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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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The beginning of today's show almost got me. When Lulu (Emme Rylan's acting was very poor by the way) said she knew about Britt's lies and what Britt did to her, I knew it wasn't a real but I thought it would simply be a daydream.

Love your outfit, Ava! What is it? (That was me being a smartass. I, unfortunately, do know what it is.)

I never ever want to see someone do air quotes ever again (I admit I do it on social media but there's a difference. You don't actually have to see the hand gestures.) I certainly don't have a problem believing Felix would do it, for better or worse. He really needs to go, for many many reasons.

I actually don't mind Sonny anymore. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was practically screaming to see the back of MB/Sonny.

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Those Nik/Emily scenes were bad pretty much from start to finish. The bizarre slow clapping and then her saying, "You look like you've seen a ghost!" while Nik stood there looking completely bored and unsurprised and like someone farted. Awful.

Ew/LOL at Lucas stealing silverware from another table and cleaning it with his shirt. I think that was all Ryan Carnes though and not in the script.

I liked the Cam/Ric + Liz stuff today. I like this Cameron. And Ric looked hot today.

Haha right? And my god at Lucas talking about inviting "the boyfriend" to have dinner with Julian. Lawd.

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Natalia's face is rounder than it was before. And her acting is too fake. She comes off as whiny, uncomfortable, and going through the motions. Which is how she was for 98% of her first run. But it is funny that I didn't even recognize her at first.

Tyler was even worse. His (non) reaction when he "saw" Emily was beyond laughable. TC/Nik really sounded like he couldn't believe what he was saying. Not that I blame him but he made no effort at all.

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I didn't know what to make of "Emily" I just can't get into ghost if he's hallucinating, seeing a vision, a mirage I can go for it but Ron made a point of saying she's a ghost. I don't know what the point is she's been dead 7 years and this all has been said before so? I enjoyed most of today. Most of the characters I abhor weren't on today...oh wait. there' KahKa- and Puke. Spoke too soon

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Kiki threw herself under the bus when she didnt step up sooner. And I was trying to feel for her when Luke started being creepy but i cant figure why she hasnt said a thing other than to Morgan. And even then the two of them dont go right to tracy to have her in the loop? Ridiculous

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to be fair, who is she going to tell? Her reasons for not saying anything to Michael makes sense given what he's going through. Tracy? They aren't close and she wouldn't believe her anyway. I guess theres Silas but she hasn't seen him since Luke came onto her

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Even if she isnt close to tracy i would at least salute her for trying to get people to notice that Luke is getting out of hand.

I have noo use for kiki but her silence and morgan's while were at it is really puzzling. Heck Id expect Morgan to run to ava or sonny and report that Luke is creepily hitting on kiki.

Once again kiki is keeping her mouth shut when she should stand up for herself at the very least. I see a pattern here. Anytime.kiki could do ssomethiing so she wont look like a victim she chooses to shut the !@#$%^&*] up.

Again why?

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