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GH50: January 2014 Discussion - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Jillian threatening morgans mobster daddy is one thing but if we go by the alleged moral code out of the perfect mobsters handbook threatening women and kids is frown upon.

Ava threatening carly was personal and not mob related so i can see how in her mind it changes things.

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Ava being vulnerable is fine, but crying over that child while posing as a big bad mobster is not the right combination. I find it really ridiculous. If Ava weren't a mobstress, falling for Morgan would be fine. The Jerrome Sisters are already weak fools, and Ava's love for Morgan makes it worse. She should have been written as the tough mobstress sexing up Morgan but willing to exchange him for whatever she can get from Sonny. Also, Carly would be shitting bricks over Ava's exploitation of Morgan.

This is a love story GH does not need! Not at all!!!!!

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Poor Ava. Is this the first instance of someone on a soap being dumped via text? This is a perfect example of technology getting in the way of drama because there should have been a face to face scene. I am sure they will be back together sooner or later but why RC write a couple in love breaking up with a text? It sucks all the drama out of it.

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I havent watched yet so i will reserve the right to change my mind but to me AMor is one of the best couple on the show (i know, that doesnt mean much ahahah) so i find the 180° makes no sense whatsoever.

Ava killing jillian over her boytoy would have added drama and wouldnt come across as an obvious attempt to manufacture angst.

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Romeo and Juliet scenarios work and this was working just fine. I don't see what is so ridiculous about them either, and it is a bit of circular logic to say this couple is ridiculous and the reason why is their story is ridiculous and the reason their story is ridiculous is because they are ridiculous. I find them to be the best couple on the show because they were the only couple on the show that have a story. Their relationship is what made the entire mob story have any sort of personal element to it, and now without them it is just shipments BS or whatever it is these people fight about. If they continue with Sonny and Julian then I think they need to put Morgan and Ava back together. If they want to make this a Duke and Anna story then Morgan and Ava are not as important.

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