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That is so silly. That is a story from one of those sites that allow fans to write news articles and as soon as Michael Muhney's name was mentioned I knew it was BS. We all know Eric Braeden didn't have anything to do with Muhney getting fired. This is obviously a stupid Shadam fan trying to stir things up.

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Regardless of what was said on Twitter, that article is clearly spinning the story to what they want it to say. And let's not forget this isn't the first time Braeden and Case have sparred on Twitter. When she made the negative comments about Victor and Sharon as a couple, he commented then. Both are still on the show. If either leaves it won't be because of this.

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When SC made those anti Shifter comments, I don't think Braden as on Twitter, don't remember him tweeting anything, tho I am sure he wasn't happy. I think there is more to whatever the issue.

SC is a nut LOL!

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Said it in the Y&R thread but they need to put this old Bengay wearing, Metamucil drinking, Poligrip using horse out to pasture. Victor is played out and so is he. Put a bullet in the character and send Braden's miserable ass on his way. These shows already have enough drama and tension to keep them on air. They don't need his extra ass drama added on. Ole' ass goat.

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Maybe 2015 should be the year that EB does a Flannery and retires gracefully after 35 years.

Surely, there are no challenges left for him in the role and he should have made enough money to see him through. He is a fit and active person,so why not take a break, travel, try for other roles etc

If he didn't want to completely cut the cord, Victor could return from time to time to assert his authority or stir up trouble.

Just a suggestion Eric.

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