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GH: Ryan Carnes Interview

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I love that they brought back Lucas and even more extatic that they got RyC back as well. I hope he doesnt waste too much time on his gangster sperm donor's raising his sensitivity towards his sexual orientation. And i hope he goes on a date with felix only to expose the assclown for the conceited, self-serving jerk he is. Then maybe brad will open his eyes and see that lucas might be the one.

Brad annd Lucas have so much potential and i wish the show does themjustice.

Loved the interview

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Ok i guess to follow that storyline you have to make a lot of things up to patch the story plot hole but i am actually enjoying it. I wish there was more focus on them over the tired and boring franco stuff but the way things are building up Brad will finally see that felix just aint all that.

Will it necessarily lead to a brad/lucas pairing? No but this will hopefully move a fantastic actor away from a sorry excuse for one.

For the life of me i just cant see what im supposed to like about felix. His friendship with sabwina boarders on obsession and he treats people misfortunate enough to think theres more to him than the silly busybody psychotic self righteous piece of garbage like crap.

What is endearing about felix exactly?

Lucas is the son of a legacy couple so right there we as the audience have a reason to care. I like the way RyC is playing lucas so im already sold but i get that other viewers are not digging it.

And brad started out as a winged-monkey with a questionable idea of what morals mean but in barely a few months he has managed to show different sides to him so that he can at least fall into a love to hate character.

But felix? I dont even enjoy hating on him. Hes just irritating no matter what he does.

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I meant the character of lucas by himself since hes the product of tony and bobbie's marriage comes with an already built-in capital of sympathy (which rc will do everything he can to squander im sure).

I'm biased where Brad is concerned but at the very least he has shown an ability for possible growth and different sides.

Felix is a non character that hasnt evolved within his year-long stint. Writing him out to focus on brad and lucas as friends who may eventually become more seems like where the story should go.

But i know logic and rc are mutually exclusive.

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Thank you. Fairman is so creepy. And it's clear they have no intentions of developing Felix (fine by me!), unless we get another Brad moment. It's all so stupid and thrown together. I'm not 100% against Brad/Lucas at all but it's clear he's throwing whatever against the wall and hoping it sticks. He must be sooooo bitter at DAYS. Heh.

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I wont get carried away yet but i will suport the brad/lucas combo til the bitter end. I think RyC and PaSh have shown great chemistry and the characters allow themselves to be seen in different eyes when with each other. Theres something really sweet about those two guys who share an uncommon background and are drawn to each other.

I have nothing to say about felix cuZ hes a non existant sounding board whose whole purpose is to hold sabwinas hand when she ties her own shoes.

But again i have to ask. Why arent felix and brad shown being intimate? Just a kiss or something to make us believe that those two are an item. I have seen more heat btween epiphany and spinelli than i do with BARF.

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Those pictures do not do him justice. Ugh. Never mind that I think Lucas is a colossal waste of space.

I will admit I like what he said about Bobbie/JZ. Jackie Zeman is one of the only actresses I like on GH these days and I love Bobbie. But I do sometimes have visceral reactions to her face.

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Lucas is far from a waste of time for me. He manages to make Brad the multi dimensional character he can be when away from the joke that felix is.

And i think RyC is one of the most gorgeous guy on soaps right now.

I will take him over franco any day.

Wish we could see more of Jacklyn zeman. I cant say shes the greatest acting talent in soapland but she is a truly genuine actress. She has what a lots of "talents" lack and its heart. And i still blame jfp for making JZ so uncomfortable with herself for all the trip to the butcher that did her cosmetic surgery.

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