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Bill Cosby

Marco Dane

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I don't understand? I didn't say anything about her sex life, I said her face work looked bad. How does bad plastic surgery equate to slut shaming? I don't believe her not because she's any kind of slut, but because she's a pathological liar, and a very petty, attention hungry, bitter personality. Of course, my comments are no indictment on her plastic surgeon as a human being, she simply looks like [!@#$%^&*]. And come on... lighten up, Joan Rivers slut shamed women in the public eye every week of her life. We can have a joke at these people's expense. They don't know us.

Edited by alphanguy74
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It was beyond sick when she made it too.

The only difference, to me, is that Michael Jackson was not a known pedophile. Rumored, yes. But found innocent. Janice Dickinson's situation is much different and your joke was sick. So was Joan's.

I'm far from a cyber bully. I just don't have time for ignorant, hateful trash.

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Agreed. Now, what do you think about that AP footage? I think it's makin him look pretty damn guilty, if you ask me. The mannerisms, the pattern of speech, etc. that footage is kind of a game changer for me. I think it will be for alot of others as well. I still don't believe Janice Dickinson, however. I just don't trust a junkie.

Edited by alphanguy74
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I knew he was guilty yesterday and the day before yesterday. Common sense says he is guilty, unless we are to believe there is this giant conspiracy were these dozen women --who don't know each other--all are part of this anti-Cosby cabal decades in the making. Yesterday you were on some illogical tangent about race politics, but this has nothing to do with race. Which brings me back to my comment yesterday about Whoopi Goldberg and her campaign to defend all celebrity criminals--the guy did it. The only way Cosby is innocent is if Robert Culp's ghost, jealous at the fame and fortune Cosby received and he did not, came back from the grave and possessing all these women to say these things. It's possible I guess, but unlikely. I don't know who all these ladies are, but Janice Dickenson is someone with her own minor fame and fortune, and she is not about to throw her good name away making a lie about a beloved cultural figure that people would not want to believe in the first place. There is no upside to that.

Edited by quartermainefan
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I was under the impression that it was just the two women making the accusations, the other 10 could very well be triflin' bitches jumping on the bandwagon. So no, that to me does not equate guilt. And it wasn't an illogical tangent, the comedian who started this ball rolling was trying to smear him for his outspoken stance on issues. And so it could very well be these other 10 women might be of that ilk. We'll see how it all pans out. I'm one that likes to see more evidence. And Whoopi was not defending him, she was waiting to pass judgement. Dang, most of the people in this thread should NEVER be on a jury, I can see that loud and clear. For Janice Dicksinson, the upside is she gets ATTENTION, she craves it like a crack head.

Edited by alphanguy74
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