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GL & OLTL Alum Arrested!!!

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Oh, I believe that, but after all the commotion and backtracking about why Kish were even fired, and all the rush to do the finale, FV probably didn't wanna bring that back (and it woulda been kinda lame to have them make a 2 minute appearance IMHO--I am not sure, but I probably would have been as likely to find it annoying as something good.)

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They did want Kish back for the end of the show. Didn't happen. Oliver's name did remain on the LPD shift rotation wall on the LPD set to the end, though, and John regularly referenced going to Fish for help on some police work, so they were still in town.

I assumed that after the way they were canned, both SE and Brett Claywell said no thanks to returning. Not unlike Susan Haskell, I'm sure.

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No one got around to asking FV said no. RC wanted them to be part of the Kim/Stacy/Rex story. Originally Gigi's death was gonna stick and Stacy would have pretended to be Gigi (Played by Farah Fath) but after FV said no to certain things, story was changed that Gigi lived, Stacey died and amnesic Gigi thought she was Stacey.

I feel both would have been open to do it since it was ending & they never got a proper exit

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Really? He just seemed more outspoken and (quite rightly) angry by the whole thing. I also think he probably would be able to find other acting work than Scott, but honestly I dunno if he has...

I agree--it had all the markings of a prolonged "is she or isn't she" story, and I could even imagine Ron writing a long arc where it's evil Stacy pretending to be Gigi.

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Yeah. I guess I can say it now since a lot of time had passed. While don't ever claim to have insider info, I did meet both Brett and Scott shortly after they were fired (about a month or two afterwords) and chatted with them about it. At the time I met them, while both were angry over the whole thing, Scott was angry at Frank Valentini and said he'd never go back to OLTL nor do another soap. Brett never said any such comments to me, he was more angry about the stuff Nelson had printed about him and regreted that the Kish story didn't get a proper ending. He also seemed more open to idea to coming back to close out Kish story for the fans if asked. Now granted, both their attitudes could have changed by the show was canceled and went off the air. I do know Brett tweeted something about being sad to hear OLTL was canceled, when it was announced, and may have also tweeted something in support of OLTL when it's last episode aired, so that leads to believe Brett may have came to peace with the whole thing.

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