiwiss 2009-10 Shauna Anne Kraglund 2006 Shawn _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 Memorial employee; "down in X-Ray" Sheila Fiona Hutchison Sheila Ruth Moore 2000 Shelby ____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Liberty's friend Nurse Shelley Heidi Kristoffer 2003 Shelly Stephanie Michaels 1996 Sherman Daniel Murray 4/1985 Sherri ????? 2006 Health Care Representative Sherry ????? flashback 1980 found Joyce Sherry Beulah Garrick 1987 Sherry Julie Nathanson dated Chris Hughes Shirley ????? 1979 married to Clarence; horse farm; had twins with the help of Brad and Annie Sid Marcus Ho 1996 Sid Edmund C. Davys August 2007 Board member with Lucinda at Craig's former company Sidney Richard B. Schull 1997 Ski George Griffith 9/1994 accosted Pete Wendall and Dani Andropoulos Skye ____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Liberty's friend Sky Dog T. Erik Hart 2004 hippie, hung around with Wyoming Skylar Betsy Beutler 2006 Skyler Grant Albrecht + Rosanna Slade Antonis Fragakis 2002 bad guy Sly Jim Berry 2007 Smiley ????? 7/3/01 captured Luke and Holden Sondra ????? June 82 Armand Elliot's secretary reveals to an undercover Steve that James bought the rights to John's book. Sophie Julia Barnett 5/9/2003 Spiros Larry Atlas 1987 assistant, Steve Andropoulos Spirro Josh Renfree 2006 Spree Dana Kaminski 1985 dated Chuck the biker and Jay Connors Stacey Calista Flockhart 3/1990 Courtney Dixon's friend Stacey Kate Miller 1997 Stacey Elizabeth Marvel 1997 Wedding Planner Stacy Samantha Hahn 2007 Stan Derek Stewart lifeguard Stan Mark T. Dold 1/9/2008 participated in Mate Date Stan _____ ????? 01-11-2008 EMT Stan Fletcher McTaggart 2007 Stan David Aaron Baker 1998 Attorney Stanley Robert Blumenfield Stanley Martin Kildare 2005 married to Hazel; owned spa that Dusty& Sierra tried to purchase Stanley Tony DeVito 2003-04; 2005 thug that was after Dusty Steffi Raquel Mondin 1995 Stephanie Dayna Lee Morgan 1985 Stephanie Cornelia Kiss 1989 Stephanie Karen Clark Smith babysitter that worked for Holden Stephanie _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2008 receptionist; WOAK Steve _____ Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Johnny's friend Steve Peter Rini 2007 "john" Stu Never Seen, Mentioned 2009 Parker's colleague at Al's Stu ????? 1986 Dusty's friend in New Mexico Stuart Jayce Bartok 5/1990 Suzi Debbie Gregg Sylvia Anne Reinke Sylvie ????? November 1977 Ron Spencer's mistress phones Jane pleading for money to help a sick Ron but Jane refuses. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Paul Raven Posted February 21 Members Share Posted February 21 Dexter Brau ... David Starwalt March 77-?77 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted February 24 Author Members Share Posted February 24 (edited) GENERAL HOSPITAL Natalia Rogers-Ramirez Added 2/11/2025 -- on a plane with Sonny headed home. Learns he doesn't need the pacemaker but needs surgery in three months time. 2/14/2025 -- at Deception discussing their West Coast Investments. Slips out when Lucy brings in Sidwell; Sidwell tracks her down and reminds her that they were married. Emma Scorpio-Drake Added 2/11/2025 -- planning a fund raiser for SAAC (Students Against Animal Cruelty) wants to convince QB 1 (Kai) to join the fight to save the animals. He agrees. 2/12/2025 -- still at Charlie's Pub -- tries to change the subject to animals after Trina reacts to seeing Cyrus; after Gio tells her to read the room, she admits she was hoping to change Trina's mood by distraction; 2/19/2025 -- with Gio at Bobbie's trying to convince Josslyn to speak for her cause; he admits he enjoys her messy and awkward personality. Martin Grey Added 2/10/2025 -- at the PC Grille with Wallow and Nina discussing the divorce agreement; 2/11/2025 -- at the PC Grille with Wallow/Nina; Cyrus begs him to help him make peace with Lucky. They go to Charlie's Pub 2/12/2025 -- wants Cyrus to file charges against Jason; goes to the PCPD and accuses Anna of protecting Jason; demands an order of protection for Cyrus from Jason 2/17/2025 -- Tells Wallow Elaine can't investigate for a little while, tries to convince Wallow to proceed. Lulu Spencer Falconeri Added 2/12/2025 -- At Bobbie's and gets reacquainted with Josslyn; covers at Bobbie's for her when Chase brings her to see Anna; is a total mess as a waitress and needs Dante's help serving the customers; burns toast while the cook is on break. 2/14/2025 -- at Charlie's Pub talking to Kristina about Dante and Sam's love story; late for meeting at Deception; meets Sidwell. 2/18/2025 -- brings Eckerts Cupcakes for Rocco, but he's out with friends; Learns about Rocco from Dante, even laughing at his first crush's name. Smashes a cupcake on him. 2/19/2025 -- Problem at Deception requires her to call in BLQ. They fight; Lulu puts her foot in her mouth and Dante explains the issue that BLQ is facing. 2/20/2025 -- feels horrible about BLQ's baby issues and admits she's jeaous that BLQ has filled many voids that she left during the coma. Hears about Lucky and rushes to the hospital. 2/21/2025 --Talks to Laura, Aiden and Elizabeth waiting for Lucky to come to. Lucas Lorenzo "Lucky" Spencer, Jr. Temporary -- Guy Wilson 2/18/2025 -- at Eizabeth's for Valentine's Day. Enjoys the cake Aiden made and meets Tobias. Leaves her alone; 2/19/2025 -- bursts in to save Elizabeth from Cyrus. Gets stuck with Digitalis; 2/20/2025 -- suffering from the Digitalis prick, rushed to GH. Circling the drain as Elizabeth tells Isaiah that it's Digitais! 2/18 - 20/2025 Jack Brennan Added 2/12/2025 -- Brown Dog with Carly; judged by Lucas, warned to watch his step by Maxie; 2/18/2025 -- at Carly's house for Valentine's Day; 2/19/2025 -- kisses Carly and then re-meets Donna, who is full of questions about everything! 2/20/2025 -- Arrives at the cottage in the woods to help Josslyn with Dead Cyrus; 2/21/2025 -- helps Joss clean up the Cyrus mess at the cabin; Sends Joss to the showers; tells her he'd like her to become a WSB agent Kai Taylor Added 2/10/2025 -- arrives at the park -- runs into Trina (because Stella steered him there) Kai apologizes to Trina for feeling sorry for himself and tells her he wants to learn more about her. 2/11/2025 -- agrees to join the board of SAAC. Talks Trina into saving Bunnies, too. 2/12/2025 -- Learns Cyrus held Trina hostage; tells him to get out of Charlie's Pub; 2/18/2025 -- takes Trina to the hottest club in town but surprised to learn that her Dad is the owner Dr. Lucas Jones Added 2/12/2025 -- at the Brown Dog with Maxie; judgy towards Brennan, reminding Carly he lies for a living. 2/14/2025 -- treats Sidwell for the tick Sidwell removed. Learns Jenz was the man that held Lucky. With Isaiah when Cody's pants are thrown off the roof. Rescues Cody/Molly from being trapped on the roof; 2/18/2025 -- Date with Gunther set up by Maxie and Spinelli; not ready for dating; joins Brad for a cocktail; 2/19/2025 -- tells Brad to ignore Wallow's Stink-eye Gunther Erikson ?????? 2/18/2025 model set up with Lucas by Maxie. introduced to Lucas by Spinelli; tells Lucas to cal him when he's ready to move on. Chief Mac Scorpio added 2/17/2025 -- ponders with Anna whether they should let Jason out to take out Cyrus; admits Cyrus' death would keep people safe; helps Willow with her car that Tracy had towed. Sees Jason kiss Sasha (her prompt for Wallow's benefit. 2/18/2025 -- has a migraine over the thought of Sasha having Jason's child; celebrates Valentine's Day with Felicia. Colette Moreau Added 2/10/2025 -- visits Joss with photos of the cottage that Austin Gatlin Holt purchased after Cyrus was released; 2/21/2025 -- helps Brennan with Joss's mess Dr. Isaiah Gannon Added 2/11/2025 -- heads to Charlie's to talk Sidwell with Lucky; meets Kristina; chats with Elizabeth; 2/12/2025 -- gets to know Kristina, reveals he knows Sonny from te gym, learns about Ava's contentious relationship with the Corinthos clan. 2/14/2025 -- treats Elaine after the car hit her. With Lucas -- rescues Cody and Molly from the roof; 2/20/2025 -- rushes into Lucky's hospital cubicle. Elizabeth tells him it's Digitalis and Isaiah goes for the remedy. 2/21/2025 has to save Lucky from V-fib I. C. U. Nurse ??? 2/21/2025 with Lucky Spencer Sergeant Tony Robinson Added 2/18/2025 -- Desk Sergeant Ruby Stone Never Seen, Mentioned 2/18/2025 Rocco's first crush (Lulu and Dante gigled at her name) Ric Lansing Added 2/10/2025 -- brings Elizabeth flowers, they end up walking in the park and running into Ava attempting to take Avery... back to her apartment. Ric takes her home and tells her he'll take on her custody case pro bono. The two make love. 2/13/2025 -- stops in to see Elizabeth to see if she'd testify against Ava, goes to Ava's to tell her she's clear; doesn't want anyone to know they've become involved. 2/14/2025 -- with Ava when Sonny comes over; tries to prevent them from making an agreement, she goes for 50-50 custody, back to making out. Elaine -- Added Elaine Stevens Added-- 2/13/2025 -- with dog Mavis -- finds out Sasha's due date; meets Martin and refers to Sasha as kinda dumb; Felicia tells Sasha that Elaine is a P. I. and takes notes "old school" in a notepad; when Sasha lets Mavis off her leash to rummage through Elaine's bag, a loud horn and a thump are heard; 2/14/2025 -- hit by a car chasing Mavis; warns Sasha that someone is looking into her Mavis -- Added -- Mavis Stevens Added 2/13/2025 Elaine's dog, let loose by Sasha; 2/14/2025 -- in the hospital with Sasha waiting for Mavis Jenz Sidwell Added 2/11/2025 -- has a meeting with Curtis and Jordan. Talks Esplanade and Eminent Domain. Curtis is not a fan. 2/14/2025 -- at GH with Lucas having a tick that Jenz removed treated. Heads to a meeting with Deception to invest; revealed he had been married to Natalia. Thug Andrew Liberty 2/7/2025 -- trailed Natalia to Los Angeles and informs Sidwell that she's with Sonny at a top Cardiologist's office Brad Cooper Added 2/18/2025 -- Alone at the Savoy for Valentine's Day. Spies Lucas with Gunther, the model. After Lucas tells Gunther he's not ready, he joins Brad. 2/19/2025 -- gets the stink eye from Wallow for being with Lucas; Portia gives an encouraging glance. Cyrus Renault Added 2/10/2025 lurking around GH eavesdropping on Elizabeth; goes to Bobbie's, where Josslyn lies and tells him he couldn't have killed Dex. Leaves confused. 2/11/2025 -- Goes to see Martin and they go to Charlie's to see Lucky, but is confronted by Danny for killing Sam. 2/12/2025 -- accused of Sam's murder by Danny; threatened by Jason; begged by Martin to file charges against Jason; 2/17/2025 -- reads some scriptures, calls the hospital to find Elizabeth; fills a syringe with digitalis and heads out; shows up at Eizabeth's door after Lucky Exits. Forces his way into Elizabeth's house. Confesses his many murders to Elizabeth, including causing Lulu's liver issues that led to the transplant; killed Sam for prolonging Lulu's pain and Dex for knowing he was in the hospital. About to attack Elizabeth with a needle when Lucky bursts in. Tries to strangle Lucky, sticks him with digitalis and bolts; 2/20/2025 -- Bolts from Elizabeth's house after sticking Lucky. Arrives at his cabin to find Josslyn -- who found his hospital bracelets (souvenirs). Comes at her with an axe and she shoots him. Cyrus has no pulse... 2/21/2025 -- body on the floor but gone when Anna, Dante and 2 cops arrive Jeff Kober -- 2/5/2020 - 6/16/2021; 8/31/2021 - 9/1/2021; 11/30/2021; 12/20/2021; 6/22/2022; 10/3/2022 - 12/8/2022; 6/29/2023 - 2/21/2025 Officer ___ Matthews added 2/20/2025 -- at Elizabeth's house. Fills Anna in on the details of Cyrus's visit. Cop ?????? 2/21/2025 Cyrus's cabin Cop ?????? 2/21/2025 Cyrus's cabin Cop ???? 2/20/2025 -- at Elizabeth's house Nurse ??? 2/20/2025 working on Lucky (wearing mask) Hub Nurse ????? 2/20/2025 Laura and Jordan E. R. Doctor ???? 2/20/2025 working on Lucky when Isaiah arrives Dead Dex Evan Hofer 2/19/2025 shown in the morgue while Cyrus tells his tale. Gio Palmieri Added 2/11/2025 -- with Emma, Kai and Trina at Charlie's Pub to convince Kai to join in the fund raiser. 2/12/2025 -- pulls Emma aside after she awkwardly brings up the fundraiser to help her "read the room"; Emma reveals she was trying to pivot to take Trina's mind off of Cyrus. Gio admits it was a nice try. 2/19/2025 -- With Emma at Bobbie's, trying to talk Joss into speaking at her fund raiser, but Joss gives a donation. Gio admits he likes hanging with Emma Stella Henry Added 2/20/2025 -- After a "Gal-en-tines" gathering, meets up with Curtis. They discuss her friend, Congressman Douglas Henderson. Curtis wants to meet him to warn him about Drew's new penchant for deceit and narcissism. Stella says she'll get in touch. Congressman Dougas Henderson Not Yet Seen, Mentioned 2/20/2025 An old friend of Stella's from the Civil Rights Movement. Curtis asks Stella for an introduction so he can prevent Drew from doing damage Damian Spinelli Added 2/18/2025 -- Maxie's not feeling well, so Spinelli is at the Savoy. Introduces Lucas to Gunther Erikson, a model. Annoyed when Lucas joins his ex, Brad, for a drink. N'neeka Garland Added 2/18/2025 -- at the Savoy for Valentine's Day --keeps secret that Chase will be performing; 2/19/2025 -- learns that Curtis reserved the right to NOT serve Drew at The Savoy; Danny Morgan Added 2/11/2025 -- Angry about Cyrus being the main suspect in Sam's murder; Heads to Charlie's to confront him; 2/12/2025 hen Cyrus attempts to calm Danny, Jason enters and threatens Cyrus if he ever ays a hand on Danny, they'll never find his body. Learns that Jason is pretening to be the father of Sasha's baby Rocco Falconeri Added 2/11/2025 -- helps Danny track down Cyrus. Tes Jason and Sasha that Danny is on his way to Charlie's to confront Cyrus Avery Corinthos added 2/10/2025 -- at Bobbie's with Donna and Joss to go to park for a school project; Kristina picks them up because Joss has to cover a shift; sees Ava at the park. she tries to take Avery home with her. Ric sidetracks Ava and Elizabeth helps with the girls. Donna Corinthos added 2/10/2025 -- at the park with Avery 2/19/2025 -- after avoiding clean up from baking cookies; Donna wakes up from a bad dream and has a Q&A with Brennan. Carly puts her back to bed. Aiden Spencer Added 2/18/2025 -- with Tobias; baked a Valentine's Day cake for Elizabeth. Offers to stay if she's not comfortable with Lucky; she tells him to go skating and have fun with Tobias; 2/20/2025 -- comes home from skating to a crime scene. Finds out Lucky was hurt. 2/21/2025 -- worried that Lucky may die. Thanks him (while he's under) he's gad he came home. Tobias __ Charlie Besso 2/18/2025 -- with Aiden; baked for Elizabeth; met Lucky; went skating Katie Never Seen, Mentioned 2/19/2025 called out of work, causing Joss to have to wait tables Hunter ????? 2/19/2025 -- called in to cover for Joss, who is on a mission Superintendant Added 2/12/2025 -- reveals a young blonde had visited the room under the pretense of being from the Port Charles Redemption Mission, Identifies Josslyn PCPD Desk Sergeant ????? 2/12/2025 female desk sergent PCPD Desk Sergeant ???? 2/13/2025 -- male, white hair Hub Nurse ????? 2/13/2025 gives Molly files Hostess ??? 2/12/2025 Red head; P. C. Grille Customer ???? 2/12/2025 Bobbie's with Lulu in charge [Didn't order yet (female)] Customer ???? 2/12/2025 Bobbie's with Lulu in charge -- wrong order Customer Mason Michael Moore 2/12/2025 Bobbie's with Lulu in charge -- wrong order Cop ????? 2/14/2025 with Jason Hub Nurse ???? 2/17/2025 -- takes a call looking for Elizabeth (Cyrus) Desk Sergeant ???? 2/17/2025 Mac asks for help with Wallow's car that was impounded Waitress ???? 2/18 - 20/2025 Savoy for Valentine's Day. Morris MacKenzie James Michael Hayes 9/87 comptroller, HTI Agent ___ Jenks Gary Elliott 9/87 WSB Anchorman Peter Barrett 9/1987 Dexter Brau David Starwalt March 1977 - May 77 boyfriend, Jill Streeter AS THE WORLD TURNS Sister Rachel ????? 1982 Bilan's headmistress at convent Sergeant ____ Roberts ????? Dec 16 57 found Al James body in a ravine Dr. Paul Stewart Son of David and Betty Stewart; doctor for the poor; met and married Liz,raised Betsy as his own until they lost a child; Liz went to a sanitarium; Paul died while divorcing her. Years later it was discovered he had had a son, Stewart Markham Cushing by Lady Veronica Cushing while he studied abroad. Dean Santoro September 1969 - November 1972 ______Richards ????? Possibly Never Seen, Mentioned Judge Lowell's manservant Raymond Speer Juliette' uncle and guardian; spy; former ambassador; protected Juliette and Steve about their father's occupation; traded himself for Michael Christopher Donald May June - ?? 1984 Lieutenant ___ Rollins ????? July 79 involved in hostage situation at Oakdale Memorial Sylvie ????? Nov 77 Ron Spencer's mistress phones Jane pleading for money to help a sick Ron but Jane refuses. Captain Aaron Striker Mark Gordon 1982-83 Margo's boss, made her job difficult eventually dismissing her. Margo discovered he and Gail Benson in an intimate situation and used that as leverage to be reinstated. Meg Snyder Reyes Landry Ryan Montgomery Ryan Jennifer Ashe 1986-89; 1991; 1992; 1993; Nov 71994 (Cal/Connor wedding) Harry Smith Harry Smith Dec 5 1995 CBS TV host cameo Mr. ____ Spencer ???? January 1965 Neil Wade went to New York to borrow money from his mother to purchase Spencer's bookstore Doris Rueling ????? May 15 1957 engaged to Stu Miller; meets Penny Emma Lape Snyder Kathleen Widdoes Nov 1985-2010 Sandy ????? November 1981 Angel Dust user who freaks out at the hospital Sondra ????? June 82 Armand Elliot's secretary reveals to an undercover Steve that James bought the rights to John's book. Edited February 24 by slick jones 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted February 25 Members Share Posted February 25 @slick jones Apologies if you already have this, but someone on the comments section for the June 20, 1983 episode of Guiding Light said they played Doug Carlucci, nominee for homecoming king. They said they also appeared in a few other episodes after this. Their handle is Matthew Gallagher. Please register in order to view this content 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted February 25 Author Members Share Posted February 25 Thanks for tagging me with this. Planning to watch when I wake up. The name doesn't ring any bells. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Reverend Ruthledge Posted February 25 Members Share Posted February 25 I know this is an old post but I just stumbled upon it and thought I'd make the correction that Ben was not blind to Maggie's affair with Bill. In fact, he used that information to blackmail Maggie into marrying him. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted February 25 Author Members Share Posted February 25 Thanks. I'll fix it next week when I start updating GL's Cast list (currently page 120). Any other corrections to that list you wish to share, please do. We appreciate all contributions from reliable sources like yourself. Your insights in the GL thread are very enjoyable! 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Reverend Ruthledge Posted February 25 Members Share Posted February 25 Thank you. Glad I could help! I just recently discovered the cast list thread so I was just skimming through it. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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