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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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I shudder to think how much he would have been on if he hadn't had these prolonged absences that was detrimental to the story. I can't remember if it was this year or last year that the Victoria kidnapping happened. What a disjointed piece of mess that was. It got to the point that when he was on, it was just to stand around and pontificate. No real story involving him could be penned because he was barely around.

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In other words it was Billy Miller's fault that Billy Abbott's stories were disjointed because he was "barely" around? I guess since DT is there full-time none of Billy's stories should be disjointed? And if so whose fault will it be then?

I don't blame BM for wanting more money from Y&R because at the end of the day they could've killed his character off with him being on contract. I also don't blame Y&R for getting another actor to play Billy because they didn't want to pay BM what he thought he deserve to make.

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Actually, YR offered Miller an increase, which he would have gladly taken and worked less than everyone else. Money wasn't the issue. Miller's outs were a problem for the overall show, so a decision had to be made. YR made the correct one. These shows have catered to the divas long enough.

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Yes, I blame Billy Miller's absences for his story being disjointed. Not to say that he is only to blame for it because TPTB did allow him to come and go as he pleased. It's not like we are talking about KSJ, whom MAB could only be bothered to show on Wednesdays. We are talking about the beau of the ball who got as much airtime and story as the budget would allow. If his story was disjointed, it was because he was not there. Not because TPTB didn't want to feature him or write for him.

And by the way, money was not what BM wanted. He wanted outs. They threw more money at him but he declined because money was not the issue. He wanted to be able to shop around for more work, or even better, his next regular gig. Money was never the issue.

Good news!

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